
5 Reviews
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Not as good as let on, and the ending isn't great
31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film was enjoyable and eery, it kept me at the edge of my seat throughout but I guessed who it was rather easily. However, some mistakes can not go by unnoticed- I mean when Adrian slits Cecilias' sisters throat in a very public place wasnt realistic, as nobody seemed to see that the knife was floating and the cameras didn't pick it up either, and it made it lose its umph, somebody would have noticed. Then the ending was a massive let down, I loved the concept of her killing him, but the timing seemed awfully off, so she'd have to leave the room, put on the invisibility suit, go over to Adrian, slit his throat, then somehow manage to go back to the bedroom to get changed out of it and pretend to be shocked by him dying- this all somehow happened during a 10 second period. It's simply unrealistic so much so I thought someone else was wearing the suit and slit his throat, which would have been a much better ending, but she managed to do it all. If it was dragged out and realistic this film easily would have gotten a 9/10 but because of the timing it really ruined it for me.
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31 July 2020
I absolutely loved this, really chill watching with a hint of sadness and happiness. recommend this if you love rupaul too
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Honestly the best horror movie I've watched
15 July 2020
This is one of the few horror movies that made be scared. Simply amazing! Normally, horror movies primarily consist of supernatural themes, so I absolutely loved this! They added some humour where humour was needed but the majority of the time I found my self having clutch my pillow.

If you love horror movies this is one of the best ones out there!
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Insidious (I) (2010)
best film I've seen in a while
15 July 2020
This movie is amazing, normally, I hate supernatural films, but this is one of the few ones I actually loved. The plot was very different than any other supernatural film, and didn't go the constant "Ooooo a scary doll that moves spooky". I found myself jumping at the littlest things due to the suspense they had built up. This horror movie is really good and if you love horror films I'm confident you'll love it too!
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Babysitter's Nightmare (2018 TV Movie)
terrible, horrific, the worst film ever
15 July 2020
The trailer on Netflix made it look tense and suspenseful but do not be fooled. This movie started out good, in the first 10 minutes, but after that it went downhill. The plot is simply terrible and rather predictable- the majority of the time I found myself cringing. The only good character was Kelcy, who was obviously used to add humour. Towards the end, it became more like Scary Movie but just not as good.

If you want to watch something scary and suspense this is not it. Please do not waste your time with this like I did.
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