5 Reviews
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Reboot Camp (2020)
best in cults
9 June 2022
This is as if the losers from Best In Show had mental breakdowns and went to a week long retreat to lick their wounds. And once they got there they encountered half the Spinal Tap crew.
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The Lobster (2015)
belly farelly
9 June 2022
OK enjoyed this way more than expected. Fun and innovative, got a great chuckle a variety of times. Loved the surrealist premise...it's almost like Colin farrel was killed in Bruges and is living his post mortem out here.
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hand me the popcorn
9 June 2022
Fun popcorn flick, well done. Tony Scott original still holds strong for the supreme 80s cheese and the iconic lines. But good job overall and production was great.
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The Northman (2022)
MOW with Vikings
9 June 2022
Started out interesting enough and then became laughable...almost like someone is pulling a prank. Went from potentially gritty to syrupy love story. Could have been something...this is a mess.
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9 June 2022
Too long. The dialog which was once a novelty in Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs has become a shtick. Big fan of QT but this one seemed too self indulgent.
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