
11 Reviews
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6 February 2024
This is a great movie, with lots of chuckles, laughs, surprises, originality and a big heart, that leaves the audience totally satisfied.

I doubted in the first 10 minutes whether this movie was going to be my thing, but once he meets his love it's all systems go. Kyle Gallner is becoming one of my favorite actors able to mix drama and comedy whenever called. Emily Skeggs (mainly a stage actress) is an absolute revelation and you fall in love with her character right away. The entire supporting cast is up to the task delivering lots of laughs.

To top it all off the movie has a couple of original songs, incorporated into the script, worthy of your play list. 8/10.
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Renfield (2023)
23 August 2023
This is such a fun film. I wasn't expecting much because I have not been much of a Nick Cage fun. The middle of his career was a bunch of meaningless movies that no longer gave me reason to watch his work, but his career has taken a positive turn lately, starting with Pig and now Renfield. This movie is great campy fun, lots of gore handled with such expertise that you are laughing YAO while people are being ripped apart. Cage's performance is one of his bests, every muscle on his face is used underneath the make up to create great moments of chuckling comedy, even though it is Ben Schwartz character that had me laughing the most. Nicholas Hoult gives another solid performance reminding and although some people weren't that please with Awkwafina I think that she gives us a quirky performance that matches the tone of the movie perfectly. The movie breezes by at 93 min, leaving wanting more rather than than being bored. Highly recommended. 7.8/10.
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A horrific story well told
20 October 2022
This is one of the saddest documentaries I've ever watched and it is brutal in its depiction of events and it will leave its mark on you. I actually wish I'd never seen it because the level of evil perpetrated here is incomprehensible. How a woman this smart, caring and beautiful had to live this hellish existence and no one took action is soul crushing. I am not sure how the girl's mother shows her face here, I would move to another country, AND hide under a rock, people like this should not be allowed to procreate or care for children. This is why abortion needs to be protected, because high odds are that an unwanted child in the hands of incapable and evil adults is destined to become a monster (the perpetrator) or a victim condemn to a hellish existence and the cycle repeats itself from here until eternity.

As for 'the girl', what a beautiful soul, what a relentless loving creature, she lived her best life under horrendous circumstances, a bright star extinguished by the brutality of an evil cockroach 8/10.
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27 November 2020
Approaching a movie like Unacknowledged is always done with a bit of skepticism, after all we are talking about alien life forms here. But where U. gets its heft from is not by doing a History channel rerun, presenting speculative testimonial from people with crazy hairdoos and a flashy jacket, but by providing statements and documentation from USAF Generals, Coronels, people high up in the department of defense, presidents and prime ministers all backed up with documentations. The answers are also complete, not edited to the point that it is impossible to tell if the subject is answering in the affirmative or the negative. This is thorough work done by responsible people with answers from credible witnesses and players in the highest echelons of government. Now after an hour you might be tempted to say "OK I've seen enough, I get the gest of it", DON'T the explanation as to the WHY of the whole cover up is exposed. And I do like the explanation, except that I find it incomplete, Profiteering and social control at massive scale by evil people is one reason, but there is also the threat to the destruction of several major religions. How will Christianity and Islam hold the weight of extraterrestrials beings added to that equation ? Now one can argue that religion is nothing but a mass control tool used by the evil people of the world to profit, in which it is implicitly covered but I think it needed a specific mention rather than an implied one. And one must wonder, is Steven Greer a patsy, is he really revealing something that the evil people do not want us to know, or is this all prep work for something to come.
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Burning (2018)
9 November 2020
Let me first say this, I like slow burning films, I have reviewed many of them and defended them on this site against the 'boring' label. Also I love new Asian Cinema, I think IT is where is at. But there is a difference between a slow burner and a boring film. One has an interesting story, with good performances that just happens to move slowly, the other one has none of those qualities, that is the case here . Ad to that a length of 2 hours and 30 min, and you will find yourself hitting the pause button frequently wondering when this torture will end only to find out that you still have a long ways to go. First of all, there are no interesting characters in this movie, the main character walks around expressionless like an underwater zombie for 2h20 min of the 2h30m, his life story not interesting at all. Walter Matthau was asked once if there was a character that he would not play, he responded "A boring one. They asked me to play a boring guy and I said no". Ah-In Yoo should have listened to that precious piece of advice. Steven Yeun plays a complete different character from his role as Glenn in the Walking Dead, that was a switch, but it did not require much, but given the main character's shortcomings you are ready to watch anyone else. And then there is the story, Boy meets quirky girl. Boy gets confused about girl having a 2nd relationship. Boy finds out things are not quite right. Problem is there is nothing interesting happening between those 3 story pillars, like NOTHING. And it is a shame because the set up is there to turn this piece of coal into a diamond but, nah, we get long shots of dancing, mountains, dark homes etc etc. After being vested into this thing for 90 min it took all my will to hang on for the ending, hoping upon hope that at least all the pent up 'mystery' was going to pay off with at least 10 closing min of good cinema, how disappointed I was when not even that was granted. This movie should have been better served as a 1 hour episode(with commercials) of an anthology series.
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Confirmation (2016 TV Movie)
A comment on a comment
6 October 2018
Venmo Ben I want to comment that the reason that the actress shows the same expressionless expression, sad or happy, is that that WAS Anita Hill. She was expressionless or better said, inmutable. I don't know how old you are but watch the news clips and you will understand my point. If anything her performance is flat out perfect.
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Bad acting, bad direction, horrible ending
27 July 2018
I Can't believe the high ratings about this movie. The direction is horrific, the acting is even worse and after sitting through 2h11m of what could have been at least a rescuable story it is destroyed by and ending that is sooo bad your tv might not survive your remote smashing into it. Do yourself a favor and skip this crap
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Hard Sun (2018)
I had to lower the rating sgain
7 April 2018
I punished myself with an additional episode and sank to a deeper low. This show is an insult to anyone with any intelligence. The only good reviews here must be from the family of the people that work in the show or the people that have absolutely no clue as to what good television is This is an absolute atrocity
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Hard Sun (2018)
A total mishandled mess
7 April 2018
This could have been a great show instead it is an absolute mess where things that make no sense constantly happen. It would have taken so little to polish up the script, you and I could do it, but not these writers. I rarely quit on shows but by the end of the first episode I knew it was a dog, by the end of the second one I had suffered enough abuse and hrew in the towel. I feel bad for the actors, they try hard but the script is so bad there no way to keep this ship from sinking
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The Girl in the Café (2005 TV Movie)
"Does it matter whose child it was" ? A very poignant movie.
16 December 2006
This is one of my favorite movies, why it was made for TV and not film is a mystery to me, but bravo HBO for making it. I have no idea what people find comedic about this movie, there are very funny bits but not intended as a comedy but a tell in the nature of the characters. The performances are beautiful, from the main characters down to the smallest one. This couple will stay with you for a long time,you will be pulling for them from the beginning. He is a caring man with a sad look, a tired walk, a diplomat having left his best years behind him, putting honest work (and getting none of the glory) just to see it wasted once more at a political summit that generates nothing but empty promises while millions die. She, a bit of an enigma, enough of a weird edge to know she is not your regular Jane, yet a sweetness that renders Lawrence completely helpless, even when things start going wrong. And yet their romance is almost a tool to the true mission of this movie, to open your eyes to the gap between wealthy and poor nations and the incredible number of casualties that inaction from our 'leaders' cause on an minute by minute basis. Watch this movie, I have recommended it many times and people love it.
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Guy (1996)
A serious trip into your own mind.
16 December 2006
i just saw Guy on Sundance and I was completely flatten by it. That someone can make a movie of such impact with just one camera is amazing. Guy also succeeds because Vincent D'Onofrio puts out one Awesome performance as the subject of Hope Davis's camera. I cannot recall any actor putting it all out there like he does in this film. He gets striped of any artifact. You know you are not watching a real person, yet it is really fascinating to watch him, because as the camera follows you know that the ante is going to be raised with each passing hour. The movie is quite visionary in what was yet to come (reality TV). But this is more than that, Guy explores the subject of voyeurism from a complete different angle because this is not just an image of a person, you get the full character with all his pathos, and it pulls you right in as you start analyzing the need to be watched and the value of being watched. The movie is very clever in the interaction between the subject and the film maker. You really want to know more of the woman behind the camera, she speaks very few words and yet the few she says are very revealing. The urgency of certain statements reveals that this is not just a camera rolling, but that the cameraman is fulfilling some deep needs within her. This is not a movie for everyone, it will also get very polarizing opinions, you either love it by its rawness and its power to engage you and suck you into it, or you will find it as boring as following a pedestrian, but if your taste is a bit out of the ordinary watch it.
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