
14 Reviews
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Celebration (2007)
It's just bad editing, direction, sound...Story could have been great.
9 January 2021
I understand why Pierre Berge didn't want this released. This is such an unprofessional documentary. The sound is horrible. Literally, you can't hear anything. It is actually boring and you have to wonder how you can make anything about Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge boring. You don't even see much of the clothes. There is a lot of the very talented seamstresses, but there is not a showing of what they actually did, except one person. AND, this is supposed to be about Yves Saint Laurent. It is just making him look like he smokes too much and has facial ticks. REALLY? What is this documentary about? It should be about his genius OR Pierre Berge's genius, or about most of them. Everyone is flawed, which is fine, but this gives us absolutely nothing. I only gave it two stars because of the subject matter. Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge were the perfect team. Creative genius and astounding businessman. Unbelievable that his director, given the opportunity couldn't do a better job or a good job at all.
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This movie was Great! Director and DP AMAZING!
9 January 2021
I am not a football fan, but I loved this movie. The tight close ups bring the viewer into the film. The character development is not drawn out, it is quick and gets the audience invested immediately. Really amazing directing! The coloring and the sparse landscape make the reader understand what living in a Texas town like that is and how important high school football can be. They took The Last Picture Show and made us understand what the players felt when they were the stars in high school. The family dynamics, the team dynamics, the coach...everything works. The performances were great, but were totally driven by the director, the DP and the editor. This movie shows how important all the people behind the scenes are. Bravo!
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Love & Mercy (2014)
Great Bio of the Beach Boys particularly Brian Wilson
6 January 2021
Fantastic movie! Brian Wilson was so talented and John Cusack does an amazing job embodying his character. The direction is great. The characters are perfect. You will learn a lot about Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys and learn to be empathetic toward Brian. Very inspiring, yet also sad. Acting and direction are great and of course you will love hearing the music!
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Not for me
6 January 2021
This movie had a big budget, and I guess lots of potential, but seems to have lost the plot. It's confusing at the beginning as to what is going on. The pace is very slow. George Clooney looks as bad as he possibly can, maybe going for an award, but it just doesn't work. I couldn't get to the end. Maybe something amazing happens and I missed it, but I couldn't feel for the characters and couldn't vest in the film.
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Blood Diamond (2006)
Violent, but memorable. Not for kids or teens.
6 January 2021
I've been doing movie marathons during Covid and have tried to watch every different type of movie. I've been keeping notes and reviewing now. Wow! What can I say. I don't ever want to watch this again, because it haunt me. Right off the bat, the violence starts. I don't like violent movies, but this movie gives you the underlying history of what is going on and how these revolutionary despots corrupt children into doing horrible things. Also, I get the blood diamond idea, but it's really more than that and can't be blamed just on the diamond trade. There are many factors that lead to and show violence. I found it worth researching to see how this all came about. And, Leonardo Di Caprio is great int he role. Good movie, but don't watch if you don't want to be upset as it's disturbing and definitely not for kids or teens.
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Walkaway Joe (2020)
Good movie
6 January 2021
I get people saying the writing might be uninspired and familiar, yet I really like these type of movies. There is something about these familiar movies that moves us, especially when the acting is good like this one. Also, the pool playing gives a little action to the drama. David Strathairn is great and Jeffey Dean Morgan is cool even though not a great father figure. I don't get why people have a problem with Julian Feder. He's a really good actor, and I've seen him in other movies, including A Boy Called Po, where he was amazing! Maybe it was the direction, as overall the movie can be a little slow. But, in the end, I would recommend the movie for the performances and message.
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Booksmart (2019)
Unoriginal and Not Really acting
6 January 2021
I like independent movies, but this disappointed me. I get how people said it is a Superbad knockoff. I don't really care about that. But, just don't understand how they couldn't have made this more original and more geared toward girls/women instead of trying to make girls/women like boys/men. Women and high school girls can be so much more interesting. And I am not so sure about the acting of Beanie (sp?) she is okay, but I think the director may not have given the girls enough to do to be more of standouts. Seems like trying to ease into a genre without being original.
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Robin Williams is Brilliant
6 January 2021
Very funny and Robin William's is amazing. Love it! Pierce Brosnan is perfect as the boyfriend and the kids are good. Really creative, most goes to Robin William's performance. Great movie to watch with kids and family.
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
Some good bits, but a bit tiring
6 January 2021
I think it is a great concept, but I actually got bored. There are a lot of famous people and the director is good, but after watching at the beginning I somehow stopped caring. I really like the idea as I said, I just think it was too long and there were parts that just became banal. Most of the acting was good, but again there were parts that got lost and the direction good, but not always helping the actors toward the end.
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Gladiator (2000)
6 January 2021
Russel Crowe is awesome in this movie and Joaquin Pheonix is perfectly sinister. This is an epic movie to watch. Love the history and the way they play it out. Joaquin's slow, methodic performance is astounding. Really has a lot for everyone to watch and I recommend it.
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Classic! Can watch again and again!
6 January 2021
I've been on a movie marathon during covid quarantine and just starting to review what I've seen. I've seen this movie before, but it's been a while and I realize why I love it so much! Total classic. Audrey Hepburn is beautiful and embodies Truman Capote's Holly Golightly. It's a time period, it's about people becoming something new or different, it's about dreams, it's about the human condition, it's elegant and it's brilliant!
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Pollock (2000)
Really Great Movie about Tragic Life of Brilliant Painter
6 January 2021
I really enjoyed this movie. Ed Harris was amazing as Pollack. Great depiction of the brilliant work, but sadly tragic life Jackson Pollack lived. Has many of the main characters from the book, but doesn't have time to elaborate on them all. I love the film and that it brought it to many audiences. The book it is based on is more informative, but would have taken hours, so this is a really well done movie to get across aspects of Pollack's life and especially that with Lee Krasner. Well worth the watch!
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6 January 2021
I thought this was so well done. They were so talented and the doc is really good. It is a must see! Really worth watching!
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Just Couldn't get into it...
6 January 2021
I know there is a lot of hype about this show, but I just couldn't get into it. I thought it was ridiculous that a little kid was taking so much pain medication....totally unrealistic. And, doesn't say much for the character if that is the only way she can win. I just didn't care enough about the characters to keep watching.
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