
27 Reviews
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Mea Culpa (2024)
What the actual f@@*
28 February 2024
If the intention was to create a cheap daytime tv straight to the bargain bin kind of movie then mission accomplished. Can't quite understand how the bigwigs at Netflix let this into the platform but can understand how it got so many views what with the click-bait trailer dragging the thirsty viewers into it.

I had just finished watching Trevante Rhodes in the Mike Tyson biopic and I respect Kelly Rowlands career but why they both got involved in this makes the mind boggle unless a bucket load of cash was the incentive as I can't believe they read the script and thought it would help their careers.

The whole plot is ridiculous, with characters more wooden than Pinocchio and dialogue that doesn't suit the characters or what they are meant to represent.

Oh and that background music is more than annoying too!
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End of the Road (II) (2022)
Dodgy script and direction make a dud film
11 September 2022
Another example of a need to churn out films at a fast rate for an eager audience. Netflix is rushing out way too many films and risking the reputations of actors by doing so.

The lead actors must have been quite misguided to take this project as they are way better than the resulting film produced here. A mishmash of a road trip type movie we've all seen before but redone in a shoddy way.

Not even a hint of realism as the story progresses but the writers must shoulder the blame for that and the Director surely could see what was resulting from the bad writing. Take more time on the scripts please!!!

Give it a watch if you like Queen Latifah and Ludicris but don't expect their finest work.
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Echoes (2022)
Not good...
24 August 2022
Why is Netflix running this sort of nonsense? 7 episodes of drivel to get to an ending that is so implausible it makes daytime soap operas look like Mastermind.

So, terrible writing and story, stupid characters, dry acting, daft edits, bad CGI and keystone cops who couldn't catch a cold, let alone a pair of twins.

On to the next Netflix series in the hope that this one might be worth the time...
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6 August 2022
Ok, STOP cancelling great shows. The money wasted on weak series like this one could be better spent keeping successful shows alive.

I like my outdoor type adventure stories but this is definitely not going to sit in my watch again list.
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1 May 2022
This has a few things going for it. All Star cast, nice cinematography, great moustaches and lots of extravagant quirks.

I feel modern day adaptations can do so much more to advance a remake of a film though. The characters were not explored enough and the script was dry. It needed a good refresh of the original story.

I was also confused with the ending where Poirot was met by an officer telling him there had been a murder in Egypt on the Nile... but in the next film the murder on the Nile does not happen until Poirot is actually there on the boat.

I don't think Branagh read his own scripts when making Death on the Nile.
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High Fidelity (2000)
Jack Black...
8 March 2022
Overall, the film could be slightly improved, but from a casting point of view it's perfect. John Cusack is brilliant as the melancholy Rob, who after a relationship split is on a bit of a downer.

Star of the film though is Jack Black, who is charisma personified and as nutty as a fruit cake in a superb performance as slacker, Barry.

Brilliant soundtrack and plenty of musical insights throughout.
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Why waste money making this?
26 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Actually a very weak attempt at a remake/re-imagining of the horror classic.

A bunch of hippies in the original was one thing but a bunch of "influencers" in this film... well it was never gonna end well for these idiots then was it.

And I'd love to know how you would charge a Tesla in that town...

So, Leatherface would be in his 70's now but in this film he moves like an athlete with super strength and somehow still can't be killed.

Usual cliches: talk first then forget to kill the killer as he walks right past you, never letting go of the past, 20 kids on a bus and they can't get the better of a old man carrying a chainsaw, film the killer and threaten to "cancel" him...

These script writers are getting worse and horror these days just doesn't have the thrill/kill factor of the 70's genre.
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The I-Land (2019)
30 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A group of cons in death row get a shot at redemption by playing a simulation... or do they... A nice concept but poorly executed (excuse the pun...).

Overall, the writers must have been having an off day with the script on this one and the casting is certainly nothing to rave over with some very dry performances throughout. No real stand out characters because even the one you follow the most in this turns out to be a real dead end story by the end.

They Could have left it for a second series to attempt a tie up of loose ends but I doubt anyone would bother with a recommission of this.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Exceptional drama
4 October 2021
This programme will be dividing viewers opinions the works over, but in my humble one, it is outstanding.

A concept that has been done before but never with this level of death and destruction as far as I can Recall.

Some of the best drama is coming from overseas currently and we must not forget that every country has brilliant story tellers and filmmakers.

If you are watching this in English language then some of the dubbed dialogue will appear awkward and crass but overall it all comes together to make compelling viewing but a few great plot twists within.

Maybe this is a one-off series but I feel the door has been left open just enough to bring it back should someone like Netflix decide to pour in more cash. But maybe we do not need another series...
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Clickbait (2021)
Must watch but...
10 September 2021
Ok, here we go.

Terrible acting, bad direction, scatty cinematography, unrealistic scenes and dodgy dialogue... and why film in Australia if it's set in the USA? Just set it in Aus... doh! It's almost like an afternoon TV movie split into eight parts.

Apart from all the above criticism it's a compelling drama that will hook you as you try to solve the case yourself from your favourite comfy chair. Watch for the twist.
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The Baker (2007)
Sleeper hit
7 August 2021
Never seen nor heard of this until it popped up on Prime.

Well worth the watch with a simple, done before story but with a brilliant comedic twist. Set in Wales, with a great and oddball supporting cast.
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Blitz (2011)
Who released this film?
5 August 2021
Only watched this because of a bunch of familiar actors and although it wasn't the worst film I'd ever seen, it left me wondering how on earth any of these actors or the director actually landed more work after making this.

Please do watch it if you are fan of the actors but don't expect anything much.
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Sentinelle (2021)
7 March 2021
Needs a lot of work to be thought of as anywhere near a good film.

The language dubbing was horrendous. The English speaking voices did not suit the characters at all.

It's a done to death story about revenge.

Acting was dry and fight sequences were weak especially as she is meant to be a trained soldier.

If Netflix are wasting money on this dross then it's gonna be a bad year for film...
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Full of cliches
27 February 2021
Watched this film but regretting the waste of time. I could have watched a freshly painted wall dry for better entertainment.

Not sure who casted this film but they really shouldn't be in their job after this shambles.

Cliches galore - designer suits for the baddies, kidnap a chatty kid, OTT fight sequences, dodgy accents, daft US agent, silly enemy agents...

Don't bother with this...!
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1917 (2019)
10 February 2021
I cannot fault this as a film in any way. Simply incredible cinematography throughout and stellar acting with some brilliant appearances from well known faces. The story is a simple one really but done in such a way as to draw the viewer into the frame and have you on the edge of your seat throughout. A modern-made war film classic.
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Please Sir! (1971)
25 December 2020
They just don't make them like this anymore. Schools back then were so different to today's versions and made for great comedy. John Alderton is great as the put upon teacher while all the kids run wild whist harbouring a huge amount respect for him. Risqué in today's climate with constant clips around the ears for the cheeky kids but yeah, it's great.
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The 2nd (2020)
What was the point...?
12 December 2020
Rushed, predictable, badly acted, badly directed, badly edited... Really, unless you are a die hard fan of the actors involved then, don't waste your precious time on this film.

It seems like a hurried production to rush out a new online film... not good.
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Something is missing
22 November 2020
Interesting concept and though I never saw any of the original TV series I did expect this to pack some serious punch, based on the history of the original show, but it felt lacking. Scenes seemed rushed and transitioned from one to another too quickly as if the editing team had gone a tad trigger happy with the cut tools. The actors didn't seem believable and it was an sorry attempt at a mild horror style comedy that wouldn't seem out of place in an 80's teen movie. Worth a watch once but I doubt I'll be rewatching.

My fantasy would be for much better scriptwriters if they ever think about making a sequel.
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3 November 2020
I only gave it two stars because of credible actors Jack Huston & Emilia Clarke, although even they could do nothing to improve this badly told story. The story telling was awful, editing a mess, transitioning through the timeline was rushed. A real life true story but it does nobody any favours with a terrible screen adaptation. I wonder if the Director watched this after the final edit. Consinded to my 'never watch again' list of films.
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The Big Ugly (2020)
A waste...
10 October 2020
What an utter waste of acting talent. Shoddy storyline, weak script adaptation and terrible production. Good soundtrack but wasted on the film. The Lock, Stock style film has been been done 20 years ago so it's time to stop using its style in the new real eases 'cos it does not have the same impact now.
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Lame duck
18 May 2020
Sorry to say, but this was weak, very weak. The few laughs in this film were from minor characters and certainly not from the leads. Talent wasted as clearly these are some capable actors but this time let down by weak script writing and lacklustre editing. Watched once, wont get a repeat.
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The Predator (2018)
11 February 2020
Really... Why?

Why make another version of the Predator? Are these wannabe Film Producers not getting the hint...! Re-makes of the classic films do not work! Terminator failed after T2, Conan had no presence and the Predator should have died and stayed dead in the 80's jungle.

Terrible acting, awful story, awful screenplay, tired SFX.

Don't waste your time.

Dear Hollywood people, some classics CANNOT be improved and franchise films get so boring.
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Downsizing (2017)
Not good!
30 January 2020
Really, this film is a waste of time. The Opening promises with an interesting concept but rest of film fails to deliver. Matt Damon and Christoph Waltz are wasted in their roles.
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Messing about on a river...
18 January 2020
Who needs cars when these guys can make a good show out of pretty much anything. Let's face it, we don't watch Top Gear or The Grand Tour for realistic car reviews of vehicles the majority of us can afford. No, many of us tune in for the madcap humour and escapism from our Ford and Toyota etc driven humdrum lives. Don't we all want to race and crash sports cars, wreck 4x4s and nearly sink a boat in the Mekong delta...? Loved this programme!
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Watchmen (2019)
23 October 2019
Hmmm, might be missing something so I'll give it a few more episodes to get into gear. Ep1 looked mildly promising and so I'm hoping the writers have something hidden up their sleeves although the characters so far are nowhere near as memorable as in the film version of the story.
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