
16 Reviews
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My Lady Jane (2024)
So sad we are not getting a second season.
17 August 2024
I came across this show just scrolling Prime looking for something to watch and for some reason it caught my eye. I have not heard anything about it so they cannot have promoted it very well. Anyway...I loved it!! Period piece are generally not my vibe but this show has so much more to it than a dry period piece. It is a modern take that is done in such a fun way that I was hooked straight away and binged it in a week. I looked up when season 2 was going to be released straight away only to find it had been Amazon. Please do a better marketing job Amazon because this show was a delight and it is a shame more people did not find it. Anyway congrats to cast a crew. Even though it is only 1 season I would definitely recommend.
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
Good but...
9 July 2024
I started watching this on Prime and I really enjoyed the first season. These days I generally binge a show and move on to the next one and as such it got old very quickly. It is case of the week and very very formulaic and there is no overarching story across the season so I watched up to the end of season 2 and stopped. If I was someone who watched multiple shows at the same time at a slower pace I think I would have enjoyed it more but this one is just not for me. The acting writing and production is good but there just want not enough variety in the story to keep me engaged to watch the remaining seasons.
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Reacher (2022– )
Not for me...
26 April 2024
I have read and enjoyed a lot of the books so I thought I would enjoy the show. To my surprise I struggled through the first season and decided not to watch the 2nd just because I did not enjoy the show. I cannot pin point why it is not connecting with me because I think it is a good adaption of the book. The only thing I can say is that I probably did not connect with the main actor / character the way I did with the character in the books which is not to say the actor does a bad job it just did not work for me. I maybe would have liked the show more if I had not read the books. My recommendation is read the books.
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Invincible (2021– )
Loved Season 1 but 2 did not hit for me.
4 April 2024
Loved season 1 and was excited for season 2 but I was left disappointed. I loved parts of the story: anything with the guardians, anything with Alan, the relationships but I just do not like the multiverse and Angstrom storyline and to be honest I found it a tad dull. To be fair I do not normally like multiverse stories so that is a factor. I do not think the quality has changed I just think I am not feeling the story they are telling. I also think the chosen release method of two parts with a gap in the middle did not work for me or help the story. I would have preferred week to week release. I hope the focus for the third season is on the aspects of the show I love and we can get back to the brilliance of season 1.
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Hazbin Hotel (2019– )
Unique and creative so refreshing!
26 January 2024
I had not heard of this show.... I found it as I was trying to find something to watch. Not sure why I clicked on it but I did not really expect much but I am absolutely loving it. In a TV movie and TV landscape full of remakes, prequels and sequels this is so creative and refreshing. I loved all the characters in the first episode and the music is outstanding and meaningful. I am preying people find the show and it does well.. so we get more. I have to say Amazon is killing it at the moment with so many good shows being introduced or expanded upon. More creative content like this, please and thank you.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Started strong but...
30 September 2023
I really enjoyed season 1 so I had high expectations going into season 2, but so far I am disappointed. I am on season 2 episode 7 and watching it as they are released but I am genuinely struggling to get through the season. Cannot put my finger on why but I am just not invested in the story anymore or the characters. Perhaps they will knock it out of the park in the final episodes but based on how I feel at the moment I cannot see me watching season 3. Not sure what has changed I out rate season 1 8 but season 2 is very average. I have friends who are loving it and friends who like me are disappointed, hopefully you are in the first camp.
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Beyond Paradise (2023– )
It is OK!
28 February 2023
I really enjoy Death in Paradise and I really enjoyed Kris in the show so of course I gave this new show a whirl. In the context of what feels like a million police, detective, crime shows, however this one just does not stand out. I think the reason I like DinP is because of the tropical setting, when you take that away it is just another OK crime drama. BP just did not grip me and I found my mind drifting as I was watching. Do not get me wrong I did not hate it nor do I think it is bad but I think as a pilot I was left wanting more. I will watch a few more and hopefully it will grow on me or get better.
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Eternals (2021)
Remember when Marvel used to produce good stories.
16 February 2023
I heard this did great at the box office and good in terms of streaming numbers but a good line up of actors, good VFX and the name Marvel behind it does nothing to save this movie. I forced myself to watch the whole thing...thinking 'it is going to get better'.....wrong. There is no story which was made even worse by boring dialogue and boring characters. Because it did well at the box office I hear there are rumours there will be a sequel which is a sad state of affairs when mediocre writing is rewarded. I will not be watching a follow up movie. I hear people are saying it is people getting tired of the super hero genre....which is crap it is just people getting tired of Marvel who are not evolving and just producing the same old packaged different with new characters...snore....come on Marvel do better!
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Love Edward Woodward but..
8 December 2022
Stared watching on Amazon because I used to love Edward in the Equaliser in my youth but this show is just painful despite giving it the usual allowances of it being an old show. Who knows if I watch the Equaliser now perhaps, I will think the same thing. I remember Edward being a good actor but in this show at first pass I just thought every actor was beyond bad. On reflection though I do not think it is the actors at all and more the dialogue that just makes everyone seem extremely wooden and fake.

A lot of shows of the time had a high level of 'cheese' which is not necessarily a bad thing, but this paired with the corny dialogue takes it to level that meant I stopped watching halfway through season 1. I say this as someone who has an obsessive compulsion to finish what I start but in this case I failed! I don't like reviewing without giving any positives, but I just cannot think of any.
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Mammals (2022)
It is okay but....
12 November 2022
Okay is the best way to describe this show. The acting is good but the story is nothing new. I think they have chosen the actors that they have to make the story appear different and it works to a point in terms of turning a bad script to just being okay. Liked the last episode where it started to get interesting and then it ended. It feels like the first season is setup for a second season which I may tune in for to see if it improves but it is definitely not a memorable show. So, to summarise if there is another season, I will watch it if I remember but it is not a show that I will be waiting on.
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Siberia (2018)
Why did Keanu pick this script!!
11 November 2022
Love Keanu but not even he could save this movie. I cannot believe he would have chosen this script! I fell asleep through it twice which will probably give you a hint of how boring I found it. If it was not for the fact that I am OCD about finishing things I start, I would probably have given up after the first ten mins. There is no drama, little action, boring characters and considering it is billed as a romance, no romance! The two main characters met said a few meaningless words, slept together, said a few more words slept together again yada yada and we are supposed to believe romance in what appears to be a short week. I don't normally give bad reviews or when I do I try to find something like but there is nothing. Scratch that I liked the end credits.
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The Winchesters: You're Lost Little Girl (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
"That was scary". Dean Winchester
26 October 2022
To quote Dean Winchester (Yellow Fever): "That was scary!". Loved this episode, you can really start seeing what kind of series they are developing. Liked the first two episodes but I think this is where the series starts everything getting better from the: creep factor, the acting, the music to the writing. I admit I have been a little impatient wanting to know all the answers in relation to SPN but this episode has put my mind at rest and my excitement has doubled. Also heard about some casting news today for a future episode....squeee! Good job team The Winchesters keep up the good work and the creep factor.
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The Winchesters (2022–2023)
The hunting life through a 70's lens and great music. I am in!
12 October 2022
I was sceptical and a little worried as SPN means a lot to me, but I have to say I enjoyed the pilot a lot. It is not SPN (I don't think they are trying to be) but it has the same SPN vibe which brought back the nostalgia. Seeing the hunting life through a 70 lens with new characters was refreshing. The SPN fanbase is so passionate and some people will like, and some will dislike the show and sometimes fandom politics are at play, so the best advice is take my review and all the other reviews with a pinch of salt (pun intended) and watch the pilot and make you own call. I am in. As an aside the music in the episode is a character in its own right!
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Great in parts
7 March 2022
I loved 4 out of the 8 episodes with the rest being a bit meh. It averages out for me to a being a good watch that I would recommend. The first episode is a stand out for me. I think the ones that I did not enjoy as much are the ones a little bit more separated from the The Boys characters and storyline. Did appreciate the different animation styles and the cast is great.
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Ripper Untold (2021)
Not bad but just so predictable.
9 February 2022
I actually enjoyed the premise but the execution let it down. I think most people would watch this thinking murder mystery but the biggest let down is that there is no mystery, no real twists, the signals as to who the murder was where clumsy and the doctor and the detective looked like fools due to not picking up on the 'clues'. I do not blame the acting or the direction I think sadly the writing was weak. It could have been really good but as is just OK.
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Love Detective Batman!
23 June 2021
Very well done and has set the scene perfectly for Part 2. The cast has to be the best collective group that they have put together for a long time and they all nailed their roles. I particularly liked early Bats / Bruce and Calendar Man was just down right creepy. I really liked the animation the fight and snowy Gotham scenes where amazing. I am expecting a lot more action in Part 2 and some of my favourite moments from the comics.....please, please do not let it disappoint.
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