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A poor follow up to Afterlife
12 May 2024
"Afterlife" emerged as a heartfelt tribute to the iconic movies of the 1980s, resonating deeply with fans who cherished the era's unique blend of storytelling and character-driven plots. It captured the essence of what made those films memorable-ingenious narrative twists, endearing characters, and a palpable sense of adventure. This movie managed to recapture the old-school charm and whimsy of its predecessors, making it a nostalgic ride for enthusiasts and a delightful discovery for new fans.

However, its sequel, "Frozen Empire," starkly contrasts the original's warmth and authenticity. This follow-up feels like a contrived product of corporate strategy rather than a genuine continuation of the storyline that viewers had come to love. The script appears lazily crafted, filled with clichés and devoid of the earnestness that usually helps characters resonate with the audience. What was once a cast of charming and relatable figures has transformed into a group of characters that are, at best, irritating and, at worst, thoroughly unlikable.

The delightful sense of fun, exploration, and mystery that "Afterlife" brought to the screen has been wholly abandoned in "Frozen Empire." Instead, the sequel has pivoted towards integrating typical teen angst and a cruder form of humor that feels misplaced and forced. Such elements do not just undermine the intelligence and emotional depth of the narrative but also alienate viewers who appreciated the more wholesome and engaging tone of the first film.

"Frozen Empire" also suffers from a severe disconnect with its audience, largely due to its shift in thematic focus. Where the original film celebrated discovery and the joy of overcoming the unknown, the sequel mires itself in superficial conflicts and predictable drama, leaving little room for the genuine development seen in "Afterlife." This not only makes the sequel less compelling but also strips it of the opportunity to build upon the original's legacy in a meaningful way.

Moreover, the sequel's attempt to modernize the humor with lowbrow jokes and slapstick scenarios falls flat, contrasting sharply with the clever and often subtle humor that peppered its predecessor. This shift not only feels like a betrayal of the original's spirit but also serves as a barrier for families who expected to share a similarly enjoyable experience with the sequel. Parents hoping to relive the magic of the first movie with their children are likely to find the tone and content of "Frozen Empire" inappropriate and disappointing.

It's clear that "Frozen Empire" was intended to capitalize on the success of "Afterlife" without capturing its heart. This approach not only undermines the potential for a genuinely engaging sequel but also demonstrates a lack of respect for the fans and the quality they expect. The charm and engagement that drew audiences to "Afterlife" were replaced with a hollow shell of a sequel, lacking substance and failing to deliver a memorable cinematic experience.

While "Afterlife" was a testament to the enduring appeal of 1980s cinema, lovingly crafted to evoke nostalgia and bring joy to both old and new fans, "Frozen Empire" emerges as a stark misstep. It is a sequel that forgets the essence of its origin, choosing instead to tread a path lined with uninspired writing and misplaced priorities. The charm, excitement, and emotional connection that defined the original are conspicuously absent, replaced by a forgettable foray into the overexploited realms of teen drama and misplaced comedy. For fans of the original, "Frozen Empire" is a disappointing departure from everything that made "Afterlife" a beloved revival of 80s cinematic magic.
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Dune: THIS is how you do it, Hollywood!
4 March 2024
I thought Dune: Part 1 was amazing, but Denis Villeneuve cranked out a masterpiece with Part 2! Every moment was spellbinding, the cinematography epic, the acting authentic, and the world building was astonishing.

They made changes form the book, sure, but the changes they made fit in with the tone of the narrative. Zendaya's Chani is strong yet feminine, and you feel both her growth and her struggle throughout the film. Timothée Chalamet shines as Paul, he conveys a quiet strength throughout the film, and you believe his struggles as well as his ascent to leadership, he earns it and owns it. The rest of the cast brings their best to the film, every character feels well lived-in.

The film is truly visually breathtaking, so many wonderful directing choices. I love that Villeneuve allows us to linger in scenes, to extend the feeling of each world as you visit them. You feel like you have a sense for the Dune universe simply though the visual and sound spaces.

Hollywood, this is what we want. Heroic Masculine and Feminine characters, good writing and pacing, authenticity. This is how you do it right, Dune should be a guidebook for the rest of the industry.
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Ted Lasso: Carol of the Bells (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
"Santa's Birthday"? Really?
2 January 2024
"Ted Lasso" emerged in its first season as a bright light of positivity and warmth. The show, centers around an American football coach venturing into the world of British soccer, and struck a chord with its blend of humor, heart, and a unique take on cultural differences. However, as with many shows, the transition into subsequent seasons can be challenging. Unfortunately, "Ted Lasso" seems to have stumbled in its second season, particularly in an episode that refers to Christmas as "Santa's Birthday."

First and foremost, it's essential to acknowledge the context in which "Ted Lasso" operates. The show, at its core, is a comedy, often relying on humorous exaggerations and misinterpretations for laughs. Ted Lasso, the character, is portrayed as endearingly ignorant of British culture, and this extends to various aspects of life in the UK. However, comedy, especially when delving into the realm of cultural and religious practices, walks a tightrope. It requires a balance between satire and respect, humor and sensitivity. In this particular instance, the show's reference to Christmas as "Santa's Birthday" can be seen as a misstep, crossing the line from playful ignorance to insensitive misrepresentation.

For many, Christmas is a deeply religious holiday, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It's a time of spiritual reflection, community, and a celebration of faith. To reduce it to "Santa's Birthday" is to ignore its profound religious significance and the centuries of tradition and belief that underpin it. This kind of portrayal can be seen as belittling, not only to the holiday but to those who hold these beliefs dearly. It's understandable why this has led to frustration and disappointment among Christian viewers, who may feel that their faith is being trivialized for the sake of a quick joke.

"Ted Lasso" has been celebrated for its generally respectful and positive portrayal of different cultures and personalities. The reference to Christmas in such a simplistic and erroneous manner seems to be intended as a direct insult to Christianity. You never see this with other religions.

The impact here, as voiced by many, is one of alienation and disrespect. In a world increasingly aware of the importance of cultural sensitivity, such portrayals run the risk of not only alienating Christian viewers, like me.

Moving beyond this specific issue, the second season of "Ted Lasso" has shown other signs of straying from the elements that made its first season so compelling. The charm and novelty of Ted's fish-out-of-water experience seem to have given way to more forced humor and less organic character development. The show's strength lies in its heart and the genuine connections between characters, something that seems to have been sidelined in favor of more superficial plot points and gags.
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Who knew we needed this?!
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Was it a flimsy premise to set up a musical episode? Yes.

Do I care?


This episode will definitely be divisive among the fanbase - you either like musicals or you don't. Personally, I do, and thought this was very well executed both story-wise and musically. Whoever wrote the songs did a great job of evoking the "Great American Songbook" (as Uhura says), and each cast member was given a time to shine.

On that note I just have three words to say - Christina. Chow. Wow! Her ballad was gorgeous and heartbreaking, her singing voice (I'm assuming that's really her) was rich and beautiful, one of the highlights of the episode for me for sure that continues to pay off the Kirk/Singh storyline of lost love.

Seeing Number 1 and Kirk waltz down the hallway, hearing the chorus of crewman throughout the ship, Ortegas singing about how awesome she is at the helm, I loved every moment.

So sure, it was a little cheesy - but come on! Our jaded "modern" hearts need a little cheesy now and then. :) Thanks for the cast and crew for giving us a fun time!
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Silo (2023– )
Silo: A Masterpiece of Empowering Storytelling
21 July 2023
Silo, the Apple TV series, is a refreshing breath of air in today's entertainment landscape, presenting a phenomenal example of a strong female protagonist done right. In a time where the media has been inundated with overly perfect "marysues" churned out by Disney and other studios, Silo takes a different approach, presenting a female lead who is flawed yet immensely intelligent and capable, making her a truly relatable and inspiring character.

The heart of Silo lies in its captivating protagonist, Juliette, brilliantly portrayed by the talented lead actress Rebecca Ferguson. Juliette is not just a one-dimensional character but rather a multifaceted individual with her own strengths and weaknesses. Her imperfections make her more authentic, allowing audiences to connect with her on a deeper level. Unlike the cookie-cutter heroines we often see, Juliette's struggles and growth throughout the series make her a shining example of genuine empowerment, breaking free from the clichés and tropes that have become all too common.

At the core of Silo is a complex and riveting narrative that keeps viewers at the edge of their seats throughout the entire season. The series boasts an intricately woven storyline that blends action, drama, and mystery flawlessly. Each episode leaves the audience hungry for more, as the layers of the plot continue to unfold, revealing surprising twists and turns that keep us guessing and engaged. It is a testament to the show's exceptional writing and character development, making it a must-watch for any fan of compelling storytelling.

One of the standout aspects of Silo is its remarkable world-building. The show transports viewers to a mesmerizing and richly detailed universe that feels incredibly immersive. The attention to detail in constructing the fictional world of Silo is commendable, with its distinct cultures, traditions, and technologies. The production team has spared no effort in creating a believable and enchanting setting that adds depth and authenticity to the overall narrative. Every aspect, from the architecture to the costumes, reflects the dedication and creativity that went into crafting this captivating universe.

The success of Silo would not have been possible without its outstanding casting choices. The ensemble of actors brings the characters to life with passion and conviction. Each actor breathes life into their respective roles, making every character memorable and integral to the overall experience.

As the first season of Silo comes to a close, fans are left eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this enthralling saga. The finale wraps up some storylines while leaving enough intriguing loose ends to fuel anticipation for what comes next. The show's ability to create such anticipation speaks volumes about its ability to captivate and leave a lasting impression on its audience. It's safe to say that Silo has already garnered a devoted following, eagerly awaiting the release of the much-anticipated second season.
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A Disappointing Departure from Iconic Characters
20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts attempts to reignite the nostalgia of the beloved franchise but falls short in significant ways, leaving fans disheartened and unsatisfied. Three key aspects contribute to its underwhelming reception:

First and foremost, the portrayal of Optimus Prime is a disheartening departure from the heroic character fans know and love. Instead of the self-sacrificing leader, Optimus is depicted as either ruthless or weak, losing the essence of his iconic persona. Fans have always admired Optimus for his unwavering dedication to doing what's right, even at the cost of his own well-being. Unfortunately, this installment fails to capture that essence, leading to a diluted version of the beloved character.

Secondly, the character of Noah Diaz, supposedly a former military personnel, is a glaring mismatch with his supposed background. Throughout the movie, he comes across as nervous and fidgety, which is not in line with the discipline and confidence typically associated with someone from a military background. This inconsistency in characterization detracts from the film's overall authenticity and leaves audiences questioning the believability of his role in the story.

Additionally, the inclusion of Noah's racist mother adds an unnecessary and uncomfortable element to the film. This character does not contribute to the plot in any meaningful way and only serves to propagate harmful stereotypes. It's disappointing that such a problematic character made its way into the film, further detracting from the overall viewing experience.

Thirdly, the character Mirage is a far cry from the original character, leaving fans feeling disconnected and disappointed. Instead of the enigmatic and mysterious Mirage, the film presents a version that feels like Pete Davidson in robot drag. This lack of resemblance to the beloved character leaves a void, with fans longing for a more faithful depiction.

On the positive side, the special effects in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts are undeniably impressive, delivering visually stunning action sequences. The seamless integration of CGI and live-action elements adds an element of spectacle to the movie. Moreover, the film's choice of locations adds a sense of grandeur and scale to the Transformers universe, making it visually engaging.

A notable bright spot in the movie is the character of Elena Wallace, a welcome addition to the Transformers saga. Her character brings depth and a refreshing perspective to the story, providing a much-needed dynamic presence amidst the otherwise lackluster character portrayals.

In conclusion, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts disappoints on several fronts, failing to do justice to its iconic characters and their legacies. The departure from Optimus Prime's heroic nature, the inconsistency in Noah Diaz's military background, and the unfaithful depiction of Mirage result in a film that misses the mark with its core fanbase. While the special effects and locations are commendable, they do little to salvage the film's overall lackluster execution. The addition of Elena Wallace stands as one of the few positive aspects in an otherwise underwhelming installment in the Transformers series.
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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny: A Disheartening Departure from Legacy
20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, the latest addition to the iconic franchise, regrettably continues the trend of Lucasfilm tarnishing its legacy male heroes. With an unsatisfactory plot, missed opportunities for character development, and a disregard for the fervent fanbase, the film leaves fans feeling disappointed and disheartened.

Firstly, the film falls prey to a recurring issue that has plagued recent Lucasfilm productions - the undermining of their iconic male protagonists. As a result, Indiana Jones, portrayed by the legendary Harrison Ford, finds himself once again relegated to the sidelines. This trend has become all too familiar, as beloved male heroes from the Star Wars universe have also faced similar treatment. The film's plot seems to prioritize introducing new characters at the expense of the well-established hero, leaving fans yearning for the adventurous, whip-cracking archaeologist they've come to love.

Secondly, a significant missed opportunity lies in the mishandling of Short Round, a character who could have been an excellent replacement for Helena. Introduced in the classic "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom," Short Round proved to be a delightful and capable sidekick. However, instead of exploring the potential of this beloved character, the film introduces Helena, an uninspired and underdeveloped protagonist, failing to resonate with audiences. The inclusion of Short Round as the main character could have breathed new life into the franchise, providing a compelling script centered around an already beloved figure.

Thirdly, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny disappoints fans with its blatant lack of regard for their investment in the franchise. The film seems to assume that the mere presence of the Indiana Jones name will be enough to guarantee its success, disregarding the need for a cohesive and engaging story. Rather than honoring the rich history of the Indiana Jones series and providing a meaningful continuation of the saga, the movie feels like a hasty attempt to cash in on nostalgia without putting in the effort to craft a worthwhile narrative.

The film's disregard for fans becomes particularly evident in the lackluster portrayal of the original characters. Iconic figures such as Sallah are reduced to mere cameo appearances, barely contributing to the overall plot. By sidelining these cherished characters, the filmmakers neglect the emotional connection that fans have built with the franchise over the years.

Furthermore, the plot's disjointed nature leaves audiences feeling unsatisfied. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny meanders through various disconnected subplots, failing to maintain a cohesive and engaging storyline. The introduction of an array of new characters further complicates matters, with little time devoted to fleshing out their motivations or backstories. Consequently, the film struggles to establish emotional stakes, leaving viewers disengaged from the events unfolding on the screen.

The lack of coherence is further exacerbated by an excessive reliance on CGI and action set-pieces, which detracts from the grounded and adventurous charm of the original trilogy. The film loses the essence of the Indiana Jones formula - the perfect balance of thrilling action, intelligent puzzles, and intriguing historical mysteries.

In conclusion, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is a disheartening entry in the franchise that fails to live up to the legacy of its predecessors. The continued marginalization of iconic male heroes, the squandered opportunity to capitalize on a beloved character, and the lack of consideration for devoted fans all contribute to the film's overall disappointment. With a plot that lacks coherence and emotional depth, it is a far cry from the thrilling and immersive experiences that fans have come to associate with the Indiana Jones series.
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Not for families
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Thor Love and Thunder seems like a kids movie based on the sophomoric humor and childish behavior, yet is full of sexual references, talks of orgies, and full-on nudity. It's as if they created a movie they new would attract kids and then filled it full of inappropriate sexual content... groomers. Also, the hypocrisy was glaring - we see women ogling Chris Hemsworth's nude body when placing Natalie Portman in the same situation would have been called misogynistic . How about you leave it out all together, there was no need for it. The shame is there was a heart of a good story here with Jane and Thor, too bad it was ruined with Disney's anti-family/pro decadence agenda. Disney seems determined to run itself into the ground.
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Best Trek in years!!
8 July 2022
Wow! Trek is back! Best episode in years!! I have the same issue with the casting of Kirk (no offense to the actor), but the episode overall was just awesome!! More of this, please! No crazy agendas, just great Trek-style storytelling!
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Classic Trek!
23 June 2022
I loved the episode. As a father of a young girl, I especially loved the storyline with the Dr.'s daughter. I understand the negative reviews, but this delay like a real TOS era episode. I cried at the end, very heartfelt.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Memento Mori (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
26 May 2022
Great episode! I was concerned that knowing the futures of Pike, Spock and others would take some of the sense of urgency aww, but we were on the edge of our seats through the second half. Very well done, love the actors, love the characters, love the chemistry. THIS felt like Star Trek on steroids! Love the way the antagonists were handled, very mysterious. Well done, show-runners!

This show is going so well, Paramount, definitely the best so far from "new" Trek. Please, please don't mess it up by injecting current-day politics into it like you've done with Discovery!
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Resident Alien: Girls' Night (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
A big step down
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to the intelligent, witty writing from season 1? This episode was truly terrible. The shame is that whoever is behind this episode is going to say that big-bad men can't handle strong women. Nope, this show has always had strong women on it who were well written. This episode just made them into a farce. This isn't empowerment, it's degrading. Plus the whole 'when a woman talks, sit down and shut up" line - seriously? WHO is writing this?!
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Superman & Lois: What Lies Beneath (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Disappointing start to the season
13 January 2022
Terrible way to pick up on the story lines from last season. And what's with the anti-American rhetoric? I hope this show doesn't turn into the typical junk CW praying produces.
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It's a mess...
23 December 2021
I REALLY wanted to love this movie. I am a huge fan of all three of the first films, but Resurrections just didn't capture the magic formula. It was wonderful to see Neo and Trinity together again, and all the actors do what they can with what they are given. But the story is a jumbled mess that is hard to follow at times and rushed at others. I think they simply tried to do too much in one film. Maybe it was cut down for time and we'll get an extended version one day that adds in all the cut scenes to make the film make more sense, like the Snyder Cut did. The first have is long and boring, and the second half looks like a Michael Bay movie at times, with editing that looks like it cut out half the story. It simply didn't feel like a Matrix movie.
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Wow wow wow wow wow!!!
17 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Man, what an experience!!! Our theater audience was LIT UP for this movie, it was an amazing experience!! This move just delivered and delivered and delivered!! This is how you do a massive crossover event RIGHT!!! Thank you Sony!!!
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An amazing tribute to the original!
20 November 2021
Wow, now THIS is how you do a sequel! What a great story and cast, all the kids did a wonderful job with their role. And wow, so many nostalgia points for this movie. It was wonderful. I laughed and cried in all the best ways. Thank you so much for this movie, my family really enjoyed it!!
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A family favorite
7 November 2021
A down-to-earth retelling if the Cinderella story the relies on the magic of every-day life. So much better than the garbage Amazon has recently put out. Yes it has its quirks, but it's a movie with a sincere heart and a good message. My wife and daughter love it!
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
20 September 2021
Truly terrible. Picard'a amazing legacy is destroyed by this show. I can't believe that Patrick Stewart went along with this.
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Black Widow (2021)
Solid - if a little late
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Regardless of timing, I was looking forward to seeing ScarJo dig into the Black Widow backstory we've all wanted to see. IMO, her portrayal of BW has been at the heart of what's made marvel films click together so well, she was always the glue that held the guys together - which is why I've been irritated that it's taken this long to get a stand-alone movie. But I won't continue to harp on that...

What we find here is a movie with a surprising amount of heart. Johansson and Pugh have great chemistry together on screen - indeed Pugh seems to be a worthy successor of the Black Widow title in future films. They family dynamic that has developed in the film was surprising in a good way, I loved the way each character is shown yearning for something good in their life, only to realize they had it together, for however a brief amount of time it was. One thing I love about Black Widow is she's always seeking redemption for the tough cases and for those around her she cares about, and it pays off here with her family.

Is it a great "Marvel" movie? No, it's not what it could have been had it been released 4 or 5 years ago and had more involvement from the other main characters. Considering what she's contributed to the franchise as a whole, ScarJo deserved at least a cameo or two from one of the guys.

But is it a "good" movie? IMO, yes. It has a heart and a compelling story of its own merit. Watch it and let it be what it is.
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Superman & Lois: Broken Trust (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Winner winner!
31 May 2021
CW, you have a winner with this show, please don't mess it up.
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20 March 2021
Wow, the new additions to the Cyborg subplot was great, and all the new footage adds so much depth. Such a HUGE improvement!!
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Great pilot, looking forward to this show.
25 February 2021
Superman has always been my favorite DC character, and the pilot episode really did him justice. I love the premise of this series, seeing how Clark handles balancing home life with being Superman. I was shocked to see this quality of show on CW, most of the shows have on this station have gone downhill fast. Stargirl was a real standout, and now Superman and Lois has a lot of potential - please don't mess it up.
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WandaVision: We Interrupt This Program (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
29 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this episode was such a huge payoff to the first three! I'm loving Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambo, she does a great job in both realities! And Jimmy! And Darcy! Wow! Loved their interactions.

Overall, more of this please! Can't wait for episode 5!!
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
2 January 2021
My 9-year-old daughter loves this show, and I do too. Great storyline, good acting, and a sense of hope make this a great series. I hope they l're able to maintain these themes in the second season.
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A good Christmas movie
2 January 2021
In the vein of A Wonderful Life, a young lady gets exactly what she wished for, only to find out it's not what she wanted after all. Good acting, good story.
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