
51 Reviews
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The Gray Man (2022)
Loved it. Chris Evans finally cast as the bad guy which firs better, and you could tell he enjoyed it.
8 August 2022
I want to start by laughing at the reviewer that said objected to Six being dressed ina. Red suit because he stood out at the start of the film, and he was supposed to be grey. LOL!! ITS A PARTY AT A NIGHT CLUB. Dressing like that is how you DON'T stand out. OMG. Some people just try to be so clever, its sad.

Its not exactly original, but then I haven't seen anything even remotely original in years, at least its not a remake or a sequel or a prequel. So that already makes it more original then anything else going. I mean come on! We have Bezos trying to make Tolkien roll over in his grave with a warrior Galadriel, the purest of the elves. You have to wonder how The Witch King even lasted a week. So, by comparison this is a jewel of originality.

I had fun watching it. I liked Six, and wanted him to win, and who doesnt hate the CIA?
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The Resort (2022– )
I love it. I was laughing and intrigued. The whole thing is just absolutely excellent.
29 July 2022
Has a good family vibe too. Totally would recommend 100% This is after viewing two episodes. Its especially not a bad thing to watch as a couple, or a family, or even with older kids. But its perfectly good if you just want something to un wind with. The beautiful scenery helps too. Really good chemistry between the leads. You will wish they were your friends and you could actually invite them out for drinks on Friday. Its not for everyone, but for people who have been looking for a good new mystery series, this is 100% on target.
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OMG what a bore.
24 July 2022
What is this? Its really just not very interesting, and the choice of actors couldn't be its all on the bad writing. Its also not sufficiently about Kenobi. Its about Reva half the time, and then in the end they tell us to feel bad for her...or something. And apparently Star Detroyers are actually done with green energy, so they dont work well.
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Without a Trace (2002–2009)
Preachy, and annoying.
19 July 2022
Seems to have a case of "White men bad" sort of thing. I mean I agree there are problems is corporations, but nt any more then anywhere else. And again with the evil prep school nonsense.
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Our Cartoon President (2018–2020)
What a joke this film is.
28 June 2022
After handing Biden a healthy economy, a vaccine, and a subdued Putin, a rising stock market and more, I would say the joke is that people believe that 83 million people voted for Biden. Of course seeing how we vote by secret ballot, and there is NO WAY AT ALL to verify one vote much less an election, people have become so stupid, they think the lack of evidence of mass voter fraud is the same as proof the the election was legit.

Its really no different then people pretending the kangaroo court with no real Republicans "investigating" Jan 6th with hearsay and innuendo and zero proof of anything, all the while watching crazed liberals attack the Supreme Court and the sate buildings in many states, including pro abortion people attacking pregnancy centers. But I guess were supposed to think attacking the justice system isnt insurrection. Its only wrong when conservatives do something.
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The Red Pill (2016)
Of course men deserve a voice. But this is a mushy, do nothing approach to getting there.
28 June 2022
When I watched this film, I kept thinking, this is exactly why conservatives are losing the culture war so badly. First of all, the interviewer wasn't inspiring. Second, we didn't really come up with anything. This has nothing to do with red pilling, btw.

It doesnt even have much to do with current issues. Ima. Conservative, and I was seriously underwhelmed. But if it got some popped thinking...good.
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Lightyear (2022)
Weirdly way too serious, and Idont like the new voice.
25 June 2022
Its like they forgot this is for kids, and forgot to be funny. Instead they made a super unoriginal sci fi movie that isnt aimed at kids, but thats too dumbed down for adults. I dont even know what to tell you, but my kids didn't enjoy it. At first they were into it because it was hyped, but very soon they started fussing, and the whole thing was kind of a disaster, and judging by the audience I wasn't alone. Also it wasn't funny. No one laughed at all. It didn't really try to be funny.
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Its very interesting. Its not in any way transphobic. The very proof that this is a great film is that if you read the few negative reviews, none of them can define woman eith
22 June 2022
This was an interesting movie, and I would encourage anyone to see it. If you feel like you would like to criticize this, then at least see it first. Its not pushing anti anyone agenda.

No one anywhere has suggested we force kids to learn that being trans is bad. However, because so many parents are forced to hand their children to a public school, there have to be strict boundaries. No, a parent shouldn't be put in the position of having to fight what their kids are being taught on a daily basis. All parents are free to teach their kids whatever they like. If you want to teach your kids that gender is a spectrum, no one is stopping you. But it must not be done at school. Anyone who doubts that it is being done at school, I suggest you visit "libs of TickTock" who opened my eyes to what my children experienced. So many 1sr grade teachers proudly self affirming at the expense of innocent children, telling them that you were not born a boy or a girl.

Its amazing what nonsense is occurring in our academia, and the negative effects on children are very clear. Since our schools have been run by the Department of Education and the Teachers Union, good teachers have been pushed out, and very ignorant activist teachers, who put no value on actual discipline and learning have been installed. This needs to change. The legislation to keep teachers from talking about explicitly sexual matters in the classroom is just a. Good start. But we need more. We need cameras in schools at the very least. Policemen wear body camers, so there should be no objection to having cameras in schools, so we know what teachers say. They should be unable to hide anything they do to our kids from their parents. Thats only common sense.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Why are the movies made after 2017 such cr*p? This was good.
19 June 2022
I was totally surprised by what was actually the truth when I found out. And it was super fun, nd the acting was AMAZING! I with they made a sequel, so we could find out what happened....afterwards.

Why cant they make more like this? No politics. Good creepy fun!
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Jimmy Kimmel Live! (2003– )
OMG. I just watched him interview Biden. What a tragedy.
10 June 2022
Kimmel just sat there like the bootlicker he is trying to pretend that Biden isn't a lair, and not crazy. Kimmel just keeps trying to excuse whats going on around this country and its sad.

Bide hissed and whispered some nonsense about there not being biracial couples in advertisement. Then he said that gun manufacturers were the only ones protected from being sued when their product was used to kill. WHAT? When has Ford been sued because of a hit and run? When has a knife manufacturer been sued because of a stabbing? When has a sock manufacturer been sued if someone used their sock to strangle someone??? Literally every manufacturer has that protection. Because its just not their fault. They make guns so people can use them for self defense. Just like car manufacturers make cars so they can be used for transportation, just like furniture manufacturers make chairs so people can sit. OMG. How does Biden get away with such lies? How can Kimmel pretend that isnt a stupid statement?
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People who have read Dracula forget one thing; Bram Stoker never told us that Dracula was a soul less monster. He told us that Van Helsing believed he was a soul less monster.
1 June 2022
This amazing movie stays very faithful to the original novel. It has all of the characters. All of the characters have the exact employment, and the exact same relationships to each other as in the novel. The majority of the events of the novel are in the movie. Its very, very accurate...up to a point.

But the genius of the novel is how much it doesnt tell you. Through all of the diary entries and letters, all you ever get to know is limited by what the characters writing knew, and what they would be likely to honestly relate. Which of course means the real story must have been quite different. And of course, we get to know very little about Count Dracula himself. All we know is what Van Helsing THINKS he knows about vampires in general, and the count in particular. Which is next to nothing. Bram Stoker never tells us that vampires are undead, soul less demons. All he tells us is that Van Helsing, who has never even spoken to a vampire, think so. And because van Helsing is so overpowering, the rest of the group just fawn on him and lap up his every word, and of course confirmation bias does the rest. So when they see Dracula, they assume the worst every time.

But what was the real truth? If Dracula really had to kill someone every day, we wouldn't need the Clown Possy to hunt down Dracula. Scotland Yard, and everyone else would be screaming about the "New Jack the Ripper killing in the slums again!" and there would be a huge manhunt. But there was not. NOT ONCE is the police even marginally involved in any of it, which they certainly would be if Dracula went around killing people. The only time the police are involved is when Lucy starts biting children, none of whom are harmed. Harker testimony from the castle can be pretty easily ruled out because he is so alarmed by anything weird, that even if its harmless he would likely be screaming about demons. What we do know is this; If Dracula wanted to kill Harker, Harker would be dead. Yet Harker is not dead.

I feel like this movie tells you what REALLY happened all those years ago.

The only person we know to die is Lucy. And she dies after Van Helsing performs a medical procedure that would have killed anyone.

My undoubtedly favorite part of the movie besides the perfect Dracula by Oldman, is Van Helsing. NOT THE WISE Van Helsing WE ARE SUPPOSED TO ACCEPT. But a much more realistic one. What kind of a nutmeg would even admit he believed in vampires in Victorian England? And why did he have his own wife committed to a mental hospital? And whats up with his belief he knows all there is to know about vampires, when he has never even spoken to one at any length? What proof does van Helsing give for vampires being evil? If indeed vampires turned everyone they bit into vampires, and they needed to bite people to live, and vampires are immortal, there would be more vampires on Earth then an unchecked population of bunnies. So, Van Helsing CAN NOT be right for the most part. And how did Dracula become a vampire, with no vampire to make him vampire? Dont forget, the novel doesnt pretend that what we are being told is the whole story. Its just a bunch of letters and diary entries. So, anyone can decide however they want what was right, and what was just an opinion.
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DMZ (2022)
what? Why is this about a black female all of a sudden? isnt this supposed to be based on DMZ?
30 May 2022
OMG! Every single time! At a time when boys really need some heroes to look up to, and girls are spoiled for choice, why not leave it alone? There was a minor character that wasn't black that sort of corresponds to her.
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The Nanny (IV) (2018)
I really liked it. Its not scary in the teenage type of "Scary Movie" way, but its pretty riveting.
29 May 2022
I just laugh at people who want a movie to scare them. I personally think movies like Seven, or Scream are not even slightly scary. There are movies that are gross, but why would I be scared of an imaginary dude with a mask. I did think Halloween is incredibly good film. But someone stealing your kid is far more frightening then nonsense like that.

But this is interesting.

The story was excellent. BTW...the things people are complaining about are not even true of the film. I think they just got angry that there were no slashers and stoped watching. Yes, the nanny came from an agency. There was some story about that too. And why would you think "everyone knows the guy who lost his daughter" Do you know everyone in your town? Id there anyone in your town everyone knows? OIf course not. Besides, people in that town are extremely secretive. For good reasons.
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The Old Guard (2020)
After centuries of being gay, you would think the need to self affirm by boring others would fade
29 May 2022
I know if I was one of the guards, my answer to all of that longwinded speech about how his boyfriend was like the end all of existence would have been a snore followed by "Im sorry, I fell asleep. So is he your boyfriend?" And the rest of the movie isnt much better, peeps.

I never did like Charlize action movies. She is just so awkward. And the movie is just more there for lonely girls who for some reason have fantasies about two men being together. Probably because they have been rejected so many times, they are more comfortable with gay men who would reject any woman. The plot is dire, the acting is awful. The movie never finds its footing of being action, thriller, mystery, gay love story, or anything else.
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Beastly (2011)
Movie made no sense. he didn't actually look ugly, just kind of alternative.
29 May 2022
He should have had no problems finding some alternative girl with a lip ring to all madly in love with him within week. Just go to one of those after bar alternative parties, or the right concert, and wham bam, curse is done.
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Morbius (2022)
I wish the two kids in the start of the movie did the whole thing.
23 May 2022
Really, the movie could have been great, the problem being Jared Leto cant act. He is amazingly pretty, and always looks the part, and he actually has a good idea for his characters. But he cant translate it to effect, because he just doesnt have the talent. You just sat there wishing that Milo stayed on the screen instead.
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Vienna Blood: The Lost Child (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
I didn't like it. I was hoping it would get over being woke, but I guess that is not going to happen.
22 May 2022
Tradition bad. I get it. Its too bad, because I am desperately looking for a show like Poirot, or Marple. But I guess they just don't make shows without a ton of political bias any more.
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Vienna Blood: Queen of the Night (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
The whole brotherhood thing is corny as f. Cant we have a mystery show without political opinions?
22 May 2022
I just knew it was going to be some political message. Because if youre not a globalist, I guess youre a meanie. Generally speaking, Hollywood just cant get over hating the idea that a country needs to be loyal to its citizens, and unless the country puts their welfare above the welfare of all other people, they shouldn't ask for taxes, or loyalty. That isnt a fringe opinion. Its the opinion people have had from the time civilization began.
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Vienna Blood (2019– )
I just dont know. I can say first episode I was not impressed. I knew who did it
22 May 2022
It was very easy. Who is the character woke people would like the least? TADA. Your murderer ladies and gents. Or rather Herr and Fraulein or whatever. I just get so, so, so, so-so tired of the drag. Yes, the more or less wealthy straight white people did it. Patriarchy. Blah blah. It not that I disagree with the agenda even I just get so bored of it. PLEASE Just ONCE, can't the killer be the poor serving woman. Or the immigrant stableboy? Just ONE TIME? Would it really be so difficult? You know marginalized people kill all the time. They are humans like anyone else. They can be jealous, or crazy, or greedy, or anything else.
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The Graduate (1967)
Lame. I generally like movies made in this era. But this seems like it was madee by a young Nanci Pelosi. It has all of the unwarranted superiority.
13 May 2022
Supposing she was ever actually young. Its just trying so hard to be pithy. It has disrespect for people who work hard to earn. Living for themselves and their family. Lets face it; Textiles are pretty damn interesting. Without advancements in textiles you cant have a rocket ship or improve your home. Hollywood needed to get over themselves back then. Of course they just got worse.

BTW, that spoiled brat of a college student is played by a dude who looks 40. I think he must be older then the gf mom.
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I know nothing of the graphic novels. But I loved this. And I do not like teeny type stuff
3 May 2022
Solid plot. Solid acting. Solid scenery. No, its not Victorian London in accuracy. Like we know what thats like. And yes, the main character gets away with absurd amounts that likely in the real world, she would have been beaten to a pulp. But we can over look her unpleasant personality. She has good reason to be so constantly angry.
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Why does Hollywood hate religion and families so much? I read about the original story, and this is way off.
3 May 2022
Now, I had the benefit of growing up in a divorced, strongly atheist family. So, I can tell you that the majority of people who are fortunate enough to have what this family had are far, far more successful and happy than people who grow up like myself.

THIS HAPPENED in 1984!!!! The murders happened because of unchecked mental illness. The way the young cop keeps crying and repeating things presumably from Mormonism, the take away is that the rules to the religion somehow made this happen? NOT HOW IT WENT IN REAL LIFE. And I doubt you would find much in the way of Mormon committed murders since then! Because Mormon teachings obviously tend to lead to people who do NOT harm their family members.

In 2022 we have already had three mass murders this year. The guy who drove over people on Xmas in Wisconsin, the subway shooter in New York, over 20 home invasions that turned into murders... really we have murders non stop. And no, they are generally not committed by religious people who come from close families.

The original murder was not in any way caused by religion. It was caused by mental illness. It had zero to do with rules, regulations, or how Mormons see women, now or in 1984. I KNOW THAT, BECAUSE OF THE HUGE INFREQUENCY OF MORMON MURDERERS THROUGH OUT TIME. I bet if we checked right now to see what kind of men kill women the most often; The answer would very easily be non religious men, who grew up without fathers. I know that because they cause the vast majority of all violent crime.

I have no idea if any of this is accurate, because I know literally nothing about the Mormon church, except that youre supposed to call them LDS. I have never met a Mormon. But I know everything about this story is lying BS.

I do know this. Studying men in max security prison they found that 98% of them came from a. Fatherless home. This story is about as untypical as it gets, and the brain chemistry that caused the murder couldn't have been changed or mitigated if the two men were raised differently.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Seriously stupid
19 April 2022
You would think a vampire would know if the dawn is near and avoid it by instinct. Rather anti religious, and silly. The problem wasn't so much vampirism but the fact that no one told the would be vampires their choices. And what exactly was the Angel? When're did Pruitt get one? The corner store?
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Death to 2021 (2021 TV Special)
News flash; jan 6th was a protest that got out of hand...but much less out of hand then most Floyd riots.
18 April 2022
Its hilarious how much this misses the point, or actually misinforms.

1) Not one firearm was confiscated from a single person arrested on jan 6th. People who intend to make change BY FORCE ARE ALWAYS ARMED WITH GUNS. Read up on any insurrection anywhere. People bring the best weapons they have. So, if a group of people we know believes in the 2nd Amendment is going somewhere without any guns, you better believe their intentions are peaceful. What did you think? There was a magic button in the capitol that changes election results and they were going to push it?

If someone was going to make fun of the year, they would have had to start there. Especially because no one has been anywhere near as shocked by the George Floyd riots, where stores were looted, where protesters have killed over 30 people, some in gruesome ways, like burning people alive in their stores. Even animals have been killed like a horse burned alive in its trailer.
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The Dragon Prince: Sol Regem (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
Season 3 not as good as 1 and 2, but Im still happy to have it.
8 April 2022
I do hope we go back to more the way it was in season 1 and 2. Rayla has really, really grown on me. I absolutely love her. I actually didn't start out liking her. I love Soren as well. He is so much smarter then his sister, even though she seems like she is smart, because she has books. Its a really great way to show how book learning doesnt make you smart, or a good judge of character, or able to put together motives. I dont miss not seeing Claudia.
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