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29 June 2023
A derivative episode competently put together. We've seen this kind of thing all before which is fine in a 25 episode series, but SNW doesn't get that many episodes, so this felt like a waste to me. I was disappointed to see race and gender get a mention. The rhetoric is everywhere. It smothered Discovery. Hopefully SNW will keep the nonsense to a minimum and concentrate on good storytelling. The episode looks great as usual but some money was saved here to spend on later episodes.

In conclusion, this is not why I watch Star Trek, it was done better on TNG. I expect much better to come. Don't disappoint us.
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Star Trek: Discovery: All Is Possible (2021)
Season 4, Episode 4
This Episode is Not Being Review Bombed. It Just Stinks.
9 December 2021
Derivative trash with diversity veins popping out everywhere. Star Trek has always been a progressive show, but this isn't progressive. It's forced fanatical-left agendas at the expense of strong characters and storytelling. Captain Sisko was a great captain and a great character, so I don't want to hear whines of "you have a problem with people of colour." I don't. I have a problem with great shows being hijacked by agenda-pushing, crazies. Most women hate Star Trek so they fill the new show with women. It makes no sense. The Orville is miles better and more Star Trek than Discovery will ever be.
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19 April 2021
The movie is a hoot. Its pure 80's action and I would say it's badly underrated. Did it win an Oscar? No. Is it enjoyable? Yes.
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Too Short
8 August 2020
The show doesn't have the charm of Hercules, Xena or Legend of the Seeker. It is however, a fun fantasy show. There's a few issues which stop it from being a great show of its genre for me. It's far too short, running at under 25 minutes per show. They fly by. Fight choreography is also lacking, especially in season 1. Charm can make up for this which it has. Just not enough. It's running length doesn't allow any real time for character development. It also needs a good opening theme tune. Nobody remembers the storylines from the 70s Monkey, but they do remember the song. Other than these relatively small things, I do enjoy it.
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The Mash Report (2017–2020)
20 September 2019
So biased, smug and oh, so not funny. I notice we have the usual aggressive remainer reviewing on here. They'll do anything to subvert democracy. Shows like this only strengthen the Brexit resolve. We aren't idiots. We knew what we were voting for and a blatant show like this won't change a thing. This show is like a fight with only one person fighting. Nish Kumar..... ridiculous laugh ... and that's it.
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The Best of Its Kind
31 July 2018
This is Billy at his best. It is so hilarious. The celeb audience literally cry with laughter. The show is actually about 90 minutes long. Another reviewer seems to have reviewed the edited 60 minute version which misses out a lot of stuff including the audience's questions. Billy was wild, uninhibited, observant and an excellent physical comedian in his prime, but it's his comedic mind that shines through. Starting stories, going off track and coming back to them later with hilarious effect. The guy is a genius. A must watch.
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Auf Wiedersehen, Pet (1983–2004)
Fantastic and Not
2 October 2011
The first two series of this show, released in 1983 and 1984 respectively were absolutely amazing, so funny and still a hoot to watch today. Sadly the later efforts are seriously lacking in comparison and really shouldn't have been made.

The hilariously mixed bag of characters and politically incorrect story lines and dialogue make it very refreshing to watch. Most of the actors have gone on to fruitful careers especially Timothy Spall who has been in several large production movies. A young Ray Winstone also makes an appearance. 10 out of 10 for the first two seasons and 6 out of 10 for the latter.
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
This show has great potential.
1 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yes this isn't your usual getting saved at the last second, making jokes while being tortured kind of Stargate we are used to, and that's a good thing. The previous Stargate TV franchises consisting of SG1 and SGA which used the same formula and had the same tone, and don't get me wrong, I love these shows, but ratings had dropped and a change was required for SG to survive. Some compare SGU to Battlestar Galactica, it has more drama like BSG, it's set in space like BSG, they are far away from home like BSG, but other than that the show even with its darker feel, has a completely different tone and is far less political. The show also has beautiful special effects with the gate opening procedure looking much better than previously. The special effects aren't too abundant, but when they are there, they're fantastic. This is a show about survival, with real emotions and fear coming to the surface throughout, people behaving irrationally with different agendas. It's the potential of the show that stands out, with a huge ancient ship to be explored, no doubt riddled with cool technologies, not to mention the galaxy they are stuck in, billions of light years from home with new aliens to encounter.

The show has had 3 slow episodes especially the episode: Life which was pretty slow but essential in the long run, other than that however the show has been strong with great episodes like: Light, Time and the fantastic Justice episode which for a sci-fi show was exceptional. Episodes 11-12 (Space & Divided) are also top notch with aliens, action, the works. The haters of the show who call it a soap in space exaggerate greatly and need to give it a chance. This show doesn't want to be an SGA clone, it's a serious scifi drama. The creators of the original movie weren't happy with SG1's light hearted tone, so folks saying SGU is an insult to SG need to remember that, fans hated Star Trek: TNG until the Borg came along, they hated Voyager until 7 of 9 came along. With all this in mind and being a long time scifi fan, this show will only get better and with season 2 already commissioned it will be here for a while yet. This isn't a show to casually watch but one to savour, watching through the 12 episodes again, the Life episode was far more intriguing second time round and the characters seem to have sunken in more. If you feel like burger and fries, watch SGA, but if you want a 4 course meal, give this a try.
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The Protector (2005)
3 September 2008
Ignore comments from people complaining about there being no plot,this is a Thai movie made literally for peanuts. It's all about the action which is relentless and wonderful. Whoever said the editing is choppy is a complete nugget,this movie is renowned for it's lack of choppy editing.

Tony Jaa is a machine and demands serious respect for his brutalisation of his own body,he takes some serious punishment during this movie,battle after battle and when it's all over there is one last battle. There is no other movie quite like this.

"Oh the acting is a bit shoddy!" Shut up!!
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Poor Travolta
28 February 2008
No way this movie deserves 2.3/10. People were expecting this movie to be awesome, and when it wasn't they hit back with a vengeance,referring to it as the worst movie ever made! This is not the case.Whilst it is a bit silly,it is still an entertaining movie with John and Forest hamming the crap out of their roles.

My friend refuses to watch this movie due to it's dire reviews,which is his loss. I have watched this movie several times and fail to see how it could generate such malignance. There are far worse movie's than this and you should definitely give this film a chance. It's John Travolta for pity's sake.
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