
25 Reviews
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like a bad GOT episode
19 August 2021
Thrones, harry potter and peter jackson have set the bar way too high in the fantasy genre.. while the concept is kind of neat the acting is sub par and the filming feels like a soap opera.. watchable.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Decent Fight Correography... but
20 April 2021
I would have liked Huron Greyjoy guy to paly kano. Started off promising, some good house of flying daggers type scene. I'm not an anime fan. The writing is so corny. This is a live action anime. Ruin the violence u get from an nc-17 rated movie by adding comedy into the middle of fights that are supposed to be super serial.. not even a nearly as good as the last mortal Kombat movie, but the other movie had Christopher Lambert, being backed up by a phenomenal cast. Watchable, but not a classic.
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Leslie jones ruins another reboot
6 March 2021
The best way to be funny is to be loud! loud obviously equals funny. how many more movies are they gonna let this lady ruin? every second she talked i wanted to smash my head thru a wall.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
Best movie of 2021
2 March 2021
Bruce Willis is on point! i hope he got payed a bundle for this one because he is worth every penny! didn't phone this one in at all! amazing complex story with believable and well rounded characters
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1917 (2019)
Real Men
17 January 2020
If the men who died in ww1 fighting for our freedom knew that today we would be crying about gender pronouns and political correctness they would be rolling in there graves. take note liberal cry baby's
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Joker (I) (2019)
13 October 2019
Such a breath of fresh air after 6 stuffy avengers movies with a bunch of grumpy faced captain america. finally a happy super hero movie. never felt like i related more to a character more in my life. Jaquin Phoenix, always considered the man brilliant. now hes a legend.
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Robin Hood (2018)
i wanted it to be good
24 January 2019
Reasons its not

Krennick is the bad guy in every movie these days.. he was perfectly cast for batman and not onscreen enough to ruin the movie.

but medleson is annoying in this and rp1..

i thought eggsy wood have been a good pick for the lead role but he didnt have much to work with such a horrible script.

and the editing was bad.. u didnt really get to see into the world.. in a movie with no substance trying to re vamp a classic with special effects.. visually it better be pixar mind blowing. very bland and drab.

i dont think the russel crowe version is any better... the best robin hood movie to date is the kostner one.. as good as a film as it is.. it lacked some flare from the lead.

the perfect robin hood is still yet to be made.. it sure as hell isnt this.

i wanted it too be good
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6 December 2018
And i dont mean just a little bit funny. if u dont crap yourself laughing while watching this film something is seroiusly wrong with you.

other people reviewing this title seem to be caught up in the political and humbling heartfelt aspects of the film. these do not matter at all.

if u really get williams humor ule be to busy laughing to even notice anything else.
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Papillon (I) (2017)
30 October 2018
Maybe this one work if no one had seen the original. steve and dustin are top tier actors...

why would they try to pull this of with two second rate television stars. charlie hunem is always wooden.. and i dont know how long its going to take people to find out rami malek cant act AT ALL.

what a waste of money.. i hate you hollywood just give me the money
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Little Italy (2018)
21 September 2018
From the very first scene u feel thrown into a story already told. i really wanted to like this movie. Anakin just can not love again after Padme. u can tell by his face that he still has the dark side in him.. he used to be so handsome.

all of the characters in this movie feel distant. its like ur watching a movie of a movie.. cant really explain it better than that..

i didnt really get thru the hole thing.. havent deleted it yet.. maybe ill give it another go just cuz hayden is in it... dunno..
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bad start to finish
3 July 2018
I would say super troopers 1 was funny by accident.. but beerfest was watchable.

this movie was bad start to finish

they had a great oportunity here to catch some reunion hype after a long hiatus but they blew every chance they had

the premiss is bad. the re hashed scenes from the first film are bad (the meow scene)

just more bad canadian accents.. coulda bin cool
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so sick breh
21 June 2018
Might not have put my say in if i didnt see so many bad reviews... i dunno if someone payed people to write bad reviews or if someone put hate pills in everyones coolaid..

not oscar winning movie but it was never ment to be. the movie is based on a video game but really has nothing to do with the movie other than the title.

definatly easier to watch if you are a car enthusiast. the need for speed scenes are super totally tits. im not really a mustang enthusiast either. the one in gone in 60 seconds is nicer. why is this one not black?

as for the cast. aaron paul did a great job. this is important since people thot he was only gonna be jesse pinkman forever. imogen poots is so hot i would drink her bathwater. ramen malek is usually pretty annoying, he was here too but thats what his character was supposed to be so it worked. kid cudi another rapper kanye started who is now an actor, basically played himself so it worked. dominic cooper great villian, he really feels like a douchebag. harrison gilbertson was a great little spider man. all topped off with great little snippits of michael keaton.

haters gonna hate. a well rounded movie.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
30 May 2018
Dude how do such stupid people get greenlit!??

lara is horribly cast. shes a spoiled pretty white girl she annoyed me from the very first scenes

i'm friends with professional cyclists and her casually riding her Walmart bike with raccoon tale on the back just blatantly shows shes not athletic or hardcore at all.

Walton Goggins is great.. if i was him i would have stayed away from this movie. even he couldnt save this turd.

dont watch this movie. nothing original. just a paycheck movie for small meats.
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18 March 2018
I bet Zack Snyder's original film was dank. like watchmen only with justice league. but someone at the studio was too scared. they ruined the movie. i mean ill pretty much like any movie with batman and superman in it.. but with what they had to work with, wow they blew it.. batman vs superman was way better. steppen wolf was a horrible 1 dimensional villian wich really makes u admire actors like tom hindleson who pulled off evil so well.. just let zack do wutever he wants from now on and fire whoever cgi'd supermans stache.
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Eye Opening
21 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The first family movie ever that tells the truth with blunt force.

Viggo plays the first honest father in the history of time. He is not afraid to swear or sugar coat the truth for any of his children in a way that i wish my parents would have. my parents did teach my anything and i was still essentially blind until my later 20's until i realized everyone on earth is a moron who's full of crap.

I also love this movie because hes raised his family reminding them that the world is unfair and people are scum. as specially Christian's.

use this movie to raise your children.
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Fuller House (2016–2020)
why why why
29 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wish they just started out where they left off. no theatrics. we just walk in on the tanners regular day 30 years later. skip the theatrics.

in the 90's when the original series was popular north America's economy was still booming enough that the middle class still existed.

now these girls lifestyle and home appears spoiled and shallow.

I like the intro montage but the song is horrible.

there was maybe 2 or 3 nice nostalgia moments mostly from Stamos and Laughlin.

better than girl meets world but Last Man Standing leaves this show in a plastic surgery makeup dust cloud.

The final episode aggravated me the most. It's actually the Bachelorette!? competing for Dj's love? How sexist is this!?? Gender equality right out the window.

Most of the show unwatchable. recommended only for die hard Full House fans. Just got watch the original series.
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Fuller House: Our Very First Show, Again (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
OK ill bite
26 February 2016
This episode caught me totally off guard. first let me say that this reboot was a bad idea like most are. they are directly competing with the only other successful reboot on TV right now, Last Man Standing. which actually follows the exact same premise switching boys to girls only its the adults not the pups.

OK back to the catching me off guard.. the might have over done it on some things..

i hated the singing. i hated the one at a time applause entry at the start they should have just jumped into a regular day.


they clearly spent a lot of money preparing the cast of this so it wasn't a flop like Bob Sagets last sitcom retry. they can all act, sing and dance well.

the emotion didn't hit me full on yet. but it took 3 episodes for the x files re-boot to work

lets watch the rest and see what happens.
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Maleficent (2014)
Changed my life.
24 October 2015
I laughed, I cried.

No good place to start here. why its groundbreaking? first of all the 2 worlds the mores and the land of the filthy humans. it perfectly personifies greedy American capitalism but in a cool medieval setting. and the fairies are good hippies.

if i could sum up the movie in 1 word it would be love. I've always enjoyed fantasy stories by women more than men. this movie is definitely very feminist but in a good way. every single male character is portrayed as a bumbling moron.

what really puts this film over the top tho is Angelina and her costume. my gad she just looked spot on and the special effects compliment her appearance even more. this fairy tale doesn't quite follow traditional formula. some dislike this, i don't i actually cried.

I've heard rumours of a sequel, but honestly they set the bar much too high on this first film. by far the best fantasy movie every made.
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Foxcatcher (2014)
Very well done
20 February 2015
I didn't see this movie coming. usually u hear a buzz see trailers. something. nope i pulled this one off the Oscar nominee list. i had no idea it was based on a true story until post viewing research.

For me in any film the most important thing is the cast. more important that directing, cinematography, effects, sound editing and so on. and when u see who is cast for these roles u say what the frock. Both Steve Carrel and Channing Tatum go miles outside there comfort zone and do a very good job. Carrel more so than Tatum. Tatum was just sorta quiet and didn't really act a lot but he played it cool and didn't do anything to make you not believe. Carrel on the other hand. wow i grew up watching this guy on the daily show, as brick Tatum from anchorman, or even almighty. always hilarious and light. i will never look at him the same again. In Fox Catcher he is nothing short of one creepy Mother trucker. an Oscar worthy performance no doubt.

Again mad props for casting. Mark Ruffalo is a great and bankable choice for any director to cast he was the shining star of this film for sure. He does a flawless job of portraying Tatum's brother role model and mentor in this movie. u really feel like he is his brother and you wish he was your big brother. he just came across as so honest and loving.

Not best picture this year i'm afraid, but 3 amazing performances i will never forget.
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The Judge (2014)
Great Movie
20 February 2015
I was not going to watch this movie. I saw old gross Robert Duval who i never liked that much even in the godfather films. but then mine and everyone's hero Robert downy Jr goes and tweets about it.

Starts Off like many family dramas do. Stereotypical bickering, uncompfortable reunion after decades but after it settles in it really brings you back home to the small town.

The family has a tradition of legal practice but completely different. Duval presiding over a small town more concerned with what is right. where is son downy Jr plays the hotshot California lawyer getting scumbags off for big bucks.

anyways old judge Duvall starts losing his mind and has some very serious legal trouble that threatens the integrity of his entire career and life and iron man comes to save the day. the court scenes where gold which Duvall's first lawyer played by Dax Sheppard who i would never have thought to cast as a lawyer in a million years.

all that aside the reason to watch this movie are the touching scenes between father and son. reminds me of my relationship with my father, which i'm sure is similar to so many families. Was touching and heart warming. well done to both bobs for having the skill too pull off that scene (after u watch you will know the one i mean)
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Whiplash (2014)
Best Film Of The Year
20 February 2015
for a movie that had 3.3 million budget it doesn't look it. no special effects (not fancy avengers ones anyways). so hopefully that money when straight into Simmons pocket.

J.K Simmons carried this movie and in a way i love. pure straight forward honesty even if angry or insensitive. a lot of people in movies and in real life don't have the balls to do that anymore. they just are 2 faced and hide there anger at work to score a paycheck. well i can relate since i get fired all the time for speaking my mind.

enough about Simmons aka Fletcher who we will call our antagonist. lets talk about miles Teller aka Andrew. well cast for the role and i had already been groomed to his understated stage presence when i watched the spectacular now where he basically played the same character only not a drummer. i haven't seen him in anything else so i cant be certain of his range but miles teller was well chosen here.

Basically u turn on this movie you blink and its over. the stand out best scenes are the ones where Fletcher lays into his class. he really reams them i was in stitch's the entire time. reminded me of myself screaming at team mates in online gaming.

Even greater than those scenes is the climax which is best picture worthy. i cant say anymore without ruining it. go watch this movie now.
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15 January 2015
Where do i begin. if you told me what this movie was about id would pass it over in a second. it sounds very boring. Watch 10 minutes and you are hooked.

lets start off with the cast. Bededict Camberbatch has been a favourite of mine since he become popular in America with star trek into darkness. In this movie hes basically Dr Sheldon Cooper: a self proclaimed genius who condescends and pisses everyone off. Another great addition to the cast are Charles dance aka Tywin Lannister from game of thrones; one of the few television dramatic series ever made that is worth watching. icing on the cake was that moment when Mathew Goode graced the screen. the first time I've seen him in since he portrayed Adrien Veight in the best movie of all time "watchmen".

the main story is the nerds at study but there are some bitching ww2 war scenes thrown in so we don't doze. I was hoping for no annoying romantic interest to ruin the movie then in walks Keira Knightly, shes hotter than a microwave so we let her stay. the scenes with Tywin and Kahn are the best they really play off each other well. mark strong was great too. the code breaking theme, the cold war music and the drab 40s clothing really remind me of "a beautiful mind" but in a good way.

maybe not a film you will watch over and over but its cute and worth a go.

good game
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same but diffrint
25 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
pretty much every movie in the x men franchise is formula. always same theme song same dna strand trippy opening and ending credits. this movie starts out very promising with a blast of stardom when u see Halle Barry and and Hugh Jackman walk off the plane already u got ur moneys worth.

then we fall back into formula. in every x men movie there is always a super mutant, a game changer, and X factor if you will. in the original x men movie the x factor is rogue pretty much the same plot as this movie only it makes more sense because ravens mutant power is more about stealing appearance than other mutants powers. i the 3rd movie the x factor was the little boy who's genes hold the key to neutralizing other mutants powers, u remember when beast played by kelsey grammar put his hand near the boy and it went back to normal human form.

only flawed if you wanna be a super geek about it cuz the production acting special effex etc where up to par. the cast of this flick was amazing really.. bringing every huge star in the history of the franchise into one movie. im not certain Tyrion Lannister could actually create robots capable of killing mutants with the wrong dna in 1978 but at this point ur too blow away by the expendables like cast.

lots of trippy scenes worth a watch. gg
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10 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to start so i'm just gonna dive right in with the bad news.

The president is supposed to be Harvard educated. Jamiee Foxx actually says "i ain't do-in that s$*t" in the ripoff president saved by lone patriot scene. I cant think which movie exactly they are ripping off, but i bet it had Bruce Willis. No one is better at the "i just want a relaxing weekend but don't complain when i have to save the world" bit, than Bruce Willis. Tatum was not problem here actually, Jamie Foxx is so poorly cast for the role of president. Foxx does not strike me as intelligent or educated, I feel he was given this role because he is at the height of his career and the current united states president is black. The lack of security while the shady camera crew of terrorists make scary noises in the dark is just slightly unbelievable.

The movie wasn't a total loss. Maggie Gyllenhaal was good and James Woods was great as always. The action scenes where good with lots of cool guns. well done sound effects.

This movie was not original in any way. I think if it had young Bruce Willis in place of Tatum and someone like Michael Douglas in place of Foxx (or ANYONE), that the movie could have been like 2nd or 3rd for a summer weekend in box office earnings. If there's nothing better on and you have got at least 2 joints and maybe some crack i highly recommend you put this movie on your 2nd monitor and sorta pay attention too it now and then while u dick around on Facebook and crap...
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Furious 6 (2013)
Buckle UP!
4 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First Good Furious since the original or maybe Tokyo Drift. They got away with things in this movie that movies haven't gotten away with since the 80s.. Team switching, amnesia, super people that never get hurt... all topped off with the sort of things u want to see in any action movie; kick ass cars, bad ass martial arts, devious villain, awesome cheesy lines. The Old Gang are back and they are great.. Vin was spot on, but the coup de gras was The Rock. Johnson is great in everything but he was born for this role. I think the goal of this movie was fun. Felt like an Arnie movie without Arnie. Every time you think the movie is about to wrap up more captivating twists come at you like bullets. i hope this isn't the last and the furious. let Justin Lin make the next one.
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