
26 Reviews
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Boy Meets Girl (I) (2014)
an lbgt movie with a happy ending... so refreshing
21 February 2024
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It is so rare to find an lbgt movie with a happy ending... most of the time they are destined to have doomed circumstances and it is rough seeing that over and over and it is a trope that is depressing. I immediately liked the friendship between robby and ricky... it was believable and they seemed so natural with each other. I liked how it developed into something much more... like i was rooting for them early on. The subplot about francesca and her soldier seemed a bit much at times... the actor playing her fiance was one note bigot to the extreme. Anytime he was on screen i i was just over him. The main actress was quite good and the scene with her coming out of the lake was so bold and brave. The actor that played robby was so handsome and loved their fun convos just between the two of them... it was awkward and great.
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Tulip Fever (2017)
mixed up feeling about this one
1 February 2024
On one hand i like the period look of it and dane dehaan is good as usual... i have liked him for years. On the other hand i felt like it was too busy... you had the tulip scenes with everyone in a bidding frenzy... i dont know those seemed hedged in or off somehow. Also zach galifinakis... why does he keep getting so many parts? He can be funny but he doesnt have much to do in this movie. I liked the creative way she finally got away from her husband and also her friendship with the maid... they really needed each other and it came in handy. I liked dame judi dench in the movie... she is always good.
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could of been much better
1 February 2024
I watched this today b/c of two reasons... mary steenburgen and dudley moore. I have liked both of them for years and as this is the first time i was aware of this movie i had to see how they were together. Well they had good believable chemistry but the problems i did have with the movie was it felt rushed and also the way some scenes would go from one to another with the flip screen effect... guessing that is what it is called seemed like a trick a sitcom would use. I felt like the strongest scenes was when dudley or mary would show their dramatic side... as for the comedy some jokes were better than others. I feel like they did the best with the weak script that was handed to them. Also such a weak title for a movie.
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XX (2017)
interesting anthology that keeps you on your feet
14 January 2024
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From the very first story i was interested... i just wished what was in the box was revealed but other than that i liked it. Nice pacing and dark tone made me really feel for the mom. The second story was much lighter in tone and the lead actress is always good... had a weekend at bernie's vibe to it which i liked. 3rd story had a creature/demon vibe to it which sent a clear message of dont wander off the beaten path. The last story about the mother and son was sad and creepy... she didnt want to face how violent and disturbing her son could be. Each story got to the point rather quickly and that is what you want a good anthology to do.
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Into the Dark: Treehouse (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
one of the better episodes
5 January 2024
Unlike other reviewers here i actually like this one... peter rake is annoying at times and tries too hard to befriend the women and most of the things he says falls flat... at first i felt sorry for him b/c he was just so socially awkward. Some could say it was ego where he was a big time celebrity chef but it was more of just extreme awkwardness. I feel like most of us have met people like that in our lives .... when the twist comes with the women and his sister being in on it i feel like the episode kicks into full gear. He changed his ways by the end and i feel like he is going to be better for himself and for his daughter and that is ultimately good.
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Love, Simon (2018)
not as impactful as i thought
27 December 2023
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I had been wanting to check this one out for awhile now and when i finally did i grew to not like simon. I liked him in the beginning but gradually his cuteness and cleverness wears thin when he decides to manipulate his friends into pairings to benefit him,... ugh. They have always been good too him so who does that ?! Also as much as i liked the guy that played martin in escape room and escape room : tournament of champions he is a complete jerk for blackmailing him... ugh! He wanted him to get him the girl of his dreams b/c he was too much of a coward to talk to her and be decent and get to know her in any natural fashion... no matter the girl was replused by him. He was way over the top with putting her on the spot with the speech expressing his undying love her her in front of everyone... ugh who does that? And then he makes things even worse for simon just b/c she said no to him... i mean grow up martin. That was going way too far. Simon became so toxic to his friends and ruined a good thing he had with them. He learned a tough lesson and i am glad his friends had it out with him. Yes he was blackmailed by martin but he ultimately became just as bad as martin just in different ways.
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Crazy Right (2018)
just so so
26 December 2023
I liked patrick d green in escaping freedom so thought i would check this one out... he is great but the lead actress is grating. The way she delivers her lines i swear got on my nerves fairly quickly. Even as a delusion in his head she is over the top. Think about it even if she really was like in real life ... if she is only in his head now you would think he would change it up a bit... to make her more likeable or see her thru rose colored glasses as some lovers do but nope just grating. One pro of the movie is patrick d green being comfortable with male nudity both in this movie and escaping freedom he shows off what he has haha. Definitely good for him. The chemistry between him and the female lead feels forced... at least in escaping freedom his chemistry was great with the actress that played his sister so much so that if it had a different plot she would of made a good love interest. Bottom line dont miscast your leading lady and expect people to be ok with it... ugh.
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really good drama
25 December 2023
The brother and sister have very good believable chemistry and their scenes together are so raw and felt so real. I would easily watch the two leads in other movies. The dream sequences seem like fluff pieces... i wasnt big on them and i feel like they could of been changed to something else to show the brother and sisters inner turmoil. I have never seen a movie where the sister character is so comfortable being naked about her brother... he is comfortable with her in those scenes too and i think the movie has those scenes to show the vulnerability of her especially and he is comforting to her in those scenes.
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for those that dont want same sex love scenes...
25 December 2023
Dont worry b/c there isnt any... also no chemistry between the leads where you would even think they are boyfriends... maybe lukewarm friendship and that is me being nice/ putting it midly ugh. That was a big letdown. If you have a romance you need to show that they are in love. The schizoprenia aspect i liked but other than that the movie has nothing going for it. I stuck with it hoping it would get better but ultimately felt like a group of people that just wanted to whip up a movie within much thought put into it with regards to plot, scenery or taking acting lessons before hand. I am all for smaller movies wanting to get their story across but this one needed a rewrite.
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when found out manipulate whom you are with
25 December 2023
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The plot keeps you intrigued/interested early in and good chemistry between gustav and anne both in their looks with each other and later with their affair. I truly believed she wouldnt be found out and when she was immediately accused gustav of making it up. In one swift scene you see her scrambling at any costs. Instead of owning up to it she becomes vile and manipulates the situation. She wants to salvage her crumbling loveless marriage but for what? Just own up to it that you had an affair and be done with your marriage. Having everything twisted and knowing she knows what it is like for people to not the believe the victim is disgusting. I feel bad for gustav b/c she seduced him and then turned the tables on him. Like other viewers at first i was happy for annes sexual awakening b/c she is in a loveless marriage( well the times they do make love it is routine and not exciting for her) but she ultimately became a predator. He was used... she used both her husband and gustav. What started off as cheating become toxic and she wanted to have that and not ruin her family. The husband should of known something was up by her overreaction and quickly wanting gustav to be sent away.
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Miranda (2002)
interesting film noir feel to it
25 December 2023
Good romance and believable chemistry between john sims and christina ricci... the plot keeps you interested and ricci does a good job with character leading a double life. John hurt is good as her mentor/behind the scenes man. Kyle machlachlan (sp?) is great as the sleazy perverted guy that she has to deal with... honestly he steals every scene he is in. Definitely worth checking out. Wish more movies that this breezy fun feel to it and i get the impression that everyone involved was having a good time with the movie. Overrall i would watch this movie again and check out other work by the director.
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Premature (2019)
too young to feel this old
25 December 2023
That is by far the best line of the movie and it really sums up the movie... they fell hard and fast for each other and it ended badly. The main actor and actress have very good believable chemistry and that really kept you in the story and helped propel it. The only con was her friends that were a bit much at times but you could tell she thought alot of them and even called them on their actions. It all felt so raw and real. I have read it compared to a house on beale street and i agree... both are powerful movies dealing with a couple in crisis. I hope to see more of both the main leads b/c they are that good!
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pleasantly surprised
24 December 2023
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The main lead i remembered from scare package... overrall he is likeable and funny and want to see him in more movies or shows... i feel he has some good potential. The humor itself is good... almost sitcom like so comes across as quick and witty. I like how the main character doesnt lie down and take it... he takes on everything that is happening to him full force and that is what kept me watching. The characters of his friend and amy are also likeable and funny. The main family that set him up is great... they want a sacrifice to help their daughter. Like will says well jokes on you demonius didnt want me and possessed everyone else around me haha.
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Contracted (2013)
could of been so much more ugh
24 December 2023
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This one sounded interesting so i checked it out... as far as subgenre horror goes i am not big on body horror but if it is done right can really stick with you such as the fly or the original wrong turn... the difference with those movies and this one is the acting for one... those movies had decent/good acting especially in the fly with jeff goldblum and geena davis. Contracted has very limited acting at best... the mom character was good but homophobic and only tolerated her daughter. The girlfriends edgy girlfriend got on my nerves and didnt understand why the main character would want to date her at all and the every changing accent... ugh. Now to the body horror aspect... it has some decent special effects and hated what she was dealing with but i just couldnt make it thru anymore before i turned it off. Bottom line dont waste your time. Oh and the opening scene was disgusting in its own right... there are low people in real life but having sex with a dead body is disrespectful and i could of done without that. Supposedly he was the creep that ended up raping the main character but he could of been any other creep that didnt work at a morgue and violated bodies.
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Violation (2020)
21 December 2023
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This is a rough movie to watch in parts especially as a woman. I liked the chemistry between the sister and her sisters husband... the early looks and the banter between them at the campfire only for it to be ruined by his behavior... sadly that kind of thing happens in real life. You could tell she trusted him and was comfortable with him only for him to betray that trust. The shocking murder scene was powerful... she was not one to be messed up and got her revenge quickly. He wont have the chance to violate anymore women and sadly you can tell he would be the type to do that... he was sick to think it was ok to violate someone in that way.... this movie flips everything on its head. It could of been a cheating story if it was a hollywood movie or her in therapy after being violated but nope instant revenge. The non linear format is interesting b/c until you see the scene where she is violated you are lead to believe they had a consenual night... the guy that violates her seemed so nice and likeable and was also attractive that you never dreamed he would do such a thing. Just goes to show sometimes it isnt seedy surroundings or a stranger that you have to watch out for. The reason for my low rating is constant nature shots that get distracting. Trying to be too much of an art house movie.
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20 December 2023
I am all for comedy mixed with horror but if it is done in a good way. I tried watching this one last night and eventually had to turn it off. The leads are bland or trying too hard/ maybe a mix of both but anyway i felt nothing for the stoner and cheerleader relationship. The gore/makeup special effects could of been done better. So many other zombie comedies have been done better both with jokes and plot... warm bodies come to mind for example or freaks of nature. Ones where you care about the leads and invested in the humor or horror aspects... this one has none of that and just seems like it is thrown together by a team of writers and directors that wanted to make a movie that they thought was hip but ultimately is too much and not in a fun or interesting way. Ultimately find something else to watch instead.
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quite the ride
18 December 2023
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One of the better horror movies i have seen lately... it immediately draws you in and robert patrick does a great believable job as a drunken abusive dad. Nick stahl to me is the standout of the movie though... you believe him every step of the way from a convice that did his time and trying to have a fresh start after dealing with some gypsies. When he is reunited with his siblings tommy and mary things turn even bleaker and the end is quite shocking. I wasnt expecting the angle between mary and eli... so disturbing. The movie handles uncomfortable themes well and it will leave the viewer disgusted but also intrigued. I felt for the siblings and how their upbringing really messed up their lives.
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just ok
13 December 2023
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The main actor was cute and interesting. His chemistry was fairly good with the twin that lived. It got a bit confusing in parts... i assumed the dead wife was back due to the fact he lied to her about how her arm got injured to only see her later a complete mess unearthed from her grave. It might of been me not fully following along b/c the movie had lost my interest. Anyway i feel like this movie had the potential to be better and more fully flushed out than what ended up as the movie. I would be interested in seeing the main actor in more movies and better ones at that. As far as the actress that played the twin she was decent.
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Son (I) (2021)
quite the wild ride!
12 December 2023
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The main actress was quite good and believable. I enjoyed the relationship with her and the young actor playing her son. Emile hirsch came across as a bit bland but the movie is worth watching for the inner dynamics with the woman and what all she went thru in her life... i really felt for her and what all she was willing to do to protect her son. There is some gore with this movie which is tough to take at times but the story itself keeps you interested in seeing what happens next. The movie throws you into a rough scene right in the beginning with no context... you just know this woman is outrunning something horrible in her life.
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Vibes (1988)
so cheesy but fun
12 December 2023
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One of the things i love about the 80s is the romantic comedies or their adventure movies and this one is both. It seemed like everyone involved were having a fun time so that makes it fun to watch. I enjoy the chemistry between jeff goldblum and cyndi lauper... best scene is their almost love scene where he thought she was doing charity work haha. Quite the way to take a love scene and turn it on its head. Jeff goldblum is at his quirky best both with mannerisms and how he says his lines... his voice going squeaky at times when needed haha. He is so handsome also... like you could just stare at him in a scene haha. No dialogue needed.
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in for a wild time
11 December 2023
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Love a crazy horror movie and this one certainly delivers. Love how the movie from the very beginning leaves you with a feeling of dread for the whole family. An unseen force is messing with them and they have to listen to it at all costs. There is good humor in the beginning with the family dynamics... an english family that dont get along but are forced to get along to survive. Slowly people turn against each other which amps up the drama. Loved the reveal at the end which is a definite what am i witnessing?! Moment. A horror movie has to bring it from beginning to end for me to enjoy it and this one doesnt disappoint.
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the possessed girl makes it worth watching
11 December 2023
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I like movies where the bad guys get what is coming to them and in this one they certainly do in horrific ways.... the brutal kills alone means they should of stopped while they were ahead. Love how not only do the kidnappers have to deal with the possessed girl but they have to face ghosts of those they have wronged... makes for some crazy special effects. Like something out of thirteen ghosts but honestly better. Special effects in line with those in cabin in the woods which i absolutely loved. The movie is fast paced and has quite a few scenes where you think oh my goodness look at what is happening now. They seriously messed with the wrong girl.
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Spiral (I) (2019)
creepy/thrilling from beginning to end
11 December 2023
Overrall i really liked this one. I havent seen many good horror movies lately so when this one caught my attention and managed to keep it i knew i was in for a good time. The acting is quite good especially from the actor that plays malik... you really feel for what he is going thru and the back and forth of is he and his family being threatened or is it all in his head? The actor that played his partner was a little bland but luckily more scenes focused on malik or his interaction with the daughter. The neighbors are quite creepy... i wouldnt want to deal with any of them. The music adds to the unsettling nature of the movie.
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just ok
11 December 2023
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I wanted to like this one i really did but it just felt like a letdown in the middle and the twist end. The devil with the creepy voice was good and not seeing the devil behind closed doors is what kept me intrigued... i was hoping when i did see it for it to be a crazed monster like figure or at least something creepy in the shadows. The slow burn concept would of worked best with following that concept. As for the acting it was alright... i have seen better and i have seen worse. Not a bad way to spend some time but nothing really memorable to stick with you. Overrall check it out if want to.
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Hideaway (1995)
jeff goldblum makes it worth watching
8 December 2023
It is just weird enough to keep your interest from beginning to end. I dont think it is one of jeff goldblums better movies but love seeing the closeups of jeff goldblum being panicky and creepy. Truly the camera loves him. He puts everything into a role whether it is drama or comedy. The special effects are noticeably dated and alicia silverstone is not a strong actress... it is very obvious in this movie. Christine lahti is good as usual. Overrall the movie is worth watching. Jeremy sisto is creepy as the satanic killer. From grand canyon to clueless to this movie he is showing his range....
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