
8 Reviews
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Mocumentary at Best
20 August 2003
I admire Michael Moore as a filmmaker. Making so many millions believe his lies. The "spontaneous acts" in this film are staged, not obviously, but upon further scrutiny can it be seen. Not the scene with where Heston leaves the interview, this scene was splicing of two segments. One of Heston leaving from behind Moore, and one facing Moore who righteously calls after Heston. How can this have been done with one cameraman? It couldn't have. The Gun Store scene, pure imagination. Canada would not sell to Moore that quickly. Hell, New York wouldn't sell to Moore that quickly and he lives there. So instead of bitching about a "fictitious war" I am bitching about this fictitious "documentary" by this "Proud To Be An American" filmmaker.
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Permalink (2005–2022)
Better in One Hour Slot
18 June 2003
This show is great. It is informative, and it's entertaining. The three hosts, Scot "AGN" Rubin, Tina "T-Dub" Wood, and Laura "Thug" Foy, discuss a wide range of topics from upcoming releases of video games, just released video games, and really cool video games form the past. It is pretty interactive, during the five hour shoot (first three fridays of the month) you can log on to and discuss the issues with them via internet broadcast. Post on their message board and you may be selected as a caller. All in all, this show would be better in a one hour slot, because the interviews seem to be edited very bare.

Nice Guy on G4 Forums
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Arena (2002–2005)
18 June 2003
The startup network G4 had one big star, on person with a name, he was Wil Wheaton. Unfortunately, due to the ineptness of producer Jim Downs, Wil and Travis "The Fatman" Oates left the show. G4 had the making of something special, Wil and Travis didn't just host the show, and go straight from the script. They seemed like they had fun, and really enjoyed themselves. Which made you enjoy it that much more.

Anyway, Down with Downs etc. etc.
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Huh huh, He said "extend"
24 March 2003
Airplane Captain: Get the hell outta the cockpit!! Butt-head: Huh huh, you said c- Airplane Captain: NOW!!!

This is easily the best cartoon full length I have ever seen and was probably the funniest movie in 1996. It is much better than South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) if you need to compare it to something. Although it was really short (80 minutes or so), it had me laughing the whole time. And the list of celebrity voices is practically endless, Robert Stack, Greg Kinnear, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, David Spade, and Earl Hoffert err...I mean David Letterman. If you got an hour and half to spare, watch this movie because you won't regret it.
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Home Movies (1999–2004)
From the creator of Dr. Katz...
1 October 2002
I was watching cartoon network on a thursday when a disclaimer came up about the content of the following shows. Soon there after, "Home Movies" came on. I was amazed at the clever, spontanious dialogue from the characters on this show. The simplistic animation draws more to this show because you focus more on the characters and natural sounding dialogue then the pretty colors. This is a great show, and damn UPN (or was it the WB) for cancelling it. Praise Cartoon Network for bringing it back to life!
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Primal Fear (1996)
28 August 2002
I finished watching Primal Fear for the first time about ten minutes ago and wow is one of the only words to have come out of my mouth. I don't comment on many movies but this one is by far one of the most underrated movies I have ever seen. Edward Norton, who no doubt is one of the most talented men alive, stole the screen in this crime drama about the alleged murder of the Archbishop of Chicago by an alter boy (Norton). The case is picked up by a defense lawyer (Gere) who was formerly employed as a prosecutor for the state of Illinois. The state prosecutor on the case (Linney) was intimately involved with Gere's character.

This movie does not have a boring predictable story line up to the one twist at the end. The twist at the end is just icing on the cake with this clever film. Richard Gere's performance was outstanding. I am not a Richard Gere fan and I have no respect for him because of Runaway Bride (I still can't believe that anyone as talented as him could do such a film).

If you haven't seen this movie you must. This is a great movie I give it a 10 out of 10
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Point Break (1991)
13 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was, on my personal scale (Blows-Sucks-Bites-Ok-Good-Really Good-Totally Bitchin' Kick Ass!) is "OK." This is sort of a cult classic type flick. The acting was not good. Keanu Reeves is not a good actor. This and Matrix, The (1999) are the only movies where his acting hasn't made it a very bad movie. Basically he plays Ted (Bill and Ted) with a badge and a surfboard. Gary Busey, who played the best bad guy ever in Lethal Weapon (1987), was type casted as the bad guy in Lethal Weapon except this time he is a good guy *gasp*. And I applaud Patrick Swayze for making me forget Dirty Dancing (1987) for two hours until some moron said, "Wow this was a load better than Dirty Dancing." The action was Ok because it was over the top. *SPOILER* The fact that when Bohdi (Swayze) finally decides to break his own rule there's an off duty cop their, what luck for the cops. But the off duty cop did shoot Reeves which is something I have yet to accomplish. The overall plot was terrible. Who thinks this rubbish up? And the way these surf morons talk is "like, totally bad man." How come every surfer or skateboarder is Jeff Spiccoli from Fast Times At Ridgemont High (1982)?

At this point the movie is somewhere between Sucks and Ok, no it Sucks. The thing that makes it ok is the Ex-President Rubber Masks idea. The guys who wrote it, Rick King (I) and W. Peter Iliff , made those masks famous. I, myself had three of them not knowing they were in this movie. I salute you Mr. King. I salute you Mr. Iliff.

In review: Plot: Sucks. Action: Ok. Acting: Ok. Script: Sucks. *Bonus* Ex- President Mask Idea: Totally Bitchin' Kick Ass! Overall: Ok.
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Grand Theft Auto III (2001 Video Game)
The Godfather meets Driver 2
30 June 2002
I got this game this morning. It is the best game I have ever played. When I played Metal Gear Solid 2 I never thought it could be topped. I was wrong, this game is so much better. There is a unique storyline that resemble that of a movie. It is a hell of a lot more fun than watching a movie because you control it. This is like the brilliance of the Godfather at your finger tips. The graphics and voice work are outstanding. After playing for ten minutes you will be hooked.
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