
16 Reviews
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Pretty decent
12 April 2022
I scrolled past this little gem quite a few times on a popular streaming service whilst looking for things to watch. The movie description really wasn't of that much interest to me if I have to be honest. However, I finally decided... I have half an hour or so before I am going to head to bed so I can do a bit now and then finish it tomorrow. I was unable to carry out my plan and ended up watching it in one go.

The story follows a radio show host and a telephone switchboard operator investigating strange sounds that came through the radio and switchboard. Also, strange reports coming from the local area of sightings in the sky. After playing the sounds over the radio the calls start coming in.

The dialogue and musical score were good and the performances by Sierra McCormick and Jake Horowitz were worthy of being cast for movies with far bigger budget than this one. If I see Andrew Patterson (James Montague) and/or Craig W. Sanger's names on similar genre films, I will not be skipping past them again. If they can do this with circa $700k... I would love to see what they can do with a few million!
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Ad Astra (2019)
No man is an island
1 April 2022
This one is a tricky one for me as I'm not sure whether I liked it liked it or merely thought it was ok.

The movie had a budget alright, plus it was well made and directed. There were even 3 big ticket actors on the cast. It seemed really strange that Donald Sutherland, no stranger to the big leagues, starred as little more than an extra, whilst Tommy Lee Jones had a slightly larger and more important role, yet had very little screen time. If you are going to pay the wages of these guys... get your moneys worth!

Another thing that had me struggling to decide whether I thought this was any good was the main story itself. Normally you have a story and within that narrative, the character development takes place as you progress through it. Here, it felt much more as if we had the character development with the main storyline weaved through that. It came across as a bit backwards to me.

Set in the future, during a time when humans were sending manned craft to the distant side of the solar system to find signs of intelligent life beyond, strange and destructive energy waves which appear to be emanating from Neptune start to cause havoc on the earth. It is believed the father (Tommy Lee Jones) of Roy MacBride (Brad Pitt) is responsible. Roy, who long believed his father deceased on the voyage to Neptune is brought in to try and contact his father before more lethal measures are taken. This basically sums up the story line and Ill go into no further detail so it wont be spoilt for you.

Now, we have the character development of Roy. Roy starts off a little cold, and has pushed everyone and everything other than his duty away from himself. He has isolated himself in order to enhance his performance at those duties. The movie focuses mainly on his 6ish month trip to Neptune and so much of that time is dedicated to his internal journey. Isolated physically as well as emotionally now, he learns just how much he needs to be a part of the lives of those around him and have them be a part of his life.

All in all, I am not saying this was bad. I have given it 6 stars. However, had it focused more on the actual storyline and given us a little more there, I would have given it a couple more.
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Candyman (2021)
A Party Political Broadcast
7 February 2022
The original Candyman movies, whilst slightly cheesy, were slightly decent. Focused on "the" Candyman Daniel Robitaille, who felt that his legend had been tarnished and went on to reinforce that legend with death and blood. Eventually, the trail of corpses led us to where it all started with Daniel Robitaille's torture and murder at the hands of a mob.

Now, we have the 2021 addition to the set. Whilst the movie has a few random slayings (that happen mostly off camera) so that viewers will associate this with the originals, a sequel to the three, this really is just one long political agenda driven propaganda broadcast. The short snippets of Candyman related footage are heavily padded out with political narrative.
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The Requin (2022)
28 January 2022
The special effects were lousy, the script was lousy, the acting was lousy and the responses to circumstances were so laughable that you couldn't even call this a B move. It best it was a C-.

Shark attacks in water that is barely knee deep. Fending off sharks with small rocks and small planks of wood. This is a comedy of ridiculousness and worth watching just to pick gaping holes in it.
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The Vigil (2019)
28 January 2022
This is a well made budget film. It takes place pretty much inside a smallish house and mostly in one single room. The pace is not particularly fast and the ending was pretty weak as far as excitement goes. There was little to no horror and the dialogue basic.

However, the underlying story in this movie is not one of horrible creatures, shocks and scares, but one of the dangers we all face when we can no longer look forward into the future because we cannot take our eyes off the past.
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The Wasteland (2021)
Budget Bore
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because I was bored and the writeup looked interesting.

Horror, Scary, and Suspenseful? Nice! That sounds right up my ally.

Set in the late 1800s, a man lives with his family in seclusion on some plains. Dad, Mum and "little Diego". The dad tries to get Diego to grow up and be more of a man whilst his mum coddles him and tries to shield him from the manhood he will inevitably have to face up to sooner or later. Diego shys away from learning and practicing his not too distant futures expectations of him, particularly living where and how they do.

Without spoiling this too much or going into details, it felt like the main story the writer was putting across was that of Diego growing from a sheltered, coddled boy into a very young man via a little group hysteria if you can call 2 people a group.

Don't get me wrong, this was pretty well made. The cinematography was decent, the location, whilst incredibly wet and windy, was amazing. The idea itself even had merit. The issue I had however, was that this could have easily dropped half of the wind effec... sorry, sound effects, and condensed it into maybe an hour, or, added a little more to pad out the story.

There was little to no Horror, no Scares, and zero Suspense. Within the first 10 minutes of the movie, it was 100% predictable where it was going... or at least where Diego was going. What was slightly less predictable was the almost nothingness that came between this point in the movie and that point.
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The Tangle (2019)
Surprisingly Good
1 May 2021
I don't really know where to start with this review. Not a lot actually happened. This was a slow burning, sci-fi, murder mystery. For a low budget movie with so few cast members, the writer and production crew did a remarkable job of keeping it interesting and very watchable.

Samuel T. Coleridge's poem, "Kubla Khan," plays a prominent part of the script. It puts the idea of a utopian society in our minds which is good, because the image in our minds is all that we are going to see of that society. If you are hoping for flying cars, spaceships, fancy mechanical devices and user interfaces, and lean white skyscrapers made of glass and neon lights, pick another movie.

The script was almost poetic with the choice of language and wording. The descriptive tones were also very well chosen. Another thing that was well done, was the character of the killer. This individual left you feeling that they need to be punished for their crime whilst simultaneously understanding and even sympathising with their reasoning.

I can see this movie being one of the best of the year if you take its budget into account and well worth watching.
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Good idea but not a good watch.
27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A film about infinite possibilities. Would it be possible to explain why the movie started with the main character tied to a chair with her hands bound?

I understood what was going on. A woman finds herself (at the very end) in a parallel world where her life is just one possibility of what could have happened to her or someone... That possibility was being lost in a parallel world and she was just playing through the motions, making choices but if she made the wrong choice her day was reset back to the beginning. The movie followed a natural progression and thankfully skipped the repeats faster and faster so that we could eventually get to the end where she learned what was happening. Unfortunately upon learning this, she reset back to the beginning of that particular day and the movie ended. There were also some strange soldiers that we heard but never saw hunting for her and voices talking about her and about resetting her.

From what I could understand it sounded like she was part of some experiment, but ultimately, that apparently was not the case.

I have to say that even understanding what was going on, so much did not make sense. If you are wide awake one night and unable to sleep... have a watch... this will probably knock you out cold in under 20 minutes.
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Love it or Hate it.
10 February 2021
The potential for this movie was amazing. The cinematography was good, the sound was good and even the acting wasn't THAT bad. Slow burner? someone forgot to light the gas on this one. The actual script itself consisted mainly of shouting and arguing that became rather annoying after a short while and reciting of prayers.

The writer had many many opportunities to expand on certain elements of the movie to add suspense and to build the mood, however, seems to have been concentrating more on being historically accurate with speech and scenery than actually making the story remotely interesting. There were maybe 3 scenes where the witch made a very short appearance... I'm talking seconds, not even minutes. The film was more about religious paranoia than a witch and even then, the paranoia was mainly towards the end. Before that, it only really showed as constant bickering and shouting.

The ending... oh wow... all I will say on that is "facepalm!".
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Derelict (2017)
Urban Boredom
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I do not usually write reviews with spoilers, however in this case I am left with no real option.

There are 3 main characters that spent most of the movie squabbling and shouting at each other. I assume to "add to the ambience" screeching in a confined concrete space adds. The entire story revolved around running up and down some heavily graffitied corridors in the dark with flashlights. I think there were a few areas where "something" could have happened and the writers may have intended some level of suspense there but then... nothing did happen...

Once the storys villain actually got to work, we were about an hour our own 75 minute long dire ordeal but by this point I was watching 10 seconds and skipping forward 30 seconds to get it over with and I didn't miss anything. The ending was also very predictable and the final nail in this productions coffin. No... that is wrong, it wasn't the final nail... by this point we were using an excessive amount of extra nails to make sure the coffin lid never ever slips off by accident.
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The end is nigh... or is it?
23 December 2020
This movie was well acted, the effects were a 9 out of 10 for me personally and whilst the story didn't seem to progress particularly quickly that was fine because there really wasn't much of one there anyway.

There are certainly questions to be asked about the plot such as... What happened? How did it happen? what was the progression of the disaster that must have ended 10 minutes before the movie started?

We know there was a man made disaster and a global one at that, but we never find out what it was, how it happened or anything like that. It simply was...

Midnight Sky starts at the end and then the story kind of fizzles out at that point I would like to review the story in depth but aside from the missing elements there really isn't anything left. I must say that I thought what it did have was good and it is just a great shame a story was one of the things it didn't have.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
20 December 2020
Bruce Willis plays a down and out drunk. Demoted from the big leagues and ending up working in toilets... That is just how he ended up in this role. Bruce... I am deeply ashamed of you for having accepted a role in this pathetic drivel. I would assume that Bruce Willis was cast because his fee was far lower than the cost of having to produce something credible and worth watching plus advertising. People see Bruce Willis's face and get reeled in.

Whilst Bruce Willis managed to play to his usual acting standards, the rest of the cast appeared to have been expelled from a 3rd rate acting school for bad grades. The budget seemed to be almost enough to cover the storyline which in of itself wasn't overly horrendous, however, whoever was in charge of the execution should be banned from working in the entertainment industry for life.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Could have been great.
9 May 2020
Just finished watching series 1. I don't know what the writers were thinking when they made the ENTIRE (surviving) main cast so unlikable. It is hard to want to continue watching just to see what happens when you have zero interest in their survival. Maybe series 2 will see new faces introduced to replace the zombie bait from this series and make it less cringeworthy.
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Van Helsing (2016–2021)
Oh dear...
13 February 2020
First 3 series we're great... Then... How did they manage to devolve a vampire gorefest into a politically correct message board... Such a shame and such a waste of potential.
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5 stars. 1 for each of the story writers...
10 February 2020
I have declared that this review contains no spoilers... It doesn't... or does it?

I don't even know what to say... yeah... great acting as always, nice budget, fantastic special effects... but all in all... how does it take 5 people to write this? This is old and rehashed repeat of the rest of them... There is nothing new, nothing unique or novel... maybe a sprinkle of some sleek bendy yoga moves thrown into the usual assortment of bang bang punch punch scenes.

If you want to make more Terminator movies... and you really feel the need to have practically an entire cast in of itself inputting into the story... at least advance the story in some way instead of copying off the earlier movies. We are sitting here waiting for something "new" and you practically gave us a compilation of clippings from the editing room floor.
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Blood Hunters (2016)
Better Than Expected.
9 February 2020
I was expecting a low budget, zero suspense, rubber monster and horrorless horror. I was not disappointed. The storyline however, was pretty decent even though it was quite basic. The acting was OK and the general environment was dark enough to be atmospheric for the most part.

I wouldn't browse my dvd collection, find this and choose to watch it again (if I had it on DVD which I don't) but It was worth streaming as part of a streaming package and watching the once.
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