
14 Reviews
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Game of Thrones: The Lion and the Rose (2014)
Season 4, Episode 2
An end and a beginning!!
24 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Lion and The Rose - Is in many ways the beginning of the end for the Lanisters. It's when there control and wealth really starts to collapse.

The death of Joffery was perfectly set up and really is the set up of season 4 and its plot. The episode is also very fun to watch and has a great script. With lots of fun and interesting moments. Especially between Joffery and Tyrion. Which is perfectly built up with the climax of Jeffreys demise!

And it only gets better from here! (In what I believe to be the best Game Of Thrones Season)
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Merlin: Le Morte d'Arthur (2008)
Season 1, Episode 13
The beginning of Legend!! - Le Morte d'Arthur
16 July 2020
Le Morte d'arthur - The Finale of Series 1 (Le Morte d'arthur meaning The Death of Arthur) is the conclusion to a big subplot building up throughout Series 1. While also being the beginning to others, as the show becomes bigger in scale with every tale. It's a dramatic and brilliant conclusion to the first series of Merlin and it only gets better from here!!
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Merlin: To Kill the King (2008)
Season 1, Episode 12
Tensions rise in Camelot!! - To Kill the King
16 July 2020
To Kill the King - It's an amazing episode at building tension and you can't help but to think twice on what you think is gonna happen even after multiple rewatches. This episode is genius at making you second guess yourself and building up tensions. It's my favourite episode of Series 1, this is when the show gets really really good!!
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A Flawed Masterpiece To End The George Lucas Star Wars Saga!!
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After watching what was to me the most disappointing star wars film The Rise Of Skywalker. I went back to rewatch Revenge Of The Sith and this is where Star Wars ended for me and I feel George Lucas (The Creator of Star Wars) would agree.

This film is just brilliant in my eyes, Episode III ends the Prequel trilogy (I, II) perfectly while setting up the events of the original triology (IV, V, VI).

It's also the only star wars film of the 6 films to be a 12 (PG 13) rating. And it shows because this film is very dark and pulls the emotional punches it needed to. Since this trilogy is meant to be a tragedy and this film finally shows what everyone was waiting for in the other two movies the fall of anakin and how he became darth vader and I personally think it's done brilliantly and it you fully understand why he became such a bitter, angry and awful person when succumbed to the dark side. You really fell bad for him which is great considering that in the other two films Anakin wasnt a character many felt bad for or related to as much. Hayden Christian did a great job, ik many give him a hard time for the bad dialogue and his acting in Episode II but he honestly did a really good job despite some of the awful written dialogue and has some fantastic moments in this film and honestly I felt immersed by his performance all the way through despite some nit picks with the dialogue here and there...

And ofcourse Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan is just perfect, he in my eyes was who I thought of as obi wan and that says alot considering how phenomenal Alec Guinness is as Obi Wan. To me there both perfect for the role and made him one of my favourite characters growing up.

Now Ian Mcdiarmid is in my eyes the standout of this film and he just plays Palpatine (The Emperor) that we all know and love perfectly and better than ever. The way he manipulates Anakin and convinces him against the Jedi slowly and manipulates Anakin into believing turning to the dark side will help Padme, he does it so brilliantly and you feel the temptation he gives Anakin. Maybe the best scene in this film is the Oprea Scene, where Palpatine tells Anakin about Dark Plagues the wise, it's just an amazing scene which is important to the story and the temptation of the darks ide for anakin while also bringing more lore and depth to Palpatine and star wars as a whole. It's all so subtle but so brilliant. While he plays the subtle moments so brilliantly, he also plays the more dramatic and over the top moments amazingly. Once he turns Anakin to the dark side and he becomes Darth Vader after the previous events, we finally see The Emperor in his true iconic form. And he plays him with such energy in the final act and I could go on amd on but it's just fantastic and you can tell Ian had so much fun in this performance.

Natile Portman did a fantastic job too as Padme and you really felt for her character and sad for her tragic broken life and to see it fall apart around her... it's just heartbreaking.

Overal the story and the characters bring this film to climatic and dramatic end which will satisfy I believe most fans of star wars and science fiction. There are some flaws and nitpicks here and there and especially with some bad and cheesy dialogue. But it doesnt distract and ruin the great story this film tells and I'd say it could even have the best plot of any star wars film even though it can't quite beat the originals but in my opinion nothing really can in the star wars universe. But the film ends beautifully and tragically. And the lightsabre battle at the end is one of the best of the franchise if not the best. Perfectly choreographed. But George Lucas and the whole Team and Crew who made this film come to life did fantastically and this lived up to my expectations and succeeded them in many ways for what I wanted for the prequels when though the other two films are definitely disappointing and could have been alot better I still think Episode III is the film we have all been waiting for and it did it almost perfectly.

Star Wars ended here and nothing Disney can make can honestly beat the climatic and tragic end to George Lucas Star Wars Saga and this film was his Magnum Opis in many ways, it's a flawed masterpiece...
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The Worst Star Wars Film Of The Saga... (Rant!!)
27 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is the worst star wars film out of the 9 films of the saga...

The are many reasons to why I think this and here our some fo the reasons... (Contains Spoilers)

  • The story feels like badly written fan-fiction

  • The story makes the perfect ending of return of the jedi and Vader/Anakins arc almost meaningless.

  • The Emperor was almost like a different character. He wouldnt care for what the other sith want and he wouldnt want to die. He would want to manipulate Rey to give him power not want Rey to take his power.

  • To add to to that the Emperor has no true plan or motivation he feels like a weak villain in this film and kinda dumb.

  • There are a tone of plot holes throught the film...

  • How the emperor survived?

  • How did that alien lady (forgotten name) find anakins lightsabre? (She never says)

  • What was Finn gonna say to Rey?

  • If Snoke was created by the emperor then why did snoke try to get Kylo to kill rey?! (Like no ones mentioned this just seriously wtf, proves how this story had no plan)

  • Whats with lando and the young lady at the end in that odd scene?

This list goes on and on...

Like I actually didnt mind the last two films for what they were but I thought they werent great star wars films and this film isnt only a bad star wars film but a bad film in general. Like it's so average.

This film makes no sense with all its plot holes and unusual moments and character motivations all over the place. They try to make it all big and Epic but it fails miserably and falls flat in so many ways like I've just said...

But there are some good ideas and moments in this film with some generally great moments too.

For example...

  • The way they handled leia was good considering the tragic passing of Carrie Fisher (May She Rest in Peace)

  • The scene with force ghost luke was a very cool and memorable scene. With great subtlety.

  • The visuals and sets.

  • Kylos arc and scenes were fantastic

  • Rey was brilliantly acted by Daisy Ridley and had some generally compelling moments

-the cast in general had great acting despite not much for them to do

  • Some really funny moments in the film (Babu Frik)

  • Some good fan service that wasn't on the nose (Chewys medal and Luke's X-Wing scenes)

  • C3PO was actually fantastic the best since the original trliogy (shame it's in an average film thou)

  • General Pryde (amazingly acted by Richard E. Grant) was an intimidating antagonist. The most intimidating since Grand Moth Tarkin I'd argue due to there not being any intimidating Officers since Tarkin, it's nice to have a evil Officer again. But unfortunately General Pryde was underesed.

  • The ending shot was cool

  • The soundtrack by John Willaims was great ofcourse (Even though I wish there where some more new scores)

But these are mostly niche positives and the biggest praise goes to the the ideas and subtle moments and kylos arc.

Theres some very backwards messeges and shallow ones in the films too that completely condescend what they were going for. For example Leia tells rey to never be afraid of who you are and it's like a big messege for rey in this film and shes meant to be a Palpatine and at the end of the film a old lady asks who her name is and she says "Rey, Rey-Skywalker". Which just ruins the whole messege of the film with Rey she should have Said Rey Palpatine it would have alot more depth and meaning to the story and make it less shallow.

Also the film should not be called rise of Skywalker more like the fall of Skywalker because Kylo dies and that's the end of the Skywalker lineage.

I could go on and on why I dislike this movie. But yeah overal a huge disappointment these films just dknt even work as a trilogy and infact rise of Skywalker has made the force awakens almost pointless to watch and the last jedi because any interesting ideas from those films have been ruined. And it ruins the prequel and original trilogy. And even the sequel films so yeah... I think I've got my reasons for disliking this movie alot. Just so average it hurts watching it and I wanted it too end quicker. The worst part is I felt nothing in this film and that's never happend for me in a star wars movie. And this didnt feel like a star wars movie... Just watch George Lucas's 6 film saga. They're just so much better and the films for me ended with return of the jedi...

(My film opinion may change over time but thank you for reading my review!!)
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Jamie Lanisters Redemption Complete!!
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's the climax of the events with Brienne and Jamie and does what no one thought was possible, it redeems Jamie Lanister.

While theres a few pacing issues this episode is still one of the most memorable and important for me.
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Game of Thrones: Kissed by Fire (2013)
Season 3, Episode 5
Got My Personal Favourite Scene Of The Show!!
20 December 2019
This Season is usually talked about for The Red Wedding for obvious reasons but the most impactful scene of the show for me happens in this episode with Jamie Lanister and people who have watched the show or episode know what I'm talking about but it's simply so tragic and beautiful yet subtle the scene that it's my favourite in the whole show. And Jamie Lanister is my favourite character of the show.

But even though I think Rains Of Castimere is the best episode of the show. I think this Episode has the best scene of the show.
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Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere (2013)
Season 3, Episode 9
The Best Episode Of The Show And The Most Tragic.
20 December 2019
This episode may not be the most rewatchable but it is definitely the most important and tragic episode of the show.

So much also happens other than "The Red Wedding". It's a perfect episode of tv and does everything perfectly and sticks with you and that's the biggest compliment a show focused on politics and drama can do.

Its easily the most impactful episode of the show...
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Game of Thrones: Blackwater (2012)
Season 2, Episode 9
The Battle For Blackwater Begins...
20 December 2019
This episode is simply perfect and is basically the climax of the season. While also being the best episode of the season by far. Which is one of the more underated seasons of the show. But theres a reason people love this episode and that is the perfectly directed scale and suspense of this episode it has alot of action but the best bits are the quiet moments.

For example the moments with Cersei in this episode are some of the most human moments we see from her. You actually feel bad for her while before this you wanted her dead probably.

Tyrion is the star of this episode thou and the whole season. With his biggest moments of triumph and defeat. I wont spoil it but with everything that happens and the conflicts of who you want to survive or win. It's just perfect and is the writing is even better than the spectacle which is saying alot.
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Game of Thrones: The Old Gods and the New (2012)
Season 2, Episode 6
Tension Builds around Westeros and the Free Cities...
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Disaster hits kings landing with the revolt of the citizens against King Joffery...

Meanwhile tension builds with Ayra as she is working for Tywin Lanister the most dangerous man to her. And tries to keep her identity hidden and we see surprising dynamics with Tywin that shows his human side.

With Daenery's things get weirder and weirder as things unfold in "the greatest city that ever was".

Overal amazing throughout the episode that stays very focused despite how much is going on. And a very underated yet great episode of the show (Season 2 is so underated)
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Game of Thrones: Baelor (2011)
Season 1, Episode 9
One of the best episodes of the show!
20 December 2019

This is the episode that all the moments in the season where building up to, it is also the set-up for the rest of the show to come...

It has everything a perfect epsiode of television needs, the action, the suspense, the drama, the tragedy and climax. This is definitely one of the top 5 episodes of the show and one of the best episodes of television of all time.
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Blade Runner (1982)
The Best Sci Fi Film Ever Made!! (RIP Rutger Hauer)
20 December 2019
Blade Runner (Directors Cut and Final Cut) is simply the best sci film I've ever scene it captures everything I want from a sci fi, the characters, the dialogue, the atmosphere, the quirkiness, the great villain (antagonist). The list goes on and on...

Harrison Ford who plays Rick Deckard his most subtle and his most overshadowed role of his career in my opinion. He is subtle and complex. Not like his other famous roles. He plays a very different character who is more flawed so more human and relatable. Harrison Ford is simply perfect in this role.

Sean Young who plays Rachael is simply fantastic. She is one of my favourite female side characters in film. She is a beautiful yet tragic character who you just feel for emotionally the most in the entire film.

Rutger Hauer who plays Roy Batty is simply the shinning Actor of the film and the most underrated character in cinema easily and so is Rutger Hauer who is simply does one of the best and moving movie performances ever. Rutger also wrote the iconic lines for the most iconic scene in the film "Tears in Rain" which is fantasticly written by Rutger and Ridley. He is the best character in this movie. And the clear character standout who isnt talked about enough. RIP Rutger Hauer Thank You!!

This film has the best soundtrack I've ever heard in the film quite possibly and that's almost impossible to decide but this ones definitely up there. Its Vangelis's Magum Opus. The soundtrack makes the film perfect.

Ridley Scott the writer and Director of Blade Runner made a cinematic masterpiece that will stick with me forever and is a film everyone should watch. But may take a few viewing to fully appreciate it and becomes more and more flawless and perfect with each watch.

If you haven't watched it and you read through my review I hope I have convinced you to go watch and thank you for reading my opinion :)
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The Irishman (2019)
The Irishman - Martin Scorsese's Most Mature Film To Date!!
19 December 2019
The Irishman is Martin Scorsese's most mature Film and despite it's long run time and slow pacing. This Epic feels like a soft breeze of air all the way through.

This film is likley to be the last crime drama film we will ever see Robert DeNero, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci together. All three of them play amazingly in there roles, this is the best acting from them all in years and it pays off beautifully here!

The story may not have fast paced action and dialogue like some fans hoped for but it's a mature character study. That really goes deep into loyalty, regret and age fantastically.

Once the credits role it'll stick with with you and leave the door open in your mind...

  • Phenominal Casting and Acting
  • Mature and Beautiful Story
  • Good Pacing Despite Long Length
  • Impactful and Emotional Ending that delivers perfectly.

  • Harvey Keitel's role was too small and almost pointless.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
His Dark Materials Season 1 - One of the best new TV Shows from BBC!!
19 December 2019
His Dark Materials Season 1 is what fans of Philip Pullmans book trilogy (His Dark Materials) have been hoping for...

Season 1 is an Adaptation of the first book The Northen Lights. It keeps true to its source material and while making a few changes. It manages not only to please the most hardcore fans. But also bringing in a fresh audience to this beautifully dark universe.

Once you start watching this show you won't want it to stop and it can only get better from here!

  • Great Cast and Acting
  • Impressive CGI and Visuals
  • Good Soundtrack
  • Great Story - with great twists and intriguing mystery
  • Pacing abit too fast

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