
24 Reviews
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Awful movie and unnecessary over explaining of simple concepts
3 July 2024
This film is awful. Weird Barbie and the opening homage to Kubrick were the best parts. That all happened in the first 30 minutes. After that it went downhill, crashed and burned. Barbie yelled the entire movie. Whenever she made a decision or had a thought she would over explain ad nauseam about why the world is skewed the way it is. It is supposed to be a feminist tale somehow. The execution of pointing out the patriarchy was done horribly. Not to mention the insurmountable profits that Mattel made by somehow making this seem like a progressive film. I don't understand how this film got such rave reviews. It was extremely difficult to watch. I hated almost every moment of it and kept hoping it would get better. Why did they put annoying Will Ferrel in this film. If I never see him in a film again I would be fine and think we all would too. This movie is a joke and I wish I went with my gut and did not waste my time with it.
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Great acting, good pacing and very disturbing
14 May 2024
This series was hard to watch because it was done so well. It was excruciating watching any scene with the little girl, Asuna, in it. The actors were so believable it was as if you were watching the real non fiction case unfold. The couple made me sick so I had to fast forward through a couple of parts because I couldn't stomach it. If you like to watch sinister true crime style shows this will be a good fit. I had so many emotions. Disgust, anger, fear and anxiety before bed wasn't the best decision for restful sleep on my part. Still, I couldn't turn it off until the end. I'm a very difficult audience member to please. This one really makes an impression.
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Love Scorsese movies so this was disappointing
25 March 2024
I was expecting this to be better. I thought the film was poorly cast. At this point there are too many movies made with Leo and Deniro and it is hard to separate their real identities from the film characters. Molly's role was written in a way where I couldn't have much suspension of disbelief. How could a woman this smart not see through the devil's eyes? How could a skeptical woman believably marry this man whose close relative she deemed scary. Her character was far too stoic to really feel emotion besides feeling sorry for her and her gullible ways. Though I was happy with Scorsese actually creating a film about the Osage that didn't make all men heroes, I thought it lacked a certain feeling. I felt enraged and disgusted, uncomfortable. It definitely made an impact. I still think it was not executed well.
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Frontline: Divided States of America - Part 1 (2017)
Season 35, Episode 7
Masterpiece of documentary filmmaking
7 March 2024
This film has it all. Visually stunning and a great critique of the Obama administration. I learned quite a lot. It was painful at parts. To see the uproar of the right wing racists and the first seeds of the current Republican Party planted by Sarah Palin was uncomfortable. Some of those fringe Republicans compared Obama to Hitler, which I thought was hilarious given the current authoritarian in charge of the right in 2024. The film has an amazing soundtrack, great editing and narration. The film asks plenty of people from both the right and left about the divisions in America. It pointed out how Joe Wilson started the uncivil behavior on the senate floor. This film shows the blueprint for what has become The Divided States of America.
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Hilarious film full of insight
7 January 2024
This film was hilarious. I laughed more than I have during a movie in a long time. The commentary about the publishing industry and Hollywood was spot on. The acting was great and character development was well done. People in theater were laughing loudly throughout the film. That is the first time I've been to a film for adults where people were laughing constantly. I loved every moment and wanted the movie to just keep going, will watch again when released for streaming. My favorite part of the film was the commentary around how Americans feel like being "more thuggish" is more black and "real". Often times you see this trope. I want to see a film about stories that haven't been told before. Stop doing the same thing over and over Hollywood. This film is a nice break from the typical film.
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Paterson (2016)
Couldn't stay awake, missed opportunity
5 October 2023
This film could have been better. There are too many motifs without meaning. We know more about his girlfriend then him. By the third act I was still waiting for something interesting to happen. The poetry he wrote was not interesting either. I like some Jarmusch films. I am glad I watched it though because it makes my screenplay look genius. Not enough happens in the film. Nothing to hope for the characters. Nothing to hold onto. Why should I care about this bus driver? Or his girlfriend. There is no point. The film has no depth. The best part of this film is method man has a cameo. The bar scenes are interesting but that's about it.
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Tries way to hard to be "dark"
8 September 2023
This movie was really difficult to watch. I love dark comedies and enjoy the dark side themes. However, the jokes were super cliche to me. All of the jokes about gay people that are meant to shock are boring. Maybe it's the year that the film was made but I felt the gay jokes were way too corny. I also despised most of the characters. Surprisingly, Lisa Kudrow's character was my favorite. She did a good job and was the only character who seemed "real". I watched this because I was studying voiceover and found Ricci's character annoying, including her voice. I did not want to hear her snobby BS so I had to turn it off half way through. This is dark comedy for people who are easily offended. I only found 2 jokes in 1 hour "dark".
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Heavy (1995)
Missed the mark
15 August 2023
This movie had a lot of potential. The biggest issue I have with it is the main character seems to have more going on mentally than being overweight. The writing is not effective at showing us what this is. He hardly talks and has trouble being around people. They should have done a better job showing he was either on the spectrum or had some trauma to explain his odd behavior. The acting is fine but the story lacks depth in many of the subplots. There are too many holes in the story and by the end you are left with a feeling of disgust. At the main character and all other characters in the film.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Every season it got a little worse
4 July 2023
During the first season I was totally enamored with this show. The acting is amazing. The first season left you begging for more. It is an empowering show in some respects as June fights to get her daughter. However, season after season the subplots became more and more ridiculous. The stories often have no closure. There is never EVER a resolution to any of the plot lines save 2 out of 100. The amount of time I spent watching this show was totally wasted. I should have stopped while I was ahead but my partner wanted to keep it going. I truly regret ever watching past the 3rd season as it kept getting more and more convoluted. No resolutions on sight and no value without closure. The story kept us engaged but slowly I started to dislike this show because of its shortcomings. It was so good but nothing lasts forever. Except for this show which now feels like a big waste of time.
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First 30 minutes were great. Then corniness took over
20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The parts where Kya was young were my favorite parts of this film. Once the story was more focused on Kya as an "adult" it became too corny because of the love story. Once it focuses too much on the romance it was hard for me to watch. The acting of the main characters was good and so was the cinematography. A lot of the dialogue gets worse as the movie goes on. A lot of the movie was predictable and then they introduced this creepy guy who made me cringe even more at the film. It was hard for me to get through. I couldn't watch the second half. After about 1 and 1/4 hours the movie became way too over the top for me to waste any more time.
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Angel of Mine (2019)
Great movie until the end, the end ruins it for me
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have been watching a lot of movies that begin great and have ridiculous suspension of disbelief issues or bad endings. Who would allow a child to go on a walk with another mother at a party? How was this woman able to sneak past people at a performance and talk to a little girl so freely? I liked it until about 2/3rds of the way through. It was hard to like the female lead as well. I stopped having empathy for her because of her cold demeanor. I think if they made her character less cold it would have been better. Her cold attitude did not allow me to believe she would act the way she did with her son. I would say I despised her character for that reason. It did not work for me.
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Prey (I) (2022)
I'm a feminist but there is not enough suspension of disbelief
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this movie more but the more I watched the less believable it became. I know it's a scifi movie but they should have had the hero have some dynamic weapons of some kind to defeat some of the tribesmen she encountered. I loved the fight scenes where she used weapons but the other fight scenes did not allow me to believe in the story enough. There are a lot of great things about this film, especially if you watch it in the dark. However, someone with an amputated leg would not be able to function the way the one of the tribesmen was depicted. Also, she should have been shown training for fighting earlier on in the film. Having men give her directions the whole film was sickening too, if it was really about female strength I would rather her leave the scene when they are giving useless instructions. I wish I liked it as much as my friends. Guess I am a film snob.
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Promising film, horrible ending
13 July 2022
This film was really good until about 3/4 of the way through. Great acting but resolution was ridiculous and did not resolve anything. Suspension of disbelief was entirely lost. Acting great, story 4.
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6.5 for documentary length, 7 for actual documentary
3 January 2022
This documentary is well done and shows many sides of the saga of Rachel Dolezol. The saddest part of this story is how much her children suffer and because of her delusions and narsissm she cannot relate to what they are going through. She cares more about how she feels. Mental help for her and her boys would be very helpful. I liked seeing the perspectives of black folks who were apalled by her appropriation of black culture. I think her background tells us a lot about why she became who she is today. However, it was disturbing and focused on her book so much I wish it was shorter.
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Disturbing portrait of Southern culture
3 January 2022
This film had really great performances. The story was beyond interesting. There was never a time during this film that I disliked the pacing. It allows for a suspension of disbelief that keeps you gripped until the end. This is a film that you will want to watch to the end. That is a really rare thing when it comes to most films. This film did not waste a pixel or a moment. Great cinematography, great acting and an extremely interesting story.
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Passing (I) (2021)
Love this film, everything Hollywood is not
28 December 2021
This film has great writing, great acting and is paced very well. It deals with the topics not known for many people in the general IMDB community, e.g. Caucasian nerd film dudes. The way you feel for both the lead characters is very conflicted. You are rooting for one but still understand the other side. I also loved the ending. I called it but not in the twist I expected. A great film.
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Sicario (2015)
Missed opportunity
27 December 2021
This movie had very little character development and relied heavily on shoot em up scenes. I am surprised because I thought "Wind River" was such a great film. It was also written by Taylor Sheridan. Emily Blunt should have been the hero in this film. Instead there is no hero, just a bunch of antagonists who you really don't care about. I don't care about any of the characters in the film except for a corrupt cop who has a family and is caught up in the cartel. Besides that no feelings at all. Just a bunch of people with guns. They made blut look like a whinpering idiot. The cinematography and soundtrack were the most enjoyable parts of the film.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
Loved every moment!
21 October 2021
This was hilarious. Comedians should be able to speak their minds. Let's focus on how many people are unemployed and how the 1% keep getting richer while our taxes keep going up. Focusing on what Chappelle's comedy states instead of real issues is what is ruining things for those of us who believe in real equal rights, trans rights and the rights of all others. Focus not just words but actions.
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Superb performances and well thought out film
21 July 2021
This movie can be uncomfortable to watch. The dishonesty of an informant, especially in an organization like the Black Panthers, turned my stomach throughout this film. O'Neill keeps getting more pathetic as you empathize with Hampton. The FBI are portrayed very well in this film. A worthy watch and a good history lesson. As a high school film teacher I will show it.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Awestruck by how many things they got right
15 July 2021
I watched the director's cut and at 3 hours plus long I was constantly captivated. The original Shining is a classic and cannot be compared. However, this film stands on it's own. It had the perfect balance of horror and fantasy and great acting, soundtrack, camera work and the writing was imaginative. There were plenty of homage scenes but it did not feel like a sequel. A must see for the fans of the original film and anyone who likes fantasy/horror. I love the lead actress, Kylie Curran and Ewan McGregor was fantastic as always. Loved this film.
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The Hunt (2012)
Acting was great, story was crap
26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a poorly executed film for many reasons. The actions taken by all people in leadership positions were illegal, at least in the US. You would not send a psychologist to a school and plant words into a child's mouth by asking leading questions. You would have to have many more details about the account the child had with the suspect. Assuming this film is based on reality it loses credibility over and over again. By the end you just feel frustrated. The acting is brilliant but the main character is still in contact with the child at the end of the film? I dont think if a child accused me of crimes I did not commit I would be holding them at the end. Ridiculous story.
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Eve's Bayou (1997)
Very well done film
23 January 2021
This film had great pacing and does not leave you bored with unnecessary subplots like so many films do. The acting is great and the story, though disturbing, keeps you captivated. I would definitely recommend watching this film.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
It was great, then...
31 October 2020
I loved this show so much the first season and this season was good, mid way through the season the characters started gnawing away at me. I started to no longer care what happened. Then the season ending left no resolution. They leave you high and dry. It seems they may have switched writers midway through? Anyway, it was entertaining but the flat ending will make me think twice about watching next season. Might want to pass if you are looking for an actual resolution at the end of the season and to be less annoyed by multiple characters.
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Horribly written film with no focus
29 March 2020
Great acting can't save a poorly written story. The worst part of the film was the long drawn out ridiculous love story. Too many stories were jammed into a story that didn't have any continuity which led me to not care and just want the story to end. Then after 3 hours the ending was horrible. Don't waste your time on this poorly written film. Another annoying part was how the lead actress was supposed to be a doctor but was demure and clueless in every other part of her life. Give me a break!
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