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The Dora version of the Transformers; not very intelligent, and a bit of a waste of time.
17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I only made it to episode 5, then skipped to the end of the series to see if the finale had any substance and gave up halfway through that, so take this review with a grain of salt.

And I am very salty about this.


I try to watch children's shows with two metrics in mind; the demographic, and the overall quality. Children's shows CAN be more simplistic, although I am of the opinion that they should be written just as cleverly as shows for adults. The overall quality includes the writing quality, animation quality, characters, etcetera.

Perhaps it is because I came here from Transformers: Prime that this show disappointed me.


The human characters were generic and pretty unmemorable. The children's homesick plotline was introduced and then dropped so fast it gave me whiplash, when it could have been a really great way to give the characters more depth. (if you want a good show for children's media that tackles the supernatural + the loneliness of missing home, watch HILDA). The parents were there, in a generic girlboss and malewife trope, which has been really done a lot already, so it's kinda eh. Maybe if it had been done 5 years ago.

The beloved transformer characters are quite different from what we know, and while I understand universal differences (I am of the Rise of the TMNT lover crowd, believe me I know.) it is a bit hard to watch bots like Bumblebee and Optimus fumble through arcs that should have happened eons ago in this timeline.

The villain is similarly there; vaguely threatening and quite ugly (his design makes me laugh).


It's fine. A bit jank, but I get budget constraints. I have no praise for the show's style choice, as the meshing of hyperrealistic backgrounds with the simple, geometric characters does not really work for me.


Dear heaven the writing.

This is where I understand that this show is a children's show, and that sometimes the plots are going to be quite simple. But at the same time, I feel like this would be somewhat insulting to most 9-13 year olds. It goes over generic life lessons like we're watching Dora again and trying to tell us how to be patient or how to listen.

This wasn't the show's most egregious sin, dear reader. No. It is how the show writes the characters and dynamics-

In almost all Transformers lore the most influential characters to the plot are Optimus and Megatron, hands down. Optimus is the symbol of the Autobots, and Megatron is the symbol of the Decepticons. The whole Autobot/Decepticon war hinges on their relationship. In some universes, they end up reconciling in the end, and I do like those universes, I have no problem with them. Earthspark decided to tackle this section of the timeline, with Megs and Optimus working together.


YOU Don't frikking get any of their dynamic from how this show portrays their relationship. That is almost criminal. That is the most fun, interesting dynamic to have, all this rich history, old wounds, past allegiances. Earthspark decides to use none of it. Megatron and Optimus have the most bland, coworker-core, Frank Welker's Freddy Milk-and-Toast voice RELATIONSHIP in the world. And it kills me.

So then you end up with these transformer characters acting like robotic cutouts of themselves. The reaction to finding out that their species is possibly NOT DEAD. After HALF THE WAR on EARTH being over this specific thing??? Saving CYBERTRON AND THEIR RACE? Barely memorable?? I legit do not remember their being any touch of emotion beyond the generic, "ooo baby cybertronians, wow isnt that incredible?" Any immense guilt over almost destroying the human race for that very thing? Bumblebee no longer being the youngest in their race?

I would have loved to see Megatron's slow turn from evil. HONESTLY. I would watch a show that took place a decade back in the timeline with Dot and Megatron as law & order/crime partners. Mo being so in hate with Megs. Like THAT WOULD BE SO FUN.

It could have been really amazing. But somehow the writers fumbled it.

TL:DR Their new characters were flimsy, their episode plots were inane (Wild Kratts levels; no offence meant to the Kratt's and full offence to Earthspark), and they had like 500 opportunities for interesting character dynamics and took NONE OF THEM. I gave up halfway through the show.

Put it on for your 5 year old as a substitute for Dora the Explorer. Or don't. Watch Wild Kratts instead so they'll learn about cool animals.
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New story, same action-packed turtles!
7 August 2022
An excellent continuation of the Rise turtle's story! It's a spectacle of beautiful visuals, as usual with Flying Bark studios; the score was an unexpected additional treat, I'll definitely be going back for another listen.

The pacing was incredibly fast, but that's to be expected with the Rise turtles- I think they balanced it out well while keeping it what it is- a kids movie that all ages can enjoy. (I watched it with my parents and younger siblings, we all had a blast.)

I especially love how Ant Ward and Andy Suriano have adapted the turtle's story, keeping the characters true to their personalities while still making a unique story.

It's a movie I'm certainly going to watch again!
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No one here knows who the main character is supposed to be
4 June 2022
If I told my younger self that Boba Fett would get a live action TV show, I would have been moderately psyched. Sure, Boba wasn't my favorite, but I thought that there would be some entertainment to be had.

If I had then told my younger self that only half the show would be about Boba Fett and that he would be portrayed as an old fool who has to have a random side character tell him how to 'crime lord' - I would have scoffed and laughed at how idiotic of a plot it sounded. And yet here we are.

The Mando Fennec Fett show is a nightmare of Kathleen Kennedy proportions. It is a thematically confused mess with a smokescreen of cardboard cutouts of favorite characters to bring in viewers.

The star is only here because of Bryce Dallas Howard's incredible directorial work on episode 5. AKA the only 10/10 live action Star Wars content I have seen in a decade. (Mando is like an 8/10) Yes, I am still baffled how it came to be and angry that it's stuck right in the middle of this series like a bar of gold in the middle of a depressing Bobo 'the clown' Fett sandwich.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Best family-friendly sci-fi TV show
6 January 2021
This series is definitely on my top 10 personal favorite TV shows list. I've never seen the original show or the movie, but this show is refreshingly delightful and fun! It's clean enough that I can watch it comfortably with my younger siblings and my parents. It's cheesy at times and the science is occasionally dodgy, but the show runs really well with it. The characters are very well rounded; they all have their flaws and traits, and the villain is chilling and well thought out. Dr. Smith makes me more scared for the characters than any physical threat. The Robinson family start out kinda drifting apart in season 1, but come back together very organically throughout the season (bring tissues, some of these bonding moments are doozies). The visual effects and practical effects are definitely top notch for a TV show, especially for one that tends to get overlooked. Plus the OST is done by John Williams. Like listening to gold.
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Rise is an excellent new chapter for the TMNT universe, for fans both old and new
25 September 2020
It takes it a few episodes to get its stride going, but once it's set, it opens up a brand new world and vision of the TMNT universe. And the view is glorious.

I came to this series when my love for american animation and american produced cartoons was at an all time low. After Gravity Falls and a couple of disappointing Disney films, I felt like I would never see anything new or beautiful again in the traditionally animated world of american cartoons. Enter Rise. It's big, it's colorful, and most incredibly of all, it hosts some of the most beautiful shots and animated sequences I have seen since Mob Psycho 100 season 2 ended. Anyone who disses the animation is clearly not an animator (I've been at it for 10 years now).

The plot is always simmering, but it mainly takes the back-burner while the younger-than-usual turtle teens are finding their footing in a world of humans, mutants, yokai, and ninjas. While the plot-relevant episodes are mind boggling in their vivacity and splendor, the quote unquote filler episodes are just as expertly crafted with humor, heart, and just plain old family-friendly fun. The character writing is subtle and excellent, and it delivers well in season 2. No small defining character moment is forgotten, and it all comes together beautifully.

Animation 10000/10 (it broke the meter)

Art Style 10/10 (Glowy and slick, homage to the comic book style with dark shading and contrast)

Character design 10/10 (just LOOK at the shape design! The shape language!)

Characters 9/10 (I love all of them, like, every character that shows up is so distinct and fun. But I feel like N*ckelodeon rushed some of the character arcs for SOME reason)

Writing 9/10 (Little shaky at the beginning, but soon after the incredible fight scenes, pacing, and seriously fun filler episodes show off the talent in this show)

Heart 10/10 (Excellent family show. I watch it with my little sisters and my Mom and they all love it.)
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One Punch Man (2015– )
What if a man got depression so bad that he decided to get buff enough to kill a god?
25 September 2020
In theory it sounds wild, but ONE somehow knocks it out of the park with this slice of life/action series.

It follows the life of one Saitama, a man strong enough to kill any enemy with one punch. But this fact is reduced to insignificance in the narrative, echoing the perspective of Saitama, outshone by the fact that he is a man who lives alone, shops exclusively on sale day, and is distractingly bald; because unfortunately, you can't punch depression away. ONE's talent of making the uninteresting interesting is only rivaled by his talent of really getting into the minds of his characters. You kind of float along through the series as Saitama floats through life. Not aimless. But... waiting, maybe. For when life drops a metaphorical robot cyborg on your doorstep asking to be your roomate. It's literal for Saitama, but the meaning is roughly the same.

It's fun, it's wild as hell, and its gorgeous.
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Kung Fu Panda (2008)
A heartfelt movie dressed as a comedy
25 September 2020
I love this movie. Dearly love it. It's only flaw is that it has a little trouble balancing its comedy with its serious moments; while it has its charm, it sometimes detracts from the story. Aside from that, this movie has a broad theme about how teaching (mentoring, parenting) creates a reflection of yourself. This movie has heart spilling out of the seams, it's just... warm and fuzzy. And miles better than anything d*sney is currently trying to put out.

Animation 8/10 (You can see the improvement made in the second film, but still dang gorgeous) Writing 9/10 (the parallels and themes about parenting are just *chef kiss* -1 point for the sometimes unnecessary comedy) Voice Acting 10/10 (I die when Shifu has his talk with his son) Heart 100/10 (A feel good movie that I love to watch any time)
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Megamind (2010)
A wise person once said we were given a choice: to either make Megamind popular, or to make Despicable Me popular. And humanity chose wrong.
25 September 2020
Possibly the best-written family-friendly superhero movie in existence. This cliche-defying, Hans Zimmer-soundtracked, incredibly well-paced movie is funny, charming, adorable, and worthy of a watch (or 78, but who's counting?).

Will Ferrell adds a manic, hilarious energy to the main character. Tina Fey is on fire with the dry one-liners, and Jonah Hill plays an excellent creepy "nice-guy" villain. This movie is just a blast. It slaps. It really deserves more fans, so ONWARD.
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Mob Psycho 100 (2016–2022)
Literally so beautiful I start crying every time
25 September 2020
Have you ever watched an anime so beautiful, visually and emotionally, that it makes you realize that sometimes the world isn't totally awful and maybe gives you the will to get up one more time and try to be a little kinder, a little more of a better person? Because HOOO BOY. THIS SHOW. The writing is top notch, the characters are incredibly in depth, the villains are amazing, and the main character is literally my favorite protagonist out of any anime I've ever seen.

Once you get over the slightly strange but charming art style (which is simply mimicking the original artist's style, be nice guys), Mob Psycho 100 pries open your third eye with a crowbar and gives you the experience of a lifetime. I could gush for literal hours about the incredible quality of the animation in this show, but I'll simply say this - alongside Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, its GROUNDBREAKING what these animators did, what they have done, and what they hopefully will continue to do.

This show deserves more than 10 stars. It is an experience that everyone should share.
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Stargate (1994)
It has everything a 90's syfy/action movie needs
25 September 2020
I watch this movie at least once a year. This is coming from someone who hates rewatching movies because I don't want them getting stale, so I mean it when I say this movie never gets old for me. It has Kurt Russel. It has realistic language barriers in movies that don't magically disappear for plot convenience! (looking at you Atlantis:tLE) It has baby-face James Spader (otherwise known for the voice of Ultron). It has aliens! It has revolution! Cheesy one liners! What else could you want from a 90's syfy/action movie?

Honestly, it has solid writing, a fun premise, and enough intrigue to warrant 10 seasons, 2 spinoff shows, and 2 more movies. Just go watch it.
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