
15 Reviews
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Amazing story, but wrong focus throughout the movie
12 March 2023
I was very much looking forward to watching the movie. This family's story is absolutely fantastic, and I definitely encourage you to read about their story or to watch the movie if you prefer. Unfortunately, however, I found the movie way too repetitive, focusing throughout most of it on the opposite expectations from the son and his father. It felt like I watched 4 or 5 times a very similar scene about their opposite personal wishes (which very negatively affects my rating). I believe the movie could have made me feel a lot more engaged by including more diversity of scenes, for instance about many others impacts of their integration in Canada and in the Nova Scotia town instead.
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First time I disagree so much with the average rating!
19 February 2023
Worst movie I've ever watched! Yet, the average rating on imdb stands at 8.0. This is so surprising. I usually am not hard to be satisfied by movies, and I had always agreed broadly with the imdb average rating (by a point or 2 at most). But it's the first time I disagree so much with the imdb average, and with reviews in general. I really felt like I lost 2 hours and a half of my Saturday because of this movie. The message shared at the end is a message I agree with, the plot sounds interesting, the actors are amazing actors, and it's great to have some changes in the typical cast of Hollywood movies... but the movie's jokes and comedy scenes felt like they were aimed at teenagers (particularly a few scenes that I would definitely had laughed about with some of my friends when I was in high school). I would recommend to stay away from this movie, despite the amazing reviews you will find and the nominations it has received.
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King Richard (2021)
Well presented and played
18 April 2022
I truly enjoyed the movie, the development of the characters and the family story. I would recommend the movie despite a few drawbacks, such as a confusing start of the movie.
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Radioactive (2019)
Impactful story and disappointing scenes intertwined
11 July 2021
I'm not sure how to rate this movie. I really enjoyed the scenes about Marie Curie's life and discoveries, played very well by outstanding actors. But in my opinion, many scenes disrupted the movie: 2 psychedelic dreamy scenes and several scenes of the future disasters that future radioactivity discoveries would cause long after her death. Focusing more on Marie Curie's life and on the education she gave to her daughters (which likely brought 3 more Nobel Prizes to her daughters and sons in law) could have been more interesting...
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Beautiful utopic family
19 June 2021
I'm uncertain whether I was more captivated by the challenge this family life expressed to our society or by the beauty that such a life could mean. Beautiful movie nevertheless. And it's actually the encounter of both reflections that make a link to the life of 'Into the Wild', of a single family ('Captain Fantastic') or of a single individual ('Into the Wild'). And both experiences will bring most viewers to the same conclusion: such a change would be more touching, could it be societal.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
All about critical thinking
27 June 2020
This movie is amazing. Although it is over 60 year old, it still feels as modern as any recent movie could be, with the exception of the current illegality of the death penalty in many countries over the world. At the basis of the movie is the need for critical thinking, in any situation and especially when one's life is at stake. The evolution of minds throughout the movie is fantastic. I highly recommend it!
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Sergio (2020)
Actually much better than reviews here indicate!
27 June 2020
I'm happy I didn't read the reviews here before deciding to watch this movie. I must say I've been happily surprised by this movie. The decision to film it back and forth, throughout different events of his life, in short sequences, are helpful to understand the hectic life he likely lived. This movie is a good representation of all the roles of such a diplomatic figure: a father, a negotiator, a lover, an opinionated diplomat, ...
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Parasite (2019)
Troubling, yet a must-watch!
7 June 2020
Such a resourceful family, stuck in the social ladder! This movie is very different from the usual movies you will watch. It's very troubling. But you've got to watch it.
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First hand experience, to be watched!
6 June 2020
Fantastic, mind-blowing, outstanding, amazing, ... I'm not sure which adjective to use to describe The Game Changers. Having noticed first hand the effects that a plant based diet can have on one' health, this well-researched movie should be seen by all (and then followed up with the reading of scientific research proving its content). Start watching the movie with an open mind, and enjoy!
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Arrival (II) (2016)
6 June 2020
Very well thought through, around an amazing notion of time, this probably is the best movies about time and about extraterrestrial life that I've ever watched. You should really pay attention to details throughout the movie, this will make the end even more interesting.
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The Half of It (I) (2020)
Cute and not pretentious
6 June 2020
Usual high-school story line, evolving throughout the movie to get your to question some of your own believes about life and love. All characters evolve along the movie to allow you to evolve with them. Nothing pretentious. Simply a cute movie, worth watching once!
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Jonah (2019)
Behind the legend!
5 June 2020
Very interesting view behind the legend of Jonah Lomu, and about the realities of his life.
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100 Meters (2016)
Deeply touched by this movie!
24 May 2020
Having my own health issues, seeing sport as a way to get through them, I have been deeply touched by this story. Beyond the triathlon idea, and beyond the multiple sclerosis, the feelings shared by the characters of the movie with the others make this a great movie. And as this is based on a true story, you have got to watch it!
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Good movie, unrealistic in the middle
24 May 2020
Very good start and end of the movie, clearly pulling emotions throughout the movie. Besides 20 minutes in the middle of the movie, during which I was disappointed that everyone seemed to believe one version of the story without challenging it at all, I had a very good overall impression. I would have given it a 9-rating if it wasn't for these 20 minutes, whose objective is not to be realistic but to intensify the emotion side of the movie. I was surprised to find out this was based on a South Korean movie from 2013, but this Turkish version is probably far better.
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Political fight for truth!
24 May 2020
Plant Pure Nation is a very interesting plant-based factual documentary, focused on a political fight to highlight the truth about our western diet. Focusing primarily on health and politics, while partially avoiding other dimensions (e.g., emotional relation to food, environment, animal welfare), this documentary is worth watching to understand further the different forces around the necessary debate surrounding diets.
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