
30 Reviews
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Bull (2021)
Eastenders tries to do 'tough'
17 August 2023
This is a naff attempt from a poorly equipped team to try to venture into the world of 'hard' movies. In the end it just comes across as naff acting, naff scripting and naff plot development. It tries to be edgy with violence and tough talk but in reality it could be shown in the afternoon interspersed with Saga holiday advertisements. It's just not worth watching! Which is sad because it could have been so much better. I cannot ever imagine that I would recommend anyone to watch this movie or any circumstances where I would watch this movies again. If you are looking at this deciding whether you should watch Bull - save yourself 1hr27m of your life that you'll never get back!
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The Capture (2019– )
THIS is why people don't watch tv anymore!
1 October 2022
Unbelievably bad - script, plot, direction, acting. I stopped watching tv a couple of years ago and thought I would dip back in with a new drama. What a waste of time! The first season was interesting and kept me engaged. The second season was a massive disappointment though. We are not stupid. We are internet and media savvy, yet this series treats us like ignorant fools. Awful acting from all the main actors and ridiculous plot lines throughout. All I can say to the tv companies is that if this is the best you can come up with then goodbye and it's been nice knowing you. Life's too short to waste time with this rubbish!
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The worst Bond movie ever!
6 September 2022
I love the Bond franchise and waited all through lockdown to see the final Daniel Craig Bond movie. However, I have tried so many times to watch this over-extended confection of crap and it still remains the worst Bond movie ever! There are virtually NO redeeming features. Dull plot, complete loss of interest - I SO hope the franchise can come back from this catastrophe! However, I fear it might be too late... If you need to spend money in order to watch this movie then I would advise you to seek alternative choices.

IMDB keeps telling me that my review is too short but to be honest there is nothing more to say about this dire movie. Watch it if you want but don't blame me = I warned you!
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Lupin (2021– )
25 March 2022
I loved the first series but am wondering what the hell I'm doing watching this cr*p in the second series... Life's too short for this mediocracy - let me know if it gets any better...
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Endeavour (2012–2023)
Re morse
13 October 2021
Colin to Agatha, mate in 8.

So sad to see such an intelligent and elegant writer have his memory reduced to pastiches of Agatha Christie murder mysteries so quickly. P.s. I love Agatha Christie but why conflate the two?
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Endeavour (2012–2023)
Look out for the anachronisms...
13 October 2021
I absolutely loved the first series! As someone who grew up in Oxford during the time it was set I loved the attention to detail with all the props, costumes, settings, etc, - you couldn't fault it. The latest season is somewhat different. Now I just love to spot all the many little mistakes. It seems fairly obvious that none of the people involved in the making of Endeavour nowadays were around at the time that it was supposed to have been set. From using a modern 'chopper' bike without the gearstick that the original models had to Endeavour pronouncing the magazine 'Reveille' the French way - 're vay' rather than 'revalley', which is how everyone pronounced it back then - like the bugler's wake up call. The one I'm watching now (Terminus) has someone wearing a scarf that has been folded in half with one end looped through the other. This way of wearing a scarf simply never happened until just a few years ago. Don't get me wrong - I still love Endeavour, I just love spotting all the little clues that confirm the lack of knowledge of the designers/production team/director.
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Vigil (2021– )
FIne if you like soap operas
19 September 2021
Everything about this is "ok". That is "ok" if you like to watch the sort of acting that is just about good enough for your average soap opera. The captain of the submarine has the on-screen presence of a junior car salesman in a dealership just outside a small regional town. Not exactly dynamic.
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Destroyer (2018)
Please give me my two hours back!
9 September 2021
I have been robbed! I want my two hours back please! This movie was a complete waste of time from beginning to end! It kept me hoping that it would redeem itself but no - it didn't! And they actually expect people to pay to go and see this? No wonder cinema is dead.
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Missions (2017– )
I wish I had seen this when I was thirteen...
31 August 2021
This is an amazing series - for young teenagers. For adults though, not so much. Clichés, poor scripts and bad casting go way over young kids' heads but if you are over 15 - don't waste your time.
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The Dig (2021)
A rare treat!
9 February 2021
It's so rare that a film makes me experience what happens in the movie! I truly feel that in years to come archeologists will discover me sitting on my sofa still waiting for something to happen in The Dig! What got off to a slow start didn't fail to continue in the same vein. Do please let me know, if you are uncovered before me, what happens in the end...
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24 January 2021
I love this book by John le Carré and have read it many times. Watching this film is like trying to work out how I've been hit over the head and have forgotten everything I ever read. If you like the original novel steer clear of this film. If you've never read it then perhaps it might make sense, I don't know. I think that I should just stick to the original written word in future.
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Rogue City (2020)
5 November 2020
I'm learning french and have been trying to watch as many French TV shows as I can. I don't necessarily need anything "excellent" or "really good" or even just plain "ok" but is there a single French TV series that is better than "dire", such as this one is? What is it about the French that allows them to continue to produce such utter rubbish?
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Not a patch
22 October 2020
I think that in order to enjoy this film it is essential that you haven't seen the original. I have and found this virtually unwatchable. It lacks any weight, tension or gravitas. Completely unnecessary remake and disappointing on every level.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Stop when you're ahead
21 October 2020
Season one was interesting. Season two... got more and more dire. Season three..? I have no idea. If it spiralled down at the same rate then I'm glad I stopped watching!
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Inheritance (I) (2020)
Complete and utter nonsense!
9 October 2020
Where did all the poo go? Not only where did all his poo go but to excavate such a substantial subterranean hideaway, where did all the soil go? A ridiculous premise from beginning to end. Not very well thought through.
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Philharmonia (2018–2019)
Has French TV/cinema gone the same way as their cuisine?
29 June 2020
I remember when I used to love French cinema and French TV. I also remember when I used to love French cuisine. Sadly though if you go to a restaurant in France nowadays you will be offered soggy chips with everything and if you watch French TV you will also get served pap. Philharmonia started out with such grand aspirations and sadly ended up after just a short while, conforming to type and being dire rubbish. Come on! You can do better than this!!!
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I had forgotten just how bad an actor Caine is
18 May 2020
I loved this film when it came out and for years held this movie up as a beacon of Michael Caine's one film where he actually acts and doesn't merely perform and walk through his lines. I just watched it again in 2020 and sadly I now have to scrub this off my (very limited) list of Caine's acting greats. We all Love Michael Caine. He's a national treasure. Not for his acting - he cannot act - but because he is a loveable rogue. Educating Rita now looks tired and dated but I have to keep reminding myself that when it came out it was new and inspirational.
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The Hookup Plan (2018–2022)
What did you expect?
3 May 2020
It's a French TV series. If it's not crap in the first five minutes then don't give up, it will be crap pretty soon after. Thankfully this one was crap as soon as it started so not too much time was wasted. In about thirty or forty years, when French TV and cinema has caught up with the rest of the civilised world we may be able to sit through more than one minute or one episode. Until then.... good luck!
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End of Watch (2012)
What a waste of time!
26 February 2020
Seriously! Do we need any more evidence that the USA is a third world country?This sad movie does nothing to add or detract from what everyone already knows
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People get paid to make this boring crap
28 January 2020
Don't get me wrong - I went to art school. I know Lowry. I have spent my life in and around the art world. I don't need educating about Lowry and or his work. This, however is just an incredibly contrived and boring piece of cinema! Would anyone who knows nothing about Lowry have managed to get past the first five minutes? I doubt it. THIS is why I seldom pay to go to see movies anymore! Great actors - yes! Great movie, sadly no.
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The Irishman (2019)
Great acting - boring movie!
7 December 2019
I couldn't help thinking throughout this film "What is the point?" It just rambles its way slowly through and doesn't inform, entertain or add to every other mob movie made.
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Believability would be a start
21 April 2019
The concept is good, the actors are good - in theory. Sadly, though, the end product is totally lacking in any believability on any level. As an afternoon TV drama it would have just about slipped through. As a series it was a total waste of both production money and viewer's time. We deserve better!!!
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Mister John (2013)
Is this the most boring film ever made?
19 March 2019
If ever you feel like wasting 1hr 35m of your time then there are infinitely more better ways of doing so than watching this piece of crap! Who the heck ever thought that it would be a good idea investing money in this dire non-event of a movie? Nothing happens... and then it ends. Let me save you time - watch something else!
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Les Misérables (2018–2019)
I SO wanted to like this production...
20 January 2019
This TV production of Les Mis had all the elements of a success but sadly I had to conclude that despite my wanting it to be good it was actually quite dire! Is it the acting or the direction? I'm not sure, but whatever it is I'm afraid that I can't face any more and won't be watching the conclusion.
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The Heat (I) (2013)
27 December 2018
There are very few films that I simply cannot watch and this, sadly, is one of them. I love Sandra Bullock and I wanted to like this movie but after about fifteen minutes I couldn't bear to watch any more of this utter crap! Very disappointed!
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