
8 Reviews
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Definitely over-rated
13 November 2023
I was sucked in by the average rating after finding this on Prime. To quote annejanz74 "Wow this is bad". I think her 2/10 was overly generous, I too gave up after 10 mins and I'm generally more tolerant of bad sci-fi films but this was laughable, so badly acted and produced. I've not left a review for ages but this abomination inspired me . Thank god my Amazon prime was a free trial.

Whoops, my review is too short by 213 characters so you'll have to bare with me whilst I waffle on, in fact just ignore this last paragraph, all i can do is reiterate how bad this film is from my first impressions.
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The Rangers (2016)
14 April 2021
The average rating for this "film" is way over what it should be. I think all the "actors" in this must have come on here and voted. Paul Haakonsen's review sums it up perfectly and I think his vote was generous. Avoid like the Black Death.
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Bunraku (2010)
Somewhat unusual
5 March 2021
When I first came across this film I thought WTF is this and gave up after a few mins. Then I came across it again, months later and after reading reviews gave it a bit more time. Then I was captivated. Once you start following the story the comic book background disappears and you become entranced in a futuristic spaghetti western. It's very cleverly directed and produced and the use of the animations blends perfectly with the live characters, it's the old good versus evil scenario with a lot of action on the way. If a wood cutter could cut wood?
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Doesn't Fizzle out.
18 February 2021
The film is a bit confusing at first but eventually everything is explained as all the parts are brought together near the end. The story is the ultimate paradox of time travel and in this case is woven around the bartender's "joke". A clever film, slow in places but very watchable.
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Unfair reviews
24 November 2020
This was a good evening's entertainment with a pizza and a bottle of wine. I would normally have scored it 6/10 but a lot of previous reviews seem to be a vendetta against the director and don't fairly reflect the film IMO so I have loaded my rating to help offset them. I have watched 100's of films but couldn't tell you who directed them so these reviews that specifically mention the director of this film seem a bit "iffy" to me. It is good wholesome sword and sorcery and I've never seen Statham in a bad film yet.
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The Burrowers (2008)
27 October 2020
As it got some good reviews and as I like SF and cowboys I thought I'd enjoy it. Not so, it was pedestrian and unshocking, no real depth to the characters and the plot, it just meandered to an uneventful finish. I'm surprised at the good reviews but each to his or her own.
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U.S. Seals (2000 Video)
So bad it's good.
15 December 2013
I can't believe they spent $3.5 million on this. The special effects are hilarious and goofs abound. Bullets fired at the Seals fly everywhere but don't seem to hit anything and those fired by the Seals strike home on exploding special effects vests which are so bulky they look like newly acquired beer bellies. Concrete bunkers jump and disintegrate as though made of cardboard. Scars move or almost heal from scene to scene. The best actor award should go the the horse that falls down then gets up again when told to do so. Brilliant. Watch with your mates with a few beers, you'll definitely be entertained. I look forward to the sequel to see if they've learned anything from the first movie. The credits seem to indicate it was made in Bulgaria, perhaps allowances should be made for a fledgling east European industry.
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Life on Mars (2006–2007)
Sweeney revisited with hindsight
18 June 2007
I enjoyed both series but found series II spoilt a bit by too many flashbacks (forwards?). Sorry it finished so soon as there was scope for more episodes, without overdoing it like the USA series of the Fugitive and the Time Tunnel (did they ever get back???). Being northerners it was doubly enjoyable as we recognised the places and being in our early 50's we appreciated the accuracy of the police mentality of the time. A good series and well acted. Excellent music, we bought the CD, but again it is an age thing, if you are in your 50's and have good taste in music you will like it. Overall I would recommend the series but be prepared to be frustrated by Sam's naiveté as to his situation. Gene steals the show!
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