
16 Reviews
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Decent story, lazy gore
30 October 2023
It seems like the film had a promising concept, but it leaned heavily on gore for suspense rather than delving deeper into the storyline. Kieran's performance stood out as a departure from her typical entitled teenager roles, showing versatility. The incorporation of time travel added an intriguing layer to the plot. However, it appears that the film's narrative could have been further developed to match the potential of its concept, making it a more engaging and memorable experience.

In conclusion, while the film showcased creativity with its time travel element and Kieran's acting prowess, it missed an opportunity to fully explore its unique concept. With a more robust narrative, it could have truly shone as a standout piece of cinema.
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Freelance (2023)
Funny film, good cast, writing is clunky
30 October 2023
Freelance is a decent action comedy held up by strong character performances particularly from Juan Pablo Raba. The film takes obvious inspiration from The Lost City, replacing artifacts and authors for hit jobs and journalists. The chemistry between the cast is there and the dialog feels natural. Some scenes feel shoehorned in which detracts from the overall story. However overall the twists feel mostly original and provide a compelling plot.

Raba absolutely nails his role as a Castro-ish ruthless dictator who feigns ignorance. His deliveries are perfectly timed and at times he carries the entire weight of the story.

John Cena and Alison Brie were great in their roles with palpable chemistry as well however their roles were somewhat hamstrung by clumsy writing.

Overall this is a fun and exciting movie for adults. It's not a perfect production but it's a worthy film if not entirely held up by strong acting.
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Black Mirror: The Waldo Moment (2013)
Season 2, Episode 3
Really cringe terrible acting
25 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Title: "Waldo Episode of Black Mirror: A Cringe-Inducing Display of Terrible Acting"


The Waldo episode of Black Mirror stands out in the series as a notable example of cringe-inducing acting that detracts from an otherwise intriguing premise. In an anthology series known for its thought-provoking narratives and compelling performances, this particular installment falls short in terms of acting quality. Despite the episode's potential and the broader themes it explores, the subpar acting becomes a significant hindrance that prevents viewers from fully immersing themselves in the story.

Lackluster Performances:

One of the primary issues plaguing the Waldo episode is the substandard acting from its cast. The portrayal of the titular character, Waldo, feels forced and exaggerated, leaving audiences cringing rather than empathizing with the character's intentions. The actor's delivery lacks subtlety and nuance, instead relying on exaggerated gestures and over-the-top expressions that feel more like caricatures than genuine performances. This hampers the believability of the character, making it difficult for viewers to invest in the story.

Furthermore, the supporting actors fail to elevate the material with their performances. Their delivery feels stiff and lacks the authenticity required to bring the characters to life. The interactions between characters come across as forced and unnatural, making it challenging to connect with their experiences and emotions. As a result, the episode suffers from a lack of chemistry among the cast, hindering the narrative's ability to effectively engage the audience.

Distracting Overacting:

In addition to the lackluster performances, the Waldo episode is marred by instances of distracting overacting. Certain scenes become cringe-worthy as characters excessively gesticulate, shout, or display exaggerated emotions that overshadow the intended impact of the dialogue or plot. These moments disrupt the overall flow of the episode and undermine the viewer's ability to fully engage with the story. Instead of conveying genuine emotion or capturing the complexities of the characters, the overacting becomes a major distraction that detracts from the intended viewing experience.

Missed Opportunities:

It is unfortunate that the weak acting hampers what could have been a compelling exploration of the impact of political satire and the manipulation of public opinion. The episode's premise revolves around a fictional animated character, Waldo, who enters the world of politics and becomes a symbol of rebellion against the establishment. The potential for incisive social commentary is palpable, but the subpar acting undermines the episode's ability to deliver on its promises.

With more skilled performances, the Waldo episode could have explored the dark side of political satire and the potential dangers of manipulating public sentiment. The impact of Waldo's antics and the subsequent societal repercussions could have been more effectively conveyed with actors capable of capturing the nuanced emotions and complexities of the characters. Unfortunately, the cringe-inducing acting serves as a barrier that prevents the episode from fully realizing its potential.


The Waldo episode of Black Mirror suffers greatly from cringe-inducing and subpar acting. The lackluster performances and distracting overacting undermine the episode's potential and prevent viewers from fully immersing themselves in the story. While the premise holds promise and the broader themes explored are intriguing, the substandard acting becomes a significant hindrance that prevents the episode from reaching its full potential. Fans of the series may find themselves disappointed by the Waldo episode's inability to deliver the captivating performances seen in other Black Mirror installments.
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Black Mirror: The National Anthem (2011)
Season 1, Episode 1
Horrible take from the writers
25 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The episode in question was undoubtedly a disappointment on multiple fronts, leaving viewers unsatisfied and questioning its inclusion in the esteemed Black Mirror playlist. From its subpar quality to its lackluster storytelling, this particular installment failed to meet the expectations set by the thought-provoking and innovative nature of the series. To put it bluntly, it was a boring, terrible, and downright disgusting episode that fell short in terms of writing, comedy, and cleverness. Consequently, it may be advisable for fans of the show to consider skipping this particular episode altogether.

One of the key factors contributing to the negative reception of this episode was its overall low quality. In comparison to the high production standards and attention to detail typically associated with Black Mirror, this installment felt lackluster and poorly executed. The cinematography, which is often a strong suit of the series, failed to impress, and the visual aesthetics did little to enhance the viewing experience. This lack of visual appeal contributed to the episode's overall unengaging nature, further solidifying its status as a disappointment.

Additionally, the episode suffered from a notable lack of compelling writing. Black Mirror is renowned for its thought-provoking narratives and intricate plotlines, often exploring the dark and unexpected consequences of technological advancements. However, this particular episode failed to deliver on that front. The storyline felt uninspired, lacking the depth and complexity that viewers have come to expect from the series. The absence of clever twists or unexpected revelations left audiences wanting more and ultimately feeling let down by the episode's simplistic and unremarkable narrative arc.

Furthermore, the episode's attempt at humor fell flat, failing to elicit any genuine comedic moments. Black Mirror has occasionally incorporated dark humor into its storytelling, effectively balancing the bleakness of its themes with moments of wit and satire. However, this particular installment struggled to strike that delicate balance. The comedic elements, if they could be called such, often felt forced and out of place within the larger context of the episode. This lack of humor further contributed to the episode's overall lackluster nature and further detracted from its appeal.

Given these shortcomings, it is understandable why viewers might feel inclined to skip this episode entirely. In a series known for its innovative and thought-provoking storytelling, this particular installment failed to deliver the qualities that have made Black Mirror a staple of modern television. With its low quality, uninspired writing, and unsuccessful attempts at comedy, it is difficult to find redeeming qualities that would warrant investing one's time and attention in this particular episode.

It is important to note, however, that while this particular episode may have missed the mark, the larger Black Mirror series continues to showcase episodes that captivate and provoke thought. As with any anthology series, there will inevitably be episodes that resonate less with certain viewers. In this case, it may be best to acknowledge the disappointment, recognize that it does not define the entirety of the show, and look forward to future episodes that may reignite the unique magic and intrigue that Black Mirror has come to be known for.

In conclusion, the episode in question was a regrettable addition to the Black Mirror playlist, failing to meet the expectations set by the series. Its low quality, lackluster storytelling, and unsuccessful attempts at humor left viewers feeling unsatisfied and questioning its place within the larger context of the show. While it may be advisable to skip this particular episode, it is important to remember that the series as a whole continues to offer thought-provoking and innovative narratives that have captivated audiences worldwide.
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Abbott Elementary (2021– )
Nobody actually likes this right? Cheap parks n rec rip off. Completely hollow.
2 April 2023
I cannot understate how unfunny this show is. The worst SNL sketch is better than the best episode of Abbot Elementary.

This follows the exact formula of Parks n Rec however it's as if someone asked A. I. to remove every punchline and replace it with a mundane statement while the characters stare at the camera and wait for you to laugh.

There are no stakes. The teachers are all narcissistic and use the children as props and sympathy. There are absolutely no jokes.

It's like if you took the writers for the writer strike then let them create their own show. There are no jokes, no drama, no stress, nothing. Just narcissistic adults staring at the camera.
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A movie for people who don't like movies
20 August 2022
It was a decent film. It relies on a twisted story line to propel the story. Everyone's performance was excellent however the story was somewhat unoriginal.
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Great silly family movie with some action.
20 August 2022
Another Jack Black hit. With the rest of the cast being heavy hitters this was a great movie from beginning to end. Very silly, sticks to the story, nothing off putting.
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Nice murder mystery. The fellas best acting in years.
11 August 2022
Great murder mystery with a heavy hitting cast. Tons a laughs and gags exactly on par with Martin Short. It's enjoyable enough just to see the cast all in one show with such a high budget. But the story has twists and turns that really keep the audience guessing. A ton of fun characters and new faces throughout the building too.
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Jexi (2019)
Goofy cute story. Heavily Carried by Adam DeVine.
9 August 2022
Adam DeVine plays a naive single young man with good intentions. His character's new phone contains an AI that starts inserting herself into his life in hilarious ways. Overall the story is fun enough and the phone personality does a good job of not being a one trick poney. His love interest is unaware of the phone's AI.

The camera work and directing seem to be the downfall of this film. There is some small plot holes but nothing that you get stuck on.

Funny and worth an afternoon watch.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Best movie of 2022. The Revenant meets Predator.
7 August 2022
This film kept me on the edge of my seat. The suspense built to a rewarding climax with a couple of laughs and shocks along the way. Entertainment wise, you can't ask for much more. The Revenant meets Predator.

The combat is very exciting. Such a breath of fresh air from the marvel fights.

I thought the film did an excellent job portraying the societal workings of a tribe in just a few short moments. The film doesn't linger on the Native America aspect.

The female protagonist feels natural and I never once rolled my eyes. There was no self righteous speeches.

As an added bonus this excellent film seems to strike a nerve with the uneducated.
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They Live (1988)
Great idea, fun to watch, poor directing
12 May 2022
Creatively done story line with decent performances for new actors. The movie gives us a timeless perspective of the feared ruling class. However, the pacing choices and corny lines push this movie out of the limelight.
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Free Guy (2021)
Surprisingly good
29 April 2022
I found myself enjoying this entire film. A Ready Player One & Matrix influenced story that learned from their mistakes. Where the others movies of the genre get dark Free Guy embraced lightheartedness.
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Visually appealing, intellectually numbing
29 April 2022
This is a beautiful piece with vivid settings. However in usual fashion the mystery exists with any clues just out of reach of the audience. The character's backgrounds are never fully established yet are instantly known to the detective. The twist and discovery happen off screen in the detectives head, with details that were never fully revealed to the audience. Watching this I didn't feel a part of the mystery. I felt out of the loop.

When Gal's character asks to be mounted like a horse I almost threw up.
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Tried to be clever. Very bad execution.
31 March 2022
From the beginning it's clear the poor quality is on purpose to look retro. It's just so unbelievably bad. The acting, the writing, the mix and match cuts.
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Story for the sake of accents
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After the success of Mare, I get the feeling that the story was written around the actors getting a chance to have obscure accents (Which were wishy washy at best). The story has some twists, but Paul Rudd's character shows his hand immediately. There is no tension because we know the outcome which was revealed in the first episode. We know the dynamic between the characters. A very immature story barely held together by strong acting.

We eventually care about the supporting characters more than the lead characters.
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Black Widow (2021)
Chore to decipher
19 December 2021
A complete disservice to the black widow. The Russian accents are almost insulting. The fight choreography is amateur. Most of scarlet fighting is CGI and the reason why becomes obvious when you see her actually "fight". The plot was hot garbage.
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