
19 Reviews
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One of Winstead's best performances
6 January 2024
Pros: Mary Elizabeth Winstead gives one of her best performances and she is convincing throughout, she is perfect when she needs to be shy, confident, and empathetic and the movie is never messy because of her.

There are some nice looking shots everyone else in the cast was good to OK, Don Johnson was pretty good, the dad was fine but barely in it, the child was ok, and the sister had some good moments and bad moments too the pacing is quick due to a short runtime cons: the story is very uneventful most of the character interactions were boringly written and shot the sound design and musical score were inconsistent and the characters all were well acted blank slates watch for some good performances especially Winstead.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Mid asf and overrated
4 October 2023
Pros: Ep 4 was exciting well written and well directed shin and braylon were both intersting with shin being the highlight of the entire show.

The effects are fine, the music was alright with some good songs and some bad.

The design of the nightsisters looked pretty good Hayden christensen was better than in the prequels probably cause he isnt in it very much

Negatives: This show gives no more character to ahsoka than before and doesnt show any of her traits leading me to not care about her or anything that happens in this show.

Sabine is and always will be a nothing character mary elizabeth winstead is given nothing to do and no reason to be in this show.

The writing sucks in the entire show aside from ep 4 finally all the performances from everyone aside from a few actors are wooden cheesy and at most times annoying

Im not putting a spoiler warning because nothing happened in this nothing show stop giving dave faloni credit he doesnt deserve.
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Good movie with weak things
22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: Kaitlyn Dever is really great, her character leaves some to be desired but kaitlyn is able to show her fear and anxiety with skill and is convincing throughout. The effects were all really well done. The music and sound design were interesting and added alot, and theres quite a bit of this movie that is tense and scary, also it subvirts expectations in an interesting way. Overall I do think its worth watching.

Cons: The main character is pretty underdeveloped, the alien design was very familiar with little to stand out. The last 30 mins were unfortunitly very slow and at that point I was wanting the movie to end.


I did like the reavele that she actually was the reason her friend died and the moment she apologised was pretty emotionally effective due to Devers performance, I just wish the pacing kept up after the car explotion

6/10 closer to a 7.
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this review is from a gay man
24 August 2023
I saw all the hype and the trailers and I honestly thought that this movie looked pretty bad.

The biggest problem with this movie were the performances, the 2 main actors didnt have any chemestry and it stemed from thier wooden boring performances.

What also didnt help was that we didnt learn anything about these 2 on their own. The prince says hes miserable but we never see him having any hard life, and the presidents' son was extremely underdeveloped.

The writing was one note and nothing original or subtle about it.

The music was obvious and didnt always fit the tone.

Finally it was also the most predictable script ever made.

Pros were uma thurman, and the make up and costumes

skip it.
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A boring, Ugly, Unscary Horror film
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: Yvonne Strahaski wasn't bad here, I haven't seen a lot of her work but I did watch this to see her acting, She did a pretty good job selling her fear and trying to stay calm for her kids, but unfortunately her character is one of the most underdeveloped characters in any movie I've ever seen.

Cons: All the other performances sucked, I've seen worse child actors in movies but the girls in this movie were annoying and just screamed and cried, Didn't help that they didn't have any personality to them either, The two men were bad too and were just there to die in uninteresting ways

The cinematography and color were so awful, this is hands down the ugliest movie I've ever seen, the colors are just grey I didn't see any other color other than grey

The killer wasn't intimidating and somehow after being hit in the back with an axe he survives

There's no tension and the only scares were from jump scares and none of them were effective

But still the worst part of this movie were the characters, Not one of them are given any sense of a personality, Most low budget slasher movies still have at least something to try and give personality to the characters by having the couple be breaking up, or having a nuclear family, and while that's chliced it would have added something to anyone character

The main characters most interesting feature is that she smokes, that's really it, She never goes through an arch and she doesn't even talk to her husband all that much

There is one part of this movie that I thought made me laugh intentionally The husband character walks up to a store clerk and asks to get his stuffed animals gift wrapped and she stares at him and says what did you do

It was actually kind of funny

but don't watch this movie there was so little that I enjoyed that its probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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Great performances and some suspenseful scenes but overall mediocre and stupid
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The performances were all great but the stand out for me was Rebecca Rittenhouse this being the only thing I've ever seen her in and she KILLED her performance, she doesn't get alot to do, or alot of screentime but the script asked her to give a very emotional and powerful performance and she delivered... Also there are some creepy moments in the movie and there are some great emotional moments mostly with Rittenhouse

However the movie is kinda boring and the jumpscares are terrible, and the story is less believable than the first

Also another positive is that the characters this time are relatively likeable and it is hard to see them die Unlike the first where part of the fun was watching these monsters get butchered
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Alot of fun
2 February 2021
Pros: ella hunt is fantastic in this movie my favorite of that year, the cinematography is fun and nice to look at, the atmosphere is fun then turns to tense, it's pretty funny although not all the jokes land, all of the songs are surprisingly catchy and fun, breakaway is fun and adds relatability to the three leads, Hollywood ending is a cheesy pop ballad that foreshadows the tone of the movie, its that time of year is funny, turning my life around isn't amazing but is fun in the context of the story, human voice is the turning point of the movie, soldier at war is super meh, and one hell of a show is fun and shows how anna has developed, I love Anna's arch in the story, steph's actress wasn't great but her character was fun, John was super relatable and my personal favorite character

Cons: I wanted some more gore in the movie

Check this out is super fun
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Better than the original in some ways
2 February 2021
Cons: the effects were not good, and some of the acting wasn't great

Pros: the story is fun and better paced than the original, mary Elizabeth winstead's performance was great ( not my favorite from her) and she added alot of personality to kate who on paper doesn't have much but winstead adds so much to her, Carter is fun, the direction is good, the script is fine, but I find this movie just more fun

The ending was good but they never finished Kate's story which is sad but I'm not angry about it
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The Thing (1982)
Well made
2 February 2021
This movie is really well made.. Its shot really well, all the acting is great, the atmosphere is fantastic, rj mccready is a great hero, and the gore is amazing

Honestly tho... the story is super lacking to me, the other characters are bland, it wasn't very scary to me and it's so boring to me Check it out cause it is a classic but it's not for me
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An improvement in every way
1 February 2021
Pros: this movie is better than the original in everyway... the actors show more, the action has tension and suspense instead of being fun and fast paced, The music is the best in the franchise, every character from the first is expanded upon and the new characters are fleshed out really well too. It's dark, sad and better than the first
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Good on a technical level
31 January 2021
On a technical level this works pretty well. The direction is solid with some great cinematography. The music is fantastic and one of the best parts of the movie. All the performances were fantastic with emmy rossum giving everything she has to her character... Christine is a decent character and she is fleshed out well but doesn't really have an arch

However interms of writing, and characters this is pretty meh... the phantom is kinda fleshed out but not to much roule is the most boring character in the movie and everyone else is one dimensional... also the story is horribly paced and while the songs are good and catchy they dont add to the story

Filmmaking wise 7/10 Story and writing 4/10 Overall: 5.7/10
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This was awful
8 January 2021
So first some positives Anna Kendrick, Emily blunt, and Meryl Streep's performances were all great Streep in particular.

Some of the songs are good

Everything else is bad the first half of the movie was a 3 out of 10 Then halfway through the movie changes and becomes a 1 out of 10

It just was really bad and boring loop
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Good acting... cheesey meh movie
21 November 2020
Emmy rossum and Jake Gyllenhaal were both the highlight of this movie and the acting was all pretty strong

However the movie was super boring average and kinda stupid
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17 November 2020
This movie isn't bad at all It's very colorful, Mary Elizabeth winstead's performance is fantastic, and the action is very fun... Other than that this movie is pretty meh... Not anywhere near as good as people say.
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Almost as bad as black christmas 2019
14 November 2020
The only redeeming qualities to this movie are one song on the soundtrack and sophie neliees OKAY performance. Her scenes where just boring not unwatchable. Tbh there's no effort to this movie so I'm not gonna say it's bad it's just terrible
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Eighth Grade (2018)
2nd best movie of 2018
14 November 2020
While the cinematography could've been better everything else is amazing.

Elsie Fisher gives a career defining performance. The score is memorable and interesting.

It's funny, awkward, relatable and just fantastic

Bo Burnham make 12th grade for her senior year
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Slow burning masterpiece
14 November 2020
While it is pretty slow and not much happens

This movie is amazing, it feels so real and the performances will never be met.

Easily one of the scariest and realistic movies ever made
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Inside (2011)
Emmy rossum is fantastic in this week thriller
14 November 2020
This features one of emmy rossums best performances... she added 3 points to this otherwise boring,derivative,predictable and poorly written thriller. Also it didn't feel like DJ Caruso put any effort into the direction One other praise is its score didn't suck on it's own it's not used in any good way but it is a nice sounding score
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Assimilate (I) (2019)
This has one good thing in it...
13 November 2020
Andi Matchiak is a really talented actress and her performance was good... However the script, the effects, the acting, the cinematography, and the score (in particular) were all awful Don't watch
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