
6 Reviews
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Not Sex And The City
11 December 2021
'And Just Like That' is not 'Sex And The City' part deux. 'Sex And The City' was fun, witty, outrageous, great television. It gave HBO a big Sunday night boost before The Sopranos were produced. This show is not funny at all. Shouldn't a comedy be funny?

The wokeness will keep me from wasting my time on future episodes. I wanted to see the three girls (four really) and their crazy exciting worlds. Instead we get leftist political garbage.

So long Carrie.
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I'll bite! No I will
1 November 2020
It's Halloween night and I am watching one of my favorite films. Every sight gag, every joke is perfectly timed. Seeing Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolf Man all in one movie has always amazed me, the original Universal monsters (sorry Boris). The moving candle always gets me hysterical; loved that in 'Hold That Ghost' as well. One of the earlier reviews complained about the special effects, that's bunk. The animation of Dracula changing into the bat and vice versa is impressive for its time. Abbott and Costello are sublime. So glad we have this gem to watch.
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Funny Face (1957)
Love This Film!
27 May 2018
Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire and Kay Thompson are all fabulous and perfectly cast. Great music with great singing and dancing. Thompson's character sings 'Think Pink' then claims she wouldn't be caught dead in it. Half an hour later in the film, guess what she's wearing? Pink! Great film, watching it now as I write this.
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The Departed (2006)
Another Scorsese Masterpiece
28 December 2006
'The Departed' is one spectacular film. Martin Scorsese has directed another masterpiece. The action, suspense, tension, excitement that this production generates is amazing. Each shot keeps your attention - you can't take your eyes off the actors. And what actors! Leonardo DiCaprio as Billy Costigan is so good that he even keeps up with the legendary Jack Nicholson - scene for scene. And often surpasses the master. Mr. DiCaprio will definitely be nominated for the Academy Award this year and should win (but the ultra-liberal academy will vote for Will Smith). The aforementioned Jack Nicholson is just plain wonderful as Frank Costello. Matt Damon is chillingly perfect as Colin Sullivan, giving a superb performance. This is certainly Matt Damon's year, with this film and 'The Good Shepherd', both 2006 releases. Alec Baldwin is in both films as well, and boy has he become a great character actor. Personally, I think he still has lead actor quality and ability. In 'The Departed' he is great, just great. One more actor I wish to mention is Mark Wahlberg. Mark Wahlberg has never given a bad performance - that said, he is amazing as Dignam, the hot-tempered detective. The rest of the cast is fantastic. Scorsese's casting choices are right on target. The soundtrack music is terrific. I noticed that there are two versions of it. Guess I'll have to get both. Great Film!
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Epitafios (2004–2009)
Great Mini-Series
25 December 2005
This mini-series is so good I can't believe it. It is as good as Britain's 'Prime Suspect' and better than our 'Sopranos'. I relied on the subtitles, but no matter, the acting is superb! The city of Buenos Aires is magnificent-looking; no doubt to highlight the depravity of the monstrous killer. There are 13 me.......after you watch the first one, you will be hooked and you will want to watch the subsequent ones as soon as possible. This saga is very suspenseful and at times down-right scary....So be very afraid. The production values are first-rate. HBO is to be congratulated for bringing this series to the small screen.
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Parrish (1961)
A sight for sore eyes
6 November 2001
The first time I saw the movie 'Parrish' was when it was released in theaters back in the early sixties. I have never forgotten it. The score by Max Steiner is wonderful. Seeing screen legend Claudette Colbert on screen again after coming out of retirement was a sight for sore eyes. Parrish's three girl-friends: Diane McBain, Connie Stevens and Sharon Hugueny are all stunning. America's finest character actor, Karl Malden, is his usual marvelous self. Once again director/writer Delmer Daves gives his audience two hours of fine entertainment. Finally, the supporting cast is filled with familiar faces who have become famous and it's fun identifying them.
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