
13 Reviews
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Abattoir (2016)
Need to write a review because it's a really good film for some people
8 April 2017
This is the kind of movie that a select type of viewer will really appreciate. At the risk of perhaps not liking it very much, you may indeed be one of few who will love what this movie has to offer.

At first I thought the movie was falling quite flat, but I stuck with it because slowly the plot began to unravel and bring up more questions than answers.

If you want a film that is willing to do it's own thing, and take it all the way, you will be pleased with Abattoir.
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Fido (2006)
A well made film and an absurd romance
2 March 2016
This movie is a zombie satirical, but it doesn't necessarily follow the same stereotypical pattern of a zombie film - instead it parodies it with a style reminiscent of Tim Burton (degrees of fantasy and sci-fi) in a very well made 1950s setting.

What I liked about this movie was it maintained its theme and its mood through out, unlike films that take unexpected turns (for the worst!) The movie was definitely made by a romantic, and with twists of irony, maintains that fluffy 50s surrealism surrounded by the most absurd of morbid circumstances!

The movie could have been explored further and to deeper levels, but it chooses to play itself out closer to its satirical nature; it left the story simple, but still very effective and satisfying in its duration.
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Splinter (I) (2008)
A Well executed witful horror with minimal results
22 February 2016
I am a fan of horror movies; cheesy horror movies, scary horror movies, big budget horror movies, and the latter. However, the unfortunate part about following horror movies is that it can be a difficult genre to articulate masterfully.

The movie Splinter makes the most out of what it is given, and it puts into place horrific devices that make the horror genre really shine. The film offers wit so far as having space for individual character development and unique character choices. However, the pacing of the movie is not cogent and the movie steered too far away from what makes a movie scary.

Still though, it offers sci-fi aspects to it and is well acted throughout - I give Splinter a 6 out of 10.
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You get what you deserver!
18 February 2016
A great film depicting a London Underground crime scene; money, drugs, and two sought after barrels.

The movie is shot through interwoven stories of different operations in action beneath the legality of the city. At first you wonder how all of these characters could possibly relate to the main story, but trust me, they do, and it is a blast.

A midst thievery, debauchery and bloodshed the movie delivers style, comedy, charm and it even manages to fit in an upbeat message along with it. Karma is mentioned cleverly in the film, but I'll allow the viewer to piece it all together as they watch.

Pay attention though, this movie delivers just enough information to keep the plot straight!
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Mirrormask (2005)
A Creative Surreal spiral into adventure and fantasy
16 February 2016
To quote another reviewer, this movie is "great for families and the Art crowd".

I think especially for children, or to watch it with children would leave a empathetic and great impression with them, and as a reviewer I highly recommend it to watch as a family especially with (your) children.

It otherwise is a homage to the fine arts with hand made masks, drawings, paintings and animation that isn't the perfect CGI, but the kind of creative and bizarre work you would see in featured fine-art animations, which I personally have a taste for and think I was happy to see it in a feature film. However, I could understand that certain viewers might think the special effects are somewhat outdated, and in my opinion I think they are not 'trying' to be realistic, but in any case it does create a divergent opinion about them.

The movie is put together well, but might have been better as a TV series to explore the story, world and characters further. Still, the movie leaves you with a unique impression and a certain inspiration for the creative minds out there.
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Dagon (2001)
A modern yet faithful adaptation to one of H.P Lovecraft's finest
14 February 2016
This is the way I think horror movies should be: unpredictable, horrific, and in their own tumultuous direction.

This is a fantasy horror adventure and it strays from the same old "Hollywood-horror"' formula, and for that it is very commendable, but not only for that, but for utilizing the poignancy of the original H.P Lovecraft story and adapting it appropriately in the modern age.

I am a fan of the director, and as similar with his other titles this film is full of real props, costumes and monster designs that are slimy and horrific. Even though I think the film could use a smoother editing job, I could tell that a lot went into maintaining the dark and archaic mood, making it a truly satisfying horror classic.
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Dead End (I) (2003)
A drive through the unexpected... with frequent screeching halts
14 February 2016
I originally wanted to give this movie a 5/10, but there are a few attributes that make this film unique enough to bump it up, For one thing, it has a more traditional acting style, such as long takes, and dynamic psychological turmoil that the characters display. It also displays an ambiguity that gives the viewer a chance to think and interpret the film.

Quoting someone on the forums, this film definitely feels inspired by David Lynch in both good and bad ways. There was a lot wrong with this film though, in my opinion. There is repetition, predictability and nothing 'spectacular' about it **outside** of Ray Wise who definitely anchors this film - that man is brilliant.
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All aboard a twisted train into the gorrifying deep
13 February 2016
This movie was cool, it was horrific and it followed a very original story based on a book by Clive Barker.

Movies based on best selling author's tend to have that special something in them that really separates them from the mediocre and cliché. Midnight Meat train is definitely its own movie, and it is definitely the kind of movie I like to see in the horror genre; it is horror and gore all the way through, with suspense, 'gorrific' action sequences and originality.

I have not read the book, but there is direction in this movie that does not make sense without an imagination to extrapolate what is going on between the scenes. Whether it is direction or writing, the movie also does steer a little too much into the 'Hollywood-horror' direction and that is what disallows me to rate this above a 6.

However, this movie was extremely refreshing in comparison to the 'same old thing' you see in horror movies, and it really allows itself to go into the depths. Be careful what subway you step on next time and when you board it.
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The Town (2010)
A street smart invigorating action crime thriller on the unrealistic side
9 February 2016
This movie is fast paced for the most part, and very satisfying when it comes to action, thrills, and just a tinge of drama. The main cast gives a convincing and chemistry bound performance, in a story set to depict a inner crime-wave stricken Boston focusing on the inside (and criminal) perspective.

While the film gives well executed scenery and action movement, it strays too far outside the realm of plausibility, and falls to closely to the crime-drama movie cliché. It lacks the realism depicted in say, Good Fellas, but will give you action sequences that rival that of the Departed.
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ParaNorman (2012)
A Touching Tale in the midst of an undead cataclysm
6 February 2016
I really enjoy animation and animated films (especially stop motion) because the artwork is out of this world, but in a lot of cases they fall short on the writing and original plot work. Unfortunately this is the case with ParaNorman.

That being said, the environment, puppet work, and special effects are superb throughout this movie.

Where the movie draws you in with quirks, family drama, and a misunderstood outcast protagonist, it strays too often into ludicrous comedy that breaks the tension.

The main story, however, is fulfilling and makes this well worth the watch even though there are flaws, and clichés all the way through.
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A badly written but passionately pulled off piece of absurdity
5 February 2016
First of all this movie is bad, if you don't mind that and can make it through the first 20 minutes with an open mind, it is actually mildly enjoyable.

An interesting element of this Texas chainsaw film versus the other modern remakes, is this one directly connects with the original Texas chainsaw massacre film. Having said this, the style of this film is different than the other two. Where the other two had horror, sadism and griminess, this one is just...absurd, but with pretty cool villain development.

If you happened to have played Resident Evil 4, you are getting the super chainsaw bad guy in this movie, and I thought the film work around our antagonist was actually intriguing, and kudos to the actor for his character work.

If you don't mind lowering your film savviness (albeit pretty low) for this one, it is actually pretty entertaining.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
An excellent and original film for those with a tolerance for Art-house
2 February 2016
What is interesting about this film is that it is an odd mix of genres and ideas; words that come to mind are Science fiction, human psychology/sexuality, horror, and existentialism.

However, at the same time, the film could have been a lot stronger had it narrowed down this broad spectrum and really stuck with an idea all the way through.

That being said, what I really liked about the movie was it gave you information, but it also gave you a lot of space to 'fill in the blanks' and interpret the film yourself. This "obliqueness" was very satisfying to me, and I would wish to see more of it in other (and newer) movies.

Scarlett Johansen exemplified brilliance and gave off a very altruistic acting persona, and this I really appreciated of her as an actress. She really kept the things grounded when the pacing and oddness of the film had otherwise gone askew.

All in all, if you have seen a wide range of movies, or are open minded to "Arthouse" (otherwise described as abstract film design that strays from both classic film progression and film-realism) this one is definitely worth seeing as it has a very original arc and story design - even if it is a little bit slow and packs in some poor direction at times.
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Bates Motel (2013–2017)
Compelling once you get into it, but still has visible flaws
3 May 2014
I was prompted to start watching this series after it was subtly advertised to me when I was searching Youtube videos. What first drew me into giving the series a go was the element of the subversive introverted boy and the domineering mother, which was implied through the teaser/advert.

I later found out that this was to be a prequel to Psycho, and also was inspired by Twin Peaks. I was an avid Twin Peaks viewer, and I also appreciate Hitchcock and the movie Psycho, so there were a lot of different things which made me want to watch and enjoy the show.

Upon actually viewing it, I was left with a solid feeling of ambiguity. There were a lot of instances which visibly, to me, defied tangible reality and logic, which easily pulled me out of a sense of realism. Of course, it is supposed to be fictional, therefore I should expect such instances, however, the issue to me lies in that the show tries to portray itself realistically and to me it fails at it. I think the problem lies in a lack of research in the various directions this show has gone.

However, the acting, in my opinion is actually pretty good. Especially in the lead roles. The characters, in general, are also very 'pretty'. I might be a sucker for this element in media, but the visual appeal of the characters is very apparent and drew me in when the plot would slow, or chop apart (which it sort of has so far). The actors work very well with a sub-par script given to them.

There are wow factors that keep me going in this series, and just when I feel like giving up on it, it somehow has managed to pull me back in. I will reiterate that it hones a wild ambiguity to it of terrible continuity as well as visual stimulation, and in a sense it is almost 'wild'. I will keep watching it for now, and see where it will take me!
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