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Surprisingly good - stay til the end
4 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sam Heughan, aka Tom Buckingham created a compelling character in this movie.

It's quite an intense story with lots of action, political intrigue and some romance going on as another plot line.

I was very skeptical at the beginning and warmed up as the story moved forward.

To me, it's about this character Tom who is very good at his job as Special Forces for the UK. He's never been good at long term relationships because of his commitment and dedication to doing his job.

His G/F Sophie is a nurse who has strong feelings about his violent nature and questions how he can block out his violent side and be a loving companion.

They are on their way by train to Paris where Tom plans to propose. On the way the Black Swan group take all the passengers hostage as the train enters the Chunnel underneath the ocean.

All this changes when Sophie is taken hostage and is first hand witness to the vile and evil of Ruby Rose, aka Grace Lewis.

She is witness first hand to the ruthless and heartless violence of the Black Swan group under the leadership of Grace as they try to extort money from the UK Government to release all the hostages on the train.

She sees Grace exact ruthless violence on women and children and suddenly realizes the necessity & importance of people like Tom to 'Drop Them'.

There is a fair amount of suspense as the story unfolds and the audience is left guessing on how Tom will overcome all manner of obstacles agains seemingly insurmountable odds.

In the end, Tom prevails, he saves Sophie, he saves the hostages and he survives an intense battle with Grace.

A very interesting scene as some times has passed after the incident when Tom & Sophie are all healed up and while still in Paris Tom proposed to Sophie who is less than enthusiastic at his proposal. She admits that she doesn't believe she can make him happy and we are left to believe she turns him down.

Tom is crushed, with tears streaming, he nearly collapses/ Sophie suddenly recognizes that Tom has a heart for her as he reveals a side she's not seen in him.

The ending is a nice twist as we are left to wonder what happens to Declan who has turned traitor against his Special Forces unit and his friend Tom.

Just as they are about to kiss in the wedding ceremony, Tom gets a call from his boss who tells him that Declan & the hostage money have been located.

Sophie tells Tom, I guess we'll need to take a rain check on the honey moon and he better go get Declan and Drop Him.
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Suspend reason and be entertained.
24 June 2024
Often times, I find myself watching movies simply because I like the actors.

In this case Pitt, Hopkins and Forlani hit a grand slam.

If you can get past the convoluted story premise which is clearly fantastical, you'll find the essence of this story is the message.

For me, it was about the value and love of family. Once Bill Parrish discovers how truly short his remaining days on earth are, he wants to have more family dinners.

As a Father, he wants his Daughter Susan to experience being 'swept off her feet' and enjoy the passion of 'true' love.

Even when he has the threat of 'death' in his face, Bill declares to the Grim Ripper that Susan is off limits.

As the movie progress' we see a man who has had a full life. He has two wonderful daughters, he has built a worthy business bringing value to society, he has earned the admiration of many and now lives a life where he lacks nothing.

At age 65, he realizes this and has come to grips with the reality that the Grim Reaper will take him and he is resolved to let it all go.

Joe Black tells him, I'm going to give you something more valuable than anything 'time'.

The on-screen chemistry between Susan and Joe simply jumps off the screen.

The close up scene between Susan and Joe is so amazing.

Susan asks, who are you? Are you married? Do you have a girlfriend? Are you gay?

In this scene, we clearly see she has fallen in love or is in love with a man she doesn't know and only briefly met in a coffee shop.

Joe gives her responses, but not real answers.

Any yet, she decides to 'trust' him and her feelings without the reservation and fear which would normally be expected.

Isn't that the essence of love?
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solid story and well acted
5 June 2024
I saw this movie in the theater when it came out in 2016.

I've been a Ben Affleck fan got quite sometime and have always found his performances compelling.

I decided to watch this again on a streaming service and it comes across strong even on a second viewing.

To me, the meaning and the story is really focused on the perception of individuals who are on the Autism spectrum and how so often they are portrayed as handicapped individuals.

In this film, they are labeled as 'different' and because of that they are 'feared' by most people.

The story goes on to portray this condition as being one with unique and valuable skills, primarily in math.

It also has a focus on the value of 'family', that of loyalty and commitment as a first priority.

There is also a scene where Dana & Chris have a conversation of the sofa in the hotel where it appears they are making a connection.

They get very close to kissing, but it doesn't happen though we get the sense, they both want it to.

At the end of the film, we see Chris driving his Airstream trailer off on some unknown road.

With Ray King set to retire, we see Agent Medina take the lead in the press conference explaining the 'bust'. This is an indicator that she will take on the role of the departing Ray King.

We are left to speculate if Christian Wolff will continue in his role as an Accountant and if Justine will continue to provide leads on future criminals to Agent Medina.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
a waste of time
27 May 2024
I gave this a look because of Adam Sandler.

What a waste of time.

You will need to be a major Adam Sandler fan to sit through his entire movie. It is not credible in anyway. To say it's science fiction is a not even close. It is a farce a best.

There are so many more worth movies to watch.

I like Adam Sandler but this is way beyond his scope. I'm really surprised he agreed to take this role as it is a complete departure from his more enjoyable and entertains roles in other movies.

I give it one star only so I can write this review. All the others who have it more than one star must be huge fans of his.
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Drops of God (2023)
Have a glass of wine and binge watch all the episodes
27 May 2024
I had no idea who these actors were.

I had no idea who the writers were, nor the director or producers.

I'm not a wine snob but I do appreciate good wine and a novice collector so in that sense I was willing to take a chance or the first episode.

It's a compelling story and the more you watch the more you want to watch.

The characters and acting are outstanding. I commend whoever did the casting because each part was credible.

There are many things I liked about this series.

The filming locations, the languages and the cultural influence they have on the story.

During the course of the episodes I found myself with strong feelings toward the main characters.

I felt pity, sorrow, joy, happiness, relief, elation and finally satisfaction.

Unlike many classic stories, this one does not have a pronounced good guy or bad guy.

There is a contest yes, but there is no real loser.

For me, I believe those that understand, appreciate and are educated about wines, will probably have a more pronounced appreciation and understanding of the story.

For me, it's really all about the love that is shared between family members. A fathers love for his daughter. A Sons love for his father.

Though the will and the contest and all the money and assets that are at stake are significant and a big part of the story.

The real story is about the memories a young Camille has about her father and what experiences they shared over a brief time.

A man of brilliance and skill and gifted in the science and art of wine, he was also eccentric.

There is wisdom in the words.

I really liked the conversation about wine being shared. It does indeed create a link between people, especially during a special occasion. Once a bottle is open and shared, it is a singular experience that cannot be replicated.

I found myself feeling badly for Issesi. He is a likable character and seems to be duped at every turn. He does however, realize at the end that his father is indeed his father because they share the bond of unselfish love.

The ending is the best.

As Shakespeare would say "all is well, that ends well"
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Kendrick & Lively - Brilliant
25 May 2024
I will admit, I was somewhat skeptical to invest time in watching this movie. Somehow, Netflix seems to push some movies to the top of their rankings and I get repeated links to watch the trailers.

Welcome to the age of AI.

I'm not huge Kendrick fan and I've never seen a single film or show with Lively.

I saw the Accountant at the theater but only because of Affleck.

I think she's a good actress though nothing more beyond that.

This film allows her to be that kind of nerdy girl we know from her roles in Pitch Perfect but take it to the next level as she evolves into a savvy aware person.

The acting is excellent as the players have an opportunity to develop their characters and the chemistry grows.

The plot line is solid and there are many twits and turns that will create even the biggest sleuth to second guess what's coming next.

For me the movie is all about our relationship with others.

Some we call acquaintances, some we call friends and some we call family.

We may think we know someone, but do we really?

Is everyone hiding a secret?

In the final analysis, we see two women who are mothers that are devoted to their children and perhaps that is the magnet that draws these two together.

It's an excellent story, fresh and well told and brought to life by a solid cast.
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The Choice (I) (2016)
a worthy watch for Nicholas Sparks fans
23 May 2024
I'm not a huge Nicholas Sparks fan but I have watched most all his movies. I've not read a single one of his books.

I'm a North Carolina native and I've been to most all the locations that his books and movies are set in.

Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach are on my list of favorites.

I had no idea who the lead actors were before watching the movie.

Netflix has it rated as I highly ranked film so when I did a quick review I saw the Maggie Grace was in the cast so that made my decision for me.

Mr Sparks has a way with a story.

He knows how to appeal to the emotions that will move you.

In this movie, it's Travis and his belief and hope.

It's he family support from Travis' family and in a non-judgemental fashion.

We take this journey with Travis because of the choices that he has made. Not just him by Gabby as well.

Each choice has it's own cause and affect.

Yes, it's a love story so that's what you get.

It's a reminder that for some, things do work out.

This film will tug at your heart strings and you may find yourself misting up a little at the end.
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Taken (I) (2008)
this a solid 8 & entertaining movie
23 May 2024
If you're a Liam Neeson fan, this is for you.

It's still watchable even in 2024, 16 years after it was filmed in 2008.

One of the best movie lines ever: what I do have are a very particular set of skills Delivered only as Liam can in a very calm and paced style yet so menacing and threatening.

We also get to see a young Maggie Grace who delivers in this role in a credible way.

Luc Besson once again does a great job as writer creating a high action thriller that is non-stop and will have you on the edge of your seat the entire ride.

We feel for Liam's character.

He has committed to giving 100 percent of his life to the CIA and protecting the US.

Sadly, he loses his wife and his relationship with this daughter in the process.

To me, this movie is all about demonstrating the length he will go to keep his daughter and his ex-wife safe.

It also highlights the risk of traveling international if you're not aware of the risks.

Now you can watch all 3 Taken installments on Hulu.
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a 5 star RomCom
23 May 2024
I must admit, I was somewhat skeptical to invest my time and energy to watch this this film.

The highlight was Benjamin Bratt. Such a solid actor in a great role for him. Brooke Shields is just OK in her role. I've never really cared for her as an actress.

It's a standard formula RomCom recipe.

What made it interesting was the filming location in Phuket Thailand and the performance by Benjamin Bratt.

He is now 60 years old and is in terrific shape in this film.

In my opinion the Shields character really over plays her role.

As the Mother Of The Bride she tries to make the event more about her.

On two occasions there are scenes with people falling into the pool, it's really not that funny and the second time was just overkill.
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Franklin (2024– )
Bravo Ben Franklin!
19 May 2024
At the risk of revealing a 'spoiler' as regards the end credits, I register a strong disagreement in that Ben Franklin was never properly 'thanked'.

He may have not been lauded in such a fashion as the French regarded Lafayette however in a democratic republic he has been honored with his face on the One Hundred Dollar bill.

Only he and Alexander Hamilton hold that distinction over Presidents.

This is a very entertaining and educational effort and I applaud Apple TV for it. Michael Douglas is simply brilliant in every way.

Such a critical role of Franklin to secure the support of the French in the great Revolution, otherwise there is no America.

The troops, the money and the leadership of the Marquis De Lafayette all came about as a direct influence of Ben Franklin.

History regards him as one of the key Founding Fathers much in the same manner as George Washington.

Though he was not a soldier, fighting on the front lines, what he did is not less important or critical to the success of birthing a new nation.

He was and remains a true Patriot.
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Serendipity (2001)
easily a 10
28 February 2024
This is the essential RomCom.

When I think about a RomCom, this is THE one.

I've seen bits and pieces of this movie off and on over the years and finally today was able to see this on HBO...for free!

The first question is: do you believe in fate, destiny or love at first sight. If your answer is no, then skip this one, it's simply not for you.

It takes a measure of faith to believe in this movie and if you do, you are in for a most satisfying journey.

Kate & John are perfect for this movie, they simply make it work in every way.

Kate is so understated in her portrayal. She simply has the right character to pull this off.

John is magnificent, all the right amount of skepticism and belief.

If you believe in true love and fate, you'll believe in Serendipity.
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Echo 3 (2022–2023)
a slow burn but worth it if you stay til the end
7 February 2024
Firstly, Mark Boal has a depth of credibility as a writer.

He has multiple Academy awards.

He's a journalist, screen writer and producer.

He gave us The Hurt Locker & Zero Dark Thirty

Let's give him a little space if he's not yet an accomplished director.

This is a screenplay based on a novel.

This is a fine effort.

The story is worthy.

It has so many layers, so you will need to peel back each layer, just like an onion.

There are so many complexities.

Fist the dynamic of the relationship between a husband and wife.

A brother and a sister and a two soldiers who are no brother-in-laws.

We are observing them in an extreme circumstance.

We see them make difficult decisions and how these decisions have consequences that not only impact them but each other and all others around them.

Why it's called Echo 3, I have no idea.

The booked is touted as a Black Ops Thriller.

I'm not so sure about that.

Maybe more of a drama/action thriller.

The acting is spectacular.

I like the way there are different Directors for the various 10 episodes.

At it's core, this movie is about determining what is most important to you and what you are willing to do to protect what is important.

In this case for Eric & Bambi, it's Amber.

They must learn to live with the consequences of their rescue mission.

It's clearly going to be more difficult for Amber.

She is not a hardened specials ops soldier like Eric & Bambi.

She must live with her guilt.

Her experience transformed her into a different person.

None of her relationships will ever be the same.

On a larger level, it's also a statement about Third World Countries.

In this case, Colombia and Venezuela in sSouth America.

For anyone who has traveled abroad, you know there are many varied cultures and viewpoints.

South America has a long a storied history of violence.

There are drug cartels and crime, corrupt governments and extreme violence.

We get a little history lesson when we see the film about the decisions made by Truman and other presidents as it relates to Central and South America.
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30 January 2024
I'll admit the reviews I read prior to watching were not very compelling.

Sometimes, I think we all put those aside when one of your favorite actors is billed, such is the case with Jennifer Gardner.

This is a slow building drama, if you can hang in until the end, you've be rewarded.

A great story, a great cast and some compelling performances.

Jennifer once again favors this show with a signature performance and is ideal of this role. She is very believable and brings the nuance to the role, this character deserves.

The role of Bailey is somewhat polarizing, especially at the beginning. As the story continues, you'll begin to warm to her.
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a solid 6
22 December 2023
It's great to have a back story about the Star Wars characters we've come to know and love.

This is a great opportunity to understand much of what motivates Han Solo.

I especially like the backstory regarding the Kessel Run and the significance of the 12 Parsec The standard time was 20 Parsec's so Han managed quite the feat in doing it 'under'12 and as he reminds Chewbacca, he 'rounded down'.

It was also great to learn more about Chewbacca and how he and Han became connected.

It's really interesting to see Emelia Clarke in her role prior to Game of Thrones,= character Daenerys Targeryn.

I found myself paying more close attention to her role and speaking parts. She really is a very talented actress.

Ron Howard does a fine job as director of this film.

It's a solid 6.

There are just a few nits.

The story pivots strongly around Han & Qi'ra and their relationship on Correlia. Can we really believe the guards nabbed her just seconds before Han clears the gate?

In any fantasy, science-fiction, yes suspend some belief in the rational and reasonable however, do we really expect the Empire to recruit someone in a matter of minutes?

Also the character of Enfys Nest just isn't believable. The character is descried as having a reputation of a pirate and marauder for us to only learn she is a baby faced girl who is out to free the slaves and aid the Rebellion. Much better character development is due on this score.

The action scenes were better than average overall.

I have a hard time believing that the fight scene at the mine took place with a single guard not making a shot that hit the Millennium Falcon.

I also had a really hard time believing the connected character relationship between Lando and L3.

Han Solo is a great character in the Star Wars franchise. We finally learn he has a real sense of larceny in his heart going back to his early days.

But has Qi're tells us, he is one of the good guys.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
too many holes
22 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been used to solid story lines, great acting and exceptional entertainment from the Star Wars series of shows.

Sadly, this one simply does not measure up.

The dialogue is so slow. It's so basic and lacks thoughtful and creative design. Because of this, I found myself losing interest in the story.

A couple of the biggest issues I had were action sequences from previous scenes.

The biggest was the Lightsaber fight between Sabine Wren and Shin Hati.

Shin actually runs her lightsaber through Sabine yet somehow she survives?

What? How does this happen? Need before in any other scene is there a precedent for this.

The other big one was the scene where Ezra Bridger somehow is able to transport himself from the Empire's Hypering to the Republic Base with no explanation of how he did it.

Lastly, the ending leaves you hanging. There is no indication there will be any other episodes.

I did like the acting of Mary Elizabeth Winstead. She is a fine actor and does a great job in this film.

Sadly, it's not enough for me to rate over a 5.
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Hunter Killer (2018)
a worthy Gerard Butler film
2 December 2023
I admit, I'm a Gerard Butler fan ever since I saw him in the film 300. He has a wide range of films from action/adventure to comedy and drama.

This is one I had not seen so after reading there reviews I decided to invest some time in it.

It's a solid cast with Gary Oldman and Common in supporting roles.

The premise takes a little belief suspicion but if you can get past that, it's a solid movie.

A bit hard to believe that a Russian Sub can go down and days later, there are survivors who are still clanging tools in the hopes they might be heard in the expanse of thousands of miles of ocean.

Beyond that, the Russian President being deposed in a coup and Americans actually going into Russia to attempt a rescue.

I found the role of the XO to be very annoying.

Besides all that, it was an entertaining film.

The action scenes were well done, the movement of military planes, ships and subs was filmed with accuracy.

The subplot of the Seal Team was done extremely well and the character of Beaman was portrayed well by Toby Stephens. I especially liked the 'no man left behind' scene.
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Poker Face (2022)
Russell Crowe - acts and directs
29 November 2023
I'm a bit confused at the low average of 5.2 but it's hard to explain.

This is so unlike the dozens of other movies I've seen over the recent years. There are so many surprises, twists and turns.

You really need to pay attention to the beginning of the film. It lays the foundation for what is to follow.

Russell Crowe is an Oscar caliber actor & he does a fine job of acting as well as directing in this film.

The visuals are fantastic and the acting is very good.

It's certainly worth taking to the time to watch.

Elsa Pataky is quite compelling in her role. There is not a lot of character development but it's adequate.

If you are a Russell Crowe fan, you won't be disappointed.

In the final analysis, we learn about the weakness we all share as human beings.

There is also an encouragement to accept each others faults and weakness and rise above.
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The Old Way (2023)
Nicholas Cage - Western Style
27 November 2023
You can say and think what you want about Mr Cage.

He's a legit actor with a wide range of abilities in many films and oh year, he has an Oscar for Best Actor in Leaving Las Vegas.

The plot of the story is a common one, that of revenge.

What makes this difference is his Daughter, Brooke and how the story really revolves around her and the relationship with her father.

The best scene is them sitting around the camp fire and Colton Briggs breaking down and crying at the loss of his wife.

Explaining to Brooke how much he loved her and how she made him feel.

It becomes apparent that Brooke shares many of the same attributes as her Father.

She is smart, shrewd and wise for her young years.

It's a Western like no other I've ever watched and I have seen a lot.

A tragic ending, which we could all guess was coming.

However, with a saddle bag full of cash and a prosperous mercantile store back in Montana, maybe young Brooke has the right stuff to continue her story/
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Well worth the watch
1 May 2023
I saw this in the theater when it came out in 2008 with my firiend Cate Parks. We met up at a theater in Georgetown in Washington, DC.

I just now on 5/1/2023, watched it again.

I'm so impacted by this film. You must suspend your belief in reality if you're to really enjoy this movie.

Brad Pitt & Cate Blanchett are marvelous in this film. They blend so well together and their screen presence is fantastic.

I lived in pre-Katrina New Orleans for 2 years so it has special meaning for me from that sense as well.

There are so many great scenes and lines in the film but most special of all is the appearance of the Humming Bird a key moments in the story.

It's a love story.

No matter your age or your circumstance, true love transcends it all.
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A Good Year (2006)
pay no attention to the mediocre reviews
28 April 2023
This is a delightful and entertaining film.

So sad that so many got it so wrong early on soon after the films release. Shame on you Rotten Tomatoes, you credibility suffers.

An Oscar winning Director, an Oscar winning actor, a talented supporting cast and a solid and believable story.

The mystery of the 'good wine' is so well hidden in the story and delightful turn when we learn the truth.

There is a nix mix of humor, wisdom and romance to make this one of the best romcom's in romcom land..

Max learns the most valuable lesson we can all learn in life.

What we love most.

Is there a better story than that?
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Better than expected
27 March 2023
This is a 10 episode show that will keep you guessing right up until the very end.

The acting is quite good and the story line is solid. The Director allows enough opportunity for character development in the lead roles.

It's not a big budget show but enough to make it believable and entertaining.

It's not a re-hashed thriller like so much of what passes as entertainment today.

As the story progresses, there are flash backs that will help develop the lead characters better and help answer questions about their motivations.

Gabriel Brasso & Luciane Buchanan are exceptional in their roles.

At the end, Peter finds out the truth regarding his Father.
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Moonfall (2022)
Moonfall - surprisingly good!
22 September 2022
As for all Sci Fi, it requires suspending belief, logic and reasoning and just enjoying the ride!

And in this case, you're taking a ride to the Moon and are going inside the Moon!

A great cast, highlighted by the acting of Patrick Wilson and Halle Berry.

This is no doubt, Ms Berry's best role and her finest acting in my opinion.

The main plot line is strong, the special effects are amazing and the acting is exceptional!

As in most all stories, regardless if they are books or movies, the creator will borrow story lines from others. So is the case in the movie.

There are pieces and parts that will feel familiar but the blending and story telling is really good.

I especially like the story arch and the message of the movie.

It's all about Love!
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1883 (2021–2022)
solid quality drama, not to be missed
29 June 2022
I've heard all the buzz about Yellowstone.

I had not seen a single episode.

Then I discovered 1883.

The hook was set from the first episode.

Taylor Sheridan deserves accolades for his imagination, writing and ability to tell a story.

The history of the old west is one that has many versions depending on who is telling it, this one is worthy.

I'm really glad I got to see it. I stretched it out so I would not finish it too soon. Each episode was enough to be enjoyed.

I sense it was realistic in the way it showed the difficulty for those who chose to take on the challenge. They were driven by their hope of a new life in the West.

There are so many great performances in this show. You kinda know what you are going to get with Sam Elliott, a proven actor with great credentials and a track record of award winning performances.

I was pleasantly surprised at the performances of Fairy Hill & Tim McGraw. Each of them were able to shine in their portrayal of the Dutton family.

The biggest surprise was Isabel May who portrays Elsa Dutton.

This is a very nuanced role and she was able to create a screen presence that was far beyond her young years.

I hope she wins all the awards she's eligible for.

Now that I have the prequel story to Yellowstone, I think I'm ready to start watching it.

Kudos to Taylor Sheridan for bringing to the screen a fantastic cast and the telling of a truly epic story of the old West.
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If you like Ethan, you'll love this movie!
19 May 2021
It's a tried & true formula of a sympathetic hero, a war veteran, a father & husband who has lost his wife & son.

He's lost his way but finds the vengeance & redemption he is seeking.

A former Marine who does contract wet work for a ruthless employer.

He finds his way when he meets Lin, an Interpol agent with a son who needs saving.

He's tagged for one last mission because he's the best, he says no but when the contract goes to $1Million pet day, it's hard to say no.

We learn about the bond between Marine's, Semper Fi.

We learn about the value of family & the loved shared between father & son.

We learn about the value of each minute when you have just 24 Hours to Live.
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Keanu as a Lawyer?
29 March 2021
We've not seen Keanu Reeves as a lawyer since Devils Advocate.

It's a good look for him.

He's very credible, very sincere and very believable.

There are many elements of this movie to like.

Renee Zellwinger's first movie in six years.

I hardly recognized her appearance.

Her expressions and mannerisms are there and that's the clue.

It's also nice to see Jim Belushi in a good movie, it's been a while.

This is a very engaging movie, right from the beginning.

It's a strange twist when the son, Mike refuses to speak to his attorney.

He continues that position until he declares that he's going to take the stand.

There are no spoilers here but I encourage you to pay attention to Mike.

Also the flashbacks to the scene of the incident.

I like these types of movies because the truth is all there if you can see it.

It's not until the end that the pieces fall into place and the truth is revealed.

The cast here is solid.

Even the portrayal by Janelle.

The conflict between her and Loretta and is tense and telling at the same time.

Is it a woman's intuition?

This movie will keep you guessing right up until the end.
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