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The Witcher: Reunion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Not sure what's going on
3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care about the books, or games, or ethnicity of who is cast. Those don't guide my view of the show at all. I'm just looking at this interpretation and I appreciate all the characters and enjoy the acting.

What I do care about is the writing, directing, and editing. Scenes are just thrown together, decisions made by characters make little sense, and the dialogue so often is trite.

New Ciri is definitely this way because of Creepo who likes messing with girls lives (we know who that dude is). Like why do you even need a name. But whatever.

Yen is 90 and knows all about Aretuza, but tells Ciri basically nothing? Allows the most sought after person to traipse around with a boy? Like I get being a parent is hard, but this is silly. Oh! But let's have a conclave. This will fix everything even though you can't trust any Mage right now (or outside influence). Then a dead queen no one cared about is used as a pawn and the tides change...snooze.

I really liked Robbie Amwell's character so that was a huge bummer but seeing Cahir do the deed he didn't want to was good tv. I like the character of Cahir and who plays him, so this was probably the most interesting scene of the whole episode. I hope he goes full evil.

I wish this show was better. It has good moments, characters, and actors. But the decline is real. It's trying to chess move like GoT but it falls flat because we don't get enough story to support it. We don't see Ciri and Yen grow with their magic. I wish we had fuller episodes with the core three so we even cared more. It's just been too disjointed. Sad, because it really did have a lot of promise.
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Legion: Chapter 14 (2018)
Season 2, Episode 6
Not life changing, but still great
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode and the one before was about how these mutants deal with grief as well as the crap going on in their lives and the choices they're destined to make because of it. They may seem like a tangent but I think it really builds who these people are and what we know they'll become. I found it weird and fascinating and complex. Legion is such a diverse and different story to tell. It's all very cerebral, but that's what makes it captivating and real. Our what ifs are obviously very different but the complexity is the same. The siblings nailed it. Great acting! The story and directing and cinematography was dynamic. Best episode? No. But loved it all the same.
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Beautiful but with its flaws but still, gorgeous
9 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie like the previous was visually stunning and it was fun being transported to this new area of Pandora. I wasn't a fan of how we have no idea what's happening now in their first home, but, and I'll probably bring this up again, Avatar still has more movies to release. We'll get our questions answered.

I loved Grace's daughter. I definitely want more explained about her and her ties to all that is Pandora. She's clearly the 'superhero' of Avatar. Weaver portraying her worked well.

I wasn't a fan of the same villain returning. That whole arc was incredibly predictable with his son. It felt like a cop out for more interesting and relevant storytelling.

I really enjoyed all the kids in this movie but wished we learned more about the Metkayina kids. Again, I do think that will be explored more. We have a few movies to go and I'm thinking the adults will die in the next and the new generation will rise.

I'm a sap, so those last 30 minutes gutted me. The loss of a child is devastating. And when they saw him again through those memories made me sob.

Overall, I was engrossed the whole time. Maybe it's my pea sized brain. Maybe I just like being in different worlds. I'll watch the next one, and hope for a more engaging story and dialogue.
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Succession: All the Bells Say (2021)
Season 3, Episode 9
On my rewatch
2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Even though I know what happens, I'm still shook by the writing, directing, and acting again and again. A few others mentioned how much they love Better Call Saul, which I've felt is one of the best acted, written, directed, and set shows out there, but dang...Succession...these shows go back and forth for me as the top. I love Bob Odenkirk and what he's done with the character, but these Roys...whew. Somehow we find ourselves relating to these spoiled billionaires because we know family pain, trauma, manipulation, sibling rivalry, and that feeling of never being good enough. Brilliant finale.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Never watched a Superman tv series
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I bowed out of Arrow after the first few seasons and only watched some of The Flash. I have watched every Superman movie. I was actually surprised I truly got in to this series! I like watching SM struggle as a husband, father, son, brother, friend, SIL, and hero.

The depth has been interesting to unfold, as it seems so normal and heavy and frightening in all aspects of all the relationships he holds dear and how those in his orbit relate to him. The dialogue and acting can be a bit contrived often but I do find it better than other CW shows. I'm excited to see what's next and I think the dynamics between the characters and how the actors portray them has been good so far. And Tyler does play SM more mature and older than who the actor is. I think he's doing great and enjoy his nuance.
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House of the Dragon: Driftmark (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The side eyes, the catty remarks, the dementia dead wife mention, the Jon Snow reference, the darkness where we all were squinting to see what was happening. Hahaha I loved the first 20 minutes. It was so awkward, as it should be.

The dragon scene was really fun to watch and seeing it from a child's point of view added to the magic. It was surprising to see Daemon and Rhaenyra hooking up in an actual tender way.

The childrens fight scene was handled very well but I was annoyed they didn't tell the adults what started it all. I understand why they focused on the children's birth story and the reveal of the dragon at the end, but kids would have blabbed it all outright.

This episode reminded me a lot of Dragstone from S7 because the chess pieces are all being put into place. I expected Rhaenyra to end with 'Shall we begin' because that's what's happening now. She's made her moves, Alicent already has been, and with her father back, even more so. However this story will span another decade, and I'm pretty excited how it will all play out.
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Atlanta: Three Slaps (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
This hurt
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hated watching this episode. It was so uncomfortable and rough and that was the point.

It's based on real events. You want to interfere. You want it all to stop. You want to hug the boy so hard and tell him he's worth it. You want all those children that survive and see this boy be the hero they needed, even though it never happened. This was more suffocating than Terry Perkins, and that's saying a lot. It was also completely independent of the characters. Atlanta mixes reality and story so well, and it's always a punch to the gut witnessing it. And incredible. Again, such talent. I'm constantly in awe of Donald Glover.
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Atlanta: Crabs in a Barrel (2018)
Season 2, Episode 11
Great finale
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How can you not appreciate the many layers of this show, this season, these characters, and this finale?

Al and Earn both are noobs, let's face it. When they both finally understand that, that's when the magic finally happens. We see it in the woods, we see what family means to both of them in FUBU, and it comes full circle in the finale. They both appreciate they made mistakes and both decide to handle it in a way that feels right for them. I truly enjoy this show so much. The writing and directing and acting are superb and I cannot wait for S3. Luckily I watched the first two seasons way too high, had to rewatch, and S3 is already locked and loaded. Donald Glover is a wonderful storyteller.
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For All Mankind: New Eden (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
I hate people
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
People are now mad a series that started out political in S1 E1 is still political? Are you daft? So international relations is or isn't or political? LGBTQ is political or not? Pick a lane. The President is literally a closet homosexual and has been since S1. The anger and low ratings shows just how relevant this topic is ffs. This is not a documentary. It is literally sci if, about alternate histories that follow some history ie don't ask, don't tell.

The story line I don't like and haven't is Danny's obsession with Karen and it's still playing out. It was a weird choice last season and they're still continuing it. Drop it.

The partying scene was annoying because it just seemed too much. I think it's realistic to have a celebratory shot or glass of champagne. I mean they landed on Mars! But more than that is silly. The other silly substance abuse was giving Danny meds. You can't give someone in recovery anything. Why doesn't the Dr onboard know this? Also sex in space is difficult (but has happened, look it up), not the fun, exciting way it was portrayed. It would be done for research more than likely though. And way better on Dev's ship lol.

That being said, this is story telling. They've had drama since S1 and will continue with that. If you stuck around this long you seriously should not be surprised. Even though some parts are melodramatic, I enjoy learning about the characters and their difficulties. Otherwise we'd be watching a doc about non interesting people doing interesting things in space. That's a different show.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
They did it again
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliant ending to a brilliant show in a brilliant universe. Everyone will be truly missed. Bob and Rhea will be walking home with an Emmy. The writing and directing and cinematography of this episode was truly a pleasure. Thanks to all. Now I'm gonna go cry for a bit.

I think we all would love a show about Jimmy in his new digs. He would be king.
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Not as bad as people say
13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers

I've enjoyed the series. This isn't the movie. This isn't Breaking Bad or Veep. Watching it I went in knowing the writing wasn't going to Emmy laden. I'm not going to lie; while I loved Abbi Jacobson in Broad City and as a writer in general, she is not the greatest actress for this role. I think the supporting characters are great however. I've enjoyed the stories of all of them. I'm not understanding the hate on them. Also pretending like women who are living together and working together and understanding their different roles in society now that men are not around are just celibate straight people is ludicrous. Quit stating queer women stories in the 40's is woke. Baseball or not, they existed. It literally happened, plus this series is not a documentary. I'm glad they had a storyline focused on women of color in baseball and working in the factories. Again it did actually happen. I found the storyline compelling. You felt all the frustration and anger among all of these women as much as you felt their love of the game. It was such a nuanced time in their lives and I thought they captured it well.
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Better Call Saul: Breaking Bad (2022)
Season 6, Episode 11
Peak writing and acting
2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this episode. I am not really sure what people expected? Guns and cartel even though that is already over? Giant BB moments even though that was never Saul's story?

I truly enjoyed watching these heist montages, and seeing Gene revert to his Saul persona - the money, the drinking, the women, the cell phones.

This episode demonstrates how Jimmy will always be Jimmy, and how change is not possible for a man like him (or one like Walt) once they tasted the sweet addictiveness of power and money brought by doing something they are good at, even if it makes them extremely sh!tty people. Do they both have redeeming qualities? Of course. But I feel these 50+ minutes sealed Jimmy's fate. Because he can't help himself, right? There is no happy ending for him. He will go down one way or another and it is deserved and a long time coming.

Wonderful direction and cinematography. Can't wait for the next episode!
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Good but not like the first
29 July 2022
Episode 1 was was dynamic! Loved it! Really held my interest even though it was basically move length. The last two have not been that caliber however. Still some good moments.

Also, um yes, all Nazis are white. Don't understand why a commenter would take issue with that? But a snowflake will snowflake.
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Better Call Saul: Nippy (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers

As soon as you see Burnett rolling around a grocery store, you smile and know Slipping Jimmy is about to work some magic.

I'm thinking the credits are foreshadowing some tape footage that will be watched before the 72 hour window of them being erased. My son thinks it was just the breaking down of how the credits have been going season to season. Maybe we're both right?

It's funny how an episode like this can have me on the edge of my seat holding my breath for three minutes and 18 seconds. It's great to see Jimmy/Saul/Gene doing recon only he knows how to do best and prepare his heist. His rhymes for Jeff made me laugh and are such a great throw back to his Bingo days with Sandpiper. The shirt and tie at the end was also good to see and I'm curious what's to come. Vince and co haven't shown their hand yet. And that's just fine with me.
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Better Call Saul: Fun and Games (2022)
Season 6, Episode 9
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers

My favorite thing about Better Call Saul is what a character study it is. It is a perfect prequel to show why the characters we enjoyed so much in BB did what they did.

They drove home again why the Howard prank storyline was so important, why they gave us episodes of it, and what it meant to everyone of these characters. We see Jimmy pretty quickly being able to move on, because he's Saul and he's in the game and he's good at it. We see Mike affected by it because Howard was not in the game. And then we see Kim lying to Howard's widow so easily, so assured and knowing the game is not for her no matter how great she is at playing.

I enjoyed the moments at Don Eladio's, driving home to Gus that while he's alive, Gus will never be free. Gus looking down at the pool where his partner was murdered was icing on the cake. And then him enjoying for a moment the company of another man and realizing he needs to step back and can't get too comfortable. Wow.

Nachos dad is a class act and while Mike doesn't know too much Spanish, he understood what he was saying loud and clear. I'm just glad his dad knows what happened.

Kim and Jimmy's breakup pushed us to catch up to the BB events and something we knew was eventual. I love you but so what? Knife to the heart.

Excited to see the next episode! Saul is here. Humor really does hide the deep well of sadness in us. And money helps.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Everything hurts
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers

That episode just punched me in the gut. The opening was so sad, so tragic but watching the last few minutes unfold was horrific. This hit me like the stuffed animal in the pool in BB and how that unfolded. While the scale of what happened in BB was far larger, we all know this was Jimmy and Kim's fault because they are terrible humans and petty, little a-holes. And they know it. And Mike knows it.

The tension was up the whole episode. I forgot to breath a few times. I will miss Lalo. Such a fantastic character played with such nuance. Writing, directing, acting was phenomenal. Can't wait to see what happens next if my heart can handle it.
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The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
I gave it an extra point for Antony Starr
8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty disappointing.


The good: Of course Antony Starr is the highlight of this show. He embodies Homelander perfectly. I also liked Butcher's storyline and how it ended up in the finale. And I also think the Maeve thing makes sense. I loved MM's and Frenchie's convo too, and glad MM was able to show who he is to his daughter, flaws and all. The big fight scene was pretty cool too.

The bad: I don't hate the Ryan storyline at all but they should have laid more groundwork. It was too rushed. I assume he will turn against his father eventually and he and possibly Butcher will kill Homelander.

Noir and Soldier Boy probably irritates me the most. What a waste. I'm still mad and have few words.

Starlight being super charged and levitating and all it does is knock Soldier Boy down? So ridiculous. What's the point of creating a moment like that and with little payoff?

The writers had some real opportunities to make S3 amazing and then they do this to the finale. To quote Victoria Neuman, pull your $h!t together.
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Pretty pretty good
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I truly love how the tone and horror of this series ages with its characters. The Duffer Bros know how to carry a story through time. They aren't perfect at it, but they do a darn good job. The aesthetics, music, cinematography, and writing were fantastic. I feel the way they gave us the answers to our questions was well played out, made a lot of sense and wrapped up some storylines well. Certain acting wasn't the best: Finn (Mike) does the big moments well, where I think Noah (Will) is the opposite. Dustin and Lucas really stepped it up in this volume. Millie is a very good actress and it's been a great ride watching her own Eleven and accepting who she is and is not. I'm curious how her powers will grow in S5, because they will need to in order to defeat Vecna/Mind Flayer. Will she reach out to Dr Owens and continue her Padawan journey? Will her sister come back to help?

The Russia story I was skeptical about but I ended up enjoying it to the end.

I'm very excited to see S5 and how the story ends. There will be deaths I'm sure. Eleven not being able to reach Max is pretty ominous (and yes I did want a major character to die this season) but it may be the catalyst for Eleven to do what Papa suggested and really start her training. And now we wait.
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The Boys: Herogasm (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
25 June 2022
This episode had everything to the nth degree. So much to unpack. Well done! I'm probably going to watch it a few more times this weekend. You see the humanity in those you thought had none, and you see it disappearing in those you thought did. This was quite a ride. And there's still two more episodes left. Can't wait.
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Halt and Catch Fire: Who Needs a Guy (2017)
Season 4, Episode 7
6 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole episode was filmed and acted and directed so well from start to finish. The last five minutes of course was phenomenal but doesn't show as the only thing important for episode 7. The most important, yes. But the episode doesn't just stand on that.

I don't know why I'm so broken by it, it's tv for goodness sake. But this will stay with me a bit. Great job!
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Night Sky: Compensation (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Definitely intrigued
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers I'm excited for a second season. I enjoyed the concept of Outer Range and I do think it has better actors, but you're not rooting for any of them and the story is all over the place.

Night Sky has given you an interesting, slow build story with people you care about. Spacek and Simmons play a believable elderly couple still trying to come to terms with loss, aging and death, and grasping at this unknown to navigate through it. The season finale really delivered too. Just enough questions were answered while new ones asked, but not so frustratingly that you don't care about season 2 (looking at you Outer Range and Yellowjackets). It seems to have more of a direction. I dunno. I just enjoyed it.
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Barry: limonada (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
Oof that was dark
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
But in the best of ways. Knowing the creators and writers and directors and actors, while this will never be a happy story with a cheerful ending, this will still be a humorous journey. I mean the dog scene was pretty hilarious. But this is the first episode I was afraid of Barry. We all have a dark inner monologue we don't release because we pause and process. Seeing him snap in a public setting and not apologize or care later? Hahaha that was worse then seeing his killings. With the recurring theme that there's a lot of people out there who are pretty nuts and can be a danger to others, this episode clearly states Barry is a sociopath who will destroy the lives of people he cares about because that's who he is so don't get too comfortable. Great acting. I'm constantly impressed with Bill Hader and the supporting cast.

It's funny another reviewer brought up LOTR because this episode reminded me of Breaking Bad and GoT. There are characters we want to root for because their circumstances, their grit, their likability, their humor, their wanting to be seen or loved and we even hope for change but at the end of the day they will always bring destruction and pain to those around them no matter their intentions. Again that's just who they are.
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Better Call Saul: Hit and Run (2022)
Season 6, Episode 4
It's happening!
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers

I was afraid they wouldn't ease us into his change into Saul and just rush things, but this episode proved me wrong. Kim meeting Mike? Perfect. Seeds of doubt planted? Fascinating. Ostracized by his "kingdom"? Beautiful. Assigning numbers to his future clients? Gah! This is what we've been waiting for. Also Mike's comment about not being able to tell Kim about Gus (basically) bleeds into BB where Saul knows a guy who knows a guy. This episode was so good. Jimmy's Howard "costume" was just icing on the cake 😂 I love this final season.

And Gus. The glaring obviousness between how crime should work and how it shouldn't is very much on display. However, let's not forget, Saul does outlast Fring. By how much? Only Gene can tell us.

Well directed Rhea!
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Moon Knight (2022)
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I knew nothing about Moon Knight prior to watching. I put it on not hearing anything about it, just curious because it's Marvel and Oscar Isaac. I was pretty much hooked instantly. Very interesting story, great direction, awesome acting. I was like oh, Ethan Hawke...we'll see. He is great! This is definitely Isaac's show though. He plays his dual role so well and with exceptional nuance. Every episode so far has been intriguing, and, of course, none more so than penultimate. Isaac better not be forgotten during award season. Same with the writers and directors. I hope we get more than six episodes, but if we don't...what a ride!
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Better Call Saul: Rock and Hard Place (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
So good
26 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From the very first moment, this was so visually stunning. Every facet of this episode was paced and played so well. The acting...Michael Mando needs to submit this as his Emmy entry. He's been wonderful these past three episodes and I hope this solidifies his spot in the supporting actor category. The call to his dad was gut wrenching. This is going to be one heck of a final season and I'm here for it and I can't wait to see what's next and I never want it to end.
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