
6 Reviews
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Avatar (2009)
Why it is absolutely worth watching...
3 July 2021
Avatar (2009) will always remain an outstanding movie that imagined a world both far beyond our own yet one so crucial to our values, societal biases, and racial identities. This movie is a parallel of colonization, of Indigenous peoples' resistance against years of cultural genocide; it's about capitalism, greed, and humanity's disconnection from both nature and the essence of all living things.

Despite Avatar being a fantastic movie which I have thoroughly enjoyed, be cognizant of some Indigenous stereotypes and tropes that at times make me question why more effort wasn't made to shift the dominant narratives in our societies and provide stronger more "authentic" Indigenous perspectives in this film.

Ultimately though, James Cameron changed the film industry's gold standard through Avatar. I don't think anyone watching this amazing work of artistic talent from all aspects of development and its incredibly beautiful rendering of a breathtaking and gorgeous world, could be disappointed. The precise and powerful acting by the cast, its story arc, compelling plot lines, music, and themes deliver a story that still leaves me in awe whenever I return to watch this with friends, family, or students whom I teach.

Enjoy the quality of this film, for, I would argue, it is not a movie one should miss out on.
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
Was certainly worth MY time!
2 July 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this. Its got a charm to it that is all in the character development, in the sense of purpose that scientists, astronomers, engineers, and geeks have for searching and knowing that one day anything is possible.

It's not an action packed movie, it's a cerebral one that is worth watching as it captures the essence of discovery through science and some fiction. Yes there are a few plot devices that I sincerely pray does not happen to actual astronomers, but it's worth it.

I really enjoyed how this movie doesn't need to rely on anything else but actual acting, good direction, lighting, script, and some suspense.
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Electric Dreams (2017–2018)
Worth its weight in proverbial bitcoins
17 June 2021
I've binge watched the first 7 episodes of season 1 (which is currently all there is). I have The Commuter, Kill All Others, and Impossible Planet to go, and I (very) fortunately stumbled onto this Prime series of Phillip K. Dick's short stories and have not been at all disappointed!

This genre and series is thought provoking, sometimes uncomfortably realistic, and dire, but offers exquisite examples of science fiction stories and settings which make bold statements about humanity's evolution or dissolution.

Maybe because I didn't have any expectations coming into this is the reason why I am thoroughly enjoying this series with its dystopian lens of post-apocalyptic narratives; a myriad of future and present acclaimed stories that perfectly twist each narrative into a tapestry of truths, untruths, and vivid in-betweens.

If you appreciate Black Mirror then I would argue that this is on par, and in some episodes surpasses it.

I don't often write reviews or give 10 stars, but I can't find fault in this series. Its got a cynical charm and a hard razors edge that works to perfection! So even if sci-fi is a love or hate relationship for you, regardless this should not be missed. You will find Electric Dreams is very much worth your time.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
Please make it stop...
12 June 2021
You know when you hope that a film will get better after a certain point during the movie? Well it doesn't, instead it gets worse.

I liked the way the reactor looked, red and pulsating, and Bruce Willis' ethos persuaded me that it might turn into a worthwhile movie. Unfortunately this alien infested zombie ship is travelling towards "New Earth" where it gets more and more cheesy along the way.

By the end of this movie you will want to rewind your life by about 93 minutes and decide not to press play. Maybe go and watch Looper (2012) instead and try to forget that Bruce Willis was ever an actor in Breach.
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The Beacon (I) (2018)
7 June 2021
Masterful short film with clever foreshadowing! An excellent hero's journey complete with archetypal characters and clever a plot that is executed with sci-fi brilliance. Thoroughly enjoyed this and would love a sequel of some kind.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
The 100 is Definitely Worth Your Time...
18 July 2020
One of the highest caliber Netflix series that keeps going above beyond my expectations. This is a series spanning 7 seasons (as I write this on Saturday 18th of July, 2020) and has woven together a complex but delightfully invigorating and cerebral story arc from Earth and Mountain Men to Disciples and anomalies. Every season has plotted a course into territory that makes for fantastic sci-fi. Gritty, suspenseful, and seductive episodes with impeccable acting that form a beautiful tapestry of story lines.

If I were to make connections to both blockbuster movies and other TV series in a hypothetical "inspired by the following stream of consciousness" I would find these springing to mind: Oblivion, Cloud Atlas, Serenity, Mad Max, 2001 Space Odysey, Ex Machina, After Earth, and perhaps even a little dose of the recent remake of the Battle Star Galictica TV series.

The 100, however, is its own unique universe that has kept me coming back for more, and has not left me disappointed.
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