
4 Reviews
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
disappointing; too much melodrama; too many villains
9 May 2007
I feel cheated after watching Spiderman 3. Part two was had a lot of merit, but Spidey 3 is just an effective marketing job and Sam Raimi has finally yielded to the pressure of the movie's backers. The fake melodrama, especially towards the end, makes your stomach turn. No amount of CGI can make up for a poor plot line. Both Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst were on the BBC to plug the movie. Then it was already obvious that Mary Jane's part would be disproportionately inferior to that of Spiderman's. Actually, nearly all the good scenes in the movie occur when Spiderman meets his dark side. It was kind of fun rooting for the bad guy. The rest of the picture was far too cheesy.
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Diebold-gate imminent ? Fahrenheit November 2004
25 August 2004
Dear defenders of democracy,

In my view, the Bush-Administration will stop at nothing to win the upcoming election.

The United States may soon be facing their worst crisis in Modern History if both Democrats and Republicans (moderates, Constitutionalists) don't stand up for themselves and prevent the Bush-Administration from winning (stealing ?) a second term.

I'm sure many of you have already heard about "Black Box Voting", Diebold etc. I'm afraid the erosion of democracy in the United States started in 2000 and is continuing at warp speed.

As a European, I'm baffled by the reporting of the US-media. A few exceptions not included, they have failed and are still failing to bring the facts about the Bush-Administration to the American public. The media in the US are either cowards or endorse the GOP. This is especially apparent as far as nationwide TV-channels go. In 2000 the Bush-camp called CNN "liberals". Very funny indeed. How many outspoken Republicans do we know at CNN ? Larry King, Bob Novak, Bill Schneider etc. The list just goes on and on ... And Fox, well, we all know where they stand. NBC is owned by GE; CNBC is overtly Republican ... Need I go on ?

Michael Moore may manipulate or exaggerate (re-arrange) certain developments, but isn't that the purpose and nature of film ? He makes people think for themselves and discuss what's going on in this world. The facts in his documentary are undisputed. Yesterday, some new material released by European media (interviews with American independent investigators, ex-CIA-people etc.) confirms the following : Osama Bin Laden's brother, who is in charge of the financial structure of Al Qaeda and the Bin Laden Group, was allowed to leave the US by plane on 13 September 2001.

Mind you, previous Administrations, including Clinton's, were afraid to interfere with the powerful Saudi's because of the consequences a conflict with OPEC might have. But the Bush-clan had already been sleeping with the enemy (the Bin-Ladens) for years. So their trying to cover up the facts and to minimalize the extent of their relationship with the Saudi's only seems logical. People, just imagine what a popular Islamic Revolution in Saudi-Arabia might provoke ? Oil prices hitting, say 150 dollars a barrel ? THIS SITUATION NEEDS TO BE DEFUSED IMMEDIATELY AND IT WON'T BE EASY.

One thing I know is this : if W and his cronies are allowed a second term, they risk bringing the world on the brink of a crisis of gigantic proportions.

The Bush Maffia have spit on the graves of the Founding Fathers and on the Constitution of the United States (Patriot Act etc.) As we speak, they are plotting an election fraud that will dwarf what happened in 2000. Companies like Diebold (electronic voting machines) have already pledged to "deliver" certain States.

A message to ALL Americans : inform yourselves, stand up for your rights, unless you want to see your worst nightmares come true after November 2004.

Europe and the entire world are counting on you. I love America(ns);

I just hate to see what Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Ashcroft-Wolfowitz are doing to your great Nation. Restore the land of the BRAVE and the FREE.

From Europe with love.
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one of the worst films i have seen in years
31 March 2004
During my teenage years I was a fan of the Michel Vaillant-comics. This was the only reason I went to see the movie. I feared the worst and my expectations were fulfilled. The only thing this movie has to offer are a few decently filmed race scenes (the ones in the mountains). Forget the lousy screenplay and other major flaws. The dubbing is what finally kills the movie. There may be a French and an international version, but the latter is a complete mess-up. French actors speaking English (with a French accent); other French actors' voices are dubbed into British English or American English (at random : they have Steve Warson's sister (Irish ?) speaking with an American accent); only Steve Warson's character has a decent British accent, simply because the actor himself is British.

How could this mess come about ? Simple, they wanted to sell the film to an international (read English-speaking) audience. Shame on you, Luc Besson, for getting involved in this disastrous film project!
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Overrated beyond belief
20 June 2001
One of the worst blockbusters of the nineties. We already knew the Farrellys' sense of humour wasn't exactly sophisticated, but this time they get their kicks from humiliating and insulting people. I guess that, when they were kids, their head got stuck in a toilet, a childhood trauma from which they are still recovering (catharsis through moviemaking and all of that). Grow up, guys!
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