
33 Reviews
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Twisters (2024)
Weak characters make this a dud
19 July 2024
The movie was average . Ok in parts but the characters lacked substance . If you think it would be like the Helen Hunt Bill Paxton version then you might be disappointed. Lead actress was a bit weak in character and the lead actor was to over the top with the yeehars and yahooos cowboy vocals . The mother had no warmth and was very vague . CGI was ok but you knew in parts it wasn't realistic enough. The story itself had no substance to carry it right through to the end . Didn't really get to know the characters at all at depth and the movie just became races to get to the tornado first . If the movie was made with stronger characters and was made with a bit more seriousness then it could of been a hit.
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Frasier (2023– )
Trying to hard
23 October 2023
Review after 3 episodes . While there are some nice touches and homage to the former series it is struggling to find its own feel . A few of the actors are unfortunately miscast and seem to be trying to hard to get the laughs . The laughs are not natural and seem to be pre-emted. Niles and Daphnees son just isn't right and a bit annoying and Freddy seems to uptight all the time . The show definitely needs to be refined . The Frasier character is just Frasier and takes the other along but even he seems a bit out if place. That's the problem with rebooting such a succesful series . Maybe some guest appearances by former cast members might settle it but for now it's a bit hit and miss .
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Grace was the only saviour in this drab film
7 October 2023
Madeleine McGraw who plays Grace saved this from being a 1 star from me . A bright future for her as she was very good but the movie had no substance and lacked any real suspense . Those kids who were fighting during the film were way over the top . It was like kids fighting like adults with the intent to kill . There was no background to the killer and why he was doing what he was doing . The children's father was just a deuch bag and should of been arrested for child abuse . A few goofs in this movie as well that were very obvious to me . Ethan Hawke is in either very good movies or very bad ones and this was a bad one. It's watchable but stupid.
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Gold Diggers (2023– )
Another awful Australian production
11 July 2023
Do they ever research their programs . Such strong Australian accents that just were not present in the 19th Century. Any accents in the Goldfields would of mainly been Irish , English , Dutch along with Chinese and others . Also using 20th Century euphemisms such as Threesomes , although existed, did not have sexual connotations. Their clothes looked like they were straight from a shop as did the parasols they used . Even the way they spoke sounded like today's way of speaking .Also looked like they showered every day . I just don't get Australian programs anymore . Its like everything is made on a budget . Australian programs are so poor nowadays 😢
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The Unholy (2021)
3 June 2023
If your religious then give it a 2 otherwise a 1 . Well it was just awful . Mis-cast to start with with Jeffery Dean Morgan mumbling all the way through . It was either the cast talking low or the music too overpowering but hard to understand half of what they were saying . All the fire sequences were noticeably fake and the shock values were telegraphed . It was a like a poor man's version of the Omen . Really mot much else to say but don't bother with it . Watch the Omen instead. Problem with streaming nowadays I guess as too many poor movies being made by amature producers . Netflix isn't the best anymore showing junk like this .
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FUBAR (2023– )
Don't take it seriously and its a fun light comedy
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Arnie at 75 looks like he is 75 in this light hearted romp between Father and Daughter. The chemistry between the 2 main actors is good and makes for some goid light hearted comedy between the two . Action scenes are good and to over the top although you still get men with machines guns that still find it hard to hit anyone. It's the family dynamic that creates the tensions for comedy in this series with interruptions by working for the CIA . Anold is still a big guy even at 75 with a good supporting cast . Didn't recognise Tom Arnold for a while . Travis Van Winkle is good in this too as a pretty boy agent who knows he is a pretty boy . Monica Barbaro is really good as the daughter too .All in all a good series worth a look .
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Indiana Jones and the stupid
27 May 2023
This movie was made to be a joke right ? Seriously are we suppose to be in awe and wonder. Where to start with this junk . Acting by all is awful . Not sure if it was the script or the inept writing but not one of those actors stood out as being professional. Harrison Ford was boring and an old man . Blanchet was just ridiculous, Karen Allen just done cheesy grins throughout the movie . Shia LaBeouf could act in this at all .John Hurt was just wasted in this movie and probably acted the best . Boring story, bad script , terrible writing and they actually got paid for this rubbish . Action scenes were just over the top and not once believable. Swinging by vines like Tarzan , oh come on really . Sorry but I've never watch any of these films and caught this on TV late at night . Now I know why.
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Ten Pound Poms (2023– )
Disappointed Over Acted Inaccurate
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking foward to seeing this being that i came from the UK to Australia on my Parents Passports as 10 Pound Poms, as the title suggests . Unfortunatly it all went to quick and only took 15 minutes into the first episode before they arrived in Australia . There was no involvment of the viewer having sympathy or know how of why they chose to come here and the efforts needed to apply to come . The first episode should of focused on those in the UK on there circumstances so we could at least know the families of those coming to Australia . The second episode should of focused on the 4-6 week voyage on the ship and arriving in the ports of departure and then continued the story from there but instead all we got was a side of a ship and very little arrival scenes . But back to the TV Series it became obvious that the Australian accent was again over acted with Stephen Curry being the worse offender. Why do they always have to do this ? The average Australian does not run around saying quotes with an over exaggerated accent I was just waiting for someone to say ( Put a shrimp on the Barbie ) . It was like listening to Austen Tayshus and his comedy hit Australiana . There was one actor was so over the top he was a borderline psychopath and just ruined the whole episode. Everything seemed to be shown as an extremes instead of everyday occurances . Im 2 episodes in and we have already had a child killed , a racial fight , Racism , Animal abuse , Adultry , Breaking and Entering , Car theft , a violent robbery and assault , Drunkiness . While these occurances can happen it doesnt happen at the extremes of 2 episodes if at all . Wont be watching anymore and bitterly disappointed if you were an immigrent to Australia .
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Disjointed dribble
2 May 2023
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If you want to see poor acting in big American long cars in a chase sequence through swamp land then this us for you . The film starts out a man listening to a radio from a plane ,then a women screams , plane crashes , man is expressionless . Next scene he is driving through a town stopping at a petrol station exuding anger at everyone . Assaults a publican , 2 policeman and ends up in court then escapes by shooting dead a police officer while kidnapping a lady which starts a silly car chase . Dialogue is almost completely gone with just screaming by that women . It just has no story and how can you feel sympathy for a man who is trying to find out who killed his family in a plane crash when all he is doing us killing innocent people . Just awful.
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Believe it or not somethings not right ?
14 April 2023
I watched this series and read these negative reviews with many sighting conspiracy theories yet telling their own . Every theory is going to be a conspiracy.theory because nothing has ever been found , Even the narrative that it went down in the Indian Ocean is only a theory because there is no real proof . Some theories make sense because there is so much not being told . 2 Malaysian 777s gone within 4 months . One shot down and the other disappears ? Now theres a conspiracy right there ?? Wreckage washes ashore exactly where some guy was told to look where no other person living there found anything and finds some pieces of a plane yet no personal items just a few plane parts ?? I could go on but you get my meaning that many things dont add up and if anything , ,whether they are extreme or not , there is absolutly no wreckage that has been substansiated . So its worth watching and make up your own mind to what you think but in my book there is definetly some sort of cover up involved.
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The Founder (2016)
How to screw the founding proprietors
12 March 2023
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After watching this i ended up having no respect for this person . Had nothing , stole an idea , screwed the founding proprietaers., divorced his wife through no fault of her own . The movie focused on how much he help people but not so much of the ones he ruined . I guess this is how people get rich . Still it the movie shows greed in the despair of others . A better movie title would be better and more truthful like say .. The day America got fat .. A couple if nice facts at the end of the movie which shows how much the McDonald brothers would of made if he hadn't reneged on the hand shake deal. So he ripped them off big time .
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FBI: International (2021– )
Angry FBI
21 January 2023
I like FBI and FBI Most Wanted but this one is awful . First and foremost is why is the lead actor so angry . Every episode he is running around being angry at every countries police units. WHY? ... And on that note its typically American that push the idea that the USA / FBI are better than any other country. Every show is about how dumb the local police forces are and how the FBI must solve it because they are better . If the lead actor wasn't so angry all the time and the story lines became more level it would be a better show but I doubt by the ratings its going to continue anyway . FBI and Most Wanted are much better .
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The Rig (2023– )
Better than expected but also could of been more
8 January 2023
Sci-Fi with at least a different location. No monsters or Super Hero's . Acting was good but probably needed a little bit more suspense . A few goofs spotted and some CGI was noticeable in the outside scenes but it did feel like you were on a rig with the interior scenes .It was spot the GOT actors for a while and Mark Bonner turns up in everything nowadays as he is so dependable. So a good 7/10 for what it is . 6.5 for the CGI but its better than many others .Its set up for a 2nd series so should be good. Just good to away from all this Super Hero stuff in the Sci-Fi world and certainly takes a dig at fossil fuels and the worries of workers futures.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Chris Pratt cant act
23 September 2022
Gave this a go because of the high reviews I read but this was awful. Another boring attempt from Chris Pratt . I have now watched 3 of his last acting appearances and come to the conclusion he can't act . And what was with the fake hair piece? . The fighting scenes were awful and didn't make much sense either . Maybe he should stick to dinosaurs I don't know but the guy is turning out dud after dud . Maybe I should of watched longer but 30 minutes was enough torture as it was . Not sure this is getting 8s but we are all different I guess and like different things but this doest deserve an 8 .
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Gung Ho USA Ra Ra here we go
4 September 2022
I dont mind American war movies but can't stand the way they carry on as though they are the best in the world . Gung ho , high 5s while behaving unprofessional in every way . Im glad Aliens only invade the USA so can't be all bad . The movie is what it is though loud screaming and fighting against aliens. Real in some ways but unrealistic in others but its a meh !! For me. I have to write 600 characters but really can't find anything else about to write . The acting is plain except for Arron Eckhart. A lot of noise with no meaning of why ? CGI is ok so that's something but nothing more to say. But the USA all the way war crys are repetitive and boring. A lot of goofs in this film being the main ones are the unlimited amount of ammunition they have , cliche moments you know before hand whats going to happen or who is going to get killed , the city is destroyed yet landline phones work and so do lights .
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Dark Funny Interesting
23 August 2022
A bit of a suprise and takes 20 minutes to know why they are at the house. Its not to everyone's taste but in the years of Covid it was a relief to find something new in movies .
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Too slow for its own good
16 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have only watched 2 episodes but the pace if the show is evident. I have seen Goldstone and Mystery Road which were good and well paced but this just sent me to sleep . You can have slow paced shows , eg DEAD WIND , that still keep you interested but this doesn't. The ballroom scene was so slow I fast forwarded it and it was still boring . Some acting is good and some not so good . Lead character is good but again its the pace and interests that are not . As the saying goes .. Any slower and it would rust .
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Boring with no imagination
8 July 2022
One tone actor Hensworth is so boring i fell asleep . They guy can't act in any decent, Thor is it for this guy . Mind you I want his money . As for the movie it's the same old superhero cliche tgats been done to death . Unfortunately CGI has made actors and directors lazy that hoes hand in hand if the lack of imagination.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
The Truman show with girls
4 July 2022
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If you have seen the Truman Show with Jim Carrey then you will understand whats happening . A bunch of troublesome girls on a plane crash in the ocean and are deserted on an island unknown they are being watched as an experiment by a corporation interested in how they interact with each other and are analysed after through flashbacks to the island and there own personal lives . Well acted by the girls with a New Zealand Island used as the island for which they find themselves . Some plot holes in there inability even to find decent shelter with animals being on the island that are not there natural habitat EG Rattle Snakes ? But overall its an interesting look to see where it will take them. Rachel Griffiths is miscast and I find her more annoying than convincing with trying to be to bossy and feministic , if that's a word . Boys come on to the island but you are not sure if thery are on there at the same time as the girls or its the same island at a differnt time or they are on a different island . Also how do they get those camera angles without anyone the cameras . At the end of Season 2 the writing / scripts begin to waiver but it seems another season is going to happen so my rating will have to drop because im finding they are running out of ideas . Why is Ben folds there ? Really ? And how does a girl go into shock then get dropped into freezing water on there way to a hot spa/pool but never recovers . Also very strange that many girls who are interviewed once never appear again to be interviewed . Also the liabilty issue is just rediculous to the point of stupidity that you can kidnap a group of girls / boys and pay of people to keep quiet about it . They even payed of a pilot oif a search plane ??? These people would be arrested and given life in jail if caught . So after an interesting first season and giving it a 7 with hope of improvment ive dropped it to a 6 becuase the scripts are becoming silly .
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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
Enjoyable and an interesting take on time travel
4 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off you really have to take care when making a time travel Film or TV Series . If you don't get the timelines right and make it sensible , then it just makes a mess of it , but thankfully this achieves a 90% score on getting it right . It is however let down a bit by a few mistakes and some weird way these people become expert fighters without much training hence why i gave it a 7 and not any more . Also the dialogue seems to be a bit mumbled when the actors are talking especially the lead actor who at times is hard to understand what he is saying but you seem to get the drift . The main character is plucked from nowhere because he has the ability , unknown to him , to survive the reset in time . He then miraculously becomes a top notch gunman and fighter ??? This part is a bit far fetched when he enters the Russian Consulate and proceeds to kill all the guards , the ambassador and her husband in 3 minutes flat with precision accuracy when not even getting injured himself . That aside some timelines were off a bit with his girlfriend who announced she was pregnant but didn't seem to be when time reset . The show has become better and more interesting though through each episode of which i was at 8 when writing this . So it is enjoyable with just a few errors but its certainly worth the viewing .
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Slow steady paced and intriguing
26 June 2022
Was going to give this a 7 because I thought it was a bit slow paced but in fact it adds to the suspense and the environment of the country. If you liked Longmire you should like this as well although set in 1971 its has overtones of Longmire and Zahn ( Ex Longmire ) is always commanding to watch like Clint Eastwood commands the scene when he is in it so does Zahn Tokiya-ku McClarnon who says a lot even when he doesn't speak. If you are a fan of Native Indian culture you will also like this . Enjoying this a lot . Only a couple of small goofs I picked up on but nothing awful .
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Harry Wild (2022– )
Typical Detective and the cops are dumb thing
4 June 2022
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Story lines are very weak and I like Jane Seymour but she is awful in this... She seems to be trying to hard .. no real suspense and the humour is so poor its not even funny . Misses the mark altogether and the son is just treated like an idiot policeman who knows nothing ... Dont understand why they made the character so rude towards her own family but i think they were trying for humour but its come across rude and insulting. I have watch the first 3 episodes and they all follow the same story.. Cops investigate murder, detective tells cops there wrong , cops tell her to not interfere, detective solves crime, cops made to look like idiots . All the characters are annoying, The detective, her son , his wife , the daughter , the police chief and the kid who is her sidekick. Reluctantly gave it a 3 but wanted to give it a 1 but I like Jane Seymore but see for yourself.
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Intriguing and well acted
3 June 2022
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Midwich Cookoo is the original title of Village of the Dammed based on a book . I've never read the book but enjoying this series . Low scores are from purists who want everything to be like the book and let's face it when are they ever ? I'm 3 episodes in and its a good series .
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Signora Volpe (2022– )
Laid back viewing
30 May 2022
If a slow paced laid back detective mystery isn't your thing then stay away but otherwise enjoy . Beautiful scenery with good acting and interesting stories. Emilia Fox is always a joy to watch with a good supporting cast . Some reviews say its slow and boring but i would say its very laid back but keeps you interested . Didn't see too may holes in the plots or any goofs in the series . Some subtitles but only when they speak Italian so its easy to follow .
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From (2022– )
Poor start that gets better
29 May 2022
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Watched the first episode and wasn't to impressed . Some of the acting was B grade especially from the family in question . For some reason they speak to their child who's age isn't said , but must be 8-10 ish , like a 1 year old toddler . The second episode was slightly better but full of plot holes but from then on its become interesting . No explanation of how food. Clothing, laundry etc us as normal . Not a shower in sight . Looking for a battery in a car that was gone yet a RV was right there with one ? So not a bad series if you dont think to hard about it.
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