
12 Reviews
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Crime Wave (1953)
Oh God, no....
8 June 2023
Ladies and Gentlemen, really, I am sorry that I have to disappoint you again, but that would be better for you than being disappointed watching that boring, stiff, pointless film.

I am really surprised by Andre de Toth, who I really consider as one of the best. I don't know, maybe the 50s destroyed the magic of these films, but it certainly ruined this one.

The story is so boring, the actors are boring, the music - no where to be found, and just everything about it is so unengaging and going nowhere. There is no atmosphere, only horrible feel of 50s TV, which you just wait to be over.

I am really shocked by all those good reviews, and it was a big mistake to give this one a chance because of them. Never watch a Sterling Hayden film from the 50s, is what I say from now on... Run for your lives!

This is a classic example of how movies were dying in the 50s until they died finally in the 60s.

What a waste of time, that was.

Pick yourselves a little 40s B movie - anyone will be better than this stinker, which made not wanting to watch a film for a long time.
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An excellent example of a perfect film
15 February 2023
1929 and the early 30s is when real cinema started and peaked too.

This film shows exactly why. It is one exciting dark, sexy and bad trip, so don't ruin your experience by reading what it is about, just dive in it in the dark, and dip your toes in the cold water of fear.

All I can say is that you will be privileged just for having a chance to watch Miriam Hopkins, another example of a perfect actress, looking, acting, and behaving so sexy and hot. Man, what an a star... Our Armenian-Russian director, Mamoulian will also show you how a true professional makes a film, so you could just know, not wasting your time on the Kubricks of the world or those later directors.

Just an example of the true Hollywood: glamour + teeth.
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Desperate (1947)
Don't be mislead by other reviews...another PERFECT thriller of Anthony Mann!!
15 February 2023
Look guys, I always skip the parts that talk about the film itself, and just go over the main points: is it good or bad? And how good or bad?

So, I won't destroy your experience of watching this unbelievable film, by talking about it or the characters, other than the fact that they are, and the actors/actresses who play them, and anything about this film is so great that there is not a second of a dull moment in it, start to finish.

First of all, let's get things clear: there is no such thing as "film noir" - that term was invented by the French in the 60s to describe the tough dark thriller-dramas of the 40s, and although it's ok to use it as a short cut to refer to those films, as I do too, other than that, it is meaningless, and ascribes it rules and that they must abide by, as if they were a distinct genre, which limits those films and makes them obvious and cliches. No, not every "noir" needs to have a femme fatal, a hero that is bad or flawed or bad/sad ending, so please, enough with that mindset and pretentious analysis which ruins a film and make you become "disappointed".

Secondly, the complaints about "plot holes"... Well, I watched the film, and there aren't any. Only for people who forcingly look for them. Even if there were plot holes that couldn't have been explained and argued, it is meaningless, since a film is a dream, not a copy of life, only it has to look and feel real just as a dream is.

So, bottom line is: this dark trip of a film is perfect and a must!
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Leslie's film
15 February 2023
Look, guys, I am disappointed, but not because of the film, rather because of the reviews for the film. I always skip the parts that talking about the film itself, and just go over the main points: is it good or bad? And how good or bad?

Well, I was disappointed because of the misleading reviews, whether they were good or bad, for the reason that they made me expect to watch a different film, than what they described.

First of all, let's get things clear: there is no such thing as "film noir" - that term was invented by the French in the 60s to describe the tough dark thriller-dramas of the 40s, and although it's ok to use it as a short cut to refer to those films, as I do too, other than that, it is meaningless, and ascribes it rules and cliches that they must abide by, as if they were a distinct genre, and so we always must hear that useless argument, whether a film is a "noir" or not - a limited view of films.

Secondly, if you insist on using this term (just as a shortcut), then, NO, it's not a film noir, and shouldn't be expected to be one.

So, I was expecting for a gritty dark film, but it wasn't, or I was expecting bad film (because some reviewers tend to analyze films and plots in a snoby wiseguy kind of way), which it absolutely wasn't the case.

Therefore, the correct recommendation, and review on the film (I refuse to talk about what a film is about or reveal anything to viewers because it destroys the experience) is, as follows: This is a perfect and cool Christmas movie for anyone who is not a little kid. Period.
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Young's best role in a perfect unbelievable movie
2 October 2021
Pre code glamour, sleaze, pure evil.... Listen, I don't know how to describe it other than... Along with Babyface, Redheaded Woman, Safe in Hell... ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES EVER MADE!!!!
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Hell Harbor (1930)
Velez best role in one of the best
25 September 2021
I want to thank the reviewer who called it sleazy and fascinating. That's exactly what I want to hear and what I call a great review! Spare me the psychoanalysis people and tell me the brass tacks like he did, ok?

So I therefore watched it based on the word 'sleazy', and what do ya know? Heck, this movie is one of sleaziest ever, so hot, not a dull moment from beginning to end.

Simply one of the greatest ever made!!
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Panama Flo (1932)
Simply a perfect film from beginning to end!!!!!!
23 September 2021
Just when I thought I've seen it all, and wasted everything already, here comes this one... Again I want to thank the reviewer who stated more than one time how sleazy this movie is because that's exactly what I want to hear when I try to pick the next pre code film to watch. I don't mind his ignorance about film for saying that it's not a good film, I got what I wanted. Please reviewers, don't analyse or try to intellectualize entertainment (yes that's all it is). All we need to know if it's sexy, sleazy and fun or not!!

Now, this film is so filthy and shocking, it will give a joy ride in a rollercoaster like you wouldn't believe, sleaze and glamour in the best cinematic experience that can only be found in the early 30s of Hollywood!

This film is so raw, sexy, dirty and HOT, that I put Twelvetrees and this film alongside Harlow in Red Headed Woman, Stanwyck in Babyface, Loy in The Barbarian, Hopkins in Temple Drake, MacCkaill in Safe in Hell, Young in Born to be Bad... as : ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES EVER MADE.
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Hot sexy timeless piece of the 30s
21 September 2021
A user before called it dated, a user after that said of course it's dated it's from 1933. I am always amused by those comments.

I think some people don't understand what 'dated' means. Dated means it's tired, old, boring and has no teeth. Which is exactly the OPPOSITE from this kind of film!

It's PRE CODE : the dancing is provocative, the gals are prostitutes and guys are gangsters + the music numbers are fresh young loud and simply alive! So what on earth are you talking about people??

This movie is glamour and sleaze and that's what you want from a 30s!

You want to watch something dated? Try a Von Sternberg/Dietrich film.

This a great one.
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The Barbarian (1933)
I Want To Thank All The Bad Reviews of this film
13 September 2021
Because, they made me want to watch the film and after I did I want to say to all of you: this is one of the best movies ever made!!!!!!

Both Ramon and Myrna in their best roles. They are both sleazy, evil, cool and tough. This movie is so exciting, funny, shocking and dirty, and this is exactly what you want from a film. This is the ultimate pre-coder and even the ending is unusual. Myrna Loy is so HOT here as she was in her other best role: The Squall, which is another perfect film! A MUST!!!
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Another stinker by Sternberg and Dietrich...
13 September 2021
Listen, this is the 3rd time, I think, if not more, that I got torture, this time it was literally a Chinese torture, watching yet another pathetic film made by this pare. Ok, yes, I agree, the camera work is fantastic, but that only proves my point: visuals are not enough!!! Von Sternberg should have worked only as a cameraman or production artist, because as a director he's so lame.

This is basically a replay of Morocco and I don't know which is worse... Don't listen to those reviews because they are based on cliches and nostalgic feelings.

Let's get to brass tacks here, we came to watch a sleazy, hot, exciting, provocative train ride with 2 prostitutes, now what have we got? Corny love story between a robot soldier and a so-called prostitute who's dressed and acts like a nun. On top of that, the depiction of Chinese here is despicable, as it was with Moroccans in Morocco. The story, characters and dialogue is so lame and boring that even in a 'violent' scene you can fall asleep. We came to see a PRE-CODE film not a boring 40s love story. Unless you are an old soul, a Von Sternberg and Dietrich film will make you not want to watch another movie for a long time, because even with a whole bottle of wine you can't enjoy their stinker. Those old dated European aristocratic love stories are so dated and arrogant that it can make you sick. I recommend: stay the hell away from those two, unless you want to be bored to death!
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Only, and I mean ONLY for Lombard
13 September 2021
Ok, listen Talbot is good too, and although I hate seeing my 30s films with too much screen time for old dudes and grandmas, Lombard was so sexy, witty and hot that it is definitely worth checking out.
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Morocco (1930)
Don't listen to those reviews! Only to mine...
12 September 2021
Listen guys, I don't know what you have been smoking but because of your reviews I wasted an hour and a half of my precious time. Now, here is the truth for you about Dietrich, Sternberg and this film. 1st of all, there is nothing fascinating nor groundbreaking about Von Sternberg's direction, Dietrich's horrible numbers or that old and lame story. I was expecting something with pre-code teeth and action and what did I get instead? Some little vaudeville girl kiss girl and Dietrich lame acting as a man.

On top of everything else, the racist white depiction of muslims is despicable.

Now, Dietrich is so overrated and one of the most boring actresses of the golden age of Hollywood. She is so unfeminine that I don't understand how can she hypothesise these men in the movie? I don't see anything glamorous here and I didn't even start talking about the story... Well, here it is for you: it is one of the most tired and boring lame love story I have ever seen in my life. All you see here is old men and Cooper trying to act as a cool tough guy, but very quickly falls in love like 12 year old. Man, this film is so OLD and pathetic.

Just compare it with films of that era as Safe in Hell with hot YOUNG and fresh Dorothy Mackaill, in contrast to that stinker with Dietrich and you will see how bad this film is. I say stay away from that European old garbage of those two for good!
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