
85 Reviews
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Barbarian (2022)
Starts off strong and stays that way until it nears the end
1 November 2022
I really loved this movie's cinematography, and I also liked most of its tone and characters. For the first while of the movie I was really engaged, but then there's a certain point where it begins to spiral into strange decisions from both the characters and writers. I think I can pinpoint the exact point the movie starts to become odd, and it's when (as vague as I can describe it to avoid spoilers) a character gets shot in the gut. After that there's features like an emotional monologue that both comes out of and leads nowhere (unless there was some sort of metaphorical meaning to it), a straight up parody-style cliché death scene, and an ending that I feel is supposed to be meaningful but lacks the proper buildup.

So that was pretty disappointing.

But Keith was cool.
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Everyone is fighting
30 September 2022
I must say this is the weakest episode so far, although still really good. All the different plots are still interesting, especially Hopper's, but I have to point out it's a bit annoying when almost everyone gets so mad at each other. Like damn, I don't wanna see so many arguments. Especially when they come out of nowhere like the one between Nancy and Jonathan. Everyone must just be very on edge, I suppose.

Also, after watching Mike's escapades on Better Call Saul, the scene after Hopper wakes up in a panicked sweat is nicely reminiscent. I actually don't know which came first, but that's besides the point really. Cool ending too.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Four: The Body (2016)
Season 1, Episode 4
16 September 2022
Again, an episode better than the last. I really love the development of the alternate world in this episode; the visuals put into the gateway are very cool to see, as well as a scene pertaining to the place's weird effects near the end. Everyone is also much kinder to Eleven this time around, which is a delightful improvement, much desired. Great deliverance on the reveal about Will's body from the prior episode. But what's really important is how much Hopper likes punching people. He just loves it! I'm expecting him to extend this fondness to innocent protagonists in the future, and perhaps even hope for that.
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This one is Iconic
16 September 2022
Mainly iconic for the Christmas lights! It also continues the steady uptick of quality that the series has achieved so far. It involves lots of great moments tying to different plot points, and especially a really shocking ending that has you question everything you've seen so far. I still really can't stand how everyone treats El, though. I suppose that's the point, but it's so painful to watch! Just be polite, everyone, please. I beg you. I also find it funny how the episode is named after Holly, who is indeed a character in the episode, but only really shows up for one scene. I suppose she deserves a title drop due to being so cute. Good job Holly.
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Lucas is mean...
3 September 2022
This episode is a good continuation from the first. I'd say it's a little better, even. We get more details on Eleven and more developments on the lives of the young adults. I recall this episode is the start of Jonathan's somewhat creepy behaviour where he takes non-consensual photos. So that's odd of him. But I'm moreso peeved by Lucas which I remember feeling similarly on my first watch too; he's just so mean to this girl who clearly seems homeless and traumatised. I get he wants to get to the point of saving their friend, but jeez, just ignore her if you're so inclined. Whatever, it's still fun.
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Rewatching this series and it is still great
3 September 2022
And I'm very glad for that! It's great to see all these young characters again. But even without already knowing them, this episode still holds up a lot. I love the 80s vibe and the character dynamics. Also, I love the whole mysterious vibe of this episode (before I know it gets more thoroughly explained later on). Coincidentally I had also just watched E. T. out in central Melbourne earlier today so I noticed some references and similarities for the first time, which I think are quite great. Also, Eleven is always loveable. Always. Getting to see all the characters develop again will be very fun.
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E.T. (1982)
Why's he so ugly
3 September 2022
I'm not talking about the effects. The effects are really good, especially for 1982. But the base design of E. T. is so ugly! Oh my lord! Why'd they make him a little wrinkly pulsating bulbous brown creature?? With such a gross voice?? I would have enjoyed the movie a bit more if his design was more likeable and abstract, although with this design I didn't really detest it, I was just amused by how comically creepy he looked. Overall though, I did find the movie enjoyable. The human characters were all loveable (although they screamed and repeated themselves a lot) especially Gerty who was just absolutely adorable. It's nice to watch! Even with the terrifying appearance of the alien.
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Manifest: Crosswinds (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
9 August 2022
Did a bunch of weird things with the characters in this episode. Basically everyone is getting annoying, even the characters they're only just introducing. Plus certain protagonists doing something that makes me not want them to be protagonists anymore.
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Manifest: Dead Reckoning (2018)
Season 1, Episode 9
29 July 2022
Holy moly so much happened in this episode. Like, so much. Like, oh my god. I almost feel like TOO much happened this time around. However, it was quite enjoyable; although for the wrong reason in some spots (Cal just makes me laugh any time he does anything).

Also, just an opinion about other peoples' opinions, but I feel other reviewers are too harsh towards Grace. I believe she is certainly in the wrong compared to Ben and doesn't understand as much as she thinks she does, but I also think her reactions are quite realistic given the situation. This episode took a pretty drastic direction with her though, so I suppose I somewhat get the hate.
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Manifest: Point of No Return (2018)
Season 1, Episode 8
I am the Air Force One Angel of Death
28 July 2022
Tied with Off Radar for favourite episode so far. I feel the characters are really getting stronger intrigue and personality wise. Plus, it's cool to see Ben and Vance working together. The possibility of non-passengers being harmed by higher forces is also a very tense idea that makes me worry for the wellbeing of some of the side protagonists.
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Manifest: S.N.A.F.U. (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
Broken heart
28 July 2022
This episode was quite alright besides that stupid answer to the heartbeat. What a reach. This clearly isn't a small town, that felt like a comical coincidence... I like Director Vance though.
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Manifest: Connecting Flights (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
23 July 2022
Looks like I forgot to review this one when I originally watched it. Fortunately I hadn't forgotten to rate it so I still know this episode felt silly and had a lackluster story. The premise of seeing more backstory was good but it really faltered for me.
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Manifest: Off Radar (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
Finally a really interesting plot point
23 July 2022
Now that there's more going on than simply 'protagonists can sense bad things and the government is being shady' I'm getting a lot more interested, alongside the fact that this new antagonist group has been set up without being resolved within the same episode like most of the previous threats. This could lead to the show becoming more than just alright...
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Manifest: Unclaimed Baggage (2018)
Season 1, Episode 4
Novelty is wearing off
23 April 2022
This is to me the worst episode so far as the story is dragging a bit and the writing got sort of silly (it was a damn cool boomerang). It had me excited for a new entity to be introduced into the plot, but what it turned out to be was fairly disappointing. Will still continue watching as overall the series has continued to be just alright.
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Manifest: Turbulence (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
An anthology?
21 April 2022
Surprisingly, it seems like the series is shaping up to be anthological in combination with its over-arching plot. Within the whole plane story, the affecteds' "callings" appear to be leading them to solve different mini mysteries (such as absolving the imprisoned Adio last episode). I like this approach, but hope these two angles can remain balanced.
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Manifest: Reentry (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
The messages are getting stranger
21 April 2022
I like the unique angles the plot is starting to take with the whole "gone for 5 and a half years" thing. Finding out your son went to prison while you disappeared would be pretty devastating. Also, the coincidences caused by the messages are getting much stranger, but I find that interesting. I want it to be explained.
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Manifest: Pilot (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Returning to an old watch
21 April 2022
I saw the first episode when it first aired on TV years ago but wasn't interested enough to continue further. Got it recommended to me again in modern day and decided to give it a shot. The first episode is as uninteresting as I remember, but it sets up the plot fairly well and has an interesting premise. Try it out maybe!
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The Call (2020)
A truly creative time manipulating thriller!
20 April 2022
Throughout the whole film I was praising the concept on top of its execution for how incredibly cool the whole thing was, and every step of the story enhanced my excitement. The acting of both main characters is superb as is the beautiful implementation of coloured lighting, and I adored the plot. Many people are demanding that you turn off the movie before the credits due to 'unneeded scenes'; while I agree the movie would be fine without them, it's just as good with them included, and I get the impression these people are just upset when things don't go their way. So if you're a person like that, then don't watch those scenes I suppose... but if you're truly in for wherever the story takes you then go on ahead.
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Bird Box (2018)
Stop making movies like this
19 April 2022
I'm so sick of apocalypse/monster films that feel the need to focus in heavily on the tribulations and emotions of their cast of protagonists without actually caring to design interesting protagonists. If you're going to make a movie like this, either put all your effort into the danger itself and the unique story you can derive from its existence or write characters that are even slightly notable. Malorie (the main protagonist) is such a bland character for no reason; in the opening they establish her as an artist with biting sarcasm and then they throw any personality she has out the window as she just becomes "woman who hates apocalypse". Gary, who comes in about halfway through the movie, is instantly and inexplicably more compelling than any of our previous protagonists and if you've seen the movie you'll know that's not really a good thing. In fact, the sooner a character dies (unrelated to Gary) the more interesting they typically are, which I unfortunately see a whole lot in these sorts of movies and it slowly whittles the cast down to the blandest characters because the audience can project themselves on them more easily, I guess.

I should note that the monster was fine, since a lot of peoples' issue with this movie was that there was no explanation or elaboration on the monster; I find that can totally work, and no answers are needed to make for an interesting plot, but you do need SOMETHING interesting beyond just the existence of the monster. Aside from that, the shooting of the film was actually pretty good and as I said before there were some likeable characters, so despite what I've said my rating of this film is higher than I expected, but it's very close to getting lower. I'd only recommend this to people who are so heavily into the premise that they can see past the primary boredom.
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The Woods (2020)
What really happened in 'The 'The Woods' The Woods'?
18 April 2022
A pretty decent story. It's very close to an 8 but I gave it a 7 because it just didn't grab me quite hard enough. The past plot is often enthralling, the current day plot is often boring, but in the end I think it's an overall satisfying story with interesting characters and twists.
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The Woods: Long Way Home (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
Matches the strength of the rest of the series
18 April 2022
I wasn't expecting every plot point to be suitably tied up within one episode, but they did it well. Very much subverted my expectations for the true culprits of the murders and what had happened to Artur and Kamila. Even the modern day plot ended interestingly after how boring it had previously been. Good job Harlan Coben.
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The Woods: Your Sister Is Dead (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
Certainly a peculiar turn of events...
17 April 2022
This episode is very all over the place for me due to its two very different plots. On one hand this episode starts by focusing on the present day legal scandal which has now become an embezzlement scandal which I just find super boring, but then it takes a dive right into the most insane woods-related reveals of the series so far, and I mean REALLY insane. So overall I think it balanced out to be enjoyable, and the ending in particular was very very shocking.
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The Duke (2020)
A lovely British film about HORRIFIC CRIMES
16 April 2022
They're not actually horrific. This was a very funny and kindhearted film and I was surprised by certain twists the story took (despite it being a true tale). The actors are great, especially the main man himself Kempton Bunton. And overall it was just such a fun watch. Would love to see again!
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A new neighbour of Slaughterhouse-Five
16 April 2022
I should say that I didn't really like Slaughterhouse-Five much, and while watching this movie I didn't like it much either. But while by the end of Slaughterhouse-Five I still didn't really like it, I did end up liking this movie by the end! They are similar in the sense that our main characters are faced with an entirely new view of the world as if they have ascended to a higher dimension they can freely traverse, and they must grapple with the idea that nothing truly matters. I feel both don't really reach their full potential mainly because they make themselves too chaotic to truly enjoy, but this movie certainly still worked. And so this review isn't just reviewing a movie and a book at the same time, the visuals were also spectacularly beautiful and the acting was quite great mainly from the Joy character(s). Overall glad I watched.
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The Woods: What Lies Beneath (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
Things are getting twisty
14 April 2022
Lots of different things coming together at once here. Feels like there's four plotlines at once. It can get a little confusing but I think I'm still understanding what's generally being conveyed, and I do love when multiple plotlines are taking place. Just as good as the last episode.
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