
9 Reviews
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Outlast (2023– )
Ok Netflix can we make some rules then?
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok I loved the show Alone. I was hoping this would be more like that. Now, I like the premise of having the teams. But these people aren't survivalists by any means. And all they do is complain and not know what they're doing. And all that is ok to a point. But where it got bad was when the one team started stealing stuff from other people to try to get them to quit. And they keep saying there are no rules....? Like is this not still America? Like come on Netflix. SMH.... How can this be a serious competition with ZERO RULES?! People can just make this like a Lord of the Flies?! I'm sorry. But that is so not entertaining watching people be thieves and make other people suffer on purpose. If you make another season of this crap at least make them not able to steal and do this kind of stuff again. If you do that I would probably watch. But I'm not trying to watch this same ridiculousness again.
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Another Better sequel by JC!
5 January 2023
Ugh. Where do I start. This sequel somehow(in my opinion) is even better than the first movie. Hard to do? Yes. Well for anyone except James Cameron(remember Aliens? Better.) Ok so it's beautiful and touching and you walk out wishing our world was this beautiful. And also realizing how humans really do ruin everything. Haha Let me just ask, do you know how hard it is to cry silently in public?! It's really hard. And I had to do it about a dozen times during this movie. And even at the end I up'd the anti with a full on silent UGLY cry. So you may cry a lot if you're like me. But if you're not like me, then you'll just find it beautiful and also very emotional. Go see it, you won't regret it. Even if you walk out of the theater with puffy eyes like me.
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After We Fell (2021)
4 March 2022
Ok I'm only bothering to review this movie because of the OBVIOUS casting changes and how much it annoys me. Some how over the last three years I've randomly watched these movies when I literally can't find anything else to watch. And reading all these reviews how am I the only one who has noticed between basically each movie, almost every character has been recast minus the main two, and maybe the brits mom? I mean these movies are completely pointless and even the love scenes are for tweens. So the only reason I'm even doing this is to vent out how stupid these are and how someone needs to get their s**** together. Don't bother with these movies if you are an adult with any taste. But look at the cast list for each one and be fascinated by the change of actors who look nothing alike and are so obvious it hurts.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Season 2 won me over!!!
19 December 2021
Ok so this show is on I creative and has major eye candy(Henry Cavill MY GOD). But the first season was all over the place as far as story goes. And I'm sorry but so much unnecessary nudity. Like by then end of that season Yennifer's boobs were burned in all our brains. So I was hesitant after almost two years in between seasons, to start the second one. But boy am I glad I did. My husband and I binged this in two days. The story was wonderful and so much better than the first. And this season seemed to be more story focused instead of set up/sex scenes. It was refreshing and now makes me excited for season 3. Also I bet the actress who plays Yennifer was excited to not have to be naked in every episode. If you liked season one then go for it. You will not he disappointed.
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Yeah......plot holes.
30 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Idk the light hearted was of the main character was adorable and his scream is hilarious. But otherwise this movie just doesn't make any sense tbh. It had its charming moments.

But the plot holes I mean MY GOD. Now keep in mind this is coming from someone who actually really enjoyed army of the dead despite its flaws. But this could have been so great and it just felt so unrealistic and frankly, dumb.

Now here come some reasons why: -They decide to rob banks even though two of the five main characters come from rich families.(WHY?!) -When robbing these banks instead of like one big heist(like in most heist movies) and take like 50 bags full of cash.

-They rob 3(or 4? Idk I lost track) and only take TWO BACKPACKS FULL OF MONEY FROM EACH ONE?!?!?!?!?!?!? Why?!?! For the thrill?!? SMH..... -The script was complete crap. Like no thought was put into how cliche some of these lines/characters are.

-The acting wasn't great either.(though when they have a script like that I can't even blame them) -The underground safe breaking game at the beginning?!?! I thought for sure they would at least kill the people that didn't crack the safes in time.(BUT THEY DIDNT) where is the thrill here?!?!?!

-At the end the cop just lets him go?!?! He actually made a deal with her on that?!? No cop would ever do that. It would have even been better if they had just killed her and he got away some how. But even that they made awkward and SO rated G. Ugh...

In conclusion, I feel this movie was rushed to suckle off the minor success teet of Army of the dead. If they had worked on this story and waited a couple years and it made actual sense this could have been good.(this is also changing a lot, like everything I just mentioned) Because personally I loved the German guy in AOTD. He and Tig were absolutely my fav two characters. Oh and I almost forgot, what a huge bummer we see this whole movie and get the background of his safe cracking, and we already know that he dies. Pointless.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Not perfect but an AWESOME thrill ride!!
28 October 2021
Ok first of all, when I say not perfect I pretty much mean that each season is only 8episodes. And the two year gap was BRUTAL. As an avid zombie movie fan I loved every second of this! I will say season two is so much better than season one so stick with it!! I hope this gets renewed for another season or two. This show is truly edge of your seat action the entire time!! This is the most realistic zombie series/movie(/ANYTHING?)I've ever seen. Idk why these ratings are so low! Maybe too realistic for some people? Who knows. Either way don't listen. And yeah it's not for everyone. But if you love the zombie genre this is a sure thing for you.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Near perfect! If you've started it stick it out until the end!
30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok do if you're expecting the Haunting of Hill house type of horror this is not that. But still a wonderfully executed series! Perfectly cast, great build up, and truly not what I was expecting! I've loved all of Mike Flanagan's work, and this might not be as "horror" as some of his other projects but it is still great! A slow burn but you've got to stay with it, it's totally worth it.

Also growing up catholic the way the masses were done was spot on. I found myself watching this and being a little girl again right back in church and fallowing along with all the words of the priest during mass.

Ok spoilers now: I will say, the shocks of certain main characters dying were totally out of left field and I welcomed the surprise. My only couple issues are A) that more people didn't survive at the end. Now yes, the evil people got what was coming to them so that was satisfying. But idk call me old fashioned, but I would have preferred a couple more characters that you love to live at the end. Sue me.

B) does no one in this town know what vampires are? Or have ever heard of the lore before? Or is this in a world that the tale of them doesn't exist? Because the word is never used once, and maybe this was on purpose. But that was the only other flaw to an almost perfect mini series.

I almost feel I will have to watch this series again as I may not have caught everything the first time around. And I would absolutely watch it again.

All in all, well done!
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Gossip Girl (2021–2023)
As a fan of the original I loved this next chapter of GG
26 August 2021
Guys why the low ratings?? This show is keeping with the times and I love that it's involving the teachers! To me this makes it automatically more adult. Give it a chance I do think part of it is nostalgia, sure. But even without the original I think this would stand well on its own! Don't be so quick to judge. Plus I love you find out whose gossip girl right away!
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Wounds (2019)
Do people need everything to be explained for them to like it??
4 August 2021
I do not understand the negative reviews!! I came across this on Hulu and had to check it out. I personally really enjoyed it! It had jump scares, mixed with creepiness, and a few things that will make you cringe(if you don't like giant bugs like me). I mean it's a slow burn and no, nothing is "explained" at the end for you. But do movies always need that, to be enjoyed? They certainly shouldn't. I loved the originality of this story, and man, by the end my mouth was wide open just staring at the screen. I even had to rewind to confirm what I saw in the last scene. And from there I was satisfied because if you have an imagination you can kind of figure what happened from there. Although the way they left it they could continue the story into another movie if they wanted. If you are a horror movie fan like I am, please check it out. But don't expect things to be explained to you. Just have fun being scared and creeped out!
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