
18 Reviews
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24 May 2023

3.9? Yeah, right. THIS SHOULD BE RATED 1!

I cannot believe that there are people who actually like this movie and I have no clue why! NOTHING GOOD IS IN "WHERE THE DEAD GO TO DIE"!!!! THERE IS NOTHING BUT CREEPY IMAGERY AND SOULESS CHARACTERS!

If I were to put this movie in a summary in 3 words, it would be this: Strange things happen.

I'm not even joking! This entire film is just random stuff happening!

If you really are that curious, I won't stop you, but KEEP MY WARNING, this movie is gross, terrible, unamusing and just downright scary! You will feel sick after watching this...
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Fazbear & Friends (2021–2023)
21 May 2023
Hate me if you want, but just so you all know, I'm glad this series is finally over.

I watched the first few episodes of this series and I thought it was okay, but the part that downgraded it was the shorts. They arrange from being mediocre to downright cringe! Like, something random will come out of nowhere and you're all like, "Huh? Excuse me?"

Another issue with this series is the crossovers. Bendy is ABSOULTLY ANNOYING! Baldi is not great, and the Among us dude does NOTHING. The only crossover I liked was Poppy Playtime. The characters were actually cute.

As the Fazbear gang, they're not too great themselves. They are kind of an insult to the original Fazbear and Friends.
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Nostalgia Critic (2007– )
A documentary that couldn't be any funnier!
23 April 2023
This guy sure does know how to keep an audience laughing, but seriously, what is with some of these other reviews? THEY'RE BRUTAL! I guess Doug Walker doesn't impress them.

It's amazing how long this parody show has been on for. Usually, some shows would last for at least 5 years, but apparently, the whole world is nuts about the short-tempered movie reviewer!

This show deserves more than just a 7.5, this is a solid 10 for me!

Now, while I do live the guy, Doug does review films that I don't agree are terrible, like Rango, where a few moments are tolerable.

Overall, Nostalgia Critic is fantastic! I will forever see him as a funny, easily-angered man who knows what cinema is all about!
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Evil Toons (1992)
The name of the film is a LIE
22 April 2023
Okay....this is...certainly something that I just discovered BY MISTAKE!

This film isn't good, but not terrible either. The 4.1 is understandable. I can see where they wanted to go with this, but it just doesn't work. An adult version of Who Framed Roger Rabbit sounds interesting...but it drops for one reason: BARELY ANY ANIMATION.

It's just a few moments of animation, where we have this...rabbit...wolf....rabbit-wolf hybrid, but that's it. Nothing else.

What this movie could've done better is have more animated characters thrown in instead of having one. If you were to make Evil Toons a silly, dark comedy, with more animation and interesting characters, you'd have a better time watching this, but for now, it's just dull.
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If you liked this, you're not alone.
16 April 2023
Ignore the hate if you fell in love with this film. I just watched it and I thought it was fine. Yes, it has it's issues, but I wouldn't consider it as a terrible film from Disney.

Home on the Range was kinda unique. It had nice animation and the characters like Maggie, Mrs. Calloway, Grace and Lucky Jack are pretty good.

The villain, Alameda Slim was pretty weak. He's so dang goofy it's hard to take him seriously.

Here are some things I would change about Home on the Range:

1. Have the characters be more interesting. Don't make them flat.

2. Delate some of the cow jokes. There are too many of them.

3. Make Slim a better villain.

4. The yodeling song could use some work with lyrics.

Overall, this is an okay Disney film. I wouldn't say it's bad, but it's okay.
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Taffy (2017– )
Bunnicula clone?
30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People are going to hate me for saying this but, I think this is a clone (not technically a ripoff) of Bunnicula, here's why I think that.

The story is the same, a character being mischievous and playful.

Bentley is just Chester, but a dog.

The animation in both of the shows are cartoony and bouncy, which is fine.

The owner is unaware of the challenges that the pet causes.

I don't understand how this show is rated so well. I find Bunnicula better then Taffy. If you like this show, then I respect your opinion. This show gets away from me giving it a 4 or a 3 because of the animation of cute characters, but that's about it.
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Barnyard (2006)
I don't think this farm flick is a kid's flick
28 March 2023
I remember watching this film, and it sucked.

So many things about it made me feel uncomfortable. For example, the animals drink, gamble and even go for joyrides.

I also had a problem where the animation, story, and the general message of this film.

The animation looks cheap, and the character visuals (especially with the human characters) look pretty ugly as sin.

The jokes are childish and none of them made me chuckle.

The story is simple, so at least a kid can follow it.

The balance between comedy and drama is not delivered properly. We go from animals gambling, to Ben (one of the characters) getting killed by coyotes.

The only good thing about Barnyard is the life lesson (which is mentioned once and an hour later). "A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others".

Poor movie, 4/10, don't watch it.
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Monsters aren't what they seem, kids....
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love how this film shows children that monsters don't scare them for fun! They scare them to collect their screams to save their town!

This beautifully animated masterpiece almost has the same concept as Ice Age. It's about 2 characters, Sully and Mike, trying to take a little girl named Boo back to the human world.

I loved this movie! So many great moments, and characters that will win your heart!!

So, parents, next time your child says there's a monster under the bed, or thinks there's one in the closet, just show them this film, and they'll have no more worries for the rest of their lives!
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Ice Age (2002)
Meet the trio of the frozen land!
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ice Age, the film that started it all for Blue Sky. What a fantastic film that brings us comedy, adventure, and a little Scrat!

However, I have a question! Why so much hate on the baby in this movie? People, he's just a kid who does nothing harmful! WTH?!

Alright, now that I got that out of my system, time to make another summary review!

Ice Age is a film about Manny, Diego, and Sid trying to take a baby back to it's family, while at the same time, taking care of him.

The story is very solid! While the animation might not look good, just remember that this is a 2002 film, so therefore, it is TOP TIER animation! Finally, the characters are likeable, even if there's only 3 that we follow.
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A drunk version of Elf (2003)
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, my first question is why. WHY WAS THIS MOVIE EVEN MADE?! Who thought you could turn a 90's game into a disastrous mess of snow and ice!

Tom Kenny, what happened to you, buddy? You were a success in Spongebob, but now you've moved on to doing this!? WHY?!?!?!

Elf Bowling isn't good in any way. I only gave it a two because some of the moments in the movie were...actually funny.

The story is nonexistent, the animation is cheap, and the characters are not only empty, but they all look like they're made of outdated clay! Also, song numbers?! SERIOUSLY?! YOU GUYS HAVE SONGS IN HERE TOO?! This so called Christmas flick is not your average holiday tradition!

Now, all you little kiddies run along and watch A Charlie Brown Christmas and maybe you'll actually learn something about life!
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Madagascar (2005)
This zoo's on the loose!
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dreamworks made a film about an ogre, but now they made a film about talking animals!

This is an enjoyable movie that has great characters, fun music, and good animation.

To sum this flick up, it's a story of friendship, encouragement, and surviving disasters.

Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, Jada Pinkett Smith, and David Schwimmer carry out a wonderful performance and bring the adventure to life!

I strongly recommend this one if you haven't seen it! If your kids love talking animals, terrific animation, and a story that ties everything together, then go see it! I promise you all that you won't be disappointed!
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Rango (2011)
"Name's Rango and I'm a star"
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers

Okay, okay, I'll calm down now. In all seriousness, this is a great film that will shoot Pixar's Up in the head and say "Oh, you're making money! So will we!"

Rango shows us that you must find out who you are in the real world. You must find your inner person, and it does an outstanding job at delivering that message.

Also, the animation, OH MY GAAAAWD, THIS IS SOME OF THE BEST ANIMATION OUT OF A 2011 FILM! Toy Story 3, you might have a competitor even though you were released first.

It took 135 million dollars for the people to make this, however, to me, it looks like it took a billion dollars to makes. This looks like Avatar stuff here!

Overall, fantastic movie! Go check it out if you haven't seen it!

Story: 8 Animation: 10 Characters: 7.
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Who let THIS cat out of the bag?
28 March 2023
Well then, PUT HIM BACK IN!!!!

Out of all the Dr. Seuss films out there, many of us thought we've seen the worst. We've watched the Grinch (2000), The Lorax (2012), and even the 2018 version of the Grinch. However, none of them stand out more than the Cat in the Hat! Trust me, folks, this one is a chore to get through.

Mike Myers stars in this film, but he does a better job in Shrek then in this one! He looks freakin scary as the Cat, and I feel bad for him. He's a great actor, people, let him remain that way!

There are a lot of things wrong with this movie, and I strongly recommend any of you parents out there to not show this terrible comedy to your children under 12.

1. The Cat is scary as hell.

2. The plot is complex and all over the place.

3. The mother's boyfriend is pointless (sorry Alec Baldwin)

4. The songs are dumb, stupid, and they're not catchy in any sort of way.

5. The fish is uncanny and doesn't do anything. I think he was only there to say his famous line.

6. Mrs. Kwan is another pointless character.

7. The dirty hoe joke is not only unnecessary, but it makes the film worse.

8. Too many adult jokes. We don't need all these adult jokes in here! The Cat in the Hat was meant to be a kid's film!

9. Conrad and Sally sound bored at times.

And finally, 10. THIS. FILM. IS. SO. BAD.

I highly suggest any of you who are looking for a good Dr. Seuss film for your little ones, do yourself a favor and stick with the original 1971 film. It was harmless, funny, and even though it was only 25 minutes, it was still safe and enjoyable.

This film REALLY sucks! If I were to choose which live action Dr. Seuss film would be better, I'd have to go with the Grinch from 2000. At least they get a lot more stuff from the original story right.
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Spaceballs (1987)
Star Wars gets a parody upgrade!
27 March 2023
Haven't seen a lot of Star Wars, but I do remember seeing this masterpiece!

Spaceballs is just a comedy, sci-fi Star Wars parody film that stars John Candy, Rick Moranis and Mel Brooks!

This film's humor is great! I wasn't bored one bit during it! The story is almost the same as Star Wars, but don't let that fool you for this being a great film!

The story is about Lone Starr and his sidekick Barf, going on an adventure to rescue the Princess Vespa from the evil clutches of Darth Vader.... I'M SORRY, I MEAN, Lord Helmet. Wait, that's seriously his name? Okay, whatever! In the end, Lone Starr realizes he's a prince, gets married to Vespa, and they live happily ever after! THE END!

Overall, fantastic film! Go watch it!
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Champions (2023)
It doesn't matter who you are, you can still be a champion!
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film will blow you out of the park with it's engaging story, likeable characters, and fun moments!

I'm shocked at the 7.1 rating right now! This deserves to have at least a 9!

This movie is meant to teach audiences that even if you're different, it doesn't matter! Nothing will stop you from being awesome!

I went to see this and it was AMAZING! If you haven't watched Champions already, then what are you doing with your life? GO SEE IT!

Champions has more to offer than just basketball and comedy! It has drama, life lessons, romance, clever writing, and relationships with the characters.

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Don Bluth's empty fantasy film!
27 March 2023
Wow, where to start with this one!

This film (in my opinion) is the WORST of Don's library.

Did you think All Dogs go to Heaven 2 and Rock a Doodle were bad? Oh, oh they are NOTHING compared to THIS abomination of a movie!

Like Rock a Doodle, the animation is pretty good and the characters move smoothly even though there are some errors.

Like All Dogs go to Heaven 2, the songs are either meh, or BAD! Actually, no! I take that back! All the songs are pretty darn bad!

There is NO STORY in A Troll of Central Park! The only thing that this movie has to share is a boring film, with boring characters, bland settings, bad songs, with only the first one having a purpose, and to top it all off, NOTHING. EVER. HAPPENS.

I hate this movie! And all of you were right! This film IS for children under 4!
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The Nut Job (I) (2014)
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie on Netflix and was it good? Not at all.

This film is so mean-spirited and tries too hard to make as much fart and toilet humor as it can.

It also tries to have some heart-felt moments thrown in, but it fails at that!

None of the characters, especially Surly, are likeable! The only two characters I could find appealing are Buddy and Andie! They're not obnoxious or bland, and they actually bring purpose most of the time.

Overall, I DO NOT recommend seeing this one, it's just....not a good family film. I will give it credit for having good animation, but that's about it. No story and only 2 good characters.
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A Samurai Disaster
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film on it's opening weekend, and I thought it was.....okay.

There are some good moments in the film, but there are a lot of bad moments too. First off, the good moments: 1. Great animation 2. Great voice cast 3. Ika Chu is a corny but hilarious villain 4. The relationship between Hank and Jimbo is like father and son

Now, the bad ones: 1. Some characters are either forgettable, bland, or both 2. Bad references 3. Bad jokes 4. Toilet humor doesn't work 5. BAD WRITING.

This film could've been so much better, I wanted it to be so much better... but the writing is what made this film fall downhill (all the way down hill).
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