
108 Reviews
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Living (2022)
Watch. It.
10 June 2023
One of the best things I've seen this year (June 2023). I actually watched this even though I "knew" I would actually hate it. I was so very wrong. If you're an actual film fan, and not just a comic book fan, this is definitely for you.

And now, words for no reason other than . . . How many words are in a novel? Any work with 40,000 words or more can be considered a fully developed novel. But this differs by genre - the average word count ranges from 58,000 words in erotica to 109,000 for fantasy works.

However, some authors have more questions or even doubts about these numbers. When writing a work of fiction, considering the word count can feel like limiting the creative process. No one wants to feel like their compelling story is constrained by a number.

What first-time authors may not know is that the right word count can: * Improve your chances at a publishing deal.
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Downeast (2021)
Better than 5.8 . . .
5 February 2023
This is not a Marvel movie. If that's the entertainment you enjoy, this is not for you. If, however, you enjoy a very good story, above average acting, directing, and settings, then you'll really enjoy this hour and a half treat. The ending is unique . . .

Aaand, now for the filler words:

How many words are in a novel? Any work with 40,000 words or more can be considered a fully developed novel. But this differs by genre - the average word count ranges from 58,000 words in erotica to 109,000 for fantasy works.

However, some authors have more questions or even doubts about these numbers. When writing a work of fiction, considering the word count can feel like limiting the creative process. No one wants to feel like their compelling story is constrained by a number.

What first-time authors may not know is that the right word count can: * Improve your chances at a publishing deal.
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Causeway (2022)
Better than the low ratings . . .
23 January 2023
First of all, 14-year olds shouldn't watch grownup movies and leave reviews. 14-year olds should stick with marvel movies. Second, if you like marvel movies as your main source of entertainment, you should never start this movie; it's a waste of everyone's time; especially if you're tempted to leave a review.

Third? This is a better than average film, from the story, to the acting, to the directing. Do yourself a favor, and spend less than 2-hours enjoying quality storytelling.

Now, Mary had a little lamb, little lamb. Amazon makes IMDb have ridiculously long comments for some reason no one has adequately explained. It's stupid.
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"Professional" Critics Have Never Created ANYTHING.
24 August 2022
Wow. The "pros" scorched this film. Why? Because they're woke drones. We can forgive any and all transgressions from the "right" crowd, but we are required to destroy anyone not in the tribe?

This is a beautiful little independent film, with excellent writing, directing, and soulful acting. It's worth every dime I paid to watch it. Ignore the woke pros.
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nOTT aNnnn aXXiOn FiLMM!!
14 August 2022
Ignore all the gamer-boy reviews. The Reddit children have the attention span of mastur***ing zoo monkeys. And now, I fill in the needed character count for the children running this site.
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Slow West (2015)
Ignore the video gamer reviews.
8 August 2022
It's clear the hate coming at this film is from gnat-length-attention-span-PEW-PEW-GTA gamer bois. Ignore them all, and watch this work of art. Do it twice so you're able to pick up the things you'll miss the first time.
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Alex's War (2022)
I only rated this a 9 because . . .
6 August 2022
Of all the 1-reviews of people not having watched the film. It will not change the minds of anyone on either extreme of the current political spectrum; those on the far right and left already "know" the truth. This is just a doc comprised of ACTUAL clips of Alex failing (Sandy Hook), and succeeding in the time leading up to 9-11. It's just clips of the man being a human. There is no perfection to be found.
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The Hunters (1996)
The Most Stupid Cop In The History Of Stupidity.
3 August 2022
There are no spoilers in this review; just a warning that the title clearly states. In my 50+years of watching films, I've never seen a character make such stupendously idiotic choices. 50+YEARS!!! Let that sink in! I've seen 50+years of stupidity in films, and this cop beats them all!!!
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Ignore The Haters
1 August 2022
First of all, this film is not supposed to be what you've seen or read before. It's a Robert Altman film. If you enjoy Robert Altman films, you'll enjoy this one. If you're looking for an exacting adaptation of the book or the previous movie, look somewhere else. This is not for you.
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The Old Man (2022– )
That Was It?!??
30 July 2022
I thought there were 8-episodes. That's what was reported on IMDb. Well, silly me, I didn't realize IMDb adds non-existent episodes to their total. I can only be mad at myself for sitting through more than the first two episodes. What absolute GARBAGE. Hell, just like with the dopey daughter in 24, I'm hoping this one gets killed just so I don't have to watch her be stupid; except I'll never know. I'll never waste another minute on it.
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Dogman (2018)
Hard to watch, but . . .
27 July 2022
It's well worth the effort. I understand some of the low reviews, but not the logic. This a well written, acted, directed, and photographed film. The violence that some cite as a reason to dislike it confuses me in the "post-John Wick" era. There was more blood and pain in the first 15-minutes of any of those films than the entirety of this piece. Ignore the haters.
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Memory (I) (2022)
16 July 2022
The title says it all. If anyone giving this "film" high marks that they've never been to El Paso, and/or, they have a kindergartner's understanding of geography. This is as bad as the "hurricane in Dallas" episode in the 70's TV series "Dallas." Humanity is doomed.
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It Just Doesn't Matter
27 June 2022
Mr. Murray is not perfect; no human is. He, unlike most of us though, seems to celebrate not being perfect. He doesn't worry about his hair. He doesn't worry about his clothes. He doesn't worry about how "it" will be reported. He's just Bill. This film shows that we all "should just be Bill," because . . . It. Just. Doesn't. Matter.
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Sundown (I) (2021)
Reviews On This Film Are A Sign Of Our Times
11 June 2022
If someone is unable to understand this film and its ending, they are a lost cause as to anything remotely connected to critical thinking. Granted, "it's not for everyone." It's for people actually possessing basic level intelligence and patience.
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Poor Reviews? For This Film?!?
10 June 2022
Ignore the "it's boring 'cause there ain't no blow up ere'ting in the mediat area . . . AND there ain't no cartoon characters!!!" reviews. They're all a bunch of Reddit basement dwellers. Watch it for the art it is. Fantastic on all levels.
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It could have been an 8 or a 9 . . .
1 June 2022
Second time tonight that I've finished a mini/series where I'm rating a production that could have been so much more. It has fantastic writing, acting, production, and pacing, but instead of leaving those aspects to carry and close this story, the producers had to take a political angle that had nothing whatsoever to do with the rot that has virtually consumed "Baldimore."
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Night Sky (2022)
Would have been an 8 or 9 . . .
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost, this is not for the Pew!!-Pew!!-Pew!!-SciFi crowd. If that's what you need to be entertained, move along. Fantastic acting, story, directing, and cinematography. The only reason I don't rate it higher is because they turned it into a series. The story was strong enough for one season to wrap it up. I felt used once I figured out it was another ****ing series.
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Hold Tight (2022)
Another "Ignore the low scores" Review
26 April 2022
The number of low scores tells me that either 1) the reviewers are unable to follow films with subtitles, or 2) they watched the dubbed version. Both speak to the value of those same reviewers' opinions. This is not perfect, but it IS very well written, filmed, directed, and acted. It's also, virtually, the perfect length at six episodes. Watch it!
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Metal Lords (2022)
A Fun Film For Everyone
13 April 2022
I'm as old as the Executive Music Producer of this film, so maybe that explains why I enjoyed it as much as I did. It's winning no major or minor awards, but the writing, directing, and production are all top-notch. The use of "War Pigs" in a couple of scenes makes as much sense in 2022 as at anytime since it was first recorded by Black Sabbath. Well done!!
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Black Crab (2022)
Ignore The Infantile Reddit Posters
22 March 2022
It's not perfect, but it's certainly not as bad as many reviewers have rated it. If you only enjoy comic book movies with lots of pretty colors, then yeah, avoid this movie. For all the people not spending all day watching 30-second porn clips on Reddit, and are actual adults with life experience and pain, then it's is worth a watch.
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"Wow!" From A Guy Whom Hates Movies Like This.
15 March 2022
Again, "Wow!" From A Guy Whom Hates Movies Like This. I was certain I would turn this off within 15-minutes, but was stunned that it was still on after 30-minutes, and shocked to have watched the entire film. Yes. It's been done before, but this has a depth of love and life that few action films possess. An "8" for the level that this type film was taken.
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Suspicion (2022)
13 March 2022
For anyone with even a basic level of knowledge of law, this is unbearable. The plot completely falls apart in the third episode during an interview with police.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
When 2-Years of Clown World Kills Attention Spans
8 March 2022
I don't know what else to think about the poor reviews other than brain damage from 2-years of irrational terror. This is an excellent mini-series on all levels. That there are so many people unable to watch 6-hours of premier entertainment without bothering to watch the entire thing . . . It must be brain trauma caused by our clown world.

Just watch it.
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Ignore the children leaving reviews
4 March 2022
It's not an "easy" watch which probably explains most of the low ratings. Ignore them. Watch a well made film with real characters experiencing overwhelming hardships to an ending that . . .

Watch it.
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Above Average Small Budget Film
13 February 2022
I don't understand the ultra-low or the ultra-high reviews. It's a very good script about family, violence, regret, redemption etc. Could it have been better? Yes. Maybe 20-minutes shorter with better editing, but for crying-out-loud, it's far above virtually everything on network television or comic book movies.
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