
13 Reviews
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Stargate SG-1: Between Two Fires (2001)
Season 5, Episode 9
Big flaw in this episode
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Were all of the Goa-uld, the Tollan people and SG1 stupid? I thought that when it was revealed that the Tollan people were being made to make a bomb combined with their technology that could penetrate anything, that they would use it on the Goa'uld mother ship.

Were the Goa-uld so stupid that when they demanded a demonstration by having the Tollan people send one of their penetrating bombs through the Stargate and Earth's iris to destroy Earth, that they didn't think that the Tollans would just use the bomb on the Goa'uld mother ship?

Were the Tolland and SG1 so stupid they didn't think of that?

Big writing flaw, that apparently the writers, producers, director, and actors, and anyone else on the set didn't point out.
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Watch for the music, the rest of the film is boring
23 April 2022
The music is great, I give it a five out of five. The rest of the movie is boring and pointless and gets a zero out of five. Total score for the movie is 5 out of 10.
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The Watch: A Near Vimes Experience (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
29 December 2021
With their accents, I couldn't understand probably 10-20% of what they were saying, and CC didn't work, so it was mostly impossible to follow what was happening.
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Funny and entertaining
14 November 2020
I'm not sure how this could have won the award for worst move of the decade, or even worst film of the year. I've seen hundreds of films that are worse than this. It parodies so many different movies in different parts that I was watching to see if I could recognize them all. I wonder if anyone has made a list of those? It has to run into the dozens that are parodied in some way.
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Peeping Tom (1960)
29 October 2020
I watched because it was rated 7.7 and for the history of the film. The music is the best part of the film. The actual movie is boring. The final 5 minutes is interesting, but it took too long to get there.
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Overated at 7.7
18 October 2020
Having two of my favorites in Jean Arthur and Cary Grant, and being rated at 7.7, I was ready to watch a good movie. Easily the worst film I have seen Jean Arthur in, and probably the same for Cary Grant, but even they couldn't save the terrible plot and dialogue. Mostly a boring movie. If it wasn't for them and others like Thomas Mitchell, the movie would be a 4, and then only for some of the scenery.
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Not a really bad film, but not great either. It is more a parody of westerns.
26 September 2020
If you view the movie as comedy and a parody of westerns, it is easier to watch, and actually enjoyable. If you are watching it hoping to see a real western, you will be disappointed. All the characters, scenes, and dialogue are stereotypes that are too easy to predict.

Much of the scenery is the best part of the film. There is a lack of continuity in the film that adds to the comedy. One example is why were they keeping 300+ horses at a ranch that appeared to have less than 20 hands? Did each man really need 15+ horses? Actually there may have only been about 16 hands, as when 8 die in an ambush, Cole states that another attack like that and they won't have anyone left. The cattle in the stampede were a different breed from those shown earlier on the ranch. There are many other discrepancies between scenes that don't add up, but I guess expecting a movie to make sense is too much to ask.

Again, watch the movie as a comedy and parody of westerns, and it will be more enjoyable.
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17 August 2020
Slow moving and boring. Way too long. The only reason I watched through the end was that my wife was enjoying it.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
the most overrated movie of all time
27 March 2019
This has to be the most overrated movie of all time. How it won Best Picture over Shawhank Redemption is a mystery. I was bored with this movie. If it had been presented as a fantasy that everything that happened was only in his mind, it *might* have been worth rating as a 2, but it was still a terrible movie. One of the worst movies ever made.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
The most over-rated movie of all time
2 November 2013
I would give this movie a negative 10 if I could. It was one of the few movies I've ever seen that I absolutely HATED. There are a lot of movies that are bad, but I don't "hate" them. This movie I absolutely detest. Nothing about the movie is believable. Some people have told me, and some of the reviews say that it's not meant to be real, but viewed as a fable. It doesn't work on that level either.

I've read reviews that said they rarely cry at movies, but this one had them bawling. I'm the opposite, I often easily cry at movies, but the only emotional feeling this movie left me with was relief it was over. There was no emotional attachment to any of the characters.

The real kicker is that this film won best picture and best actor over "The Shawshank Redemption" and Morgan Freeman. At least the overall IMDb readers got it right. TSR is the best movie of all time.
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The River (2012)
I'm GLAD this show is not "Lost"
13 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So many of the reviews seem to be comparing the show to "Lost," which I found to be a VERY boring series. I watched the first few episodes of "Lost" and occasionally after that as everyone (and the critics) were saying what a good show it was. "Lost" was too slow moving, too slow in developing characters, too slow in developing plot, and just plain BORING.

"The River" is fast moving and there is NEVER a dull moment. While I wouldn't describe it as "scary," (or that you need to watch it with someone else as the commercials say) it is CONSTANT suspense about what is going to happen next.

This is a show that requires careful watching and not one you can be doing something else (as many shows are) as you "watch" them and follow everything that is happening. I just watched it on On-demand, and being able to rewind and re-watch some parts was very handy.

Many of the reviews seem to have not watched the show, CAREFULLY, as the one that thought the ship was lost in the 1980s. There are other reviews that gave low ratings, that also seem to have not paid attention and/or let their minds wander as they watching, as their reviews contain inaccuracies on what they said happened.

For those that complain about the lack of special effects, I'm glad there are not a lot. Maybe being older I'm not enthused by series that are nothing but special effects, and try to emulate Star Wars. (Another series of boring movies.) All in all, this series holds promise. It reminds me of a well-written novel that you can't put down and have to keep reading and turning pages into the night. If there were 10 hours in a row, I would have gladly sat down and spent the whole day watching.
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Rob (2012)
pleasantly surprised
27 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a Rob Schneider fan so I wasn't expecting much when I watched this when it came on after The Big Bang Theory. The pilot was actually one of the funniest laugh-out-loud shows I have seen on TV in years. The brother-in-law was great. If you watch no other episodes, see that one.

The next two episodes haven't quite lived up to the promise shown in the pilot. Maybe because they used up most of their jokes in the pilot. Usually pilots are so-so as they establish characters, and later episodes get better.

Other than the brother-in-law, the series appears to be going in reverse. Still, considering the lack of laugh out loud shows on TV right now (TBBT is the only one), this one still had some other LOL moments in the next two episodes.

Some people may be offended by the way some characters are stereotypically portrayed, particularly the b-i-l, but it's the obviousness in the way it is done that it's not to be taken seriously, the same way Archie Bunker was not to be taken seriously as representing all white middle aged men.
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Accidentally in Love (2011 TV Movie)
don't bother with this movie **may contain spoilers**
12 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I'm a sucker for the Hallmark Channel and Larry Levinson movies, but this one is a clunker.

I would normally enjoy watch something with Jennie Garth, but this movie is terrible. The daughter is boring, unconvincing, and it is hard to feel any sympathy for her condition, which is hard to say for a movie that attempts to pull at your heart with her condition.

While the romance between Jennie Garth and Ethan Erickson has the stereotypical hating each other turned into romance (which was expected), it just didn't work in this movie. The dialogue must have been written by first grade drop-outs. EVERYTHING about this movie was bad. If you want to watch a Hallmark "romantic comedy" this season, go with the one they had last week (and again earlier today) in "Smooch." The dialogue given the daughters in the two movies, as well as their acting abilities are night and day. Don't waste your time with "Accidentally in Love." A more appropriate title would be "Accidentally Made a Movie."
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