
2 Reviews
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11/10--The most compelling movie of the year
6 August 2001
I was hesitant about this movie because of the description on the back of the box. Don't be fooled by any descriptions of the plot. This movie is so well written, such a fascinating portrait of very real characters, so pleasing on every level. I'd almost given up on nice little indy movies after sludging through dreary, depressing films like Boys Don't Cry, but You Can Count on Me gives me hope that you can thrill without slow-motion explosions. A great movie. Engrossing.
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High Society (1956)
Going through the motions
6 August 2001
I was extremely disappointed with this movie. I only made it about 30 minutes before giving up. The songs may be good, but not if you have to watch this movie to hear them. This movie has none of the spark of Philadelphia Story. The cast may have excelled in other arenas, but they seem miscast here and they seem to know it. Everyone is just going through the motions. It's a drab, tedious, dull movie.
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