
24 Reviews
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Like Father Like Son
14 June 2024
I kind of agree with the other reviews but my true thoughts are that this was a very different movie. Sure we have the gangster movies, the bang bang bravado movies and all the rest of the common, boring stuff we could never choke down in a million years but this one was different, not special but different. Weak dialogue, not so funny but this movie was filled with one surprise after another and for that alone I give it a thumbs up. Scott Caan looks and acts exactly like James Caan, of course, they're related but Scotts gestures and even how he talked with his hands while giving facial expressions was exactly like his pa..If entertainment is the real point in watching a movie then this one is successful and who cares if Scott had his shirt unbuttoned or was seen in his tighty whiteys? It's what many actors had to do!
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CHIPS (2017)
Another conformists flick
13 May 2024
I give this movie a 3 because it did have a few good one liners but it failed in other ways. I have to admit, I just saw Michael Pena in "A Million Miles Away" and he was excellent in it. He elevated himself as well as his nationality while telling a true story. I highly recommend watching "A Million Miles Away" as a palate cleanser for "CHiPS" because you'll need it. I see this all the time. Great actors doing great performances then sinking so low it's a shock as with Matthew McConoughey in "Killer Joe" about raunchy! Pena's lines were disgusting and I just have to wonder something about Hollywood..are actors obligated to take roles that make them look like low life's?
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Strange Story
2 March 2024
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I read all the lengthy reviews and agree with most of them but the character Kim played by Raffey Cassidy was so robotic in her scenes it added another layer of weirdness. I watch a variety of movies and sometimes thrillers but I am taken aback when I see established actors who obediently spew such distasteful lines that I lose respect for him/her and then I wonder if Hollyweird has such a commanding grip on these actors that they must say a line or do an action. Examples come from Colin Farrell's and Nichol Kidman's characters who's voluntary involvement is shocking..There are a lot of great films out there that do not add a disturbing must seek them out or have film lines stuck in their heads.
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Killer Joe (2011)
Star Studded Stars Circling the Drain
30 December 2023
I gave a review of "Killer Joe" earlier that was given the boot. Needless to say, I have strong feelings about this movie. I'm disappointed with the actors involved because they put their seal of approval on this raunchy movie simply by cashing their check. I'll spare the details and I'll spare my deepest emotions but let it be known that, due to their willing performance in this trash video, I will no longer watch Matthew McConaughey or Gina Gershon. Juno Temple barely squeaked by but only due to her knock out performance in Fargo Season 5. After watching this disaster of a nightmare I sought ways to cleanse my mind of what I just saw. Watching it was my choice as I feel the need to know what's going on out there by Lordy, I brushed my teeth, gargled and took an extensive hot shower and came out still feeling greasy and smelling of chicken leg..
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Hostiles (2017)
A real winner..!
17 December 2023
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When choosing a movie, I often look at the actors to gauge how good the film will be. That's not a good system but hey! That's all I got. I saw the trailer for "Hostile" and desperately wanted to watch it with the little woman. Reading the reviews and after seeing how touchy feely some people were I decided to make the purchase. In Hostile, Christian Bale was a torn and damaged soldier who spent many years in the carnage of the time. I felt a measure of PTSD not unlike what I felt when talking with Vietnam vets. Some people thought the movie was slow but I allowed the makers vison of this movie the "elbow room" to display their vison and it payed off..I was spellbound. I appreciated how Christian Bales portrayed his pain as it played out from the beginning to the end of this movie. Simply outstanding! I wretched in my heart when he let Rosamund Pike get on that train with the little boy while he stayed behind but I was ecstatic by Christian Bale's torturous consideration to push through his heart ache and horrific past to create something great with a beautiful and decent woman. I would've liked to have seen more from Adam Beach, Q'orianka Kilcher, Ryan Bingham, Jesse Plemons who I loved in Fargo and Breaking Bad and of course, Ben Foster of "Lone Survivor".

But the entire cast was tantalizing for me because I dig these actors and the cast was put together so thoughtfully and for maximum impact for the audiences viewing pleasure. As I compare young men of this era and courageous volunteers from the WWI, WWII the Korean war and Vietnam era and compare them to the youth of today, there is a stark difference. America has gotten soft. The young people have allowed themselves to become social experiments, a lost generation....and we're too old to carry them and their purple hair on our shoulders..
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Well Prepared Skinny's
2 December 2023
I get aggravated watching certain movies like a girl in a scary house walking backwards but I suppose these things are done to add to the intensity for the viewer. This movie had a few of those like Busch's character. As he rode in the helicopter with his rifle pointing straight into the town a Somalian steps out with an RPG, takes aim at them and Busch turns around to warn the pilot of an RPG instead of quickly shooting the skinnie! Another thing was how the Americans, who should've been paranoid as all get out, were so slow to shoot plus they kept stopped in the middle of the street to exchange 5 or 6 sentences when they should've been defending themselves. Last thing is how absolutely polite and unprepared the Americas were portrayed...It's a great star studded movie and I appreciate the huge effort it took to make this film. The second half made me stop watching. Too bad, I felt like I was abandoning my boys as well but there were no gunships as promised and some of the lines were so over the top annoying I crapped myself like "If we don't get him to the hospital in half an hour then he's a gonner!" There IS no hospital and when the film showed hundreds of skinnies running towards a small group of American boys they all went inside a a building to tend to one of theirs and refused to even stand guard or defend themselves. I like realistic war movies but this one seemed to lack logic and common sense...I hope someone sent these boys some competent help, thus far, the script simply can't be close to any war time scenarios, think about it. If you were there, wouldn't you be as paranoid as a mutha? Me too..
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Crosstown (2013)
10 November 2023
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I hate to start a movie and end it halfway through. I always wonder how it actually ended. Greencard Warriors was such a movie. It started off with two boys disregarding their fathers advice and demands. The audience had to sit through yet another Latina gang filled movie full of the weird violence, ugly faces and initiations. The eldest son joined the Army on the pretense he and his family would get a greed card but that was a heartbreaking lie..This is a pretty sad, uninspiring movie and it was about as bad as American Me. One bad and devastating thing after another happened until the father was forced to flee to another country and mom opened a letter from immigration crushingly denying her citizenship...I wouldn't say this was a disturbing movie but it was pathetic to watch and even Angel was beaten and recruited into predatory gang. In the end, Angel's girlfriend, Jazmine joined the gang and it appears she was gang raped as part of her much disaster do we actually need in a movie?
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Abduction (I) (2011)
Abduction Annualization
6 November 2023
I'm not quite sure how I keep finding the dogs, the irritating movies as much as I do be here we go again. Crappy story line, cookie cutter actors but I am surprised Alfred Molina, Sigourney Weaver and Jason Isaacs who are veterans would even make an appearance in a movie of this low caliber..The movie even had pouty lips Denzel Whitaker but don't be shocked. Taylor Lautner and Lilly Collins mouths were annoying also. These two are fully schooled. For almost the entire time these two walked around with their mouths gaping wide open...I would imagine drool spewing from that's annoying because it's all Hollywood and we see regular kids in society with gaping mouths..I would like, just once in a while, to see a movie that is well thought out and superbly acted with kids that don't fall into the category of conformists..
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Out of this World
17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Pena is a great actor that is slightly under rated. He has played some great parts and when I heard of A Million Miles Away I was hoping it was written and directed to a high standard and it was! I can not applaud this movie, the actors and the writing and production more. It will remain in history as one of the greats..Too many times I watch a movie that makes me fall asleep or angry that I watched it as in "Angel Eyes" with Jennifer Lopez and Jim Caviezel along with a great host of other actors. It was unbelievably sad how lousy this turned out but Million Miles Away hit a home run with us here. It was classy, no cursing or boozing. This movie captured the true Mexican heritage that focused on family first.

Only a few Americans know the life of the ''pickers'' who come here from Mexico. These people work hard and are constantly on the move. Julio Cesar Cedillo played the father and he was very convincing. His talk in the car to his children after getting ripped off was compelling and accurate. Julio's rugged good looks and hundred dollar smile proved he was an excellent choice as a father. I can't say enough about this movie and would simply compel people to watch it.. This movie is much like Kevin Costner's "McFarland, USA" but with much more complexity and humanity. The actors in A Million Miles Away meshed so well that I felt I was watching an actual family...bravo...well done..
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"I see Dead People"
26 July 2023
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Not a fan of horror but I will explore once in a while and when I do I hope I find something decent. Good points: fairly well acted, decent actors. Not a fan of Kyle Gallner, he always plays a wormy, smart alec, uneducated type of bully...Madsen was ok and the rest were fair also. Not sure why I seem to find movies where better actors fall by way of directors who make them say and do dumb things, as if they have no input. I thought the story was based on a true story but that can't be the case. Evil seances, people burned alive in the furnace, bodies stashed in the walls and finally, a cancer ridden boy is miraculously healed at the end..I thought the whole thing was a little hokey. Mama forces her way into the burning house to hug her weird boy but instead of dragging him back out she tucks them both under a structure willing to die for the cause and all the while the boy is seeing dead people..waste of time? Pretty much but most things these days are a waste of time...something I could watch while I eat a burrito and have a beer I suppose..
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ER (1994–2009)
Step aside, ER is coming through as top dog
25 July 2023
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ER is by far, the best series, the best medical series and the best casted series to ever come together...hats off to the makers and the producers of this fine series.

The terminology and the medical procedures were dead nuts accurate. The intensity of the series as shown in the many large scale traumas that included a train wreck, explosions and gang land shootings coupled with real life social issues that included love affairs, and relationships that led to serious life long commitments and the failures of couplings were like nothing else on TV re-runs. Highlighted doctors and surgeons included Mark Green who died of a brain tumor in the most touching scenes on the tube, Dr. Courday who was married to Mark was also touchingly highlighted before and after Dr. Greens death. Her performance was both convincing was touching and also heartfelt..Dr. Bennet as played by Eriq LaSalle performed such a convincing ego maniac surgeon that he deserves hats off and was featured at the end when Dr. Carter returned to county for a kidney transplant. Dr. Carter and Dr. Bennet had a rough and tumble relationship at the beginning but Carter's aptitude and academics took over and he excelled quickly much to everyone's delight on the show and at home. We all said "Carter is taking over". Being mind blowing rich, Carter took over his families funds and decided to move them from giving huge amount of monies to arty fartsy purposes to building a new wing on county in his sons name and then using the rest of the money to benefit the sick, war torn people of the congo.

What I didn't like about the show range from superficial to something greater. Abby: Abby was a sullen, eternally yet silent negative nurse who was raised by a bipolar mother and as time went on she distanced herself from her, Sally Fields. So much going on there that included Carter driving cross country with Abby that pissed off Dr. Kovac. Abby excelled well as a nurse in spite of Sally Fields running through the ER like a lunatic screaming "Abby. Abby"..and I know that never ending nightmare..then there was Linda Cardellini who played Nurse Taggart. She was s punky wise ass, know it all which is fine. This show is also about people's personalities and personal flaws, which is great but for me, her parenting was horrible and caused me personal irritation. She had a son that she insisted on unleashing on the ER staff. He was found observing some gruesome ER procedures, running the streets and even stealing items from the ER that included a finger from a patient who's doctors were at a loss when it came time to re-attach. She offered no discipline and yet Kovac, who had children at one time, was sucked into this spider web..Like I said this caused me personal irritation and at the beginning of my second viewing of this fine show I vowed to my wife that I would stop watching once Linda Cardinelli's character showed up, in fact, because of her role on ER I can not and will not watch her in anything else, weird..I disliked that Dr. Carter married Thandiwe Newton, they should've given him a more satisfactory wife. She abandoned Carter. I liked Erik Palladino and wished he would've set aside his childish antics but I enjoyed his boxing match with Dr Bentley. Robert Romano as played by Paul McCrane was done superbly. So much to say here but I did not like his exit from the show either and, as Eirck Pallidino, I hoped he would've come full circle and fitted in better with the staff of ER..Dr. Pratt did come around and I was sad to see his painful departure..I think that's the series a few times, it's one of the greats!
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Re-make of a re-make...
25 May 2023
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Wow, ok. On another board this movie got rave reviews for the actors immersion into their parts, the cinematography and all that comes about in a great movie.... I'm at the part where the 3 robbers just robbed the hotel owner of his life savings and they're in the saloon with all the towns people...the 3 women they were with look so proud as they took the money and got rowdy in the saloon...I've had enough of this one. I swear I've seen this plot many times over. The annoying part is that the only people who seem to have weapons on that wild frontier are the criminals...kinda like modern day USA. Personally, if that weirdly steely eyed scoundrel were in Colorado during the same time period he would've been hanged, tortured or left in the mountains for the Coyotes or bear or birds of prey to feast on...I'm not impressed but am saddened that such low quality movies are presented to the public as an epic western.
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Manifest West (2022)
Short and Sweet
19 May 2023
I find it hard to believe that movie after movie with these "class A" actors are so intolerably lacking. Poor acting, crappy scenarios and these people seem like they have no choice but to be in these movies, really? Movie after movie across the board are crap designed to take our time..what happened to the good old days when classic actors paved the way for the trash we now have? What an abuse, a waste.. I can't even get into what I seen, yawned at and heard the same feeble lines from other movies....aaaaak....pass on this one..go find a Tiddly Wink game to play with your children, at least then you wouldn't have a waste of time..
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Erased (2012)
15 May 2023
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So we have yet another hide and seek movie that has failed to capture my attention except to complain about the dudes smart mouth, insensitive and egotistical, fat assed daughter who should've received daddy's lesson in the form of a back hand...can't stand her types in any movie I have ever seen and I wonder how much better this scenario would've been to trade a wise mouth twit with a son who actually got it..anyway, down with lippy, bratty girls and up wit the dudes! Hooraa.

Copy So we have yet another hide and seek movie that has failed to capture my attention except to complain about the dudes smart mouth, insensitive and egotistical, fat assed daughter who should've received daddy's lesson in the form of a back hand...can't stand her types in any movie I have ever seen and I wonder how much better this scenario would've been to trade a wise mouth twit with a son who actually got it..anyway, down with lippy, bratty girls and up wit the dudes! Hooraa.
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Section 8 (II) (2022)
Splish Splash and I'm Taking a Bath
27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Holy moly....this movie is an embarrassment of the highest kidding. This video had everything to make it a block buster...look at the cast..for crying out loud! Such a hokey and predictable many "unmiltary style" mistakes. And this movie had Martinez (Jessica Medina) shaking her sweet money maker and Tracey Perez who, personally, I would've loved to spank her with a stiff bristled brush in enough situations where a quickie could've taken place..but NOO! What a flop...Dolph Lundgren, "dirt mouth" and Scott Adkins? Play the characters you were born to play! The public knows what you're capable of..please deliver!
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Joy Ride (2001)
Back in the day thriller
10 April 2023
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This movie was just so-so for me. Steve Zahn gave his typical performance: Loud, over the top obnoxious and illogical. He's always such a 'joy' to watch. I thought his loud presence should've either been stifled early in the program or substituted for a stoner with different reactions. I also didn't like his part in the movie where he played a back stabbing brother who tried to steal the girl. I should've known better. I know I find his acting over the top and irritating and yet I watched this anyway. I did like Ted Lavine's voice, it added a creepy element. To conclude, this movie was probably cool for teenie boppers to watch back when it came out but I'm sure today's youth is too occupied with other things than to watch this one..
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Blood Money (IV) (2017)
Annoyed Again
5 April 2023
This is one show I was too lazy to check the reviews be it. This will not be an exhaustive review. The cast was lame and one has to wonder what Hollywood has over the head of John Cusack to make him put out such a sorry movie. Half hour left and I've had enough of the kids here screaming at the top of their lungs and taking long breaks when a killer is looking for them and he's oh so close by. Also, the girl, witchy woman. Rude, unable to understand simple things and her temper make her having a love triangle is so's almost like she is the last woman on earth..Personally, I would go without than to be with that nutcase..
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ER: Darfur (2006)
Season 12, Episode 15
To Darfur or not to Darfur
2 February 2023
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Interesting enough but this episode seemed thrown together. Great effort setting up the Darfur shooting but Dr. Carters heroics were over the top unrealistic and messy. He chases after a rape victims disgraced husband who went out into dangerous territory. Got a gun put to his head then gets shot at by militants and were lucky not to be discovered. Carter here seemed completely unconcerned with his own life as if his contributions in building a new hospital and an ER doctor are nothing...I didn't dig this episode. Carter should value his own life and loved ones much more. Chicago was a little convoluted as well..
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Dig (II) (2022)
DIg, Dag, Dumb
23 January 2023
The title of this movie should say it all. It's dirt. I run into horrible movies with great actors in them all the time but this one is so aggravating. Emile Hirsch is usually good for some entertainment but instead the produces gave him baby dialogue. He would quote baby book titles and even the characters in the books thinking he were some genius but Emile did say he only had a 4th grade education. Also, my biggest pet peeve is for someone to finally get the upper hand and he bonks the bad guy on the head then turns around and runs but he immediately gets caught. Every single time the bad guy gets up and catches annoying and predictable..Bad movie, bad writing and everyone involved in this movie should be yelled at..
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Last Looks (I) (2021)
Last Look should've been no look
10 January 2023
Another waste of talent. I don't really dig Charlie Hunnam but figured with Mel Gibson and Morena Baccarin and others that this would be a decent flick, I don't expect to get a barn burner of a movie for free so decent will do. I have 42 minutes in and I am absolutely bored. Charlie constantly gets constantly punched in the face yet his face is as fresh as a daisy. Not enough of Morena. This movie teases with one of the most beautiful women or was it just a cameo? I have been watching just parts of different movies with big stars in it and for the life of me I can't figure out why these stars don't demand more in a script.
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Let Him Go (2020)
Top Actors Galore but...
9 January 2023
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Ok, so I read a few reviews and I rail against most of them. Good points are the actors, top notch, great performances but.... I was agitated by Costner's character. He was much too passive, much too slow to the draw and not too involved in controlling the situation even when he and his wife's life were on the line. Most guys would plot out some sort of strategy very quickly then execute but not Costner in this movie. In the end, Costner got shot twice leaving his wife, Diane Lane to fend for herself..Not a choice move. In the end, I was irritated enough to keep watching..decent movie, really. I just wish Costner's character was much more protective and even when he had a gun in his law enforcement hand he simply just did not pull the trigger..
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Black Adam (2022)
Another "Superhero" flop
15 December 2022
I'm about 1:25 into this thing and I must say, there is so much satanic symbolism already. The BCE which is used as a way to mark time because it's supposed to be inclusive and people don't relate to Christianity so "BC, before Christ" is eliminated. Then the 3 all seeing eye symbols on that banner and now the King at 1:15 has a Satanic Pentagram carved right into his torso! Baal is shown at 1:41..that's about all I'm watching but look at the man children who comment below,. The would call me a hater because of they believe in a little animation as if that were their god but I tell you the truth about the evils in this move so SNAP OUT OF IT!
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Ravage (2019)
Completely Original
22 November 2022
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This movie deserves a much higher rating that a 4.9 due to it's originality. Here we have a young woman trying to negotiate being in nature with no gear and many people trying to kill her. A few great efforts on her part would include stealing ammo from her foes then repelling it into their fire that causes a murderous scene and baiting that guy on the bike as she suddenly arises from the water to kill him. I was annoyed by her running in the middle of a field instead of near the tree line. The kicker was the end where she was being "digested" when Ravener sewed her up inside that cow carcass. This is all original stuff, gotta appreciate that!
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Chicano Travesty
12 October 2022
This is one of the worst prison/Chicano/gang movies I've ever watched. It's worst than American me. I give it 2 stars because some of the actors who should be embarrassed to have acted in this one. This movie is unrealistic, illogical and a story line that has no depth. I'm at 2 hours in and couldn't stand it anymore. This may have been a big hit in '93 because all the young "vatos" aspired to be an ese and a hard ass but that's their own cultural thing. I've been in prison before, all these hard asses are posers. I will forget this movie easier than it was to watch it. Don't waste your time..
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