
38 Reviews
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Fauda (2015–2022)
Disgustingly shameful
27 December 2023
"Fauda" disappoints as it unravels with an unrealistic portrayal of events, undermining its potential as a credible drama. The narrative, while gripping, veers into sensationalism, stretching the boundaries of believability. The characters, seemingly larger than life, lack the authenticity needed to engage the audience. Moreover, the series is tainted by a pervasive sense of propaganda, pushing a biased perspective that muddies the waters of objective storytelling. The attempt to balance perspectives feels forced, contributing to an overall lack of nuance. While "Fauda" may attract viewers with its intense sequences, the series ultimately succumbs to the pitfalls of unrealistic storytelling and a questionable agenda, leaving a bitter aftertaste.
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The Engineer (2023)
Despicably bad
27 December 2023
Wow this sounded interesting but what a let down. This movie has Robert Davi and that's it. Everything else about it has the look and feel of a bad student film. Absolutely ridiculous. A complete embarrassment to the entertainment industry. The direction is just awful and most of the acting, Robert Davi excluded, is dreadful. And not even fun and campy bad. Unwatchable bad. Coulda been a good movie but it isn't. Effects, direction, even the score is a joke. Without question one of the worst movies I have ever seen and possibly the worst movie I've seen. Zero chemistry between the characters and a cast of stereotypes right out of central casting.
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The Killer (2023)
Anyone wondering how we got here?
12 November 2023
Anyone wondering how we got here? To a point where society is circling the drain and the solution to any problem is a zip tie and execution style killings? Well here you are. Part of the problem is that Hollywood is void of morality or any sense of social responsibility. Even talented filmmakers- this film is well executed- pander to this promotion of murder, endless killing, soulless "heroes ", it's beyond disgusting. As stated before, the people behind this film are talented. But lazy. It's easy to help society slide down that drain. It takes effort, creativity, originality to be entertaining and not destructive. Like being funny without being mean.
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The Idol (2023)
Dreadful Drainage
3 July 2023
The week end sucked, I've never been so excited for a Monday. Stale, boring, atrociously insipid, these all apply, it's dreadful drainage.

This is like a series of tiktok videos sponsored by madonna fans. It's an old formula, everybody knows... "omg poor girl, it's not her fault, the media did this to her, the father and men in her life did this to her", we saw this before thousands of times, it's old. But at least some movies/shows have actually a plot and good characters. Here there's nothing and no one can act. Nepo trash and ghetto garbage. A huge failure by HBO. Hard to believe that after Succession and Gemstones they would launch something so bad, the entertainment hollywood industry is in crisis.
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What a stinker!!
10 May 2023
I've been watching George Clooney and Julia Lewis Roberts for decades and I just realized they're not that talented. Just pretty to look at and decent laughers. This movie was flat, two dimensional, boring, insipid, ingratiating, and really failed in every arena. But the real tragedy is that everybody kind of sees that George and Julia are just kind of average in the acting department. They're not terrible. They're not great. But certainly their brands could have been put to better use. I like a rom com and often watch them on Lifetime or Hallmark and George and Julia should leave them to the pros. This was hard to watch. Painful.
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Casa Grande (2023– )
First Streaming Sleeper of Summer
6 May 2023
Casa Grande is the first streaming sleeper of summer and it's a great one. I feel lucky I just happened upon this on freevee and am really surprised it isn't being promoted. It's really good, hooks you pretty quickly and takes you on a multi-layered journey through the lives of a few contemporary families in California farmland. It has a kind of Yellowstone vibe to it but if you're expecting a counterfeit copy cat of "Y" you're in for a disappointment-this one's original. Well done and very entertaining. Only complaint is that I would have liked a couple more episodes but it might not have had the same tight feel to the story. Also if you are a Scream fan I think a house in this was used in that movie. Trying to verify but I think I've seen that place before!
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Another Streamer Steamer
31 December 2022
This movie is blessed with A-list talent. Great production value. The film clearly cost a pretty penny. And it's not good. Forty five minutes in I was asking "what is this?". There is no humor, no horror, seemingly no story. In fact I would have given this one star but Don Cheadle is in at least a little bit if it and that guy is an amazing actor. But even Cheadle couldn't save or salvage this. It's really hard to keep watching after a half hour. In the first thirty minutes less is accomplished or established than most films do in the first forty five seconds. At times the dialogue is downright creepy and cringe. Ignore the white noise and find something else to watch.
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They/Them (2022)
Absolute garbage
4 December 2022
This review is in now way a reflection on the characters in the movie or their sexuality. The movie itself sucks. Some acting that ranges from decent to good but the movie itself sucks. If you like or love dogs just skip this one. Normally Kevin bacon delivers acceptable content but he went off a deep end here. It's not a horror movie. Not sure what it is but a good movie it ain't. And it's a shame bc there are some talented actors in this one but I guess most movies aren't that good. Again this isn't a commentary on the subject of the film (gay conversion) it's just that this movie ain't good and def not good for dog lovers.
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Great holiday fun and some awesome tunes too
28 November 2022
Great holiday fun and some awesome tunes too! I was expecting a typical two dimensional holiday rom com but this is a lot more fun. The singer is amazing and if that's really her singing, she's got a great future. The kids were a lot of fun and Brooke shields was great. So nice seeing a Hollywood beauty who isn't plasticized to within an inch of her life. She looks great and brought a lot of fun to the movie. Great dialogue and acting. Yeah it's low budget but this one makes up for it with talent and story, and of course song. Lots of fun songs. Not sure if that actress is really the singer but if she is she could be huge!
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Not a rom-com, it's a rom-dram
20 November 2022
This is a romantic drama not really a comedy. The main character, the aging pop starlet who is no longer relevant, she's wearing these big hoop earrings so ridiculously large there should be a parakeet sitting in one of them nibbling on her ear. There are a few elements of comedy here and there but overall a more serious tone. As far as these types of movies go, this one does have a lot of Christmas stuff and the decor and feel reinforces that. But the sorrow and loss kind a cancel it out. Not the worst holiday rom type movie tho and nice to see Freddy jr. The managers oxen style nose ring was another distracting jewelry choice. Does she ever take that out?
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Me Time (2022)
Sorry I watched this.
5 September 2022
Not one legitimate laugh. Was this the worst movie ever made? No. It's still better than west side story but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Formulaic junior high lunchroom humor. And Marky Mark seems to be ripping off Ryan Reynolds's Deadpool bs. And not doing a good job of ripping it off. Kevin hart is usually pretty good but he seemed checked out in this one. Fart jokes and grown men in their 50s playing men in their early 40s. What more can be said about this steaming streamer. Marky mark isn't much of an actor to begin with, but this is sub par even for him. And Kevin hart giving in to hollywoods poop addiction is more than I can stand.
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Epitome of white peopling
31 July 2022
I'm guessing somebody let their wife produce this one. Cringe and cheese score and story. Bad cheap effects like a b movie. Val Kilmer and Michael Douglass were great as always but even their mega star wattage couldn't make this good or interesting.
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Swept Away (2002)
Spielberg's worst
10 June 2022
I can't believe Steven Spielberg made such an insipid and unwatchable disgrace. Everyone involved in this film should have been banned from Hollywood for all time. Literally one of the worst of all time.
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Time to put a fork in all things Jurassic
6 June 2022
What a snooze! This franchise is done. Driven into the ground by an outdated 1980s franchise model boomers refuse to let go of. Spielberg used to put out good movies, now all his movies are like mega-budget B-movies like Roger Corman. The only people buying tickets were the ones who couldn't get tickets to Top Gun.
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Don't listen to the hate, it's really good
2 June 2022
Ok aside from one character in episode three, that thing driving the pickup ( reminded me of the lizards in V final battle), aside from that this show is really good. The black woman playing the evil villainess is an ACTRESS, she's not really an evil monster in real life. And she's a pretty good actress because you can't help but hate her character. I guess a lot of Star Wars fans can't tell reality from their fantasies.
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Senior Year (2022)
Silly but really fun
20 May 2022
Definitely worth checking out it's a nice break from the world and a lot of fun. This made me laugh several times and I didn't think it would make me smile. Give it a try.
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Most boring car chase scene in cinema history
9 May 2022
All in all the movie is ok. Serviceable. I didn't regret spending the time watching it. Fifty cents isn't worth a dime. Send him back to the projects. Plenty of real black actors out there.
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Sorry not funny
30 April 2022
This isn't funny, dc is past his prime. Watch the old Chappell show if you want a laugh or a dc fix. Seems like deep down he's really angry he left that $50 million on the table.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
Just not funny
30 April 2022
Chappelle was a comic genius back in the day but that genius is faded and this special is sad proof. Rude insult humor, adolescent misogyny, jokes that don't land. It's sad seeing a once-great in this state. If u want a Dave chappelle fix watch the old shows.
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Worth (2020)
Great film
28 April 2022
Very interesting and emotionally difficult subject matter of determining the value of the lives lost on 9/11is explored in the film. Lots of chords plucked but amazing acting and filmmaking and a powerful and provocative narrative make this a film worth watching. A little bit of 9/11 history that didn't make the news cycle.
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Fun and different
28 April 2022
Part snobby art house drama, part campy supernatural thriller, part dark comedy. And it manages to pull it off. Great cast comes together for a really fun walk through this world. Definitely worth a look and Rene Russo is amazing. So good to see her back in action.
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Hell or High Water (II) (2016)
Great film
28 April 2022
Wasn't expecting much here but this is actually a really entertaining movie. Jeff Bridges and Chris Pine are amazing and the filmmakers manage to avoid the typical tropes and cliches of bank robber movies.
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Great TV
24 April 2022
I'm not into basketball at all but love this show. It's very fun and funny. Not sure about accuracy but it's fun. Amazing cast. Has some thud or everyone.
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The Abyss (1989)
Cameron's worst
24 April 2022
This could have been a great movie but the problem was his female lead character, Lindsay. The actress who played her, Mary Elizabeth Mastroantonio is amazing but this character of Lindsay was the most foul Human being that ever lived. Lindsay is unlikable trust fund trash who thinks she's above everyone else. And she's stupid. 20 minutes in the audience is ready to put Lindsay out the airlock. But instead she's allowed to ruin the movie. After Ridley and Sarah Connor, two amazing female lead characters, Lindsay was a massive disappointment.
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Campy fun. Not that scary
24 April 2022
Worth a watch if you're a fan of the series but if you're looking for horror this might not be the best choice. Campy and at times silly but it's watchable and fun.
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