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the movie that KILLED SW
12 June 2024
The movie that killed Star Wars... There's so many problems with the script is really hard to start reviewing it! I'll try anyway... 1- Luke Skywalker is not Luke Skywalker anymore, and not because time has passed, but because Rian Johnson decided to change him so much that it was almost like if someone made a movie called "World War 2 part 2" and Hitler turns out to be a good person.

2 - The "we don't have much fuel left" plot is STUPID.

3- Admiral Holdo and Rose Tico are the WORST Star Wars characters ever.

4- To me the biggest problem with this movie is Snoke's death. He had potential to be a NEW cool villan, that could push Star Wars storys FOWARD, but no... Rian Johnson HAD to kill him in a stupid way so that they had to bring Palpatine back.

There's many other problems, but I'll save you some time. Skip it, it is not worth your time. George Lucas' Star Wars changed cinema history, Disney Star Wars didn't.
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Rat Race (2001)
comedy gold
23 January 2024
Remember when comedy movies could be made just to be funny and not to make a statement about everything? When you could watch a comedy to laugh a lot after a hard day? When a movie would have just to be good and not need to have key moments to make endless tik tok and instagram posts about it?

Rat Race is a perfect example of how a simple plot done right can result in a great movie. The cast couldn't be better picked than they were.

It's funny to think, but in a big comedy like this there's a Smash Mouth cameo. They just appear in a scene and that's it! If it was made today it would probably have a Billie Eilish and somehow half of the movie plot would be about how great and cool she is so her fans can watch it and be like "yeah best movie ever".

Watch Rat Race and never forget that things can be better than today!
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The Wild Life (1984)
This movie is so special for so many reasons...
10 August 2023
It's kinda hard to look back at a movie like "The Wild Life" and not find yourself all nostalgic and wishing you could go back in time.

Thinking about a time when a high school student could be able (or close enough ) to rent his own apartment, when NOT EVERY SINGLE THING had to be a political statement about everything on Earth, when Eddie Van Halen would score a movie written by Cameron Crowe... If someday, or better yet... when someone in a suit in Hollywood realizes that this movie haven't had any remake yet they'll probably do it as "a very militant high school student runaway from his abusive parents to find himself and learn about the world's social problems" and probably cardi b or Lana del rey would do the music. Something like this or worse.

Watch "The Wild Life" and remember that life on Earth can be better than it is right now.
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Fear (1996)
Great thrillers like this are not made anymore
24 April 2023
Remember when Reese Witherspoon was able to make GOOD movies and not only boring dramas where she plays the 40 years old racist white woman? Yeah it seems like a lifetime ago... "FEAR" is a great movie because it has a simple story about obsession, fear and teenage romance that works like magic because of a strong cast with Witherspoon (before the horrible "legally blond"), Mark Wahlberg, and Alyssa Milano and a very good director behind it.

For those of you who weren't alive during the 1990's you can take a look in this movie to have an ideia of what it was like. This movie REALLY feels like 1996.

And let's be honest... THAT rollercoaster scene alone is worth the movie.
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Dr. Giggles (1992)
3 March 2023
Hey look! Another cool early 1990's slasher with potential to be a cool franchise like Halloween that didn't became a hit and became a forgotten gem! Why did it happen so many times?

"Dr. Giggles" (1992) is a non stop fun horror movie starred by Larry Drake as the crazy doctor. Drake was a terrific actor and his performance alone could carry the movie, but the rest of the cast is great too and Manny Coto did a hell of a job directing!

Although this movie is really funny, there is a creepy atmosphere the whole time that makes it a very interesting flick. It doesn't feel like the other horror movies of the early 1990's but it feels early 1990's a lot... If that makes any sense!

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Jawbreaker (1999)
Underrated teen comedy!
3 March 2023
The late 1990's really were the golden age of the teenage comedy genre. Remember when they were FUN? When they had characters you could care for? These days seem to be long gone, but I hope someone watches "jawbreaker" (1999) and try to make something like this again!

It's kinda hard to remember it today, but there was a time when Rose McGowan was actually really cool! Back when she did movies like this and "Devin In The Flesh" (1998) she could really act! Here she plays the perfect popular evil girl and she delivers!

This is the movie that for some crazy reason people think that the terrible "mean girls" (2004) is. Maybe if "Jawbreaker" had so many buzzfeed articles about how amazing it is it could be more popular...
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Baby Got Boobs: My Ex-Girlfriend's Daughter (2017)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Cassidy shines on this one
3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Every scene featuring the great Cassidy Banks is worth seeing, but this one released in 2017 must the best she's ever done!!!

I think that what is so great in her performances is that she always seems to be having fun. I don't know if she wass, but boy that smile of hers is just as hot as her boobs AND THEY'RE TERRIFIC!!!

I believe that a good adult movie must have a really dumb plot, and this one has a really dumb plot about a girl being mad with a her mom's ex-boyfriend for him cheating on her... to end up having sex with him. On her side it doesn't make any sense but on his side IT DOES!!!
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Doctor Adventures: Can't Lie (2009)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
The best scene EVER
3 March 2023
Honestly this is the best adult film scene EVER made. I really think that. It got everything we need in a good adult film scene: a vey stupid plot that will lead to sex so you can have a laugh in the first 5 minutes, a great actress and a great performance.

Veronica Rayne was hot, is hot and always will be hot, but Veronica Rayne in 2009 was another level hot! She playing the sexy doctor, with the black bra and the brilliant solution of "you know what, here are my tits! Happy?" is just the ultimate doctor/patient fantasy!

This is the definitive scene and the one I'll compare to whenever I watch adult films. So far none has come even closer!
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failed artsy atempt
1 March 2023
The director Anita Rocha da Silveira really wishes she was David Lynch or David Cronemberg... This movie is a BORING atempt to make something artsy and deep that turns out to be shallow and... I don't even have words... bad I guess!

Annoying characters and a stupid story that makes you look at your watch every 5 minutes wondering how much more it will take to make to the end!!!

It's seems unfair that in a country where making a movie is such a struggle like Brazil, some talentless filmmaker can make garbage like this while others will never havee the chance!

And also the cast is terrible and the soundtrack is AWFUL!
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Trying too hard
1 March 2023
"Little Fires Everywhere" (2015) is a book adaptation that is supposed to show scoiety issues like racism in small towns in the United States Of America, but instead of making good points or have a well written script about it it just keeps trying too hard to make everything that Kerry Washington's character did okay and that she should be forgiven.

Yes, she does have to deal with a lot of unfair stuff, but trying to paint her as a hero is ridiculous! Reese Whiterspoon's character is not perfect either, but she is painted as a villan so bad to the point you can't take it seriously!!

The worst is the youngest daughter... She must be the most annoying creature in TV history. Everytime she's on screen is like "I hate everyone! How come nobody likes meee?" This is a good exemple of why I don't watch anything with Reese Whiterspoon made after 1999!
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The Chase (1994)
1 March 2023
Remember when a movie could be 90 minutes of fun? If you can't I say you should watch "The Chase" (1994)! It is a simple story about an innocent man running away from a unjust judgment that will keep your eyes glued to the TV until the credits start rolling.

If features a GREAT cast with Charlie Sheen and Kristy Swanson. They have such a good chemistry that you'll forget about any other leads in the last 10 years or so.

The soundtrack is fueled with Punk Rock bands like The Offspring and we even have Red Hot Chili Peppers and Henry Rollins in the cast!

Grab some popcorn, put your phone down and just HAVE FUN!
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Hot Moves (1984)
It is what it is... and it is great!
26 February 2023
You just don't watch a movie like "Hot Moves" (1984) or "Screwballs" expecting to see a state of art story that will change the way you see the world from now on... You expect to laugh a lot at stupid jokes, see some hot girls on screen and remember how it was like to be a horny teenager with a group of horny friends that will come up with stupid plans to get laid. And THAT you will find here in this movie!

Four friends make a pact to loose their virginty before summer ends, but of course they will have to deal with the most embarrassing situations possible to achieve their goal. That's it. And honestly? It DELIVERS!

And if you need more reasons than that to watch this:Deborah Richter and Monique Gabrielle.
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Late Night (2019)
Doesn't work as a comedy
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what happened to Mindy Kaling, but after "The Office" (2005) it seems like she just CAN'T WRITE good comedy anymore!!!

This movie obviously has a message, but it worries so much in saying the message that it becomes a dragging, boring and endless experience! How does an 1 hour and 42 minutes movie feels like you're watching a 4 four long feature????

The cast is good and do their part fine, but all the characters are so badly written that you just don't care for any of them.

At one point Emma Thompson's character has an affair and it goes public and they're like "ok but people are mean if a woman has an affair, so it's not like she did something bad, it's ok!" in the most pedantic way possible!
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Mean Massage: Lexi Luna is in Control (2016)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
she really is in control!
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of people think that in adult movies, as long as the actresses look good everything is right. Lexi Luna proves in this scene that this notion is completely WRONG.

Her performance takes the scene to another level! Everything from her laughs, her body and the way she sounds angry, but at the same time, seems to enjoy being in control and ready to teach a lesson to the guy on the table. She embodies with mastery the mean girl who takes no shit and in a femdom scene where the guys needs to be punished, you can't ask for a better girl than Lexi!

To be fair, as it is, this scene is 10 out of 10, but if anything could make it even better: her top off and a little post orgasm torture would make this an 11 out of 10!
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A time capsule for 90's festivals
25 February 2023
"We Sold Our Souls for Rock 'n Roll" (2001) is what "The Decline of Western Civilization Part III" (1998) could and should have been!

I think the best way to think about his documentary is seeing the phenomenon of the touring festivals of the 1990s through Penelope Spheeris' cameras. Not only Ozzfest used to be a huge tour, but there was Tattoo The Earth, Family Values, Van's Wrapped Tour and Lollapalooza (back when it still had great bands and an alternative identity not just the biggest selling mainstream crap like today).

Argubly, the 1999 Ozzfest had the greatest line up of the decade, with bands like Primus, Godsmack, Rob Zombie, Static-X and the mighty Black Sabbath.

If you're into Rock and Metal this is a must see!
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Cool mix of Horror and Sci Fi
25 February 2023
I really miss back when computers and technology were seeing as "some kind of sorcery" and we would have movies about people entering computers, the internet or eletricity. We would have AWESOME movies like "Brainscan" (1994),"The Dungeonmaster" (1984), "Arcade" (1993) and "Ghost in the Machine" (1993)!

Directed by Rachel Talalay, who was in charge of "Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare" (1991), this movie follows a single mother played by Karen Allen who needs to protect her son of a serial killer living inside of a computer system.

Talalay did a fantastic job directing and the strong cast should be praised as well! And of course... THAT scene with Shevonne Durkin as the babysitter alone is worth watching this movie!
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Fear Runs Silent (2000 Video)
Wasted opportunity!
25 February 2023
"Fear Runs Silent" could have been a really awesome 1970's throwback if they kept it as simple "teenagers go to the woods and find danger" movie, but instead the producers and screenwritter decided to go for a "what's real and what's not?" approach and it really hurt the movie.

What keeps it from being a total waste is the very efficient cast and scenes where the woods danger attacks. They're really well done and are worth seeing.

If you realy like late 1990's horror or horror movies set in the woods or just wanna see a young Cerina Vincent, check it out. If not, watch "the final terror" (1983) instead!
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They're never making a new Matrix
25 February 2023
The Wachowskis wrote a few cool scripts in the 1990s and directed a cool movie in 1999. That's it. It seems like after "The Matrix" was released they were never able to come up with good ideas again! And let's be honest... They ripped off A LOT of classic and/or obscure sci fi movies and books in "The Matrix"!

"Jupiter Ascending" brings us Mila Kunis as a harmless protagonist who doesn't need to move a finger to do anything, just happen to have some DNA and wait for Channing Tatum to save her EVERY 5 MINUTES! Tatum must be the least charismatic actor EVER and this movie really shows it.

The worst part of this movie is Eddie Redmayne as the villan. The most annoying, childish and boring villan I've ever seen in my life.

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great sequel to a not so great movie
25 February 2023
I'm a big Stephen King fan and I love seeing his stories on the screen but it seems to me like most of the times when we have a lot of sequels to one of his book adaptation we get better stuff one the sequels!

"Sometimes they come back..." (1991) is an OK adaptation from the short storie. I disliked a lot how they changed the ending so much. In this sequel we get a better ending to the premise of the protagonist having to fight an ageless haunting of his past.

Adam Grossman did a hell of a job directing and. Michael Gross was a great lead and Hilary Swank not only was very good... she never looked as good as she does here!

For the avarage horror movie fan I say "watch it!" for the the avarage Stephen King fan I say "WATCH IT NOW!"
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Trojan War (1997)
Forgotten gem!
25 February 2023
"Trojan War" is one of the funniest teen movies of the late 90's, wich may I add, was the best decade for teen movies.

This movie took a lot of inspiration from Martin Scorsese's "After Hours" but at the same time it's far from being just a rip off.

I think everyone can see yourself in Will Friedle's character shoes. Or in Jennifer Love Hewitt's.

I feel bad for todays teenagers. Those netflix movies made for them are always garbage that need to tell the audiences every five minutes how everything before 2019 was wrong and how every single male student in high school can only be a terrible person. I wish they could have simple movies like this so they can have a laugh once in a while... well they can always watch the oldies I guess!
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