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Puzzled, why do people generally like this movie?
14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't understand what people enjoyed about this movie. The first two Ghostbusters were comedies. This one was not. The originals starred some of the top comedians of the time. This one starred kids. I also felt this one was extremely slow. There was one ghost that resembled Slimer for most of the movie. There was another ghost that ended up playing a big part in the end.

What did I like about this movie? Just the end. The end was very nicely executed. The end alone made me appreciate the movie and made it worth my time to see it.

My biggest issue with this film is that it did not feel like the first two Ghostbuster movies. It was almost played like a drama. The kids did a pretty bad job of carrying the movie. I was bored with it until the end. Kept wishing for the part when the original ghostbusters appear. Until the end you basically see Annie Potts and Dan Ackroyd once each. Sigourney Weaver only appears in a scene while the credits role. After seeing this I totally understand why Rick Moranis does not appear. He too likely would appear in the credits.

People like to bash the Ghostbusters movie with the female leads. Honestly that movie did a much better job of capturing the feel of the original movies than this movie. My problem with that one however was the cameos of the original Ghostbusters. I think if the actors played the Ghostbusters it would have been more highly received.

Another example of why this movie was terrible was the Walmart scene. Paul Rudd apparently is the only person in a Walmart. Not just the only customer, but there were ZERO workers in the Walmart. In addition to that, what was the point of the marshmallow scenes? They made absolutely no sense. They did not fit the movie at all. Sure it was cute, but why did the marshmallows come to life? And unlike all the other ghosts in the movie they were used as comedy. Made no sense.

So why was the all female Ghostbusters movie panned? Because they were female ghostbusters. And why was this kid's movie drama loved? I am puzzled. I still don't get it. So apparently from after credit scenes we'll get a sequel.....give me the female ghostbusters any day. Hard pass on another kid's Ghostbusters drama.
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Plays like an episode of the Series
14 October 2019
The question that comes after the Series Finale is "what happened to Jesse once the series end?". That is what this movie is about. You get your answer. All while sprinkling characters from the show including some minor ones. Some may want to watch the finale before viewing El Camino. I was trying to answer questions with the people I was watching this with as it played. The movie has the feel of Breaking Bad and the movie has those twists you would expect from Breaking Bad. It's not going to knock you off your chair, but you should enjoy it.
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Meh in Black
17 June 2019
As average as it gets. Should have been so much better. The normally entertaining and humorous, Chris Hemsworth even seemed to phone it in. He seemed to glide through this movie like he was disinterested. Tessa Thompson wasn't very strong either. The two had better humor in Thor and honestly....seeing them both in this movie was a little distracting knowing their history in Avengers. The story too was just there. It's watchable, but when I think about it disappointing. If they wanted to reboot this thing they should have put more effort into this. Even the aliens were not interesting . I honestly think this movie getting made had something to do with the Theme Parks, They have a ride there and without making another movie quickly the ride is starting to become irrelevant. Unfortunately nothing new or interesting here which is a disappointment because I was kinda looking forward to a new Men In Black movie.
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I enjoyed it until I read about the Historical Inaccuracies
7 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Can a movie like this have spoilers? It's not like we don't know what happened to Freddie and Queen.

I will make this review short. I enjoyed it until I read about the BIG LIE of this movie. Freddie did not find out about him having Aids until 2 years after Live Aid. They made it look like they got back together after he found out he had Aids. They also made it look like he was struggling through rehearsals for Live Aid with Aids. Then at the Actual Live Aid Performance they made it seem like he pushed himself beyond his deadly disease and delivered an inspiring performance as he was dying. ALL THIS WAS A LIE. I told people after I saw this movie about that Live Aid performance and it was all inaccurate.

After hearing all that I wonder what else wasn't true. And if you question what you see as being real or not than what really is the point? Now I see the whole movie as a lie. I was hoping for an history lesson about Queen and Mercury. It was not that.

There were some slow points and Freddie was definitely a flawed person. So was Roger Taylor, but Brian May and John Deacon came across as saints. I know this in not totally accurate either.

Some people also complain that there was not more early life story to Freddie and nothing after Live Aid. Freddie died 6 years after that performance..I was ok with that I did not need to see him die. The movie starts up when Freddie joins Queen.

So in the end, sad that this movie was not as true as I had hoped. Other than that the performances were amazing. The guy who played Brian May was incredible...looked just like him. John Deacon also. All four guys had the mannerisms nailed.
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6 August 2018
I am a 52 year old married male and so touched by this movie. I had tears in my eyes the entire movie. Something about the innocence of it. Pooh was brilliantly done. Pooh and the balloon reminded me of an old friend of mine who was mentally handicapped. The movie really touched me. The movie starts off in 100 Acre Woods with the animal characters which was the perfect way to start it.
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5 August 2018
No where near as good as the first two movies. You've seen the ads you've seen the movie. As Drac would say other than Drac the other characters are blah. On top that saw it in 3D and there were zero 3D effects. Felt they phoned it in on this one. Also upset cuz we saw this over Ant-man. Mediocre as they come.
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Lost it's magic
19 July 2018
I loved the first two movies. This one first of all had most of the good moments in the ad. The plot is Drac looking for love. I love the character of Drac, but as for anything new...nothing. Drac does his "Bla Bla Bla" and makes some baby noises but nothing clever here. Also, I think the supporting cast was very weak. I think I remember the son in law being funny, but in this one he wasn't. It was like let's make another movie..but they forget to make something interesting. This franchise just ran out of gas....sad to say. My advise see something else.
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Not that Bad Folks at the same time Not that Good Folks
14 June 2018
The spectrum of votes here is laughable. I honestly don't get how anyone could rate this movie a 1 or 2. It is not that bad. It really was just an average movie. I think slightly better than average. But to say this is a 9 or 10 also is laughable, how do you rate a movie which is truly great? Here are my beefs. First off, too dark. It was like the movie was tinted. I don't see how anyone could watch this in 3D as the movie is too dark for the dark tint of the 3d glasses. One of the things that makes Stars Wars good is that it is Eye Candy. The older movies were Beautifully made. Here it looks like you are viewing the movie through someone's Hangover. The casting was fine. I though this young Han was a good cast. Lando was fine also. I heard that that Ron Howard was brought into this movie because the original director made it with too much comedy. I think most of the comedic elements were striped. It was a little too serious. Maybe they are talking about crazy unrealistic action sequences. I thought the Space Train scenes were a little over the top. Other than that it was fine. The problem here is that this movie is another step backwards in that it loses a lot of the original Star Wars feel. I was hoping since this was about classic characters they would try to capture that more. Plot was simple enough with a few twists. Entertaining enough, but not great. At this point I wish George Lucas was used more. I think gone are the good days of Episodes 1-6. I view it like Rogue One...except I did not like Rogue One at all. For this I walked out was ok, but I was not exactly thrilled.
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A better video game then movie
28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Believe me I wanted to love this movie. I grew up on the Justice League. I love the Justice League. This movie was exactly how I would not do it. Let me begin my review.

CGI – I also love CGI. I think we've made some great movie magic with CGI. Here the CGI was so distractingly bad I could not stop wondering how could they do such a bad job with such a huge budget? Let me start with the bad guy – Steppenwolf. The Character looked like it was lifted right out of a video game. He did not look real at all. Honestly this movie looked like they took the Human Actors (plus half and half Superman – I'll get to that) and plopped them right into a video game. It looked like these actors all stood in a sound stage and punch and kicked and jumped. The CGI was so bad the movie lost all sense of realism. It did not help that the directors of this movie has no idea how to put more than 2 characters in a fight scene at any time. Again this took away from the realism also – how do our super heroes fight the alien villains in the middle of a city and not one bystander is in any of the scenes. The world is being destroyed but no one is watching or no one tries running away. Its funny because at one point in the middle of a big fight scene Lois Lane just shows up but no one else including Police or Military does. I sat there in total shock thinking how could some one make such garbage fake scenes. But the most laughable part of the CGI has to do with Superman. I sat there looking at him the whole movie thinking what is wrong with him, he looks off. So afterwards I read that Henry Cavill was filming another movie at the same time as this and in that other movie he was required to have a mustache and beard. So they filmed all his scenes with a beard and CGI'd them out. And it was a terrible job of CGIing the beard out. His face looked off and at points I wondered if it was even Henry playing Superman or a look alike. It was bad and for a movie this BIG it should have been so much better.

As for the other Heroes here are my thoughts, but first let me comment on something that bothers a lot of Justice League fans, why did they take all the color and make these movies so dark. This is a big factor on why Marvel makes much better movies than DC. Look at the costume of Batman (all black), Wonder Women/Aquaman/Superman colors dimmed to the point of their outfits are basically black also. Flash looked OK.

Batman – Ben Affleck seems to be sleep walking through this movie. He is boring boring boring. Enough said about him.

Aquaman – was Aquaman even in this movie? I recall Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and some cyborg guy, but was Aquaman in this movie? Cuz there was some dude that says Bro and Bruh with long hair and a bunch of tattoos. Jason Momoa was not Aquaman. Not only in persona/appearance, but Aquaman did not use his Aqua skills the entire movie. It was like the director has no idea how to pull this off. He was in the water at the beginning a little when he wasn't drinking his big beer and acting all tough like a pirate/surfer at some pub. But not once did Aquaman used his Aqua skills in this movie. In fact, both of the Justice League fight scenes there was no water around. I am not sure what was worse the CGI or Aquaman.

Flash – I hear some liked him but I could help wondering was Woody Allen not available at the time of filming? Because the guy who played Flash was trying to be Woody Allen the whole movie. Flash was supposedly the funny one – either him or Aquaman, but neither made me laugh once.

Cyborg – Actually Cybrog made me laugh when Steppenwolf pulled off his arms and legs. I laughed out loud at that one. Actually I never knew who cyborg was but from watching this movie he was a fish out of water just like Aquaman. Cyborg apparently deals with Cyber-crimes. Only problem Steppenwolf is from the past and doesn't use computers so Cyborg was useless.

Wonder Woman – The best thing about this movie. No complaints here other than her black Wonder Woman outfit.

Superman – touched on him earlier. I like Henry Cavill and like his Superman portrayal. He wasn't the best here as he wasn't give much to do. He had a couple heart felt scenes (with Lois and his Mom) and CGI withstanding he looks OK for Superman although he looked small in this one.

As for the plot, bad guy from the past wants to destroy the world. Typical but not executed very well.

After seeing this movie I could not help but wish they would blow this whole thing up and start over. They hint of the next movie and I just thought – too bad. DC needs to look at what Marvel is doing and copy, please copy. I also saw Thor's movie and that movie was 1000 times better. Take my advice and see Thor instead. A bad movie like this does not deserve to make the kind of movie it is making.
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I really enjoyed this movie
13 November 2017
Personally, I felt the other Thor movies were too dark and too boring. I was somewhat hesitant to see this, but the commercials lured me in. This one reminded me more of the Guardians of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. It was funny and very colorful. Chris Hemsworth is a funny guy- he has shown this in other projects. Here they decided to make use of it while having lots of action. This movie was Avengers meets Guardians. There is a team of "Avenger" type characters here also. While viewing movie I found myself smiling throughout. Just a fun popcorn movie. If you like the other Avenger movies and don't need a straight from the comic lift definitely go see this and Enjoy.
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The Mummy (2017)
The Definition of Average Movie
12 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It kept me entertained for the most part, but in the end I felt like it was missing something. First off, people love to bash Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise is fine. If you like Tom Cruise he is Tom Cruise, if you don't like him do us all a favor and stay home.

The inevitable is to compare this movie to the Brandon Frasor movies. I think that the Brandon Frasor movies were better.

Here is what I did not like.

• A Mummy movie needs to take place in Egypt. This movie mostly takes part in London.

• Russell's Crowe's character was a mess. From my understanding Dr Jeckyl was the nice guy and Mr Hyde was the bad guy. Really both are bad guys in this, Mr Hyde is just Dr Jeckyl amped up on Red Bull. It's like Mr Hyde needs a Snickers. And as for Mr Hyde, I am not sure if he appears in this movie or not. Like I said Dr Jeckyl is Mr Hyde. Their appearance isn't all that different. Mr Hyde is really Dr Jeckyl with some visible veins and longer finger nails. I wonder if Mr Hyde is given his serum before he actually turns int Mr Hyde...we do not really know but if he never turns into Hyde...this is another disappointment. I was expecting to see something to the extent of even Michael Jackson's monster in Thriller (when he turns into the werewolf), but nope you get a monster that looks just like Russell Crowe. I am not sure if they are saving the real Mr Hyde for a next movie, but honestly they lost me with this one.

• Another thing, the movie cashes in on The Walking Dead. They were like Hmmm, Zombies are popular. Let's have some Zombies.

• The Movie takes itself too seriously

• As for the ending, what does it all really mean? How does this movie set up the Monster's Universe? Is Tom Cruise supposed to be the Mummy? But he was never a Mummy? So now the Mummy has a super power to raise people from the dead? What did I just watch? I am not sure it sets up anything? Does this movie just set up Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde? Tom Cruise is now a God, but a monster? What Monster is he? Kind of a mess if you ask me.

Overall the movie kept me entertained, but I can tell you I really don't care to see the next one. All this movie did was make me feel like going back and watching the Brandon Frasor movies and showcase Tom Cruise.
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Real Rob (2015–2017)
Awful. Not a likable Rob
19 July 2016
I love Rob, I do. I loved him on SNL, Men Behaving Badly, most of his Adam Sandler stuff, and even his earlier movies (especially Hot Chick). But this show is the worst thing I have seen him on. It is in the guise of a camera following Rob around. On this show he is just a grouchy old man. Nothing that made him appealing in anything I stated beforehand is shining thru in Rob's personality. Rob feels he has to say the F word every other sentence and there is nothing funny. Typical joke, Rob convinces his high assistant to get a vasectomy in his place. Why he would do that and why Rob convinces him to do it is beyond me. Rob's projects get worse and worse. I'd take him on ROB with Cheech Marin over this. All this show does is make me like Rob less than I did before...and I really used to like him. Rob has totally lost his career direction. I did make it through Season 1, but not wasting my time on the second season.
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Vacation (I) (2015)
Bummer - Raunchier Than Need Be
24 August 2015
Could have been so much better. Not sure why people keep pushing for these R ratings. Throwing in a bunch of swear words, animals having sex, and shots of male genitals doesn't necessarily make a movie better. I honestly thought the best scene was the Rafting Scenes and that was all clean. It takes more skill writing a scene like that then some of this other stuff.

The movie would have been so much better had it been written as PG-13. The bulk of what was in this movie could have stayed, it would have just been brushed up a little. Nothing would have been lost. There was almost enough here to make a good movie without the dirty stuff.

Besides that, I would have liked to see more consistency in the characterization. For example, Rusty was not the same Rusty in the previous movies. Rusty was Clark, but played by someone else. Go back to Vegas Vacation, the previous movie of the franchise Rusty was not even remotely the same character. Same goes for Audrey, it was like they just redid everyone except Clark and Helen. Audrey was more like that dirty cousin (kid of Cousin Eddie) than Audrey.

Speaking of Clark and Helen, any real fan of the franchise would have liked to see more than 10 minutes of them, but to a certain extent I understand as Chevy is a different person these days. Still I would have been OK with more.

From what I saw here, not sure I am interested in another Vacation movie. It would have to go in the PG-13 direction.
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Way worse than the original
22 July 2015
I don't write reviews very often. I have to feel moved to write one.

I liked the first Paul Blart movie. It was goofy innocent fun.

IMDb can be a joke as people rate and comment on movies they have not seen. Many of these comments and ratings come even before the movie has even really been released. Many comments out there were bashing the first one and saying there was no reason for a second one. But yes, there was reason for a second one if it is well done.

I will keep it light and avoid spoilers. This movie lacked the charm of the first one. Paul Blart was likable in the first one. For this one he was a total buffoon.

In addition, the first one made sense as Paul Blart was the only person other than the criminals and hostages in the mall as it was closed. This one takes place in a casino in Las Vegas and everyone knows that they are open 24 hours a day. Why were the police never contacted? Paul Blart was never even hired by the casino as security he was only there for a convention.

Also, the fighting scenes with the bad guys last 15 to 20 minutes. Paul actually only fights 2 guys on his own.

I really wanted to like this one, but the 3 of us that tried watching it were all bored.

There are a couple laugh out loud moments and this movie is suitable for families, but it was awful. Reminded me of the old Dana Carvey movie the Master of Disguise. Just a moronic stupid movie and not likable either. Do yourself a favor and leave your Paul Blart memories with the conclusion of the first movie. This script needed a major overhaul.
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Christmas Spirit (2011 TV Movie)
Netflix never ceases to amaze me
29 December 2012
Here is a movie they titled "Christmas Puppy" and showed a Lab Puppy with a Santa hat on the cover. This dog never appeared in the movie and in fact there was NO PUPPY in it.

There was one dog in it however a senior maltese mix that was so old it never got off of it's doggy bed the whole movie.

I blame Netflix because Netflix controls what it chooses to air. Other than that you can watch some terrible acting and a movie that looked like it was shot using an iphone.

I won't knock each of the actors appearing in this movie as a paycheck is a paycheck. There was however a look-a-like Angela Lansbury and phony Mike Schmidt in it. They did manage to get the real Marcia Brady and an old Baywatch chick.

WOW, what a stinker. I thought Netflix could get no worse, I was wrong.
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A Miser Brothers' Christmas (2008 TV Movie)
Could've been so much better
22 December 2008
My biggest gripe on this one was not Snow Miser or Heat was the other characters in this story. I think they did a decent job with the two main characters, but outside of them everything was beyond terrible. They did not even try to replicate the characters. They all looked different.....much cheaper. The elves for example looked not as detailed...they looked like an after thought. In fact, most of the elves were kids or kids with mustaches. Mrs. Claus looked like that lady from Sylvester and know the granny that hits Sylvester over the head with a cane. Santa's hard to describe....he looked like he was from another story...not a Year Without Santa Claus. Mother Nature? The same. Why no Jingle and Jangle? Seriously why do a half attempt. It is almost like they were rushing this out for Christmas and said...oops we gotta get this out in a couple days hurry up design some characters.

On top of that, the music was terrible....besides playing the Heat Miser and Snow Miser themes on more than one occasion. They even had Snow Miser sing "He's Mister Green Christmas". Then had Heat Miser sing "He's Mister White Christmas". Any opportunity to play this song possible. Other than these songs......hardly a thought was given to the music.

I did enjoy baby Snow Miser and baby Heat Miser. And seeing both Characters again.

It was nice to hear the original Santa and Heat Miser voices included....although both voices where different due to the fact both men are now in their 80's.....especially Santa. I really had no gripes with Snow Miser cast. Everything else...URGH! I ask why they just could not do this right. Make the Characters look at least somewhat like they used to...which means include Jingle and Jangle. Spend a little more time coming up with decent Christmas songs.

It hurts me to say this but...........thumbs down.
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The Love Guru (2008)
Austin Powers IV
14 November 2008
Seriously folks, I really don't understand the hate for this movie. I rented it this past weekend. After watching it I felt I was watching an Austin Powers film with a different set of characters. The humor and style of the movie were very similar. Honestly for the life of me I wonder how Austin Powers could get great reviews then this one not get the same reviews. Maybe people don't like the middle eastern character with a goofy bready look....I can not believe peoples sense of humors changed so much. One thing for sure many of the reviews for this movie happened either before or shortly after this movie came out. Makes me wonder if people actually watched it.

My recommendation is that everyone who has seen and liked the Austin Powers movies to give this movie a chance. If you never even liked Austin Powers then skip this one. But don't come here and reject this movie off of the reviews on this site. This movie was a lot better than Zohan.
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What happened?
20 October 2008
I agree with other posters the kids made the movie. The actually had a couple nice scenes...especially at the beginning of this movie.

Owen was pretty obvious watching this movie that he was not into it. He was sleep walking the entire movie. Some have noted how red and watery his eyes looked. I agree. It is well documented that Owen had some personal issues around the time this was made. Just watching Owen lulled me to sleep. When the movie finally finished the next morning I tried to remember what happened in this movie......I have no idea other than the whole movie was about some bully picking on three kids. The kids interviewed some adults to protect them. In the end they only had enough money for Drillbit Taylor. What else happened? Honestly I can not remember. I don't remember laughing. I don't remember the conclusion. I don't remember anything.

One thing I do remember when the kids interviewed potential body guards they interviewed Adam Baldwin. Adam many moons ago played the Bodyguard in the movie My Bodyguard (a hidden joke)....maybe that was 30 years ago. You want a better movie about Bodyguards try that movie instead. I was disappointed I skipped SNL to watch this. Wish I had my time back.
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Aquamarine (2006)
Ignore Poor Scores
18 July 2007
You have a lot of teenage boys giving this movie a low score who have not even seen this movie.

I can tell you this, my 5 year old girl LOVES this movie. She has seen at about 20 times.....we bought it after she saw it the first time. She plays Aquamarine with her dolls and daycare friends. I ,her dad, sometimes gets to be Raymond...Aquamarine's boyfriend.

Honestly it is a lot like the Disney Princess stories set in a modern world. I think it is appropriate for all little girls and has a nice soundtrack to boot.

It is too bad some immature little boys have to rate this movie so poorly and prevent other little girls like mine from enjoying this movie. Do be haters kids. Really not every movie is targeted to you...this movie is for the girls.
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Evan Almighty (2007)
So disappointing
18 July 2007
Honestly one of the two most disappointing movies I have ever seen (the other being Big Top Pee Wee). Let me first state that I was really looking forward to this movie. I really liked Bruce Almighty (part one). I also thought the idea of having the sequel being centered around the Noah story was a strong idea. I felt you bring back Steve Carrell and bring back Morgan Freeman. That is was an interesting way to get by without Jim Carrey. Afterall Steve Carrell is a rising Hollywood star…the next Jim Carrey or Will Farrell. I saw the clips of Steve with his beard and Noah get up…the visual looked funny to me. I thought there was room for some funny scenes with Animals.

Honestly I was wrong dead wrong. The only animal getting really any valuable screen time were the Baboons…the animals were hardy in it. I think most were just stage dressing done with CGI. Honestly the script for this movie needed a total overhaul. You will watch this movie and think you are being treated like you are some kind of moron. The worse thing about this movie though is it is not funny…probably the directors fault because everything that should be funny just isn't.

Again as for the script, weird things start happening to Evan. And Evan rather than try to convince people that something strange is going on….just seems fine with everyone thinking he is crazy. A good example is one morning Evan wakes up with a beard. He tries to shave the beard. In second the beard grows right back. So rather than show his wife, family, and friends this….he simply lets them think he is crazy. I mean seriously, if some man you knew grew a full beard overnight (or really in one second) would you not think something strange is happening…instead people think Evan is crazy. Then, animals following Evan around everywhere he goes…in pairs. But rather than thinking something strange is going on…everyone thinks Evan is crazy….look people you can see the animals follow Evan around…he does not have a leash on. It is one thing after another that leaves you going – HELLO SCRIPT WRITERS ARE YOU FIVE YEARS OLD! So again, this movie was painfully bad. I really feel I needed to write a review. About 30 minutes into this I was going….wow I am so bummed….I looked forward to this movie…………………………..and unfortunately it was total crap. Don't waste your time on it. This movie was rumored to cost like $200 Million to make…let them lose money on it because the people deserve better than to be treated like total morons. I could not be more disappointed.
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Norbit (2007)
Don't listen to critics.....
12 February 2007
or the political correct faction in this country. This movie is not Big Momma's is actually funny.

In my opinion Eddie Murphy's best film. My local newspaper gave this movie an F. Right next to it, an article.....well Norbt destroy Murphy's Oscar chances. What a freakin joke! Did you guys enjoy Coming to America? Look if you liked the Nutty Professor movies this movie was A LOT BETTER.

I am so upset with movie critics. Seriously have you ever seen a movie get that bad????? Epic Movie did not even get a rating that low.

We live in a PC society. Good forbid we have a movie with a Fat Black chick in it. Good forbid we make a fat black chick look bad. Funny how in the Nutty Professor it was OK to make a movie about a Fat Black Guy. No buddy really screamed when Mike Myers was Fat Bastard in the Austin Powers movies........and believe me the depiction of Fat Bastard was a lot worse than Rasputa was in this movie.

This movie was flat out hilarious. And it was a very cute and touching movie too. I can tell you what is getting these negative reviews. Eddie Murphy plays a Dark Fat Black women. Eddie Murphy plays a nerdy sympathetic black guy....Norbit. Norbit prefers the Skinny Light Black women. That is it....that is why this movie is getting scorned.

If you can get past that and say I can live with that.....then go see the movie. Honestly it is the funniest movie I have seen a LONG LONG TIME!
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Give it a chance people....I enjoyed it
12 December 2006
I see someone complaining about the Grinch movie too. I have watched probably 20 times with my daughter people just don't like remakes anymore. That is it. I thought the movie did a good job of capturing the story for the most part. What people gotta realize is the Grinch cartoon was only a half hour and the Year Without a Santa Claus cartoon was less than an hour. I do have a couple complaints however about this movie. At first I thought John Goodman would make a nice Santa Claus. Seriously what famous actor on the surface would be better? Mickey Rooney might of been interesting. But John Goodman has done a lot of kids movies in recent years. Seems like every Disney movie nowadays has his voice in it. But my problem with Goodman's Santa was they just made Santa too grumpy. Santa has to be likable. And this Santa was not likable til the end of the movie. They are going to make movies a little different nowadays than before. I liked Eddie Griffin as Jangle. And Ethan Slurpee was good too. Sure he was not like the original Jangle but he was unique and provided some humor. I also felt that this movie although live action did a good job of capturing a cartoony feel. I enjoyed it. I think those that disliked this so much should watch this again later when they don't have set expectations....I think you will like it more than you did the first time.
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Best CGI Movie Yet
22 June 2006
Honestly, I have not had so much fun at a movie in a while. This movie was cute, fast paced and funny. Dreamworks once again creates a movie that both adults and kids will enjoy. In fact the theater I was in was uproaring with laughter from patrons of all ages.

I have seen most of the CGI movies and a lot of other animated movies as of late considering I have a young child. I think I summed it all up in the first paragraph, but I REALLY ENJOYED this one as much as my child....maybe even more. Each animal had their own quirky personalities. The raccoon is the ring leader. He convinces the other animals to go 'over the hedge' to humanland and get exciting food not bark or a few tiny berries which they have been dispersing in tiny portions. Afterall there are around 10 animals in all. The most comedic is the squirrel. The skunk has a few moments....really they all made me laugh. The turtle who is very cute is the one who is skeptical of the raccoon. The raccoon ulterior motive is to get replacement food for the bear who's food the raccoon happened to destroy.

I highly recommend this movie if you are at all on the borderline or like me would like to see it but where do you get the time. Run out and see this one. Haven't seen Cars yet, it may very well be good but this one is as good as they get. Enjoy.
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Hoodwinked! (2005)
What is the target audience?
22 May 2006
I had a real hard time with this movie because I could not figure out who the target audience was. My daughter who is four, always loved Little Red Ridinghood. So when this movie came out we wanted to take her too it while it was on it's first run but never had time too. This past weekend I had some time and it was playing at a second run movie theater. There were two movies to chose from Shaggy Dog or Hoodwinked. I asked my daughter which she wanted to see and she picked this one. I took my daughter and her grandparents to see it.

After sitting through this I was thinking is this movie targeted towards 4 year olds? And thought no. I thought I wasn't really enjoying it either and her grand parents thought it was miserable. My daughter......well she just asked me 3 times during this movie if we could leave and go to her grandparents house. Then I thought, is this movie for teens? No. Is it for those between the ages of 4 and 13? Maybe. But really is a kid really going to get into a who dunnit story that had crazy overtones? Basically a frog is a detective that asks all four of those on the scene of the 'crime' for their versions of the story. Look, the story is this simple. The wolf wants to eat...he is more to it but this movie wants to introduce a bunch of characters not even in the original story.

This movie was pretty lousy. For who it was intended for I have no idea. The story premise is very weak. Just not one I recommend for really this movie is getting a 6.7 is beyond me.....maybe because the reviewers love dark stories. It was not funny and it had a weak story plot. I would pass on this one unless like me....your child insists this is the one for them and nothing else is there. I wish we saw the Shaggy Dog.
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Is what it is....if you like these kind of movies see it if not please don't complain after you see it.
17 April 2006
I saw this movie the other day. And I was pleasantly surprised. It amazes me that people come on here and complain about these type of movies like it is the worst movie ever. I like Rob Schneider and David Spade. I have liked many of the Adam Sandler movies also. This movie is from the same production companies of Sandlers movies. And I must say it is better than most of their recent offerings. I laughed out loud about 10 times and laughed silently many more times. Laughing out loud is something I generally don't do.

My review is mostly for those of you that have liked some of the Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, or David Spade movies. I think this movie was better than Anger Management, Mr Deeds, The Longest Yard, The Animal among others. It was very funny at times and it was cute also.

Rob Schneider was the man of the group. He played it is the athlete in the group and the leader of the team of misfits. David Spade played a nerd in David Spade style. And Jon Heder was good as a Napolean Dynamite guy with a little more energy.

Sure this movie has it's flows especially in the storyline. Like if Rob Schneider is so much better than Heder or Spade why did the other teams not just walk him.....things like that. But take this movie as it is better than most Happy Madison productions of late. Schneider, Spade, and Heder fans don't ignore this movie because of comments by people who don't like them to begin with.
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