
51 Reviews
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The Pale Door (2020)
Enjoyable western witch mashup
7 February 2022
Not a bad watch. Kept me engaged. But there isn't much story and the ending is disappointing. Concept is similar to Dusk til Dawn but nowhere near as good.
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Why are Chinese movies so bad?
12 January 2022
Only tuned into this because of Steven Seagal and Mike Tyson. But they only have brief screen time and the short fight between them was well done but that's the one minute highlight of the film. The rest was awful. Don't know why but Chinese movies are just terrible. They really need to improve their quality to American standards. China's biggest box office movie Wolf Warrior 2 was cringeworthy awful. This wasn't too far off from that.
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Loved it because it subverts expectations
5 January 2022
Why all the hate. People are holding it to the same standard as the first Matrix which was fresh and original when it came out but you can't redo the exact same thing. I enjoyed the parody and how it cleverly evolves the story which confuses Neo and us viewers. There's a lot of nice nostalgic Easter eggs and callback moments. The story was great if somewhat rehashed but the real letdown are the fight scenes are not well shot like the first and second. There's a lot of fast cut scenes and shaky cam and no cool effects like 360 bullet time. Still I'm not gonna knock it too harshly as I'm a fan and am glad they even made a sequel and appreciate the talky first hour of world building. I like how they've added a civil war for machines and how machines and people work together to build a new city. This adds an element of realism. Overall don't listen to the critics as I immensely enjoyed it and the self parody comedy. It would be nice to have Lawrence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving back but the new actors played the part well enough. Highly recommended for real fans but keep an open mind and stop expecting the same as the original.
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She's Missing (2019)
Slow burn character study
28 December 2021
This movie is not for everyone. It's a slow burn character study on friendship loneliness and poverty in the backdrop of small town life. There's not much story or ending. It's an artsy film where a girl looks for her missing friend and meets oddball characters. This kinda looking for someone movie has been done before like Under the Silver Lake and Heather Graham's Committed. Character studies can be fascinating like the Oscar winning Joker. You don't watch it for a coherent story but to appreciate the character development and drama. I don't know why but I strangely found the movie hypnotic and I'm not into artsy films where it's all style no substance. Eiza and Lucy are both gorgeous and amazing actresses who help the movie punch way above its mundane weight.
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Not that bad
9 December 2021
Superhero movies are formulaic and I think fans are spoiled so we expect something fresh and exciting but it's hard to come up with anything new. This sequel is pretty much a rehash of the first with more of the same. Still the action and CGI fights were great. The story is weak but that's to be expected. It's hard to come up with new stories.
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Amazing CGI and good watch
1 December 2021
Okay it's Resident Evil so don't expect any groundbreaking story. It's the same plot you've seen a dozen times but repackaged in shiny new anime and the advances in CGI clearly shows. It's getting to be photo realistic and a big improvement from earlier films. It's worth a watch just to appreciate the quality of the CGI alone.
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Don't Kill It (2016)
Dolph you da man
11 November 2021
This is one of Dolph's best movies in years. It's an old school throwback to 80s style action films that plays it tongue in cheek and not sure it was meant to be funny but is funny in parts. It ain't gonna win Oscars but it's a simple story with good action.
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Safe cracking with romance drama
8 November 2021
I'm a sucker for zombie movies and liked Army of Dead so thought there were zombies in this movie but this is not a zombie movie at all. There's only passing mentions of zombies. It's about a team of safe crackers who enjoy the thrill of cracking safes and they bond over thrill seeking, romance and irrelevant banter. It's watchable for the drama more than the safe cracking but I was hoping for some zombie fights.
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The Dark (I) (2018)
Slow burn character study
6 November 2021
This is really a character study and friendship between a zombie girl and abused kidnapped boy. It's less horror and more drama and looks at their budding friendship thru the lens of damaged innocence. It was an interesting watch but the script needs sharpening and the ending is unclear. Key plot points were not explained like how she became a zombie and how she later becomes human again. Guess it doesn't really matter as the zombie aspect is downplayed and feels forced into a story that doesn't need a zombie aspect. Still you have to appreciate the effort put into a mish mash genre story which isn't easy to do. Still an enjoyable watch with a fresh take on a well trodden genre. A bit of fast forwarding will help get thru the slow placing.
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See it for the cast
20 October 2021
This is classic neo noir like in the 1960s. It ain't gonna break any new ground and the plot isn't earth shattering but it's an easy watch for the cast alone. John Travolta Morgan Freeman Famke and Robert Patrick. Enough said. But then you got the amazing Brendan Fraser who criminally does not get enough screen time but I'm sold. It's just fun to watch all these great old timers back together. The story is rather weak but really it's more a character study of eccentric small town life. I enjoyed it just for seeing the cast. If you're a fan of the actors then watch it. If not then you're likely to be bored.
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A Christmas Reunion (2015 TV Movie)
Cute Christmas rom com if formulaic
11 October 2021
Reviewers are too harsh. It's a TV movie so it doesn't have a huge budget but it doesn't need a huge budget. Denise is the real reason to see this cute Christmas love story which revolves around two high school sweethearts getting back together in a small town to reopen a Christmas bakery. Okay it doesn't break any new ground and the acting isn't gonna win any Oscars or Emmy but it doesn't need to. It's a simple feel good small town Christmas bakery story that stars Denise and Patrick Muldoon who are pretty good together. I remember them both in Starship Troopers and it's great to see them both back together. I'm rating this higher because it's a small budget TV movie so you can't compare this to big budget Hollywood productions.

This is an easy watch where you don't have to think too hard and you know the ending before it's even begun and something you can turn on and fall asleep to. Just a nice relaxing watch with the ever gorgeous Denise Richards.
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The Protégé (2021)
Great female assassin action
29 September 2021
Couldn't quite follow the story but basically a female assassin looks for answers from her past and beats up a bunch of baddies along the way. The fight scenes are competently done and Maggie and Michael play off each other well. Samuel L Jackson doesn't do much but it's always great to have him. The thing that loses me is the story. I can't figure out what's going on like who does Michael Keaton work for and what exactly is Maggie Q looking for. And who is the bad guy and what did he do that they want to kill him as he isn't a terrorist. But then again these kinda films plot don't matter much. You watch it for the action.
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Just Bonkers
25 September 2021
A bizarre mashup of western samurai and post apocalyptic genres. Good visuals and simple story but overall fell flat and pacing slow. I watched it for Nic Cage of course and he always gives a good performance. The problem is the directing. Many scenes just drag and the weird geisha background and chanting gets annoying. It's just like Escape from New York except here it's Japan. Nic Cage goes into the wasteland to rescue a girl and fights samurai and meets all kinda weird while wearing a suit rigged with explosives that detonate if he doesn't meet deadlines. The movie has a decent budget, nice set pieces, okay fight sequences and you can't go wrong with Nic Cage and Sofia Boutella. But overall it falls flat because of lousy directing. Still it's worth a watch for Nic Cage fans. Fast forwarding can get thru the slow parts.
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Old (2021)
Fresh story clunky directing and dialogue
23 September 2021
This isn't much of a horror as there aren't many scares but the story is original. It would have worked better if audiences didn't know the central conceipt of the plot going in but with a title called Old and a movie poster as such you know pretty much 80% of the plot already. The twist ending isn't much of a reveal and doesn't add much to the story but it is better than the Village. I'd have to say the directing is rather poor with odd camera angles and vantage points. The dialogue is clunky as well. But all these misgivings can be overlooked as it's a fresh story which is a nice changeup from the usual totally predictable Disney superhero fare. Overall I enjoyed it but felt a better direction and sharpening of the script could have elevated the material. The twist ending in particular felt incomplete.
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The Bag Man (I) (2014)
Hitman motel mystery
13 September 2021
I love mystery motel movies so I'm rating this higher. Most people will give this a 5 but I liked it. Strange people in motels with unknown agendas as the story slowly reveals itself are enjoyable. No doubt John Cusaco.
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Action packed home invasion thriller
4 September 2021
Like Arnie in Terminator 1 to Terminator 2 they turn the blind guy from the antagonist to the anti hero. As good as the original. Story, character development, plot etc. Don't matter in this kinda movie. It's all about the anti hero beating up bad guys and his flawed character and vulnerability is what makes this enjoyable. If you loved the first you'll like this. It's one of the better home invasion movies.
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Pretty good action sci-fi
31 August 2021
For a $25 million production this is very good. Reminds me of Pitch Black which has a similar budget. The story is simple based on an old role playing card game which I never heard of. Basically a group of soldiers lead by the amazing Ron Pearlman and Thomas Jane must infiltrate a dungeon where a machine turns people into zombies and they need to blow it up. That pretty much sums it up. But the visual style and action sequences are well done and it held my attention. IMO is better than a lot of big budget Marvel and DC action movies just because this is different.

Anyone rating this lower are being overly critical. You don't watch these kinds of movies for plot or character development. The story is nonsensical and fighting mutants ain't gonna break any ground story wise. But it's the visual style and cinematography that gets top marks. It's mostly shot in monochrome and muted colors which lends a fresh style to the zombie genre. And with Thomas Jane and Ron Perlman you can't go wrong. Really top marks to the director for making this work on such a small budget. The set pieces CGI and makeup are well done. I enjoyed it.
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Jiu Jitsu (2020)
Space ninja and martial arts! What's not to like?!
9 May 2021
This is a mix of Predator and Mortal Kombat without the fatalities. There isn't much story but then again when you're fighting space ninjas with kung fu you don't need much story. This is a goofy chill action movie you can unwind with on a Friday night over a beer. Don't expect anything deep or meaningful and just enjoy the action for what it is. A must see for fans of Nic Cage and Tony Jaa.
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A goofy horror comedy
8 May 2021
To be honest it's not much of a horror as there aren't any scares to be had so it's more a goofy comedy where Nic Cage battle amusement park robots and doesn't say a word. It's oddly enjoyable as a weird goofball chill movie you can laugh at and don't take too seriously. If you're looking for plot and serious drama this is not it.
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Skylines (2020)
2nd best in the series!
8 May 2021
Ranked from best to worst is part 2 then this then part 1. Keep in mind this was shot on a small budget maybe $10 Million which is an incredible achievement considering how much special effects are going on. You really can't do Sci Fi on a low budget but they did a pretty good job considering the amount of alien fights, space ship battles and world building of the mythology. These are not cheap special effects to do so give them credit. Watchable if predictable similar to Aliens complete with a twist betrayal at the end that's been done so many times before. It's really hard to come out with original scripts nowadays as the plot has been done so many times before. But it's still good they tried to advance the story and build on the previous two movies. Not a bad popcorn watch where you can turn off your brain and just chill on a Friday night. Give this a watch.
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Way better than Mortal Kombat
4 May 2021
I don't analyze movies for character development plot faithfulness to source material or any such nonsense. Bottom line is was I entertained and most resoundingly yes. I thought this was better than Mortal Kombat which I feel it's a 6.5 and far better than Wonder Woman 1984 which is more like a 5. Just great monster fight scenes and fun goofy chemistry between the two leads. Love the international cast of actors and the monster CGI was well done. With a movie called Monster Hunter you know what you're getting and it delivers. You don't watch a Monster Hunter movie for plot character development logic or narrative coherence. You watch it for monster hunting action and you get exactly that. Awesome!
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Rating for Season 1 and 2
21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Seasons 1 and 2 are both great. Season 1 was fresh and spent a lot of time in world building and developing the characters and their arc. And Sir Anthony Hopkins always is a delight. But I also enjoyed season 2 as they travel to the promised land. It nicely concludes the story and was action packed. I give both season 1 and 2 an 8.

But season 3 totally lost me. If some of the original cast was not in season 3 I would have given up but I hung on as you're invested in these characters. Unfortunately the story was weak and the villain silly and it's hard to follow the story. The pacing is off and the conclusion didn't pay off. There were many scenes where it just drags and tonally it's off that I had to fast forward the slow bits or I would have tuned out. Really the story nicely concluded in season 2 and there's no story left to tell so they're trying to keep this going but there just isn't much plot or character arc. Can't see how they can sustain this into more seasons The hosts have already gotten their happily ever after in the promised land at the end of season 2. Season 3 is watchable for some cool action scenes but lower your expectations and fast forward slow scenes so you don't fall asleep.
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Not as good as original but still fun
8 March 2021
Obviously sequels are always a tough act to follow but this was still good nostalgic fun. It's not as good as the original and the fish out of water in New York was more fun than fish out of water in Africa but it's still entertaining. This had a lot of musical dance numbers but the jokes aren't as funny as the original. Still the nostalgia alone is worth it. Reviews are poor because the original set a high bar. Fans of the original will enjoy this but lower your expectations.
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Shortcut (II) (2020)
Low budget creature horror
4 March 2021
It's not too bad for a low budget monster movie but there's not much horror to be had. Wasn't that scary but the creature makeup was ok. Similar to Jeepers Creepers but isn't as big budget as that or as action packed. Still it's watchable even if not very thrilling.
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Stranded (V) (2013)
Ignore the bad reviews. I enjoyed it.
16 February 2021
Don't worry about others comments. Only my opinion matters and this was not a bad watch for a low budget sci fi flick. It's similar to aliens, prometheus, the thing, life and it was pretty good. I was not bored and did not have to fast forward. Most low budget movies I can't even get thru it with fast forwarding but this definitely held my attention. It doesn't break any new ground but it doesn't needed. I was looking for cheap thrills and it delivered. I even watched it again so that says something as I have a very short attention span. Recommended.
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