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Sprung (2022– )
Sprung is one of the most hysterical shows for 2022
8 September 2022
This was a very intelligently done comedy with goofy lovable characters. Lately there is dearth of comedy shows, but smart comedies have reached a point of extinction. Couple that with so many dumb shows with laughter tracks and racism. The camera style and the look makes it look very cheap (maybe it is), but the execution and the story just blows it our of the park.

It takes us to the crazy parts at the start of the Pandemic and explores different themes. Whoever wrote it and directed it is going on my watch list.

Sprung is all about lovable ex-convicts who are forced to bond together due to the lack of opportunities and the Pandemic with a Robinhood twist thrown in. Highly recommend it.
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Nope (2022)
Great movie, Masterfully done. It is all about themes.
8 September 2022
Visually and beautifully done, but somehow everything just feels different. This one requires you to watch it multiple times. This is not a classic horror movie but combines many themes (Hollywood, Racisms, Celebrities, Animal actors, Sky squids, UFOs, Families etc) into Horror.

It is very funny and had a very clear story compared to Jordan's other movies. I was rooting for the main characters throughout the movie. The story pulled me in. It is slower, abstract and takes a long time to make sense, maybe that is why people don't get it with 10 second attention spans.

Just nope the dumb reviews and watch this one. I enjoyed it completely.
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This is very well done, well worth the watch
3 September 2022
Beautiful cinematography, great locations, interesting characters, the LOTR tension, great cast, very well written and remarkable score. I cannot ask for more

Considering Disney and Marvel is out there butchering out everything under the sun, I went in expecting nothing, but I could not stop watching until I watched the first episodes. It just drew me in. Even though it has been a decade since I last read the books and watched the movies, I can see where this would fit. Cannot wait to see more, loved the Intro to the characters.

Ignore the haters and give it a chance, it is well worth the watch.
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Underestimated it, well written, well acted Gem
25 March 2022
Seeing Samuel Jackson struggling with bad stories in the last years, I started it expecting nothing. I am pleasantly surprised by this beautiful story. Its pacing was perfect. The gradual rise of main character that we can fall behind and root for. Very good set of supporting actors that were not annoying. I realized that Samuel Jackson does not suck, him being cast into some hyper fast action hero does not work for him anymore. Give him a good paced story and he hits it out of the park.

Like another very well written Series Severance, this one is amazing. Apple TV 2022 is a completely different beast. I am looking forward for every episode.
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Halo (2022–2024)
Bad story writing ignorant of the lore and deeply flawed
25 March 2022
Halo Lore was rich with excellent novels, games, comics and fan fiction. All of them excluding the Halo 6 had a much better story line and less annoying sidekicks. Halo 6/halo Infinite was a warning of what was going to happen to the Halo franchise with algorithmic story writing, but atleast the game play was good. Halo 2022 is what happens when good sci-fi story writing gets replaced by algorithmic garbage spewed by interns. I am pretty sure it is not getting any cheaper to produce these episodes. Please realize that 1 high quality writer > 300 strong internship assignments from non science fields spewed together by an algorithm.

It is ok to be diverse and aware of the political climate when casting for these series and movies, just don't murder the lore, the story, sci-fi and the lack of basic military tactics. Please look up the expanse, it had a diverse cast and does need to make up pointless story arcs. The writers of the Expanse series mostly stuck to the source story, the science and worked with a much lesser budget. Pretty sure there is a dumb company behind all these movies and series applying their brand of AI algorithm trained on market research with flawed data (probably twitter and facebook) to spew this garbage. No wonder do they keep isolating their core audience with these design decisions.

Also why does everything need to have a teenage messiah who has to figure out their emotions in the middle of a crisis? You are sacrificing millions of viewers to pander to an audience that is fine with roblox and minecraft. Maybe Minecraft halo would be your next intended target ? If it is for a younger audience, why do you add in so much gore ?

That said, the Gore, costumes, 3d design, some effects were very well done.

The first episode could have been done in 25 minutes or less cutting the filler and doubling their budget for some high quality scenes.

My gripes with Episode 1, Spoilers ahead:

The insurgents were brilliant tacticians after surviving decades of fighting against UNSC. Yet they lack basic tactics, no scouts, their weapons are ineffective against covenant (why ?, The Spartans use the same weapons including the chain guns). Even though they were dug in for decades, all they had was a wall, Maybe sets were too expensive? The insurgents use the common star wars trademark tactics of bunching up, throwing hundreds into meat grinders, shooting randomly and rushing the enemy. You don't need hundreds of extras in single shots just a dozen thrown into bulldozer dug trenches to get a better cheaper realistic battle scene that conveys their sense of panic. It is ok for others to kill the covenant.

Why is it not reasonable not to expect everyone to speak a common language, this is a time far into the future (2531)? Humanity has intertwined and mingled so much explaining your diverse cast, why cannot they all have the same language? Languages will bound to die after people mix. It is nice for "some" tv/movies set in the current time line to have multiple languages, but it breaks immersion in other contexts. For the angry mob, next time please ask yourself what effort did you put in to save some dying 3rd world country language?

Humans in covenant ? Seriously ? Prophets would never take in Humans and put them beside the relics due to their forerunner origins.

Where is the wide spread usage of AI ? Where is Cortana or jr Cortana or whoever ?

Where were the other species, grunts, jackals , brutes, worms etc ? It is called the "covenant" not just elites, Prophets and humans.
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Trigger Point (2022– )
Waste of time routine TV garbage with nonsense plot
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the solid main characters from the poster is killed off in the first episode (budget issues ?). What is the point of showcasing him in the poster ? The people who gives this show high rating seems to fall in the same dumb supporting cast of NPCs this show readily throws into the meat grinder. Combine that with 2/3 filler of the main character doing nothing, It is time for a snooze fest. It is unrealistic with the same plot line thrown in again and again. All the bad guys were bad guys for the sake of being bad. It is better than watching paint dry, but that is giving it too much credit.
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Single Drunk Female (2022–2023)
Good comedy, annoying side characters
12 March 2022
Good acting by the lead, the mother, bob and the primary love interest. Pretty sure the good story writing ends there. Everybody else is wooden and very flat crappy characters especially the friends and the support network. You feel bad for the main lead to have to deal with so many toxic people in her life. The best friend, the sponsor, the sponsor's wife, the boss, ex bff all ticked some box in a list but have terrible writing supporting them. Collectively they bring the show down. Please check high maintenance for well written comedy of interesting people (includes all the characters in that checklist) in New York. This feels like it is mix between brilliant satire/comedy and a school project.
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Severance (2022– )
Creepy, Interesting and well executed concept
19 February 2022
After a series of flops from Apple tv, this one hits it out of the park. Well acted, engaging and keeps you at the edge of your seat. I expected a comedy, but got a well written story with A+ actors. It has the style of a nordic series and the shots and pacing of one, but this one is very well done. So it does not have the drab dialogue delivery from Nordic series.

I feel it represents quite accurately to detail apple's own ecosystem (the white sterile environment where overly controlling big brother is watching your every kind of move) and how apple tends to treat its employees despite how well they are paid. Even computers look very applish.

So I am quite surprised that apple even allowed it onto its TV+. This series takes genuine inspiration from corporate America which is increasingly going in that direction (I hope it does not end up in the same place in a decade or two).
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Bodyguard (2018)
Should be labelled a comedy series from Episode 6
17 January 2022
First 5 episodes were decent. They were well made, story is well written for the most part and well acted. Suddenly they realized, they wasted too much time on bad romance scenes and now there is only one episode left. We have to explain the plot and finish the story since there would not be a season 2.

Last episode all the previously intelligent police conveniently throws their brain cells into a gutter with the bomb arc. Everyone of the masterminds in the last episodes conveniently walk into a police confessional and detail the plot in the last 20 minutes.

Surprise, everyone is at fault! It is the mob, the corrupt police, the politicians, the highly intelligent highly independent female terrorist of middle eastern descent who needs no man to make her a stooge (the actress could not even hide her laughter in the last scene from reading her lines), the deep state, the army and whole array of corrupt people in all parts of security apparatus willing to erase tapes. So everyone is at fault and the whole thing was a setup planned by such incompetent idiots (perfectly equal number of idiotic female and male villains)?

Why do they need to go to such lengths to seed so much confusion in the story telling and destroy all the suspense they built on. It should be rewritten as a comedy if they want to show only episode 6.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Should be titled Idiocracy 2.0 - A brilliant Satire of society, politics and stupidity
6 January 2022
Great movie that satires quite accurately everything that goes in our society. The movie covers a lot of topics nicely strewn together by extremely good writing. Pretty sure it made a lot of people angry on the both sides of the spectrums. The movie did what it should do and quite accurately. Even surprised that it got sanctioned in the latest political climate and Hollywood not taking any risks with scripts.

I love the ending, how the most important thing that matters tend to be the simple things.

Some topics covered: How the short attention spans have become endemic over the last 20 years and created a influencer culture that get worshipped as gods.

How Corporate greed and politics devalues everything important such as relationships, knowledge, justice, freedom, respect, community, and responsibility.

How media thrives on creating fear and is irresponsible in reporting facts.

How clickbait keeps distracted from the real problems.

How politicians wont do anything unless it values their interests or their donors.

How Science is all about selling and not about improving or saving lives.

How the police and courts help cover up and keep all the truth hidden.

How conspiracy nuts just go around with negation on any statement or facts without thinking through things.

How people will even throw out their offspring for the sake of economic opportunities.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
What happened to the mandalorian level writing ?
5 January 2022
First and second episodes were boring, nothing much happened. Some desert scenes of doing nothing, a fight here and there, look how much better Bobba Fett is compared to Bib Fortuna, Jabba the Hutt (virtue signaling). Bobba Fett is supposed to scary, This one just looks sad. I ignored Mandalorian for a long time because i felt Disney would do dilute it. But when I watched it, I got taken away by the enjoyable experience but this one had none of that magic.

Instead of building up on the universe, races and stories, This one felt flat, useless and waste of time and money. It seems not much passed the disney filter as nothing happens. Just same the stuff, maybe Jar Jar would fit perfectly on this planet to sell more useless merchandise. Still hoping they would turn the series around. Maybe I will watch the rest and update after a few more months.
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Devs (2020– )
Terrible meaningless series with no story
4 January 2022
All actors have absolutely no interest or emotion in doing the basic acting. Cliché story with bad writing and buzz words thrown into a matrix style story. There is no science backing this up and anyone who thinks there is need to take some courses. The story has all the characteristics of a religious cult, several of the smart diverse cast have religious moments with random explanations to sound smart. NO idea why they even have the main character Lily, if she is taken out the story wont change much. None of these people resemble a real world software engineers or scientists just people acting cool.

No idea why this is rated as high as it is. Reminded me of that other show Mr. Robot which is an equal snooze fest over-glorifying the computer industry, hackers, tech nerds etc and selling it to a main stream audience.
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Dumb series and unwatchable
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Felt this was the direct result of an algorithm churning scripts in a basement. I feel no decent scientific advisors were ever consulted. Only Good thing from this movie was the scenic CGI shots of the moon.

Checklist for the Korean Sci-fi movie Cliche Bot:

Earth destroyed beyond repair broken into water based caste system Select random useless people from earth and not your elite astronauts keep everyone in dark because your plot is flimsy Send 12 idiots instead of 3 trained astronauts Main character is a problem child that dislikes authority and looking for a family member Main character who has all the morals but is a plaything because of some requirement back on earth All communication is broken, but use this iphone to call home with crisp video without any lag at home Massive moonbases that can house 1000 people but somehow feel like it is a set Some error nobody can diagnose or understand crashes their ship Moon is similar to earth in gravity and feel Rush to station because no oxygen Dumb characters break containment despite seeing dozens of dead people Nobody panics about the right stuff Scary character with long hair stalking in dark like 4 million korean horror series Evil mastermind sitting Earth giving orders manipulating strings one by one everyone is dead Surprise: Water that self replicates like biology without any understanding of high school biology Evil conspiracy Scary character is best friend and breaks all physics and biology immersion No proper ending

Since they broken every rule in universe, Wish they actually went ahead and shown an actual sea on the moon like in Interstellar.
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Acapulco (2021– )
Great show, one of the best apple tv shows for 2021
31 December 2021
Reminded me of Gentefied, both have similar elements of family, drama, friendship, inclusion and a warm funny story. Very well written, directed and the scenery was terrific.

Felt it was too short with too many loose ends and waiting for season 2.

This year also gave us White lotus which would cover themes of any of the guests at this resort.
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Neither bad nor good
23 December 2021
Things that are good:

New world where machines and humans live together.

New technology

giving machines a better and complex evolving identity

The new Agent smith

Things that are bad:

Reluctant hero and heroine clichés were dragged for 90% of movie.

Dragging the intro parts and speeding up the last interesting parts.

Using recycled footage from the original trilogy again and again. Why do I need to watch this one if you keep putting in member berries?

Same story and characters. The new characters are just variations of the old.

Not following up on the new introduced concepts.

Analyst (Neil Patrick Harris) and Agent smith characters were put on a pedestal and dropped at the end from a building.

I hope The Matrix is not back for another trilogy of the same. Please work on the good parts and build new stories. Don't recycle the same junk and listen to your fans for the last twenty years.

Matrix movies ranking: 2 > 1 > 4 > 3.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Please remake this to a 3 part mini series
11 December 2021
Cut the majority of the filler B-roll footage, combine some of the story bits and it can be remade into a 3 part mini series. There is a serious problem with pacing in this series. Also the aliens are purposefully made vague other than force a series 2 onto the viewers. I don't see the purpose of some of the characters as they eventually add nothing to the whole story.
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United 93 (2006)
Shaky camera and a work of fiction
11 December 2021
Bad writing, Bad acting and full of clichés. The shaky cameras to create suspense creates an utterly nauseating experience. Gave up after 50 minutes.

The large part of the movie is about air traffic controllers and their processes which makes for a boring movie, so they tried to add tension by shaky camera and suspense music.

This story was very well known yet the film wasted time and effort.
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Forgot your hatred of steve, and enjoy the movie
31 August 2021
These days, it is fashionable to be hating Steven Seagal and making fun of his martial arts but back when it came, this was a great movie and a worthy sequel. The technology like particle canon, using satellites to swat stealthy fighters etc that makes no sense was innovative. Having watched it about 20 times in the last 25 years over various media, I should say it is one of those films where you just enjoy and don't get bored. No surprises and quite good even better than the first one. This movie had some great cast like Jonathan Banks (Breaking Bad, Better call saul), Peter Greene (Pulp fiction, The mask) Eric Bogosian (Succession, Uncut gems,Law and order).

Steven has made some great action movies from late 80s to early 2000's but then he just got too old and arrogant, but there were some really good films in there. People seem to forgot that Steven in his late 30's and 40's was not the same in his 50's and 60's when he made some terrible movies. So cut him some slack and enjoy his original movies.
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Dark City (1998)
Amazing movie, Highly underrated unknown title
28 August 2021
Great science fiction story arc, the noir background and decent pacing. Has many of the plot twists as the matrix (1999) without all the extra CGI, the mumbo jumbo garbage about 1 year earlier. The matrix did the box office part well, this one did the perfect execution of the story concepts. Wish there was a sequel to this.

I cannot believe this movie is so under rated and unknown. As other reviewers says, they really botched up the marketing on this one going after the wrong crowd. The critics were completely wrong and I hope a new generation of Social media reviewers pick up this film.
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Black Widow (2021)
Enjoyable brainless flick
22 August 2021
The best parts of the movie were when they all do something together as a family. Melina (Rachel Weisz) and Alexei (David Harbour) were the best characters in this movie followed by Yelena (Florence Pugh). The Villan and evil arc were extremely badly written and I have already forgotten about them by next day.

Natasha by herself is the same old boring black widow from some other MCU. It was not amazing, but again it is not terrible either. I agree with what Redletter media has said about this title.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Great social commentary and extremely funny series
22 August 2021
The characters are obnoxious and cringey about their wealth and privilege but this was done in a good way. This comedy came with a great deal of self-awareness and depth. There was a considerable amount of work done in this very clever dark comedy. At the end the only people I felt sorry for are the people in the service industry and native Hawaiians, but I guess that was expected.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Amazing story, great setting and beautiful acting
20 August 2021
First, I waited to watch this for 2 years because I felt it might have been a train wreck. I was horribly wrong, One of the best ways they captured the feeling of the star wars universe and bought it to the 21st century. I binged this over a weekend and I was looking forward for season 3 and 4. I hope they continue with the existing development team. Actors are expendable except maybe Mando, Writers and directors are not.
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
First Season was awesome, the rest of the seasons progressively get bad
20 August 2021
Great story, good science fiction (not terribly over complicated) and terrible soap opera in the 3rd, 4th and 5th seasons. A god tier family runs post apocalyptic America and nothing ever bad happens to them and their trusted side kick Col. Weaver.

My rankings: First Season - A solid 9 Second Season - 6 Third - 0 Fourth and Fifth Seasons - 1

Better to skip most of the fillers and watch the meat of the Season 3,4,5. Dont worry you wont miss that much. The worst part of the Series is that they tend to have high quality writing for some characters in some seasons and in others it is just terrible. I am disappointed what they did with Pope at the end. From Season 3, I was just watching for Pope. I would watch a series spinoff just with Pope without all this annoying family.
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#Home (2021)
Just predictable simple movie that has been done before
20 August 2021
Nothing new, The same story and the melodrama has been done in many recent movies. To top it of I did not really like the story of this movie. I don't understand the raving reviews, there were far better family movies in the last 12 months and this one does not deserve a 9. Makes me suspect the 100+ 10 star reviews and 1300 10 star reviews on day one.
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Superdeep (2020)
Terrible movie. Save your self the headache
21 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has no story, logic or any sense. Stupid overdramatic shots of everyone doing nothing. Probably that micro organism walked out after a minute of the movie.

A grenade blows up the window glass of a helicopter into the main lead and her posse. No problem, just walk around without any effects.

She was the best of the best scientist, who is not afraid Going and touching a super powerful infected person of unknown origin and handling the infection with any PPE. Somehow the organism immediately kills any body else except the main lead and people who were supposed to die in another scene. Oxygen supply broken but suit intact, just walk into 200c temperature without any kind of protection in your normal clothes without any burns.

Infection a problem, just use a fire extinguisher or a bucket of ice water at the end to decontaminate.

Somehow that thing lived at 200c for millions of years and will die easily at lower temperatures except it picks humans and reduce their temperature to zero, just does not make sense.

Why is it a big deal that it will get out in Antarctica where the temperature is anyway below zero. It and it's host will die anyway of exposure. Whoever wrote this does not understand physiology or biology.
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