
5 Reviews
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Premiere at Cathay Circle!!!
23 September 2005
I was there! Summer of 1947 my family was vacationing in Los Angeles. My mother (God bless her) noticed in the newspaper that a movie premiere was scheduled one night...a movie no one ever heard of...but would my sister and I like to go? Would we!? (after reading who was expected to show up). I was about to enter the 8th grade, my sister 4 years older, were dropped off at the gorgeous Cathay Circle in Hollywood early afternoon to wait for the beginning, sometime around 7:00 PM. Sat in the bleachers with several hundred other fans for those hours. I will never forget the first to arrive....Mickey Rooney and Ava Gardner. I see by the dates on IMDb that they'd been divorced by then, but she hadn't yet met Artie Shaw. Guess they were just escorting each other...but what an entrance! Everyone was there as this premiere was promoted to 'introduce' Deborah Kerr to her American audience. All I remember about Kerr was Hedda Hopper dragging her around from person to person with fancy intros. Van Johnson, Esther Williams, June Allyson, Judy Garland, Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck, Joan Crawford, Elizabeth Taylor, Bette Davis...oh, and, Jimmy Cagney...need I say more? What a night. Please remember, movie fans, that in those days...stars were seldom seen anywhere. Would you turn around for a second look at Brad Pitt? I sure wouldn't. When I returned to my small home town in Washington State, no one would believe my good luck.

Just wondering if anyone else was there...who reads this stuff. Were you? Well, I first saw this movie the other night on TCM...first time. No need to comment further...I assume the other stars of this movie were at the premiere...but my eyes were glued to Van Johnson most of the time.

The cinematography is so incredibly gorgeous...and what set these colors off and were enhanced by...were those lovely, flowing, soft white nuns' habits. I couldn't take my eyes off their beauty, elegance, and grace. They would make any woman want to take those vows!

Thanks for listening. Have I made a 'pen pal'? Were you there too?
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Empire Falls (2005)
Really, really bad....
30 May 2005
I have basic cable, but receive one pay channel free and HBO happens to be mine. I check it out every once in a while just to see if there is something interesting to watch. I was excited (at first) about watching this film because of Ed Harris, period. He did not disappoint (as several other reviewers pointed out).

Honestly? When I see bad stuff on TV or in the movie theatres or on stage but still stick it out for one reason or another, I concentrate on the peripherals such as scenery, costumes, or the simple entertainment value of seeing just how bad performances can get. I wasn't even tempted to look in on the second part of this turkey. (Sorry,Mr. Harris.) I think I would have except for one unfortunate fact: Joanne Woodward has always put me on edge...same voice, same persona with every part she's ever played. I could almost read Harris' mind during his scenes with her. ("Please, God, where is Meryl Streep or Glenn Close when I need them?") I realize these women are of a different generation from Woodward, but still...I felt his desperation.

Final hilarious casting...Helen Hunt as someone 'who used to be fat.'

I gave it 3 stars for the Harris and Hoffman performances.
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The Clearing (2004)
Snore fest someone called it..can't top that.
7 July 2004
I remember seeing Robert Redford on the original Perry Mason TV serial. This will give you an idea how old I am and how many Redford movies I've seen between now and then. Of course, I didn't realize it was actually HIM until they started showing the clips on bio shows. I've come to the conclusion that Robert Redford is a character actor as a couple of my favorite films of all time included him, for instance The Sting and Butch and Sundance. Who knows? Maybe he felt comfortable with Newman...who definitely is not a character actor. It is so difficult for Redford to 'lose' himself into a regular guy role. He's too self-conscious attempting to be Robert Redford playing 'any man.' This problem shows up big time in this tiresome film. I will give him an A+ in the guts department, though, for signing off on all those closeups on his destroyed, sun damaged skin. Just ordinary performances from an ordinary, boring script. I was disappointed that the dog had only one entrance. The detective was good...liked him a lot. One star for him, but what was the deal with his assistant having only one line? Or was I snoozing during some of her dialogue?
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Same script??
27 May 2003
Can't imagine why Helen Mirren did this to her career....a remake of anything done by Vivian Leigh. The best part was Olivier doing the Paolo part...BIG improvement over Warren Beatty (who probably was hot in the sixties). Anyway, here's the best line in the film and am wondering if it was in the original novella/script: "You tell us how to behave??!! Hah! You hang our Mussolini upside down! You bomb our children!!! You tell us how to behave??!! Hah!!!" Anne Bancroft was great, as usual.....held up against Lotte Lenya. Finally, I hope I never again see Helen Mirren wrestling in the back seat of a convertible wearing only earrings and sling pumps! Your earlier reviewers call this romantic? Hah!
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Walter Pidgeon at his best...
28 May 2001
How many of you movie fans actually REMEMBER Walter Pidgeon? This role is off beat for him but what a great time we have sharing it. "It is what I do!" is one of the great lines in filmdom. There are so few films made now that can get and keep one's attention. (Attention Deficit Disorder no doubt is caused by disjointed, bad editing in Hollywood.) This film allows us to enter a world unknown to most of us...and offers a good lesson too...i.e., know where your wallet is at all times! It's great fun! James Coburn was never better.
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