
71 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
It's all about being optimally connected
25 May 2024
This movie provides a vision on what could be.

It's an exciting story that's depicted in a way that are even to current cinematic standards astonishing and overwhelming.

All the actors act truthully into what needs to be displayed; i.e. Neither over- nor underacting.

In the title above "Optimal" means: "most favorable or desirable", i.e. It doesn't opt for extremes because those usually won't last in the long run.

It's about contiously becoming and staying aware of the values of the known variables, while at the same time becoming and staying aware of new variables emerging.

And last but not least "optimal control" means: being aware that no control means both: being free, BUT being awfully ignorant, and total control means both: being captured AND being awfully ignorant.

It's about continiously finding and keeping track on the dynamic optimum between feeling free and being experienced.

Have fun in finding your own food for thought watching this one.
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The Signal (2024)
Everything is real ...
25 May 2024
Guess the title above is "Das Signal".

That's what's making life so hard sometimes and it's also what make life fun to live.

Anyway, this series tells a truthful fairytale.

Until the last scenes ... it's all about what you believe is real.

It's four episodes that actually need to be seen all at once, i.e. As one movie of a little more than four hours.

The acting is superb and the shots are magnificent with an optimal level of attention to detail.

Without going further into details, on advice: one really needs to be focused watching this movie, because the scenes change quickly in time and space (literally) and there are several sub-storylines that pretty much intertwined.

It deals with very many current issues that we have as living beings on earth. It's hard to determine who are the enemies here. It made me realise that's really not at all necessary to know the enemies besides me being my own enemy most of the times when in my opinion life gets tough. And life is getting tougher and tougher. There's so much that really needs attention in my own life and there's an extreme number of issues in our society that needs attention as well? And who needs to provide that attention: me? My neighbours? My friends (or my enemies)? My city? Governments? Commercial organisations? The rich? The people that still have to work for a living?

Everyone finds their own focus on dealing with life.

This is clearly shown in "Das Signal".

One example is the difference in how two parents take care of their little girl's hearing problem and what that does to themselves and their daugther.

And ... there are many more examples.

Hope you'll get as involved into all these stories as well and find out what's real to you. Guess the message is pretty clear.
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Integrity and ethics, personal and socially
4 April 2024
Integrity and ethics, personal and sociatal.

This story provides great insight in how is dealt with what's described in the title of this review.

I was sold to watch this movie by the first scene showing a job interview where Emily applies for the job and already directly needs to deal with what's described in the title of this review.

Throughout the rest of the movie according to me that's a theme. So ... if you like the first scene too, than this is most certainly one to watch.

Of course there are other themes as well, but even those themes boil down to how to deal with the dilemmas above.

The dialogues are excellent and the way everything's displayed in this movie is great, since it continuously stays very close to what needs to be shown and told.

All actors do an excellent job!
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Line of Fire (2023)
Revenge, rebellion or prevention?
16 February 2024
I'd give this more than a ten. At least a twenty.

I do have to provide 600 characters to display my feelings about the character of the main role in this story: Marco.

I can keep it short.

To me it was prevention.

In that sense for me Marco fully earns the medal.

Still, this is possibly not why it was justified by our government to honor Marco.

The honor why he fully earns it - for what it's worth - is at a totally different level.

As such, it's beyond honor, which explains to me the expression by his wife at the start of the movie before the titles: "Het is gewoon een gek feestje" ("It's just a silly party") and little later "Het is maar een medaille hè. Het stelt niet zoveel voor" ("It's just a medal, huh? It poses not so much.").

What do you feel & think? Was it revenge, rebellion or prevention?

Furthermore, I cannot imagine that our Chief of Defense at that time would use such a disparaging tone to Marcos's wife about her husband.

I therefore find it disrespectful that this is depicted this way in the movie and more importantly, completely contradictory to the development of the relationship of this Chief of Defense and Marco.

That will be one of the major fictions in this movie.

So, even a twenty has a negative aspect.
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Skyfire (2019)
China might understand nature ...
10 January 2024
This movie shows to me that in China there are people that truly understand that people can not control nature. This might imply that in China they understand nature ... Tian - Huo is not the first film where I encounterd this. I also saw it in "The last wolf / Wolf Totem (2015)".

When people think they can control nature, they're just lucky.

There's a lot of luck and a lot of sentiment in this movie.

There are also beautiful & lovely scenes and of course ... the display of why I believe that China might understand nature.

So, watch it to become aware of the things that connect us with a culture that's much older than ours.

Note that when even the most powerfull people in Europe were merely surviving, Chinese society (or at least their high society) was already higly sophisticated.

Imagine Ying/Yang, Tranditional Chinese Medicine, philosophy and more.

Assuming that China might have had the disadvatage of the early adaptors to nature, again they're on to something ... regardless of the major changes that happened over time and that may only seem an adoption of capitalism.

Have a good one!
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Foe (2023)
Do we need A-life to have a life (and love)?
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about humane "things" caring for the last few humans on earth that still behave inhumane.

This flick very capable shows a blend of AI and A-life near or even beyond "the singularity" in terms of consciousness and personal development and ... the ability to feel love.

Imagine that in stead of two computers playing a game of chess there are two "ultra humanoids" loving eachother?!

In this movie it's about the development of love between two people and the development of love between a human and an "ultra humanoid".

The story made wonder. Humans in this story clearly still haven't learned anything about how interconnected everything is; all life ...and things.

The story unfolds slowly but surely. The acting was so convincing that it kept me watching. I also liked the scenery. There was still much to live for in the area where the story plays out. But the messages from the media clearly provide the sense that it's an exception to the rule: devastation almost all over with an urgency for humans to leave earth asap to be able to survive.

Personally I would have deleted some scenes. For me they explain the reviews where viewers state that they felt bored. Probably up to the point they could not be open anymore for the major twist that made me wonder. Therefor the 9.
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Transfusion (I) (2023)
People who don't get this ...
3 January 2024
... have never had to consiously fight with the fight outside of themselves and more ... inside of their own mind.

This movie is most certainly one to be able to recognize this.

Maybe even to find this out by opening up to all these characters and the following ...

This fight obviously is related to war. That's a fight that's usually fought for other people. Not the folk. Those pay with their earnings and are also even obliged to deliver their sons and daughters to the fight "for the greater good (of just a few, see below)".

Alas, everyone pays for many future generations. Not just one son as in this story.

Again alas, this will most probably never change. That would require too many people giving up their need for security. Security that's actually fake because it's mere financial security for the few that choose to motivate governments to start wars to consolidate and preferably even increase the "wealth" of those few.

So, this cannot be stopped. We all participate! It's a matter of dealing with it on your own and if you're lucky, together with the ones you love.
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It's an excellent play on screen!
26 December 2023
Watch this movie like a play and if you get easily bored by watching a play, don't watch it.

The effects of a play are built in your mind by the performance of the actors instead of the decor.

In this case, the decor is excellent compared to what's usually shown on a stage. There's no stage that could offer what a movie screen can. Eventhough a stage provides a 3D-experience among an audience, watching this 2D-experience alone at home, behind my 55 inch screen was excellent!

The story and the acting kept me at the edge of my seat until the end of the movie because it wasn't at all clear where it would end.
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Perfectly Healthy
28 November 2023
According to me the actors provide a very good performance!

The last two weeks of my life I've experienced the rather sudden deaths of three loved ones.

Given these recent events, I apparently stood more open than usual for feelings & emotions that are extremely loud if one is confronted with death such as Andrei (one of the main characters).

But, most of the times during this movie, these feelings & emotions are conveyed in silence.

The fact that I opened, hopefully makes me "perfectly healthy", just like the characters in this story, and guessing that "perfectly healthy is a correct translation in English of "perfect sãnãtos".

Still, I think there might be a big difference between Dutch culture and Romanian culture.

I wouldn't be surprised that the average Romanian is much less of an extrovert and direct, than the average native Dutch person.

I do wonder though, whether this also applies to "ordinary situations" such as loosing loved ones, that are most probably pretty emotional in any culture. In Dutch culture people turn silent and into themselves as well in those situations.

Anyway, while watching this movie, I felt a comforting pain, where in the end the comfort exceeded the pain into a sense of purification; hence, perfectly healthy.

I hope you'll experience something similar.

So, if you're in need for such an experience, take your time to watch this move and ... be open and patient.
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Gray Matter (2023)
Under pressure
29 September 2023
This tells a story about people under pressure because of their "misfortune" that they're different.

There are many stories like that, but I truly believe that this is one to watch.

There are several points where it seems that the natural point where the story ends has reached, but ... it goes on. In some movies this doesn't work. In this movie it does.

Compared to the movies such as the ones from the X-men series it's less of a visual spectacle and it's not as physically brutal.

Still, when you're vulnerable to very nasty mind games that people play, it might be too much.

So in this movie it's not the amount of blood that enhances the horror, but "merely" people behaving extremely manipulative, because they're empowered to do so ...
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Nature defends nature by nature
9 September 2023
Beautifully depicted scenery and a story that shows that nature takes care of itself.

Human nature in the shape of a mother driven by her motherhood which she cannot ignore anymore because her son is "abducted".

Nature in the shape of a wolf that's confronted by a man that shot a wolf from her pack.

The mother and wolf meet and without words still create a pact to defend by nature what's dear to them.

It's almost a "pleasure" to watch how cunning the stupidity of villans is "rewarded". It's not for the faint harted. The reward is grose but just.

It's also interesting to see that one of the guys that is actually part of the villans in this story cannot escape his own nature and shows what might be considered true conscience.

Surely one to watch.
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R U prepared to die?!
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is what's being asked to people like you.

So, are you prepared to die?

See this movie what happens when you answer: "Yes".

You die.

Is this a choice?

Consider the options ... NO, because you'll die anyway or YES, because it doesn't have to be that way, just because you said "YES" when you where asked to be prepared to die. So the question is not: "Are you prepared to die?" The actual question is: "Do you feel like being alife or do you believe in the sense/purpose of life?".

So: "What is your own answer to the actual question?".

I.e. Regardles of whether the number of the John Wick sequels was met ... or not. I hope for Keanu that number was met.

I love that guy ever since I saw an head him saying "Bill & Ted's": "Be excellent to eachother and party on dudes" and of course the matrix (especially the one) and in many other movies where he played. So that's why I've that hope ...

I think it must be quite a challenge to play a character in a movie that looks like a videogame that lasts almost three hours showing much of the same.

Finally another question for you: "How about feeling free during life (whatever the circumstances), in stead of fighting for others for your own "freedom" and finally "being free" in death?".
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Vesper (2022)
A possible scenario of a future ...
3 September 2023
... that might have been germinated /emerging in the minds of the creators from the growing mess the world's in, because there are people that believe that they're "in control". What they're trying to control gets more & more out of controle, especially when their intentions are the opposite of taking care of eachother and the rest of nature. The representation is dark and I guess it's pretty scary for children. At least the child in me, was shocked by some of the scenes. Not just visually, but especially related to what meaning those visuals convey. It's beyond horror. I was glad to see the visuals representing the glimps of hope. Anyway, worth watching & be patient and open for what's coming to you while you're watching this epic.
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I Met a Girl (II) (2020)
Excellent but heavy stuff!
29 May 2023
I found this movie intense.

It's about people trying to find a way in dealing with someone who exhibits very maladaptive behavior and how this person tries to find a way in it himself.

There were cringeworthy scenes that were somewhat "over the top" and also heart touching/warming ones.

All in all, the film came to me across as pure and realistic!

Especially if you are not going to project this story on mental illnesses where the world of psychiatry and psychology deals with.

It's about people dealing with mental problems; i.e. Both the ones acting out of the ordinary and the ones that alas actualy do act "normal".

Fortunately, what this film also shows is that our world has very nice & sweet people.

This film also shows how family, friends, acquaintances and professional helpers - with all good intentions - try to suppress the problems of someone who shows maladaptive behavior, by isolating them or stuffing them with medication or ... both.

Anyway, I think this film is worthwhile and excellent in its genre.
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Nature defends nature by nature
22 May 2023
This is the gist of this story.

Below are three stories that support how to deal with the fact that nature defends nature by nature.

1. An old Cherokee teaches his grandson about life:

"There's a fight going on inside me," he told the boy. "It's a terrible fight and it's between two wolves. One is bad - it is anger, envy, sadness, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego." He continued: "The other is good-he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same battle is going on inside you-and inside every other person." The grandson thought about it for a moment and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee replied, "The one that you feed."

2. However, there's another version of the story that ends this way:

The old Cherokee replied, "If you feed them right, they both win." And he continues with: "You see, if I choose to feed only the white wolf, the black one will hide around every corner, waiting for me to get distracted or weak and jump to get the attention it craves. He will always be angry and always fight against the white wolf. But if I recognize him, he is happy and the white wolf is happy and we all win. For the black wolf has many qualities-tenacity, courage, intrepidity, willpower, and great strategic thinking -that I sometimes need that the white wolf does not have. But the white wolf has compassion, caring, strength and the ability to recognize what is in everyone's best interest.

You see, son, the white wolf needs the black wolf by his side. If you fed just one, the other would starve and they will become uncontrollable. Feeding and caring for both means they will serve you well and do nothing that isn't part of something bigger, something good, something of life. Feed them both and there will be no more internal battle for your attention. And when there is no battle within, you can listen to the voices of deeper knowing that will guide you in choosing what is right in every circumstance. Peace, my son, is the Cherokee mission in life. A man or a woman who has peace within has everything. A man or a woman who is torn apart in him or her by the war, has nothing.

"How you choose to deal with the opposing forces within you will define your life. Starve one or the other or lead them both."

3. In my world there's an addition to both versions:

Namely, there is also a third wolf: a grey one. Where the black wolf becomes angry and the white wolf kind, the grey one remains indifferent. As a result, this wolf remains open to all the possibilities that life brings, without doing anything and without judgment. This wolf is also important, because if I had to judge everything or do something with everything, then I would not be able to live.

Everything I feed and give attention that grows. The attention to the grey wolf is necessary to be able to discover and learn other possibilities instead of continuing to focus on something that makes me angry or kind.

In essence: the grey wolf can distract me from the contradictions within myself, because not all contradictions are solvable and that leads to fear, pain and addictions. When necessary, the grey wolf helps me to shift my focus and attention to something else.

Each of the three wolves also has two coloured eyes. The black wolf has a white eye and a grey eye, the white wolf has a black eye and a grey eye and the grey wolf has a white eye and a black eye. In this way they continue to recognize and find each other and form one whole. That whole is more than the sum of its parts. Within me, the three wolves find the connection with each other to offer each other the space for what I need to be able to live and survive, both within myself and my environment.
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Vier (2022 TV Movie)
A new genre!
9 April 2023
This is actually a new genre.

On Netflix this film was labeled with "horror" and "suspense".

I would call it: "an exciting , dramatic psychological mystery".

Perhaps the only reasons why this movie is so underrated is probably because there's an anticlimax towards the end, that could be understood, but which probably won't be acceptable to the masses.

Moreover, in my opinion, this film has an open ending. That can be difficult for many people because there are no solutions to all of the complex problems that came along in the film's story. That can irritate/sting.

However, it can also be food for thought or to exchange ideas with others.

As such I'm glad that the creators of this film probably stayed true to themselves instead of submitting themselves to what the masses could accept/like.

What I found really strong in this story concerns what possibly might be the theme of this film: "Nothing is what it seems and reality turns out to be way more out of control and out of the ordinary than you can think or you're used to, and usually things don't go the way you want or hope.

The acting was good / excellent and the way the scenery was filmed showed the breathtaking beauty of Austria.

Thanks for this film.
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Excellent ...
12 March 2023
This flic provides an excellent view on the lives of the unfortunate in our society.

Someone might behave weak or bad because they're being unfortunate, but that doesn't mean they ARE weak or bad!

Still, society focusses merely on bad behaviour catching those who do and punishment, even when the true cause of their behavior is misfortune and bad luck.

The story tells about the struggle of a woman which lived an acceptable life but came into having tough life that becomes worse because society closes her in by unpersonal rules an regulations. In stead of facilitating her process to get out of her troubles our society helps her and the people that do help her, deeper and deeper into what many would experience as an irreversable "hell on earth". Sad that this hell is facilitated by all of us, unless we learn to listen to our conscience and stop waiting for "the people in charge" to make our heaven on earth. Each of us needs to feel taking charge of yourself and acting accordingly, where it's really necessary to stay aware of the needs of ones environment; i.e. Fauna (which naturally includes people), flora & everything else on earth & beyond.
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Excellent balance ...
13 December 2022
When people go through the experiences displayed of the people that are being hurt in this movie, it's so incredibly awful that it cannot be imagined by people that didn't go through that experience.

When the story was told by showing even half of what's displayed , it wouldn 't be credible to watch. The story, the way it was told and the movie as a whole would have seemed totally over the top.

It wasn't.

It shows just enough of what really happened to people to be credible. It's balanced.

That's important, since this subject is not for entertainment. It should be credible enough to warn and not to scare too much. Too much fear keeps people prisoner of their own memories and thoughts.

It's a fine line between being afraid and being alert & careful.
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On the relativity of geeks and judgement
28 July 2022
The plot is easy and won't be spoiled here.

Still, this movie is much more than it's plot.

It's about coping with what ever happens in our own mind, other people's minds and our reality.

A reality that sometimes can be predicted and usually cannot. Regardless of what humanity cooked up with advanced statistical methods and BIG DATA. Which in some case does provide astonishing results.

When you're a true geek/nerd too, this is most certainly one to watch.
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Excellent entertainment!
21 June 2022
I've seen the first TOP GUN in 1986 and was thrilled. This sequal had the same effect! More over, I was pleasantly surprised that I had the feeling that this version of 2022 was even better. The story of the 1986 version is possibly a bit more raw and harsh. Still, the story of the 2022 version was created very smart and the special effects were even more stunning. Guess that old geesers like me that did see the 1986 versions will be fulfilled equally as young guys that haven't seen the 1986 version. Before going to the cinema I've watched the 1986 version to compare. Tom Cruise is very believable in both and I was sincerely touched by the when Maveric & Ice met after all those years.
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The Waiter (I) (2018)
Autism depicted in three characters
11 June 2022
Two male and one female.

All of them are thourough, focused and "not very good with other people".

Still, they're totally different.

Watch and learn how different people can be, even from narrowing them down as autistic.
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Excellent; this requires a new genre!
5 June 2022
The story has been categorized as "crime, drama, fantasy". Sure ... However, when you've seen this gem you might come to the same conclusion, that a new genre needs to be added to the list of genres on IMDB.

The genre "fantasy" comes close, but it's too far away from what I feel is more suitable: "spiritual". "Spiritual" as in "related to the soul, based on a profound level of mental or emotional communion".

Most of the story boils down to crime and drama and you'll find out yourself when & why this spiritual element becomes apparant. At least to me it became even very apparent.

Many other reviews describe very well why this movie deserves such a high rate. The only thing I'm adding to those reviews (that gave a high rate), is that this movie requires a new genre added to the list of genres.
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Accused (2014)
Actually this is two accounts on tunnel vision.
29 May 2022
The first account is about the story itself.

The second account is about the way the story is told.

In essence: the story itself had to be told, however, the way it is told is impure.

There are many different perspectives on how the tunnel vision in the story originated.

However, the emphasis in the way it was told in this movie is mainly based on Lucia de B's character and a fictional character.

The rest of the characters are pretty flat; either black or white / good or bad.

Where the movie totally failed is with the fictional character.

From a legal perspective, in Dutch law there is a doctrine that a judge or jury may or must destroy and ignore illegally obtained evidence. The party invoking this may therefore need evidence. Illegally obtained evidence is only allowed if it goes against what may be expected from a properly acting government. Illegally obtained evidence therefore always poses a high risk for a pure course of justice. The fictional character provides illegally obtained evidence that makes the story itself hard to believe. However, the role the fictational character was crucial to the outcome of this movie.

Such a shame. The actual story seems much more complex and should have been told from different perspectives on "the truth". Only in that way it could have been a genuine attempt to warn society about tunnel vision and harmfull opinions against people (and not just Lucia de B.).

As such, how the people behind this movie created this movie, is an example of tunnelvision too! On what? Laziness? Too much focus on whether or not the audience would be able to grasp reality? Too much focus on bashing "high society" that govern the medical and the legal society? Too much focus on the creation of a potential blockbuster movie ... ?

Anyway, I'm rooting for a documentary that at least makes a genuine attempt in grasping "the truth" from different perspectives since this story needs to be told "as is"!
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The Kill Team (2019)
Who's to blaim?
19 May 2022
Excellent point of view on a process before it has become a legal process. As a matter of fact, this story shows how irrelevant a legal proces actually turns out. It's all about how people deal with the process before the legal chatter and which people facilitated that proces. So ... who's to blame and who should really be punished? Does anyone need to be punished here? Or do others need to be more conscious of the effects of their behaviour and drives? What drives them? Watch this flic and think ...
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The Photograph (I) (2020)
Feelgood as pure art
22 March 2022
It's been quite some time that a movie brought me back to the love I feel inside for the beauty of how fate takes it's course in moving images, music and tales of lives.

I wish everyone who reads this to open up themselves to their own experience with this pearl. It feels good to get back in a flow that's simultaneously stylish, cool and warm.
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