
31 Reviews
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Joe Rogan: Burn the Boats (2024 TV Special)
Please quit standup.
12 September 2024
What seems obvious to me is that Joe doesn't have any real friends left in his circle and is surrounded instead by sycophants who are too afraid to tell him that his jokes just aren't funny. I guess it doesn't help that he's mega rich and has a ton of influence in the scene.

The special was bottom of the barrel material that is dated, out of touch, and repetitive. The constant yelling, the bulging eyes, and other overexaggerated facial expressions certainly didn't help make his jokes any funnier.

Also, if you watch some of the reviews on YouTube, you'll find that he actually stole a couple of jokes and even reused a few from some of his older specials.

I don't think anyone can doubt that he's a great podcaster and MMA announcer, but comedy just isn't his thing. If he didn't constantly go on and on about him 'honing his craft and making his jokes fat-free and tight' or constantly mentioning himself among the greats like Louis, Burr, Chappelle, etc., I'd spare him this 1 star review, but the guy obviously thinks very highly of himself. He is clearly delusional about his comedy.

If you want a good laugh, look up Nick Mullen's free special on YouTube.
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Is this what you call predictive programming?
11 December 2023
With Barack and Michelle's production company, Higher Ground, being on board, I don't know what to think of this project. Anything with their hands in it should be looked at through a microscope. The conspiracy theorists will watch this movie as a means to analyze what is potentially set in motion for the future (and invest accordingly) and the normies will watch this movie drugged out of their minds in a zombie state puffing on their vape pens per usual. In essence, both camps will enjoy the movie but with different intentions. Personally, I found the entertainment value of the movie enjoyable. The ending wasn't great, but the rest of the movie was still decent.
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Tom Segura: Sledgehammer (2023 TV Special)
What the hell was this?
6 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Extremely disappointed. I really enjoyed all his previous specials and the times I've seen him live in the past.

If you think about it, there weren't many "jokes" in this special at all. He tells a few stories, none of which having much of a payoff. The story about his mom getting high, about his injury, about his kids.. all of them go nowhere and are pretty standard stories for stand-up with no surprises, no punchline.. nothing. He tries to make callbacks to previous bits throughout to show that he has some sort of grand flow, but instead it's just forced and unfunny. The "controversial" topic bits had no joke to them either (spoiler: his kid saw his dick, he makes a taboo statement, and that's it. No joke or purpose to the story). The audience laughter sounds to be mixed louder than it was in reality as well. His delivery is obviously established enough to keep the crowd engaged, but the actual content is boring as hell.

This was one of the worst standup specials I've seen in quite awhile. Maybe Tom is just content with life, creatively empty from doing so many podcasts, and doesn't have anything new or exciting to share. Sucks to have him on the front of Netflix with such a subpar release though.
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Soft & Quiet (2022)
Not much of a white supremacist movie as it is a movie about dumb women
29 May 2023
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The story starts off with a group of seemingly level-headed women conversing about the struggles of being a white person in the modern west but then they suddenly and unreasonably abandon their code of being "soft and quiet" and start harassing a couple of non-white women. One thing leads to another and they end up in a murderous predicament as they completely tune out the only sane person in the movie which happens to be a man.

I was expecting a movie centered around the white struggle which would have been interesting for the most part but was met with a movie about dumb women doing dumb things.
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Reno 911! (2003– )
Best show of all time
9 February 2023
I watch Reno 911, South Park, King of the Hill, and The Office on repeat. I have all of the seasons from each of these shows downloaded in original form onto my external in case "they" one day decide to swap the originals with censored versions or cut off access altogether. This is what the world was like before the PC babies took over and this is the way I will remember it. After AI takes over every job imaginable-when we're all living in pods receiving our monthly UBI stipends, I will be in my allotted cube watching Reno 911 with my wired headphones on to block out the drones that will inevitably be scanning every square inch where human beings reside to make sure no one is consuming "offensive" content. Long live Reno 911 and the crazy bunch that were a part of it. Truly one of the most magnificent, hilarious, and genius (I don't say that often) shows of all time.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Entertaining but unrealistic
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First, the accents. I mean, natives with perfect modern day American accents? At least try to sound native? I swear one of the natives almost said 'bruh' at one point. Next, I understand that pumping women/feminism is the big thing these days but there's no way a 100 lb woman can beat up any man twice her size let alone an entire crew of them, let alone the freakin predator lmao. The unrealism was so forced it was laughable in some moments. And of course you can't have a Hollywood movie these days without the band of evil white men. And speaking of men, they all die in the movie, which leaves the tribe with a serious birth rate problem for the foreseeable future. But other than those unrealistic scenarios, the movie itself was entertaining for 2022, I suppose.
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Boring, woke trash
28 July 2022
A feminist twist on the old fairy tale. They even changed the title to put the girl's name before the boy's. Get it? Go woke, go broke, Hollywood. 3 stars for cinematography.
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Panic Button (2011)
Keeps you on the edge of your seat.
29 June 2022
I found this movie randomly on Amazon Prime and was pleasantly surprised. The movie is suspenseful and has a storyline that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
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Shane Gillis: Live in Austin (2021 TV Special)
Only two reviews here? How?
29 April 2022
This special is hilarious! Grab a beer, sit down, and prepare for laughs. Shane has a great way of balancing politics in his act and making it hilarious for both sides of the aisle. His college frat boy style is something that reminds me of Nick Swardson in a way. Shane has become one of my favorite comics as of late, and I'm Asian! :D.
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Theo Von: Regular People (2021 TV Special)
I love Theo but this was bad.
29 April 2022
I honestly don't think Theo has cemented his standup style yet. He does great on his podcasts where he just lets his mind roam free and comes up with hilarious and witty bits on the spot, but his specials are completely different. I gave him a pass on the first one (with the shorter haircut) because it was a long time ago. I figured he had found more of his style this time around, but unfortunately, I got the same vibe as the first one. I will continue to support Theo in everything he does. He's a heartwarming, hilarious human being and there is no one like him on the planet. I just hope his next special is better.
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Snake Eyes (2021)
Couldn't even finish it. Horrible acting, horrible script, horrible accents.
24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Title says most. Also, the action was atrocious, the editing was confusing and the freaking accents! Rather than getting random Asians who aren't even Japanese, how about hiring some authentic Japanese people so it doesn't feel like I'm watching something from the 80s. The world is global now and everybody who isn't even Japanese or Asian knows the accents are ridiculous. This kind of trash doesn't pass anymore!
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Easy Money (1983)
Rodney Dangerfield. Still don't get him.
27 March 2022
Rodney Dangerfield was that annoying kid in grade school who would tug at everyone telling them every lame joke he knew in the hopes one would land and he'd make some friends. Can you imagine this guy during shoots? Knocking on every trailer door during breaks forcing small tal on his poor colleagues.

How this guy ever got elevated to god-like status in the comedy scene blows my mind. Must be a generational thing. I can't watch this guy for 2 minutes without cringing at the blitzkrieg of one-liners while he shakes and moves like Michael J. Fox in a salt shaker.

Three stars for the poor colleagues.
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Meet Dave (2008)
Loved the movie. Not sure how it got such a low score.
11 March 2022
The movie has a fresh storyline and the acting is great. The comedy bits are hilarious as well. It's a fun and entertaining movie and I'm not sure how it got such a low score.
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Not sure why all the hate
7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie. I felt it was loyal to the original in that the actors, storyline, the integration of old photos/footage were all consistent. I liked that there was a fish out of water scenario within a fish out of water scenario. The cameos and musicians were short and sweet and Snipes' performance as the African warlord was amazing. Loved that little walk he did when he first appeared on screen. The movie was funny and entertaining. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the "BLM influence" which seemed forced and irrelevant to the script.
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That's what they get for being gold diggers.
6 March 2022
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I'm watching all these women talking about how attracted they were to this guy; meanwhile, the guy looks very average except he has extreme wealth. So obviously they were attracted to his wealth. The ladies featured in this documentary must be delusional if they thought their average looks would land them the son of a diamond billionaire LOL. A fool and his money are soon parted. We all know this.
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Score should be higher
24 February 2022
This movie kept me on the edge of my seat. The actress who played the cleaning lady did a phenomenal job as did the actress who played the "barbie doll." Well done. Score should definitely be higher.
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I wanted to like this movie.
12 February 2022
I generally like dumb fun movies like this but this one was exceptionally bad from the writing to the acting to the editing. The only reason I'm giving it 3 stars is because my favorite comic Bobby Lee is in it.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Bill Pullman's acting ruins it.
6 February 2022
The stories in this show have been great. The only problem I have with it is Bill Pullman's acting. The illogical pauses in his speech, the inexplicable smirks, the slow reactions, it's just too much. The guy is great in parody movies, here not so much. Will it stop me from watching? Probably not, because the show is great otherwise.
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The Week Of (2018)
I usually love Adam Sandler movies but this one was excruciating.
9 January 2022
I'm a huge fan of most Adam Sandler movies. From the old classics to the new ones he's been making where he basically takes his friends out to a paradise vacation every few years. I love them all. So what happened with this one? I'll tell you what. It didn't have any of the elements of a classic Sandler flick. Also, Chris Rock. Dude is just not funny. At all. His jokes were kind of funny back in the 90s (Bigger and Blacker era) but dude has since evolved into an unfunny shell of his former self. Classic Sandler movies are all about the story. This story sucked, period. Please bring back the heartwarming but hilarious family comedies you're so good at, Sandler. I didn't laugh once in this one and had to shut it off 75% of the way through. I gave it a chance but couldn't take it anymore.
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Valuable lessons that you can't get from a classroom
27 December 2021
This movie is about a father who raises his children off the grid and teaches them valuable lessons that you can't get from a classroom or being a part of the system. This movie was Captain Fantastic! I would recommend parents show this movie to their kids to show them what real living is all about.
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Eagle Eye (2008)
Would have been better if the robot won.
25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I give this movie an 8 because it was thoroughly entertaining albeit there were some seemingly impossible scenarios. But then again, who knows, maybe it's possible to extract a clear conversation from coffee vibrations. Anyway, it would have been awesome if the robot won in the end. Too bad.
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
Not sure why all the horrible reviews. It was entertaining!
2 October 2021
I actually enjoyed this film and I'm glad I watched it without reading these reviews first. Makes me wonder what other gems I missed out on based on reviews. I thought the movie was entertaining and not as predictable as the negative reviews here make it seem. It's a good flick to enjoy with a date!
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Major Payne (1995)
This movie aged really well.
20 August 2021
You will notice all the little adult humor that you didn't notice before when watching this as a kid. Damon is hilarious. Easily the funniest Wayans brother.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
The ending was stupid.
27 July 2021
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It looked like H got one hell of a bullet facial. Shouldn't he look a little more F'ed?
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Dead End (I) (2003)
Quite possibly the worst movie I've seen in my life.
12 July 2021
The acting was horrible, the characters were dull, the scenes made no sense, and the choice of music made the movie seem more like a comedy than a horror flick. By the end, I was hoping they'd just kill off the remaining characters. I have no idea why there are so many good reviews of this movie. I double-checked to make sure I wasn't watching a different movie twice during the film.
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