6 Reviews
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Did I watch this movie or did I do drugs?
15 June 2021
If you like not knowing where a movie is going, this is the movie for you!

Because whatever you're thinking, that's not where it's going.

If you like that? Go for it. It's a wild ride.
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Suspension of disbelief? More like suspension of all reality
5 June 2021
There are positives to this film. In general it's very well acted, and I can see how the entrenched sentimentality about baseball (and life in general) might appeal to a less cynical viewer than myself.

But there's no getting around the fact that the actual plot is bonkers. Almost everything he does is guesswork based on a few lines from a voice he alone heard. Cause that's not suspicious. And in the end it (of course) all works out.

Far too sentimental, no logic whatsoever.
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Martyrs (2008)
This one will haunt me -- but it's very well done
11 April 2021
If you're into horror and gore, I will recommend this to you. It is well done and not just about the gore.

If you're not, and you like to not scream at the television and/or sleep well at night, I do not recommend this. There are scenes I wish I could scrub out of my brain, but I have a sneaking suspicion that that's not gonna happen anytime soon.
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Beautifully shot, decent acting -- but WAY too long
5 September 2020
Unlike the movie, I'll make it quick:

* Pluses: beautiful cinematography, most of the actors did a good job

* Minus (a BIG one): it is WAY too long. You could have halved the running time and have plenty of room for telling the exact same story. I forgot names and plot points DURING the movie, that's not supposed to happen! Hell, I forgot the name of my first pet and my own address during the movie too. It was that long, and that boring.

Like a lot of other old classic movies, I get why it was popular or groundbreaking when it first came out. But it's time to let this dusty thing fall of the "best movies" lists.

Oh, and just as an aside; there are almost no women in this marathon of a movie, and none that speak. The only women I could spot at all were some nurses in the background of a hospital shot (and their faces weren't even visible).
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Work It (2020)
Exactly what you expect - and just a little more
4 September 2020
A whole bunch of dance movies have been made on pretty much the same formula. Just look at the Step Up series and you've already got a handful. So if you want to be surprised or blown away, look somewhere else. This is just a dance movie. No more, no less.

In some ways this movie is lacking compared to other movies of the genre - for instance while the dancing in it is not terrible it's not as impressive as most other dance movies I've seen. But I'm no dancer so I can overlook that. It is however not the best in terms of acting. There are some who make it worth it (see next section for details), and some where I was unconvinced to say the least. Unfortunately one of those was the main character, which is unfortunate.

On the plus side, it doesn't take itself as seriously as some dance movies, and in spots it's very funny. Which leads me to the two biggest plusses; Jordan Fisher and Liza Koshy. Liza Koshy brings the biggest laughs, and Jordan Fisher is the heart of the movie. A lot of the acting in the movie is a little stiff and/or superficial, but Jordan Fisher brings it 100%. Without these two this movie might only have gotten 4 or 5 stars from me, but they add a little something so it sneaks up to 6 stars.
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Whiplash (2014)
I didn't know jazz could do this to me
28 July 2020
The trio I didn't know I needed; Miles Teller, JK Simmons and jazz.

I have never liked jazz, so when I started this movie I did not suspect that the music would end up getting me teary eyed. But that's exactly what ended up happening.

Both Teller and Simmons are absolutely amazing in this, and the tension between them is palpable. It all comes to a boil in the end, which kept me wideeyed and almost holding my breath.

Do yourself a favour and watch this movie!
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