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A Sci Fi favorites return that improves upon it's predecessor loved it!
6 October 2017
Somehow I never saw the original Blade runner but was fortunate enough to catch a double feature last night enjoy the original and see 2049 right after without waiting decades for the follow up. 2049 is true to it's predecessor and expands upon it masterfully. Tie ins to the original are not forced but ever-present and enjoyable. The second and third acts are filled with suspense and more action than the first. The film opens with action then begins to lay groundwork for the rising suspense and climax to come. While there are a good amount of cameos no performance is wasted or unnecessary. I should point out that this is not a Harrison Ford movie alone it is a Blade runner movie. An excellent one at that and while he is not the star his moments on screen are perfectly timed in his return to the iconic role as Deckard. A long run time was not discouraging but rather necessary to reveal the complex Sci Fi world that is Blade Runner.
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Money Monster (2016)
Suspense filled high tension, provoking and exciting!
6 October 2017
Say someone gave you some really bad advice? Say you took matters into your own hands to rectify the situation. Suppose you took it upon yourself to hold them accountable and liable? That's the premise of Money Monster. A story with twists and a good bit of mystery as well. The first fifteen to twenty minutes are setup then once the explosive antagonist is on screen you won't take your eyes off it. It is reflective of the distrust society has in the financial system so much so that at it's mid point you will most likely be rooting for the antagonist rather than opposing him. I was fortunate to not have any of the plot points of this film spoiled in spite of seeing it late and was glad I watched it.
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It (2017)
A Straightforward Frightfest! More brutal, violent and horrific than predecessor!
16 September 2017
It is not a film that disappoints the genre it represents at all. The scenes depicted in the trailer are not the only scary or climatic parts of the film either and are cut well to misdirect what the viewer expects to happen. This a full steam ahead something(Pennywise) wants to catch you and kill you suspense horror film. The psychological horror aspect is present as the antagonist preys on the characters fears of course but that is all.

In recent years successful horror films have succeeded in a welcome misdirection from jump scares and building on the viewers anxiety. Well crafted tales like Conjuring, The Ring and Insidious all excellent horror films are examples of this. It(2017) is an excellent horror film but in another manner. There is the psychological horror but more than that it is a welcome return to one of the genres most beloved and terrifying themes the boogeyman. A boogeyman that above all else just wants to capture and kill kids. Just explaining this sounds frightening.

I enjoyed the It miniseries from years back and for a TV movie it was achieved in retelling the novel in dramatic fashion. This film tells the master of horrors story in horrific fashion. Myself and the group I saw this with all enjoyed IT and had no negative feelings whatsoever.

My rating of 8 out of 10 could without question be higher if not for issues with the audience in the theater. Half way through the film I had to exit the theater and report to management the few rotten apples ruining the film by talking through most of the film.

*Note* I missed a crucial part of the middle act as it is intolerable and impossible to enjoy a film with private conversations being carried on in the theater. I strongly urge fellow film goer's if this happens do not endure this or confront the ignorant party disturbing the film.

Confrontations just make more disturbances simply go to the box office and demand a refund. I had to do just this and while I returned and saw the rest of the film. The obnoxious parties were scolded, embarrassed and told they would be ejected from the theater if their disruption continued.

I look forward to reviewing It without interruption and was thrilled with the film overall.
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A very middle of the road addition to the Conjurverse So SO
19 August 2017
Annabelle creation is the origin tale of the excellent lead in to the conjuring. I enjoyed the previous Annabelle film more than this it's predecessor. A lot of jump scares and a first act that seems to take forever and a day to get underway. The middle to conclusion does pick up nicely. There is a discouraging after credit scene that is as flat as after cred scenes come. If you have high expectations of your horror films and expect this to serve as a worthy companion to the conjuring films you will not be satisfied. Well seasoned horror fans will be suspicious immediately of the teen and preteen cast. Unwritten horror film rule is kids always survive horror, (In most cases). This leaves very little room for actual horror outside possession and kidnapping. So when you see this film start with a bus full of kiddies from an orphanage your intuition is correct. This would be good to see only when watching the other movies in a conjuring marathon. Unfortunately forgettable in years to come unlike it's predecessor's.
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The Wizard of Lies (2017 TV Movie)
Real life drama that is disturbing, accurate and insightful
10 August 2017
The Wizard of Lies is an excellent Bio film and depiction of real life events. Never is the viewer lost in financial jargon as the film goes to great lengths to accurately explain the crimes Bernie Madoff committed on the American Public at large and his investors. My only problem besides the long run time of this film is that it has no choice but to paint Madoff as a sympathetic character which is much more than he deserves. A victim of his own greed the fact that he was able to defraud and scheme on his own is amazing and terrifying at the same time. It makes the viewer question our countries financial structure and institutions. If one man can alone do so much damage to an already struggling stagnant economy how could this happen? Even worst still how many like him go unrecognized? Excellent acting and dramatic conflict is presented in the wizard of lies. A film that is as educational as it is entertaining.
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A fun fast paced action adventure featuring characters and scenario's from classic novels!
10 August 2017
The Dark Tower is a film that is beyond ambitious. I noticed at the films end credits it took four screenwriters to transfer the original work to film. While it does not capture the step by step saga of the gunslinger and his pursuit of the man in black depicted in the novel(how could it seriously?)The film succeeds in bringing these iconic characters to life on the big screen in adventurous, fast paced popcorn film. Of course I would of loved to see Stephen King's masterpiece receive the in depth lord of the ring's film translation treatment but I'll take what I can get. What you get here is Roland, Jake Chambers and The man in black on the big screen. The film will surprise those familiar with the original story which I believe is a good thing. Who wants to see a paint by numbers version of a story they already know? Entertaining funny and exciting with the fate of multiple worlds hanging in the balance.
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
Above average coming of age story. Good despite high expectations.
10 August 2017
Moonlight is definitely a good film, it may very well be a great film. I just did not think so. It definitely captures the nightmare that school and a broken home life can be for many. The feeling of realism is captured as circumstance dictates reality for the main character in every aspect depicted in the film. The entire cast is excellent and in spite of it's long run time the pace of the film never becomes tiresome. The main characters struggles are both heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time. The open ended conclusion left me wanting to see more. I would recommend not being deterred from watching this film in the thinking that it may be a "gay" film or a "hood" movie as it is much more than just that.
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A well structured interesting presentation of a story you may already know
26 July 2017
Upon viewing the trailer for All Eyez on Me I had mixed emotions of seeing a retelling of Tupac's life story. The previous film Tupac Resurrection had done such a wonderful job of presenting his story (in his own words nonetheless)that I saw a film about him doing more harm to the legends legacy than good. I was pleasantly surprised as All eyez on me delved into Tupac's revolutionary upbringing and background. I understand many aspects of the film were fictionalized for maximum dramatic effect and perhaps it was in poor taste to reopen some old wounds. That aside the lead actor portrayed Tupac beyond expectation. He had me believing in his portrayal of Tupac the entire film his humor, anger and intensity were all present. The film succeeds as a period film as well as the late 90's California Love time frame times earlier are captured to a tee.

I can recall the late great sportswriter Dick Schaap expressing sadness that children growing up at that time were completely unaware of who two sport legendary athlete Bo Jackson was. It was his feeling that such a talented and impressionable figure from our past should not be forgotten. When asking myself if this film was at all necessary I share his sentiment with regard to Tupac as he should also not be forgotten. It is for this reason that a film like this is still relevant as well as important.
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An exciting suspenseful tale about being stuck in the water with sharks
26 July 2017
This film continues a pleasant trend of quality shark films. Deep Blue Sea, Open Water and The Shallows can add 47 Meters Down to a list of present shark films that hold their own.

The thrills and suspense are there and that's all the moviegoer is truly expecting of this type of movie. The action driven plot succeeds and there are satisfying twists as well.

Of course it is not perfect Jaws has set the bar so high in this genre with it's blend of terror and character I think few take a serious stab at even making a shark film justifiably so. I for one and glad the makers of this film did as this was much better than I anticipated.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Perhaps the "ART" of war should be left to Sun Tzu
26 July 2017
Talk about putting the bore in war! I saw Dunkirk's extended preview trailer in the Imax Hubble theatre and was excited by the tension presented by the fighter pilot scene as well as the scenes cutting in between.

That was as good as this film got . A half hour to forty five minutes in I felt myself wanting it to be over and fast. Sweeping shots of the ocean and a high-powered tension building score were not enough to salvage this incredibly dull movie.

The film is loaded with no name characters. It has plenty of stars just the characters you will identify as the guy who was burying the guy

A multitude of character's scattered in different situations that you can not identify and by the time that you realize who is who you will not care as you will be begging for it to be over.

From a cinematic standpoint Dunkirk may get high marks but it is not entertaining at all. An incredibly dull of a summer movie. So boring it was funny my friends and I laughed in the parking lot afterwards about how sufferable a sit thru this was and how badly we'd been had going to see it.
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Nerve (I) (2016)
Fast paced fun thrill ride of a movie enjoyed every minute
26 July 2017
Nerve succeeds in blending modern technology into present day storytelling. It delivers on suspense and is reflective of the problems of today as seen in live streaming tragedies that appear in our news all to often. The characters are exciting and enjoyable and are faced with life or death conflict. This is an high anxiety driven thrilling movie with a plot that does not seem so far fetched in our social media driven present day existence.
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Good Spiderman, great cameos,wonderful villain boring Movie
12 July 2017
I think many can agree that Spider Man's shield stealing scene in Captain America Civil War II revitalized our hopes for a fresh take on the web slinger and had us (present company included)counting down the days to Homecomings release.

While Tom Hollands Spider-Man is good(inspite of him getting a beating from the most mundane thugs) and Michael Keaton's Vulture(is it okay to call him that? they never did in the movie?)is an excellent villain whose origin played out well and made sense in the movie there was just entirely to much Peter Parker and school going on. His sidekick was humorous but Spider-Man never needed nor had a sidekick and this left me hoping he never does again.

Better than average is fine for a character who has never had a previous on screen appearance(Ant man was a blast with no expectation)but this is Spider-Man were talking about here.

I understand a different direction was needed from Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Andrew Garfield's socially awkward loner Spider-Man but I enjoyed that much more and feel that was more authentic to the characters roots. Sure there are excellent cameo's from the rest of Marvel's cinematic universe but when there's no action on screen this is a bit of a snooze. I left the theatre feeling about this ,the way I did with similar films great no. Good enough to make another one absolutely! They all cant great can they? I definitely look forward to more of Marisa Tomei's Aunt May though as well as Thor Ragnorak which should be excellent.
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Ever felt trapped by your job? This is a film for you!
12 July 2017
For all those folks out there who wonder what it would be like if they were stuck at work indefinitely(like when the cast of saved by the bell got locked in the mall overnight? Sorry.) or wish they could do anything they wanted to at work to whomever they wanted to The Belko Experiment may clear some of that up for you.

This is a survival of the fittest types scenario that shows how adversity can bring out the best or in this case mostly the worst in the people you spend hours on end with day in and day out. While the story may seem basic at times it address's some very interesting scenario's(right to live based on age gender or amount of offspring you created) and is quite suspenseful leading up to it's conclusion. You will be playing favorites as to who you want to live or get wasted in this one and I won't spoil with personal preferences as I thought a movie like this would end with no survivors or witness's and was surprised.
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A chilling grimy compelling crime film that's characters you will understand or fear
12 July 2017
After watching Let me make you a Martyr I needed to re watch it. The story is told in non linear fashion and some of the scenes are so intense it's easy to get caught up in you're anticipation of what happens next. Thought provoking to say the least issues of poverty, disparity and society are all exemplified here. At a certain point my cowcatcher questioned me" Is this how it really is in some places" I responded the people there most likely think the same thing about where we live.

Of course I was eager to Marilyn Manson on screen having enjoyed his role in the third season of Salem and just knowing he was a part of it swayed my decision to view it. While he is not the lead his scenes are memorable to say the least.

I saw a q&A on YouTube with the director and when questioned about the films conclusion he said he did not want people leaving this one with the attitude of well I just watched another movie. I believe he has succeeded in that. A good watch but not for the faint of heart of course.
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Modern Holiday Classic that I will enjoy for Christmas's to come!
12 July 2017
I could kick myself for not catching this in theatre's during the holidays. I am however glad I caught up and saw it recently. Funny from beginning to end and less cheesy than a lot of holiday comedies. Of course there is some exaggerated save the day through the internet jargon at the films end but this is comedy people come on! The entire cast was a blast from start to finish highlighted by TJ Miller. Set in the atmosphere of the kind of parties that companies just can't have nowadays. Jason Bateman, Jennifer Aniston, Olivia Munn and supporting cast were excellent. In this holiday film that like Bad Santa was underrated upon it's release should be getting it's jest due in years to come.
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The Mummy (2017)
A popcorn flick and present day take on classic universal monster movie
12 July 2017
The Mummy was enjoyable and delivers as advertised. Aside from some forced humor I have no complaints of this movie. I found Russel Crowe's Dr. Jekyll particularly enjoyable in this film. It left me looking forward to the revamped Universal monster films. The story paced well with high powered effects and action and just enough horror to live to it's title.
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A high anxiety pressure cooker of a survival film! Imaginative & Suspenseful!
12 July 2017
I was taken in by the trailer for this near distant future zombie type film. I do not seek out zombie films. Truth be told I'm much more of a Vampire fan myself but will not turn down a chance to see a good one. This was a very good one.

Girl with all the gifts will please most zombie film & show fans as well as others who love a good nerve racking time in the sci fi horror genres. The conflict presented of course is the young girl(strong lead actress) who is infected but human enough to understand her condition and the unfolding dangerous situation. The survivors who fear her as much as they fear exterior threats in the dim future they live in.

An nice variety of fine acting, compelling story, good scares as well as action. Well worth going over my max rental budget $5.99. Hope this helped
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Paterson (2016)
The kind of movie you wish you could see more often. A pleasure!
12 July 2017
Paterson is a character driven joy to watch and see. I felt as if I was watching reality programming about characters that you can not help but root for. I became emotionally invested in the first 15 minutes and by films end was concerned for and gave a damn about all of their outcomes.

The theme of the film is the poetry in everyday life that surrounds us. The triumph's and setbacks faced by real people and how they deal with the obstacle's that get in the way of aspirations and dreams. A breath of fresh air from films where the stakes and risks are larger than life itself. Paterson is a journey in the life of the main character his charming and spontaneous girlfriend and her territorial but one of a kind dog Marvin.(One of the greatest movie dogs of all time!) Paterson is not a generic "feel good" movie but I felt great having seen it!
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A Great Movie from A Bad Situation Dramatic and Funny!
2 June 2017
A defeated man defeated by grief going through the motions is jolted from his routine . Manchester by the sea has a realistic authentic feeling that is relatable and explores the heart of human emotion. It achieves an excellent balance of dramatic circumstances and unforced humor. This is an in-depth look at human isolation and interaction,grief,sorrow and ultimately how the characters deal with that grief and sorrow let it consume them or pick up the pieces and move on. The main character Lee is convincingly portrayed by Casey Affleck in a performance that is so genuine that halfway through it I truly forgot I was watching a movie. Lee is appealing to the audience as he is shown having unavoidable experiences and frustrations we all go through at times.

The non linear pace of Manchester by the Sea, had me as the viewer intrigued and by it's conclusion it all made sense. Effective flashbacks and a real world exploration of the human experience accompanied by harmonious music made this film an excellent experience for me and it's much needed humor is timed perfectly.
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A Modern Haunted House Film with a pleasantly disturbing addition!
2 June 2017
I viewed the Disappointment's room this week and was glad I did not give in to the horrid reviews it received. This film may not be anything close to the Shining(some scenes are homages to it of course) but it is nowhere near deserving of the bashing It's gotten.

As I understand this was a real thing in where a prominent family would lock a disfigured or disabled child away to avoid embarrassment and this was explained by HGTV's reality home remodeling show . The suspense was there throughout and I was not bored by this at all as in watching it I wanted to know the origin of the hostile poltergeist. There are jump scares but also some sequences that insight actual terror like a child being mauled by an animal. Kate Beckinsale carries the film as it's lead and the little boy's(her son in film) perilous situations had me holding my breath at times. I realize I am in the minority in not hating this film but it was a good watch for me at least .
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Split (IX) (2016)
A Suspense Thriller With Bright Spots & A Great Performance
2 June 2017
I watched Split this past weekend after missing it's theatrical run.

Intrigued by the fast paced heart pounding trailer I was eager for the suspense master of our day's take on mental disorder and captivity.

Split stars out with a bang and we are slowly introduced to the many personalities of our main character who suffers from multiple personality disorder. James McAvoy is amazing in split without doubt as he takes us through the many different representatives occupying this troubled soul. One scene in particular will stay with you as it is suspenseful as much as it is hysterical! There are disturbing and unfortunately drawn out flashbacks that get in the way of the suspense created by the captives situation. As usual M.Knight gives the viewer the thrilling finale with a satisfying twist for those familiar with his previous films and optimistically something to look forward to for a follow up. This is one of my favorite genres and I realize it is not easy to shock and thrill audiences that's why I will keep coming back and am glad M.Knight Is still at it.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
A Beautiful,Thrilling Portrayal of this Icon! Most enjoyable!
2 June 2017
Last evening I saw Wonder Woman and it met and exceeded my expectations marvelously! Gal Gadot shines on screen as the Amazon Princess with an excellent supporting cast(The chemistry between her and co lead Chris Pine is wonderful!). You could very easily enjoy this film without seeing any of the previous films or will realize it as the best of it's franchise to date! Have no fear that this will be boring because of the period the film takes place in,it matters not. Creators of the film benefit greatly by staying true to the source material that has encapsulated audiences since Diana Prince's debut in comics over seven decades ago. As well as DC comic's own Geoff Johns joining the production team! Wonder Woman is done justice as she serves Justice by the amazing combat Sequences shot by Director Patty Jenkins and the score compliments the screen accordingly!

I don't need humor in a film about a hero , nor do enjoy it when it's forced into a story. The humor in Wonder Woman is well placed and most called for and appreciated. The same goes for the action in this film it is not overdone nor is it to much or to little it is just right. . This movie benefits from an exciting story, heroic characters that are enjoyable and most credible vile villains. I want to see it again and can't wait to see Wonder Woman in Justice League this November!
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The Big Nasty Xenomorph we fear and love is back and Fierce as ever!!
19 May 2017
I went to see Alien Covenant last night with a group of five and all of us left satisfied. Fans of the Alien franchise that did not enjoy Prometheus do not be dissuaded(I myself did not). Those that did like it will enjoy it as well. The story picks up the Prometheus story line and gives us what it was lacking. The Alien. You asked for it? You got it! The filmmakers rather than scrap the Prometheus story-line and reboot the successful franchise instead made a bold decision that in my opinion had a substantial payoff for the viewer.

While the cast meets and exceeds expectations The real star of this movie is the Alien itself and while there is some necessary setup this film succeeds as it's predecessors did by crafting suspense for what we the viewer all know is coming and when it does in spite of what you saw in the trailers you are not ready. A little something for moralists as well as some horror film traditions are revisited and punishment is delved out to those with vices as well as the undeserving.

I purchased the Alien anthology to refresh on the originals and I can say after seeing the 1979 original& 2003 Director's cut of the original Alien as well as Aliens this is a worthy companion and sheer delight for fans of the Alien franchise.This is definitely a film to see in theater's it is to big viewed on the big screen I personally shredded more than my usual share of popcorn from the second act on. Kick you're summer off right by visually getting you're ass kicked by this legendary horror of the big screen a truly terrifying Sci FI Horror Legend!
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The Founder (2016)
An inspiring and in depth look at the beginnings of the fast food powerhouse
5 May 2017
Take the beginnings of a company that forever changed American culture and landscape add in brilliant performances by Michael Keaton ,Nick Offerman and John Carroll Lynch and you have The Founder. An honest realistic period portrayal of the blood ,sweat and tears that were put into and extracted to create the McDonald's empire.

Accurate and at times heartbreaking. Michael Keaton stars as Ray Kroc a man who refuses to settle regardless of his station in life. Kroc's drive is inspiring as well as off-putting. Offerman and Lynch provide outstanding performance's as the McDonalds brothers. This film gives direct insight to what originally went into the one restaurant everyone has eaten from. Be it the way one of a kind French fries are crisped to the milkshake ingredients.

If you like me are entertained by seeing original ideas and how they came to fruition then this film is for you. The film does not take a pro or anti McDonald's stance and in my sincere opinion is all the better for it. The story is presented and is unbiased it does not strive to build up it's main character as a hero by any means and does not fall short in delivering plenty of drama as well as insight.

The Founder has humor in parts that are enjoyable and much needed and does not fail to get the audience emotionally invested in it's characters. While not action packed it is anything but boring and will leave you waiting with baited breath to see how the story unfolds.By the conclusion I believe you will have mixed emotions about it's characters they're rights or wrongs and definitely be entertained and certainly have more insight about the place you stop at on the road when you're hungry at times.
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Another action packed, fun filled, hilarious Guardians Film!
5 May 2017
I went and saw Guardians of The Galaxy 2 last night and it delivers the goods as expected. High throttle space adventure with humor and action at every turn.

The film will also address and answer some question's we (the viewer ) may have had origin wise after the first film and naturally opens up doors for ongoing Marvel multiverse sagas.

I did not see the first film in the theatre even at the suggestion of a friend telling me how good it was. Although I am a comic book fan I could not get my head around the whole raccoon shooting a machine gun aspect. I was wrong. Dead wrong ,the first film leaves you loving every one of these characters and I would not make the same mistake twice.

Guardians 2 picks up shortly after the end of the first film. The soundtrack Awesome Mix Vol.2 provides an excellent backdrop to the scenes it compliments. Chris Pratt's Star-Lord is wonderful once again as he plays the all heart and soul heroic lead. Zoe Salanda returns as the lovely Gamora who in addition to the her kick ass no nonsense character from the first film has personal conflicting issues of her own to address in this installment. Dave Bautista's Drax the Destroyer entertains and shines throughout the entire film his humor, misplaced sincerities and fighting reckless abandon make him a favorite of the guardians for me.

The team is missing some muscle as opposed to the first go round as Groot is now Baby Groot no longer the bad guy bodying henchman once again voiced by Vin Disel. What Groot lacks in physical stature in this film he certainly makes up for in charm. It is worth noting that while short handed groot's strength we see the Guardians functioning and fighting in cohesion as a team which is a joy to see.Rocket voiced by Bradley Copper's space tech weaponry alone is a special effects vision to experience.

We are also introduced to a good amount of new exciting characters as well as some outstanding cameo's. Strong supporting performances as well from Karen Gillian as Gamora's sister Nebula who returns as well as many others. Mantis a new character in the Guardians saga is characterized by Pom Klementieff and provides the film with an emotional and sincere aspect as well.

My personal favorite in the film is Michael Rooker's Ravager Leading space pirate Yondu Udonta. The character is fun exciting, funny,emotional and and in certain moments in this installment downright excellent. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 humor, action , excitement and emotion throughout. Definitely a movie you see in the theatre,definitely should not be missed.
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