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What a cast! It should have been the first "Expendables"
18 August 2012
I'll tell you what I did not think highly of the first Expendables film and I can even tell you why…I thought it was rushed and thrown together (cluttered). I thought Arnold Schwarzenegger's role in the movie was not even needed at all and he was only in it because he was a big name. Part of the problem was he could only film for one day in the first film because he was still Governor of California and could only film on a weekend without the people of California becoming mad at him. It was also apparent Bruce Willis's part was far too short as well but at least his role was needed. I thought the biggest disaster of "The Expendables" was how Mickey Rourke's character was used it seemed like he had a story around the main plot of the story and it didn't seem like he was needed either (certainly not as much as he was used anyway). Rourke did not have one action scene and it was almost always boring every time he was on screen. There was almost no action in the first Expendables until the end of the film and the editing was atrocious. Sylvester Stallone might want stick to acting and not go into directing in the future (unless he can give full attention to directing a film and not act in it like a Clint Eastwood). That being said, the Willis, Stallone, Schwarzenegger scene in the first film was awesome. In Expendables 2 critics might give Simon West a hard time here but you know what as far as I am concerned he did a decent, no, actually a damn good job. There was an actual pace to this film (something the first one was lacking) and you know what it was clearly because of West. I have to tell you as far as I'm concerned Expendables 2 was a blast! It is not going to win an Oscar and it sure as hell is not a masterpiece or even a great serious movie but it is also not trying to be. I can tell you one thing it was a wicked good time. Just sit back and don't think too much just enjoy it. I mean do you think Predator, Die Hard, or Universal Soldier would ever win an academy award? All of my favorite action stars from the 80's, 90's and today all starred in an action film together and all were used properly to make it work. There were scenes that were funny, scenes with great action, and everyone was needed in the main plot of the story. The film is not in the same category as Rocky, Universal Soldier, Predator, Terminator, or even Die Hard but more like a True Lies, Nowhere To Run, Rambo category. None the less the movie is what the first Expendables should have been, it is not rushed, had a crap load of action, and was well edited (thank you West and editing team). I can also say Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, and the great Arnold Schwarzenegger were all in the film from beginning to end this time around and that really made the movie kick ass. I'd say it put the "Expendables 2" a tiny notch above that True Lies, Nowhere To Run, Rambo category just because of the adrenaline pumping cast! The script could have been better (although it was better than the first one), but who cares? It was a fun time. As far as acting goes I would say Stallone was impressive he did not break character and you really felt his connection with Liam Hemsworth (granted some of Hemsworth's dialogue could have been shortened during the plane scene). It was great to see Arnold Schwarzenegger back in an action film in a major role. Chuck Norris probably had some of the best lines as well as laughs in the movie. Jean-Claude Van Damme was also very impressive as the villain. I actually thought he could have been used more every time he was on screen he was in perfect character (evil and a bit crazy too). The "Expendables 2" flowed and turned out to be one hell of a ride! I'd say 7/10 for action fans, and 8/10 for the cast. Bring on Expendables 3 and let's turn that cast rating into a 10 out of 10.
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Life's Too Short (2011–2013)
The funniest show on TV
12 March 2012
I have to admit when I first started watching coming attractions of this show I wasn't sure what to make of it but after four episodes I am now convinced this is the funniest show on television. I was out one night with a group of friends and we had gone out for a fun time and we all came back at about 2:00am and we decided to watch something on "HBO on demand." We decided to check out "Life's Too Short." We watched one episode after another after another. I have never laughed so hard in my life! We were all dying!! It turned out to be the best night of the weekend. Warwick Davis (star of Willow, Leprechaun, and Ray) turned out to be a great comic actor. I couldn't believe how funny the show was and the situations Davis had got himself into. His secretary is equally funny. His secretary talks very slowly and in an episode after she (his secretary) explained something to him, Davis replied, "Well that took longer than an episode of Columbo." ROFL! Ricky Gervais is a comic genius as he makes fun of dwarfs, the mentally challenged, and just about everyone else in this TV series! It isn't in some people's taste but it really is all in good fun. I give the series ten stars out of ten. It is the best thing on television. Thank you Ricky Gervais!
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Existo (1999)
9/10........Great indie flick
4 April 2006
Very creative movie. The music is amazing in this movie. The writing in this movie is also amazing expressing everything thats wrong with government today into a strong movie. Listen to the words and the points that are made in this movie.Bruce Arnston stars as Existo the leader of this rebel group who knows the truth about the government. The government brainwashed the people into believing everything they do is right and use "God" as the reason for what they are doing. Great music. Stars Bruce Arnston, Jackie Welch, and Jim Varney. I bought the DVD and cd. I give it 9/10. You can buy it on and it will soon be in stores.
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6 July 2002
This is an excellent film.Billy Bob Thornton impressed me as he always does. The acting, comedy, and script are unbelievable. Big cast film, and Jim Varney like you've NEVER seen him before(Its a true shame hes no longer with us to see what the critics say about his performance.) I give the film 9\10
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The best film of 2001
17 March 2002
I am not a Spielberg fan, but when I saw this masterpiece I became one. For the most part it was about a quest a young man took to find love. This kid loved his mother and she loved but they were broke apart by accidents the mother did not understand.The acting was extraordinary. Haley Joel Osment should have won an Academy Award, his acting skill in this is of a true master.For the people who review this as a bad movie, I think its because that have a hard time dealing with sorrow. This movie is powerful and moving, Spielberg has earned my respect. I give it a 10 out of 10 for it was the best film of 2001.
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The Prince and the Pauper (2000 TV Movie)
Aidan Quinn and Jonathan Hyde are GREAT!
8 December 2001
2 famous actors (Aidan Quinn and Jonathan Hyde)come together and give an outstanding performance.The movie was very good.It was based on the book "The Prince and the Pauper" by Mark Twain. 8 out of 10.
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Snowboard Academy (1997 Video)
Quite Funny
8 December 2001
Jim Varney was very funny in this film.Some corny humor and alot of slapstick.Most of all this movie is very entertaining with a Great storyline.Although it is not funny at every second it does have some GREAT spots of comedy.Stars:Jim Varney,Corey Haim, and Brigitte Nielsen. 8 out of 10
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Sweet Jane (1998)
One of the BEST movies I ever saw
7 December 2001
I was Very suprised on how GREAT this movie was.Well directed with great acting and OUTSTANDING story line.The story was OUTSTANDING its about a hooker who falls in love with a kid who has aids!Very moving. 10 out of 10
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Swordfish (2001)
24 November 2001
I can't belive how orginal this movie was!It was so different it was great.John Travolta could do what ever he wished he was above the law! He was the GREATEST bad dood ever.Hugh Jackman works for John Travolta in this GREAT movie as a computer hacker.The movie has tons of twist and turns and action!When you are done with this movie you are going to say just one thing to yourself "WOW."
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Swordfish (2001)
24 November 2001
I can't belive how orginal this movie was!It was so different it was great.John Travolta could do what ever he wished he was above the law! He was the GREATEST bad dood ever.Hugh Jackman works for John Travolta in this GREAT movie as a computer hacker.The movie has tons of twist and turns and action!When you are done with this movie you are going to say just one thing to yourself "WOW."
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