
7 Reviews
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This was a blast!
14 September 2012
The Resident Evil series is a guilty pleasure of mine and this movie was just a blast from the beginning to the end. Milla Jovovich is so fun to watch as Alice. This the 5th installment of the franchise is visual masterpiece. With the additions of Ada,Leon and Boris add so much to this movie. If you are a fan of the games and have been a complainer about the movies may not follow the game well this one fixes all of that. If you go see this movie I fell you must see it in 3D as I did. Every cheesy gimmick of things flying at the screen is in this and well it works that is what a 3D movie is supposed to do. You pay extra to see stuff come at you so why not do some overkill. A surprise in the plot comes at you within 10 minutes from the start. This movie is so entertaining with fights,action,sound and yes even got startled a couple times. Go enjoy this movie and even if you have never seen the series. This movie explains a lot at the beginning. Get out of your house and go enjoy!!!!
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Loved this Movie. Best 3D ever! Tiny Spoiler.
12 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let me begin with I am a fan of both the games and movies. I do not have a problem with them not being the same. With that said this movie is so freaking awesome the 3D is the same as Avatar and it is done very well. Three major fight scenes and new added players from the video game series is cool. The whole movie is great in 3D but the fight scenes will blow you away. The Executioner "AXE MAN" is wild. I love all the main players in this movie. Milla is great again. Ali Larter is a true fighter now. Wesker is a perfect evil villain. Couple moments it gets a little slow but hang on when it picks up. You will be startled a couple times with the Zombies. Do not leave your seat when the credits start rolling...wait about 30 to 40 seconds for a surprise! I am so stoked for another one..lets hope this movie will make enough money so we can get Resident Evil:Regeneration. Go and enjoy this wild 3D ride and have fun. Special effects monster of a film. Alice has always Rocked and now so does Claire. Great...Great...Great Movie. Do not listen to the haters.
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Awesome movie but enough with the sexual theme..We get it..OK.
15 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Great movie...Visual masterpiece of digital overload. Please if they make a third one. Megan Fox is sexy and pretty, but we do not need that much sexual themes. Hey look Megans butt, Megan laying in someone crotch, Megans boobs again and as for the other skank in the movie "THE DECEPTIHOOKER" This movie series can live on without all of the sex themes. Megan fox knows she is pretty and we do to but her character is fun enough with jeans and a t-shirt. When they resurrect Optimus and the fight with the Fallen happens. Its better than a Rocky movie. It has been a long time since I wanted a bad guy to get his rear end kicked. I just wish they would have tied up the end a little better. 2 hours and 30 minutes flew by. So another 10 minutes would not have hurt. Overall just a awesome movie to watch. I am ready for #3 with out the sex. Thank You.
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Wat too much violence.
12 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Penguins are the only constantly funny part of the movie. The first movie was better. I hope it ends with this one. My kids hardly even cracked a smile except for the Penguins. So do you think it will fly? Well captain if fold it like this and like this and throw it in the trash. The old women and Alex fighting was too much. I know it helped lead up to the ending, But my 8 year old son said daddy I did not think a man was supposed to hit a women, but I guess when your short on humor you have to shock people. Whats next Madagascar 3:Escape from Alkatraz. Stick with the first movie and wait for Ice Age 3 or maybe someday Toy Story 3.
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Fantastic entertainment!
30 December 2006
This is one of my all time favorite films. Nothing short of a classic love adventure. This movie needs to be seen by everyone. Every part was cast to perfection even Andre The Giant. Who is amazing in this movie considering he was a professional wrestler. Mandy Patinkin is my favorite actor in this movie. Who plays Enego Montoya in which avenging his fathers death is a relentless pursuit of the six fingered man. Just plain fun and entertaining. Sit back and enjoy the love of woman drive a man to endless pursuit of Princess Buttercup. Clever writing and fantastic filming of this classic should be seen and heard from everyone who loves movies.
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What a horrible movie!
30 December 2006
I never saw the original. This movie is now the single worst movie that I have ever seen. Catwoman and Romi and Michelle move up a notch. I wish I would have came to this site before renting this movie. I almost always check out the comments before I rent a movie. I just thought this movie was so lame and inept and horrible that I wasted 1 hour and 45 minutes of my life watching this. I really like Nick Cage and this movie made me realize that CON AIR was a pretty good movie. I really wish the movie company would reimburse my rent money for this and if you think I am being to harsh on this movie. Read what other people are saying or god forbid rent it. I would even dare to say I would not watch this movie if it was given to me. Spend you 105 minutes watching grass grow or running your finger nails up and down a chalk board.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
It was good........stop ripping on this movie.
16 October 2006
It was how the original Godzilla was created. So what if it looked a little different. It was all action from the start. To bad everyone bad mouthed this movie maybe there would have been another one. Godzilla is the ultimate monster movie series. No matter what generation you lived in 60's 70's 80's 90's. I grew up witch the original movies and loved them but I also loved this one. Don't put so much thought into picking apart this movie. IT WAS FUN! Mathew Brodrick was great in his role and the special effects were awesome.The only Idea I did not care for was the eggs in MSG just a couple to many in a short period of time. This movie was very entertaining and should be cut a little slack on the "Its not like the original" Some times a little twist isn't so bad.
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