16 Reviews
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Even Worse Than The First One
16 October 2022
The first movie was terrible but i hoped that this sequel would be better. It wasn't. In fact it was worse. Way WAY WAY worse! The acting, dialogue, story and action are all equally stupid, predictable, annoying, boring, dumb, awful, terrible, atrocious and trash. What's even happened to hollywood films nowadays? Like the first movie, it was made for one thing; the CASH! I heard the other day that they are making a third one. Well i hope for one thing to happen with this possible third entry: they make it good! AHollywood needs to stop making movies based off video games. I think we are all sick and tired about it.
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Not For Sonic Fans
16 October 2022
Now I like Sonic i have been playing the games since i was a kid. When i heard that a Sonic film was coming out, i was excited. But after watching the movie, i thought the movie was terrible. Why live action? Just, why? Why not make it animated? Oh yeah, cause this isn't for true fans of Sonic. You'll get enjoyment if you are under the age of five. If you are over the age of five and like this movie, i don't think you like Sonic.

The story is lame, the acting is flipping awful, terrible script, the fights are boring and the design of Sonic himself is ugly as all hell. Why the hell do people like this movie?
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A Tragedy Done Right
12 October 2022
Dear future filmmakers, if you are thinking about making a soap opera or a romantic tragedy, watch this movie first and take notes. The film is a very powerful, stunning, beautiful and tragic film that follows Bess, a woman who marries Jan, an oilman who is parylized in an accident while he is at work. This film is a romantic tragedy done right. Lars Von Trier is a very respectable filmmaker and is a technical master, known for making quality and beautiful films, for the most part. The scenes are very well shot and every time i watch it, i feel happy yet sad at the same time. That's the beauty of watching any Lars Von Trier film. So if you want to watch a romantic tragedy, either watch this or Titanic (1997), which is just as brilliant.
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Finding Jesus (2020)
I Never Thought I'd See A Movie Worse Than Wonder (2017), But Here We Are
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So for a bit of context, prior to me watching this garbage, the worst movie of all time in my opinion was Wonder (2017). It was a boring, slowly paced and poorly directed film. But then on 7th October 2022, i stumbled across a dvd of this movie on a bench while i was walking my dogs. Seemed like the previous owner of the movie didn't want it. I took it home and put it in my dvd player. I had no hope for this 69 minute movie to begin with and i expected it to be a christian propaganda film, films that are terrible enough. Despite the title, the characters don't even find Jesus in the movie. So why the movie was called Finding Jesus (2020), i will never know.

The animation is ugly, it's slow paced, the characters are annoying, it's extremely boring, there are some glitches in the animations since the film looks like it was edited and animated on Adobe and i wasted 69 minutes of my life. Fun fact i they the dvd out of my window after i finished watching the movie. This film is scary, not because it's actually scary but because it's terrifying to think that someone actually okayed this for release. Then i had a quick look on Imdb and then i see that the movie had a user score of 1.1/10. We'll deserved. But then i found out that there's a sequel (that shouldn't exist).

The fact that some people actually enjoyed this movie makes me sick. But i also feel bad that some people had to watch this trash like myself. And that's why, i think this is very well deserving of the title "The worst movie of all time".
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Your Name. (2016)
I Have No Words For How Awful This Movie Is
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is many things, it's animated, it's boring, it's Japanese, but the best way to describe this movie is for lack of a better word, just extremely boring. Who the hell thought this movie was a good idea? Well apparently, people who like romantic animated movies that's who. The film dosen't make any sense. I've had fans of this movie try to explain, but i still don't understand. I've seen this movie several times and not only has the film been getting devistatingly worse every time i watch it, but it has been making less and less sense.

The film isn't very well paced, the chemistry between the two leads is clearly lacking in depth and emotion and to be honest i did find an animation error. If you look very closely, you'll see what i mean.

In conclusion, this film hasn't aged well and was very boring.

-10/10. It's a shame i can't rate this lower than a one.
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My Favourite Film From Gasper Noe
15 August 2022
I am familiar with Gasper Noe's work since I've seen Irreversible (2002), Love (2015) and Climax (2018), but this film is easily his best movie. It is beautifully shot and the idea was really well executed onto the screen. It is also just overall really good.
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One Of The Best, Memroble, Hilarious And Rewatchable Films I Have Ever Seen. It's A Masterpiece Of Animated Flick
15 August 2022
I found this film on DVD a couple of years ago and I was a big fan of South Park and I still am now. And of course me being a big South Park fan, I was excited to watch this film for the first time. This film did not disappoint me whatsoever. The musical numbers are amazing and the film features some of the best and funniest humour in any type of media. I was laughing a lot throughout this movie. And they also saved the best part of the film till towards the end of the movie. This so called ending is my favourite ending in any movie ever. If you ever find this movie on a streaming service or on DVD and you haven't seen it before, then this is a movie I recommend you watch. You won't regret it.
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15 August 2022
Starring Peter Kotlar, Udo Kier, Stellan Skarsgard, Harvey Keitel, Barry Pepper & Julian Sands, The Painted Bird is a Czech film based off the novel of the same name. After i saw this film, I thought it was an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Peter Kotlar is a very talented kid and he uses his acting talent very well in this movie. The film is a really disturbing experience but it's worth it in the end. I though it was beautifully shot and the filmmakers took a lot of time and care to make this movie and I commend them for that.
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Romeo & Juliet (II) (2013)
Did We Really Need Another One?
15 August 2022
Interestingly enough, we didn't! There are several other Romeo & Juliet films that are better than this. The acting was sluggish, the script was okay and the chemistry between the two leads was lacking in variety. Hollywood needs to stop making films based off of Shakespeare's plays. The ideas are getting stale and the films seem to get worse depending on how many time the idea has been done. Now I don't hate this movie but I also don't think it's good. Now you know what makes the other Romeo & Juliet movies good compared to this? Because they at least try. This one dosent try. Plus this film is from a studio that was pumping out bad films in 2013 including Paranoia and Movie 43. Now that's a bad sign. Plus we already know the damn story. And this film is full of cliches that come with the genre.
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Servant of the People (2015–2019)
Hilariously Ridiculous Premise
12 July 2022
This show is funny based on its premise alone. It follows a high school teacher who's comedy or something like that (I don't know) goes viral on social media and it he ends up being the president of Ukraine. It's an interesting premise for a political comedy. Having sat back and having watched the show, I can easily say that this is some of the best tv comedy that you will ever see.
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A Timeless Masterpiece
9 July 2022
Hans Petter Moland isn't a director that I wouldn't consider best director of all time material but this movie is my favourite of his films and I'll tell you why. The setting was really unique and the story combined Fargo and Death Wish but made it funnier and bloodier which added some style. The acting was awesome and I'll never forget the memorable performances of this movie. Many people wouldn't call this movie timeless. But for me, if people asked me what is one film that I could only watch for the rest of my life, one of those movies would be this one. This film for me is memorable and ,Eames so much to me mainly because this was one of the first foreign movies I ever saw and I'll never forget when I first laid my eyes on this movie.
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Block 13 (2000–2003)
What The Hell Is This Garbage?
9 July 2022
I stumbled across this show while browsing YouTube and I was curious about this show so I decided to watch an episode of the show. Turns out this show sucks so badly that it is actually a show that i consider it one of the worst shows I have ever seen. To add insult to injury, this is a Kuwaiti show and it's a rip off of South Park. Everyone should see this show at least once just to see how terrible tv shows can get. And I can't believe I'm saying this but there are shows out there that are worse than this garbage. The only thing I like about this show is that the episodes don't last long. Aside from calling this show garbage, I consider this show hilarious trash. And just to warn you one more time, this show sucks.
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That One Scene
7 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I'm going to get this out of the way. This movie predicted the future almost perfectly. A former comedian and actor in this movie is playing a world leader in this movie and in 2019, this so called former comedian and actor became an actual world leader. Props to this movie for predicting the future. Now I've gotten that out of the way, I'll talk about the film itself. This movie is hilariously ridiculous especially in one scene where a world leader is shooting up a whole room full of people. I'm sorry but I thought this was a family movie. Has film come to the point where characters in family movies are shooting up rooms full of people? I'll let you decide. Aside from that one scene, the rest of the movie is your average comedy and a good one I might add. This isn't what you would a so bad it's good movie but a movie that is so good that it is really stupid and ridiculous but in a good way. This isn't the only Ukrainian movie I've seen but I will say this is the only Ukrainian movie where I've seen a character in a family movie shoot up a room full of people. Again this is a FAMILY MOVIE! We're they out of their minds?

8/10. It is a movie that is memorable but only for one scene that is so fully ridiculous.
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Love (II) (2015)
5 July 2022
I don't know who thought this movie was a good idea but at least they tried. This movie only gets a 4 from me and not a lower rating is because this movie isn't bad but it's not good. Avoid if possible because you'll probably end up wasting your time watching this, like I have and many other people.
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Swan Song (II) (2021)
It's OK
3 July 2022
I saw this movie when it came out in theatres and I thought it would be a decent little experience seeing this. Turns out I was right. This movie isn't good but isn't bad enough to be considered mediocre. Udo Kier gives a good performance and I'm not disputing that. There are movies worse than this but there are movies that are better than this.

Overall 5/10. It could have been better.
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Wonder (I) (2017)
This Is The Worst Movie Ever
2 July 2022
This is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. The story is cliche and the movie is so boring that I actually fell asleep watching the movie. I've seen many bad movies but nothing I repeat NOTHING I have ever seen when it comes to movies can top this as the worst movie ever in my opinion. It's the worst movie of 2017, the worst Drama movie ever, hell the worst movie ever. I pled you, if you haven't seen this movie yet, don't watch it and don't read the book either. And this movie has a 7.9 on this website when it clearly deserves a 0.
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