
175 Reviews
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Yummy (2019)
A real horror movie that actually entertains you
15 June 2024
This is not a movie where you watch a bunch of boring characters stare into space, do weird things that make no sense, or move at a snail's pace toward some underwhelming revelation proving a "profound" point you could care less about. No imbecile is going to sit here and say this is "beautiful" or "a different kind of zombie film" or "a slow burn" when it's actually insipid trash.

What we have here is a legitimately entertaining zombie movie that hits all the right spots. Good pacing, perfect balance between gross and ridiculous, just the right amount of humor at the right times, and it increases the tension as it goes along.

It's sad to say but this is a rare find nowadays with all the garbage passing for horror.

Great film.
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The Beasts (2022)
Nice idea, badly made
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I never give reviews with spoilers where I discuss details but this is one of the dumbest, most obnoxious and infuriating movies I've ever sat through.

The main characters are absolute morons. And I am not the type to sit here and criticize movie characters for doing things they must in order to have a darn plot. No, I mean, even by the most basic of human reasoning, they are absolute morons. You will not be on their side. At all.

Imagine moving to a small hillbilly mountain to play farmer and when a foreign contractor comes in, offering to buy everyone's land in order to set up their stupid turbines, you, the dumb outsider who decided to go there and play farm, vote against it, thereby sealing everyone's fate.

Now imagine being someone born and raised there, having lived there 50 years, your back aching, your mentally handicapped brother and your aging mother being the only people you have, and you can't accept the money 'cause the IDIOT foreigner who came there a year ago doesn't want to sell. Why? 'Cause it's "his home."

What a crock.

The main character does absolutely nothing to deal with the fate he so stubbornly and doggedly invites upon himself. It's the most infuriating, like watching a moron walk straight off a cliff and pretending they can't see it.

Then the movie drags as you are treated to a second half at ANOTHER hour's running time to see his wife and daughter "talk about their issues."

Dude, this movie could've been a good revenge flick but this is what happens when directors try to use horror in order to make what they think is a "serious" movie. Get the heck outta here, man.

This movie is way too long and not worth it.

Don't sit through this limp, unsatisfying garbage.
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Vicious (2016)
Viciously boring
18 May 2024
Cute little film class project, I guess.

The plot is boring and makes no sense. Characters have emotionally strong reactions to situations that weren't fleshed out, so the whole thing just seems comical at best.

It makes an attempt at a "deeper" plot but by the time it even gets there, you'll have long since checked out.

At every single turn, the question is, "Who cares?"

The score is corny and predictable. "Sad" music doesn't make a ridiculous conversation serious. It just makes it dumber.

A few incredibly lame attempts at leftist rhetoric. I don't know, something about "white guys have it like this but black guys have it like that" or some such nonsense.

Not even the naked chicks can save this.

God knows why I sat through this.
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Nefarious (2023)
7 February 2024
I will never comprehend the mental dysfunction that drives people to sit there and crap out an entire script consisting of nothing but a bunch of people TALKING.

This film is people talking. The entire time. An hour and a half. TALK. And whoever wrote it obviously believes this is so unbelievably deep and intellectually stimulating that it JUSTIFIES a ninety minute movie.

The stupidity is mind boggling. The fact there are other people with zero brain damage and at least average IQ in the comments saying anything REMOTELY good about it is beyond comprehension.


Maybe if you're in your pseudo-philosophical teenage phase you may find all this religious stuff profound. Or something.

Avoid like the plague, man. Vote these movies to oblivion so hopefully more of them aren't made.
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Birth/Rebirth (2023)
Only for normies
11 November 2023
Atmosphere aside, this is at heart more of a drama than horror. Just more of the weak, insipid excuses for what passes for horror in a wimpified snowflake era.

Atmosphere aside, this is at heart more of a drama than horror. Just more of the weak, insipid excuses for what passes for horror in a wimpified snowflake era.

Atmosphere aside, this is at heart more of a drama than horror. Just more of the weak, insipid excuses for what passes for horror in a wimpified snowflake era.

Atmosphere aside, this is at heart more of a drama than horror. Just more of the weak, insipid excuses for what passes for horror in a wimpified snowflake era.
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Atrocious (2015)
It was good - now I never want to see it again
28 February 2023
A sadistic serial killer films his exploits with his sidekick until a cop finds one of their tapes, leading to the discovery of additional tapes. It's through the playback of these recordings that we see what the killer has done and, eventually, what happened to him before he became that way.

This movie is extremely nasty, sadistic, gory, and just gross. It makes the Japanese GROTESQUE look like a Sunday morning cartoon.

Is there a story here? Sure, there's a commentary on how Mexican society treats people who are, uh, different. Yes, very poignant, very relevant. Then there's some last-minute twist in the end that tries to wrap it all up that was like, huh? But it's still better than low budget nonsense like that AUGUST UNDERGROUND thing everyone here keeps comparing it to.

Is a film like this "good"? It depends how you define it. If it's to entertain, then no. This is not a horror film that provides you with safe scares in the comfort of your own home. It's not even a horror film.

But does it shock? Does it push the envelope? Does it do it with at least a halfway plausible motivation? I'd say that there it succeeds. And in that sense, I want to say that yes, it is good. But let's be clear about one thing.

If a movie of this kind does its job right, then it's not something you should ever want to see again. Much like the French MARTYRS, its images will haunt you long after, if not for a lifetime.

So yes. ATROZ is good, man. And definitely worth a watch for those who don't get queasy easily.

Someone said it's boring. It's not.

Someone said it's like that AUGUST thing but with "bad special effects."Haha. No. It's better. Shut up.

Watch it if you're not eating, then give yourself a pat on the back for checking it off your nasties list.
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Sea Fever (2019)
No monster here
25 February 2023
Siobhan is a student who boards a family-run boat as part of her research. Soon a crew member exhibits signs of infection by some form of parasite and it isn't long before the crew realizes they are dealing with a rare life form that is right below their boat that sort of resembles a giant squid. From there, tough decisions must be made.

The movie isn't not horror at all and no one should go in it expecting a creature feature. It's just a drama. The performances are enjoyable enough, though they are as muted as the general tone of this film, subdued as a dead sea. The main actress is pretty and has her own charm.

It is interesting to see the superstitions of the crew and the nod to the old religions of Europe in their thinking, just like it's amusing to see the crew members' numerous expressions of disapproval at having Siobhan aboard - redheads. They're back luck.

It was enjoyable enough. Just not horror.
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Coming Soon (2008)
Not that good
24 February 2023
It has a semi-original idea and interesting enough setup but then doesn't really go anywhere interesting. Falls victim to the usual Asian tendencies for sappy relationships and sentimental nonsense. The CGI scares are fine but you don't care enough about the plot to get much out of it. Feels like they could only afford two main actors and filmed the rest in as few locations as possible. Our main duo then proceed to go on your stereotypical clue hunt where they progressively uncover what is meant to be a surprising and satisfying plot.

The whole thing just doesn't hold up 'cause of the corny way people act. It almost comes off more like a drama or low grade thriller than anything resembling horror.
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Climax (I) (2018)
oh gimme a break dude
23 February 2023
I liked IRREVERSIBLE and I STAND ALONE and the early stuff as much as the next guy but this is just stupid, pointless, uninteresting, and a complete waste of time.

Watch this movie if you're prepared for endless sequences of people talking about the most predictable and mundane chit chat you could have at a party and a never ending sequence where you watch everyone take turns dancing in a circle. On and on and on AND ON AND ON AND ON IT GOES until I had to finally skip through the drivel.

When things do get "interesting", he manages to once again bore us to DEATH. And in the end, absolutely nothing really happens.

There is no story here, no resolution, no point to developing the characters because they do nothing meaningful once you've gotten to know them.

The second half, aside from a few uncomfortable scenes where you think this movie may just grow a set, is people dancing around all spaced out mixed in with groaning and crazy "omg I'm so high" yelling.

To hell with this turd.
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"wow, just wow!"
21 February 2023
Can't believe this Vince Vaughn, whose face would once provoke an involuntary eye roll 'cause you knew you were in for some corny rom-com fodder. I hardly recognized him.

This movie is brutal, man. But take note, the title is just slightly misleading. You'd think the whole thing takes place in a prison and there's arse kicking from start to finish. Yes, there are action scenes but the rest of the time the film's true violence is the one it exacts on your psyche. Because from the very moment we are introduced to the main character of Bradley (not Brad, ok? Bradley) it's just pure, unrelenting grimness. I counted only two instances of comic relief, the rest of the time you're just getting pummeled by grim reality. Absolutely worth a watch.

Look out for Miami Vice fame Don Johnson making a very debonair prison warden. Also, look out for the legend himself, Udo Kier, from BLOOD FOR DRACULA.
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Shark Bait (2022)
Thoroughly enjoyable!
9 February 2023
I love these survival movies where the hapless characters are stranded and at the mercy of a predator. I won't list all the more well known ones featuring sharks that have come in recent years, as a quick search will yield you plenty to keep your shark tooth satisfied.

No, this isn't the best shark flick out there, but it doesn't have to be. It just has to keep you hooked, which it does well enough. I also like that it kept the obligatory personal "drama" to a minimum 'cause yeah, we really don't care that much.

What I'm always curious about with these movies is how exactly will these perfectly happy people find themselves in a situation so bad by the film's second act. This one had a pretty creative scenario that made sense given the characters' personalities.

Beyond that, there's not much to say. It's a shark movie, bruh. Sit back and wait for it all to hit the fan.
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Dude, is this a joke?
8 February 2023
Watch this movie if you want to spend an hour and a half observing the world's most boring squatter. You'll get to see him sleep, shower, smoke, play drums, listen to music, and basically do squat the entire time.

Better yet, take my word for it and downvote this trash to oblivion so that others may be spared.

If, for some reason, you insist on watching this unforgivably boring piece of trash, watch the first ten minutes, then skip to the 45 minute mark. For whatever that'll be worth.

It is truly vile how bland and boring this soul sucking piece of TRASH is. I wish the night had eaten the director's brain instead, so I would not have wasted the thirty minutes it took me to skim through this vile spirit crushing piece of asinine excrement.
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Captivity (2007)
Utterly Uncaptivating
7 February 2023
Films like Saw and Hostel created characters that provoked an emotional reaction from you, whether you liked them or not. By the time their ultimate predicament arrived, you were hooked.

This movie may have decent enough scenes to keep a gorehound interesting but there is no reason we should care about any of these people. All it has is some lame caricature of a silent captor who's out to somehow "educate" his victims and some laughably out of place white knight behaviour.

Oh sure, there's a twist later. But by then, who cares.

I'd skip this one unless you're bored and got nothing else better to watch.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Tense but drags
7 February 2023
It's tense. It takes its time to let us get up close and personal in an attempt to make us uncomfortable. It works at first. But then it starts to test one's patience.

The actors do a great job but the drawn-out conversations and monologues take up way too much time. So do the extended scenes where a character is performing some action. Eventually you have to just start skipping ahead to where the movie begins actually moving forward again.

While the story is well done and the atmosphere is thick as a brick, its ultimate failing is that it takes itself too seriously. It would've done better with some editing.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
This movie should've been invisible
19 January 2023
The main villain is your canonized modern-day bogeyman of the "privileged abusive straight white male" variety.

The main actress, inexplicably, is closer to a random black family than she is to her own.

A movie with an invisible villain is just as interesting as you'd expect it to be: stuff, like moves around.

The main actress goes through the entire movie with a look on her face that is a mixture of confusion, fear, and panic - and she never, ever displays any other expression, from the first frame to the last. The director should've pulled her back a little.

The idea itself is cool but, of course, nowadays, even halfway decent ideas are ruined by the mentally ill leftists and their incessant propaganda.
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Clean (IV) (2021)
White dude cries over random black kid
2 January 2023
This is John Wick, except the dog's a random black kid and Wick is the most boring dude you'll ever meet. The action doesn't begin until past the halfway point and even then it's a long, slow snoozefest until you get to any good parts.

The rest of the time, you watch Brody walking around having long, supposedly profound pep talks with, well, everyone. The weepy background piano music is everywhere. You see, he's got some regrets of past mistakes. And you will know it. Whether you like it or not. No matter how boring it gets. No matter how much you want to roll your eyes at the imbecile leftie writers' looney view of reality or how laughable it looks when you see Brody cry and cradle some random black child who looks absolutely nothing like him.

A sad, deflated joke expelled from the dead carcass of a failed society.
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Metal Lords (2022)
16 November 2022
It's like Netflix decided to make a less funny Napoleon Dynamite and target the "metalhead kid" demographic, except they didn't really understand metal culture so that metal ended up taking a back seat to a perfectly pedestrian coming of age story.

Sure, there's a lot of name dropping and the posters on the bedroom walls will make you 'ooh' and 'aah' in the beginning. But soon you'll realize this movie has nothing special, no character, nothing to set it apart aside from the predictably trite message of "being a young awkward misfits sucks but hey, life gets better so just hang in there, kid!"

I have no idea why they even bothered trying to inject the whole metal thing in here if they weren't going to actually understand or respect it.

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Who Am I (2014)
Corny as heck
24 October 2022
Unless you're fourteen years old, this thing is too cringe inducing to tolerate. The direction tries to look cool like 'Lola rennt' but ends up looking like a desperate attempt at cool. Whole movie comes off like a music video.

The characters are all predictable stereotypes. The cool guy, the "crazy" dude, the awkward boy genius.

The twist is basically a ripoff of 'Fight Club'. Like yeah wow man... deep. We didn't see that one coming.

Absolute nonsense for teenyboppers - and not very intelligent ones, at that.

Unless you're fourteen years old, this thing is too cringe inducing to tolerate. The direction tries to look cool like 'Lola rennt' but ends up looking like a desperate attempt at cool. Whole movie comes off like a music video.

The characters are all predictable stereotypes. The cool guy, the "crazy" dude, the awkward boy genius.

The twist is basically a ripoff of 'Fight Club'. Like yeah wow man... deep. We didn't see that one coming.

Absolute nonsense for teenyboppers - and not very intelligent ones, at that.
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GLOW (2017–2019)
Never enjoyed a chick show so much
6 June 2022
I'm light years away from this show's demographic but man, it grew on me. The characters are just so damn likeable. I was talking to the screen during the drama scenes, nodding emphatically, yelling, clapping. I was ridiculous, I tell you. Ridiculous.

It includes the usual obligatory weird American obsessions, yeah. You got the gay character, we tackle the "immigration" issue, America's favorite bogeyman aka big bad "racism" or whatever. But through some miracle, none of it is preachy, obnoxious woke bull and it even actually plays into the plot.

Just a great show. Fun in every way.
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The Maus (2017)
Stupid, retarded, boring GARBAGE - not horror
26 February 2022
Boring, lethargic, stupid. A bunch of dumb dream sequences. Some bug eyed woman walking around freaking out and you never know what's happening is real or not. You'll hear her say "ya hafizu" about one million times.

Absolute pathetic crap, waste of time and money for anyone who was deluded enough to even bother to put this steaming pile of crud together.

NOTHING to do with horror. Nothing. Just the imbeciles at Netflix and their usual miscategorization.
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Sweet Home (2020– )
Stupid and pointless
14 February 2022
Imagine the most miserable, unlikeable people on earth stuck in a residential building while random monsters go around with zero explanation.

The monsters are pretty cool but the characters kill it. There is zero reason to give a flying crap about a single one of them. Every one is nasty for no reason. The stupid dancer runt, the crazy lady, the incel loser. Who wants to look at these imbeciles.

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Suits (2011–2019)
Drop it after season 7
6 February 2022
Very entertaining show, despite its flaws. But once season 7 is done there's not much of a reason to keep watching. Plus it gets progressively "woke" while it tries to gratuitously insert "racism" and other assorted American nonsense into the storylines. Its lack of this type of stupidity was one of the things that made it good in the first place.
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The Dark (I) (2018)
More lame drama masquerading as "horror"
25 January 2022
More of the same old garbage that infests all the worthless streaming services.

Come up with what is essentially a lame, unoriginal, corny drama plot that you stupidly think is somehow profound, add the most generic of horror trappings, and wait for the sucker mainstream viewers who patronize said trash streaming services to sit through your asinine garbage.

Here's a hint. Any time you see some imbecile on IMDb call a supposed horror movie any of these words, it's garbage:

"Original, unusual, caught me by surprise, not what you'd expect, a different kind of horror movie."

Seems horror films are as dead as the braindead zombies who actually watch this crapola.

Skip this steaming pile of Lifetime trash.
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Absolute garbage!
24 January 2022
I have no idea what I just watched. Two hours wasted. The movie goes nowhere. Whenever you think a plot line has emerged, it gets dropped and just meanders on.

Half the movie is about "the plight of the black man." Cops are bad blah blah blah. Oh, and every white woman of course wants to get some of that good old interracial sex. Throughout all this stupidity, some Italians are doing some stuff.

The character of Tony Soprano and every other character in this film is all incidental. You will get absolutely nothing out of this except a hefty scoop of "woke" propaganda that marched its way through the institutions long ago. Created for plebs by parasites.

Only good thing was the actors who played the younger versions of the well known Sopranos cast. The dude who played Sol or Sal or whatever his name is, that guy was brilliant. But it hardly justified two hours.

What a steaming crock of inexplicable manure. Only unhinged Americans would come up with this for no reason whatsoever.
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Black Water (2007)
Weak male
5 January 2022
Let me tell you something. If you are stranded in a swamp with your wife and sister-in-law, the last thing that will come out of your mouth the moment you realize what situation you're in will be, "What should we do?"

No man speaks this way. No one. Even if you're the most sissified brainwashed woke soy-fed manlet, you will say something a little more useful than "what should we do". You may offer a suggestion. You may even just say "hey, we need to make a plan."

What you will not do is sit there and meekly ask the women what they think "you should do" and then have a pathetic squabble over it.

The movie isn't bad, I found it enjoyable. It's nice to see one of these animal horror flicks on a swamp instead of in the sea or a jungle and it had some interesting developments.

Just ignore the fact whoever wrote this seems to have some issues, whether they're aware of them or not.
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